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posted by BiteMeCullen107
“Somebody turn the lights on, Somebody tell me what’s wrong I’d be lying if I told you losing you was something I could handle…” I had been driving for about two and a half hours the highways were clear I had the windows all the way done singing along with my I-pod.
In a matter of seconds I could see cars slowing down on the highway in Kansas and as the cars started to stop I could see a long line of cars in front of me. I can’t believe this I was finally going to make it to the next state before the traffic started happening.
“Whoa” I jumped at the vibrating in my right pants pocket. I couldn’t get my phone out of my pocket fast enough. ‘Good I really need to get a ring tone and get rid of the vibrating.” I told myself as I struggled to get the phone out of my pocket. “Ha, Got it.” before answering my cell I looked at the name and it was my best friend Katelyn.
“Hey what’s up? I haven’t heard from you in a long, long time.” I didn’t really have any time to say any thing ells before she interrupted me. “Your going to need to come home in a couple months.” I was confused and a little scared. “Why is everything ok?” I could hear she had a smile on her face know. “Oh ya everything’s great because Joe purposed to me last night when we were at the beach.” I was out of my seat jumping with joy I couldn’t believe it.
I’ve been friends with Kate since we were in fists grade. Her and Joe had been dating since they were freshman in high school and they would always say that they were going to get married after they got out of high school and well all thought they were joking but I guess not.
“I can’t believe it.” “Why we always told you guys it would happen.” I was almost in tears. “Now you just have to find some one.” I was laughing to myself at that. “Ya okay and how many guys did I date in high school? One, and that didn’t work out because I was to much into my work so I don’t know.” “Okay I love you Anna but lighten up, hey I have to go I’ll call you later k?” “K Bye.” “Bye”
An hour later I moved about half a mile it was getting tiring I was about to grab a couple of clothes and things I needed and stuff them into my an empty suitcase and walk the rest of the way to the motel. But just as I was about to I could see the front of the line and it was starting to move faster. I could see the cops at the top of the line flagging his hands to go forward.
I was just about to pass the cop and move forward when I saw him. I never really saw him I saw him in my flash back it was guy at the end of the woods. But he seemed more real. He had short straight black hair that pushed to one side that was partly covering his eyes. He looked really pale, he had dark circles around his eyes. He was wearing a long black jacket and a pare of black jeans with nice shoes. I couldn’t see his shirt because his jacket was buttoned up.
I stopped to get up but the officer put his hand on my door and told me that I had to get back in. I sat back down and looked back at the edge of the forest, he was know where in site. I started to pull away and once again I was back on my way to LA.
    How was it that it was baking hot out and there was know clouds in site so the sun was beating down on everything. So how is it that he was wearing a jacket and long pants? I was starting to get confused and I was trying to focus on other things but it was hard to we all you could think about was this guy that was not only hunting you in your flash back vision but in real life. I was asking my self so many questions. Like do I really know him but don’t remember, were is he from, why is he hunting me, should I tell any one; is any of this even real? He was so handsome, no he was beautiful.
    I finally just let it go and moved on with it. I couldn’t believe my best friend was getting married. Okay I need to change the station I’m tiered of listening to the same thing over and over. I pressed the button over and over and just stopped not finding a good station. “Now playing The Click Five, Kidnap My Heart. Kiss 108 you number one station for everything. “Hey girl what’s you name? I think I caught you looking my way…” I looked down at the station and was shocked I loved this group when I was thirteen but then Eric went solo and I stayed with him but I still like the group with out him just not as much. God I remember when Taking 5 came out on the TV and I tapped it and then watched it over and over again and my parents got pissed that I was hogging the living room TV so they bought it for me. I wonder if I still have, If I packed it. “You’ve got to hold me tighter cause I’m a fighter…” I stared singing along with the radio.
    Hours later I found a motel, it was nice not like a hotel but the best one I’ve seen since I left home. I spent about two hours searching threw my boxes and found a bunch of my videos and dragged it into the room. I rummaged threw it and found a bunch of videos that had been tapped when I lived with my grandparents in Missouri. So I popped one in that said lake party. I grabbed some pop-corn and watched it. I was laughing my head off but as my grandma turned the camera to sit down she faced it towards the forest and I could swear I saw someone there. I jumped when I saw it making the pop-corn fly every where. I crawled to the TV thinking about rewinding it and a couple minuets later I decided to do it. When I came to the point I paused it.
    When I paused it I just stared at it terrified. It was the same guy the exact same guy the clothes were the same he didn’t look younger then when I saw him today, if I really saw him if it wasn’t just my imagination playing around with me.
    I was just staring at the paused TV screen when I jumped as my phone vibrated in my pants pocket.
    “Hello.” I said still fixed on the TV screen I was more concerned with the fact that a guy - that I could swear is real – is fallowing me around the US.
    “How is everything going so far, your father and I haven’t heard from you in a long time? Oh and I don’t know if you know but Katelyn is getting married.” I was still staring at the paused TV screen. “Ya I know.” I shook my self back to the real world. ‘Umm every thing’s going great I stopped to she Grandma and Grandpa yesterday and I saw Mitch I caught up with him, Grandpa made his famous Zucchini Salad. Nothing ells has really been going on.” I was still caught up in the picture on my screen but I was trying to focus on the conversation I was having with my mother. “Okay well do you want to speak to your father?” “I would love to but I’m sort of in the middle of something right now, I’ll call you tomorrow if I have time okay tell dad I love him okay bye.” And I hung up.
    That night it took me forever to fall asleep, I looked over at my clock and it said one thirty and so I got up and grabbed my I-pod and collapsed on to my bed I plugged myself in searching for something to listen to “Artists, A*Teens, Aaron Carter, All American Rejects, All Time Low, Backstreet Boys, Beyonce, Boys like Girls, Carrie Underwood, ha here it is The Click Five how about Just The Girl.” I have to stop talking to myself,
    I listened to The Click Five and some of Eric Dill’s new songs and I started to fall asleep. Not a good idea.
    I was back at the lake but know one was there but me. I walked along the dock and stuck my feet into the opposite side of the lake that you swim in. I stated humming a song, then I heard some leaves ruffle on the ground and turned towards the shore and I saw him again at the end of the forest I turned my head back out towards the lake and looked down at the water trying to catch my breath and then I saw his reflection in the water. There he was looking down at me. I was about to jump into the water an swim away when I started asking myself questions but the one that stood out the most was how did he get over here so fast.
    I don’t know how or when but I was standing up know looking down at my wet feet. He put his hand under my chin and lifted my head up, I could see his eyes know they were gorgeous, they were a light blue. Almost like the sky was today. I wasn’t thinking now, I was just blank then he was gone. I just sat down on the dock and stuck my feet into the water again. Something tickled the bottom of my feet but I didn’t think twice about it I just stayed there and then something grabbed my ankle and dragged me down I was know fighting for my lungs to meet the air but it wasn’t happening I couldn’t take it. I was being dragged down deeper then the deepest part of the lake went. I just started breathing because I needed the air but all I was breathing was the cold water, not fresh water but salt water.
    I woke up screaming for air. I sat up in the bed for a couple minutes just breathing. “It was just a dream Anna don’t worry.” I told myself. I was sweating and I was really cold. I turned my head and my clock said two thirty.
    I figured I wouldn’t really get any more sleep with the dream, nightmare I had just had. So I got up and grabbed some clothes for the day and my I-pod and boom-box. I turned on my favorite and put the shower on hot. I was now shivering I could feel it moving down my spine and it was irritating because it wouldn’t go away. After and hour it was fading and I got out and brushed my teeth and put my hair up into two French braids. I put on my jean shorts and a t-shirt and a hoodie. I grabbed my box of videos and my little bag and stuffed then into the car and started for Colorado.
    Today I couldn’t put my windows down because it was raining and hailing and then sunny and then did it all again.
    After three or four hours of driving I stopped at a Dunkin Donates and grabbed two strawberry donates and a large coffee. I sat down and watched the local news on the flat screen they had hanged on the wall. “Today’s going to be a rainy, hail, sunny day tomorrow will be sunny and in the nineties,” the weather man said over and over again until it was branded in are brains.
    They talked about a car crash that had killed two teenagers because of drunk driving, there was also a wild fire that had taken out three neighborhoods. There was some news about the president and what he was doing wrong and what he was doing right. But what really caught my ear was that there was a kid at the high school that had a gun and was holding kids hostage. His name was Billy Carter.
    I was done eating but I stayed to watch the news. An hour later they had every kid out of the school but the ten that he was keeping. There were two kids that he had shot and they were rushed to the hospital. a half and hour later a cop caught him in the window and he was shot.
    They didn’t tell us if he had died or not so I got into my car and started driving to a grocery store. I picked up a six pack of water bottles and some easy to make food and some snacks. I turned on the radio when an Akon song was interrupted “Billy Carter was shot this morning and was killed. He died on his hospital bed.” I didn’t listen to the rest I changed the station.
    I know how his family’s felling right know. One of my friends in my high school had depression and did the same thing though he wasn’t shot they were in wood working class and he turned his back for a second and some kid stabbed him in the back he didn’t even make it to the hospital he died right there. I remember what he said to me he told me to never let any one push me around and that if I want something bad enough I needed to go for it.
    I still hate that people say he was a bad person but he wasn’t he was a good person he just had a hard time with life and he made a bad decision and died for it. God I didn’t go to school for a week every thing I did made me think of him. But I finally went to school and when people started picking on me I fired back and that’s how I got a good job at such a young age.
    This was an easy ride to California today the highway was clear know one was on it just me and a couple of other cars. So by the end of the day I was Nevada. By tomorrow I was going to be in California and I was going to be three days early. That gave me time to do other things like shop or find placed I liked check out the beach I was so excited.
posted by mmourer
I was one of those girls, you know the one that everyone talked about but no one actually knew. I was everything from dangerous to admirable but most of all I was mysterious. I was 15, a sophomore in high school and I honestly never bothered to care what people thought of me.
I was just under 5’6, pretty skinny with long blonde hair and emerald green eyes.
I didn’t have many friends but the ones I did have were the ones people were scared of.
They were the kids who had been to jail numerous times for numerous reasons and always seemed to be in some form of trouble, and whatever rumors...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
As we left the apartment building the sun hit us like a beam of light. I look to the side, I saw Jason putting his hand in the face of the sun like he was going to die from it.
“Are you okay?” I asked concerned that it was to much for him. He looked down at me and smiled. “Ya I’m go, I just have to get my sunglasses on. My eyes are just really sensitive to the light.” I nodded waiting patiently for him. He slipped on a pare of black sunglasses. The kind you see know a days on celebrities when the go out. “Nice.” I said with a warming smiled. He looked back down at me and smiled....
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Kill me already. I'd rather DIE, than go through this again. My hands were neatly placed on my lap, and shaking in the forms of fists. Quick options: 1:Ignore. 2:Look annoyed, 3:reply without looking at his face. "G'mornin." I finally said while looking out the window. Then gossip started going around the moment I spoke in 5 years. I didn't want to waste my first words on some rubbish.

There was a REASON why I didn't want to talk. I heard people whisper, "So she ISN'T dead!" "Why doesn't she speak any other time?" "MIND YOUR OWN CRAP, YOU IDIOTS!" Damon suddenly blurted out into the open...
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posted by peacefulhippy28
The dream was bout me having fun with a chick name layla and a guy name josh. So one night me and this chick name layla are getting bored so we started drinking and taking our clothes. I was really drunk and started eating layla out and licking her all over her body making her moan. Man her moans were fucking awesome so continued eating her out until she cum and I lapped every bit of it u and it tasted so sweet and yummy. Then I laid down so layla cold eat me out and lick me all over too. While she was doing that I started moaning and breathing hard she look up at me while eating me out to...
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posted by TotalDramaFan60
Juju wakes up in another desert. The wind is blowing, but Jimmeguel isn't there. Juju looks around.
Footsteps are heard. A black figure is shown.
Juju: *gasp*
Then, Jimmeguel is shown.
Juju:*sigh* I thought it was...
Jimmeguel tears off his skin, and seems to be a bat.
Juju: Oh come on! I don't even have weapons yet!
????? ?????: No! I'm Batty Belle. I'm actually the one that GIVES you the weapons!
Juju: Ohhhh.
Box saying, BATTY BELLE achievement unlocked!
Batty Belle: Let's go!
A gray box shows up, making the background gray too. A picture of four arrow keys are shown, like the ones on yours, but in 8-bit. The white text says, "Use the arrow keys to move." And a gray arrow.
posted by BiteMeCullen107
I was half asleep half awake lying on my stomach. I could feel Jason’s cold fingers slowly moving up and down my bare back. He was humming a lullaby but I didn’t know what it was.
“Do you still want to know my secret?” he asked in a soothing tone. It didn’t help that his voice so soft that it made it harder to stay awake. “Sure.” I said moving closer to him.
“I’ve none you before you were born.” He paused a second. Probably to make sure I wasn’t going to freak out. “I was friends with your mother before you were even born before your mother met your father. I met her...
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Dis is what Sakura would look like in anime form
Dis is what Sakura would look like in anime form

Name: Sakura Tachibana
Occupation:high school student and baker at You baked my Day

My mind is always blank. Same schedule for ALL humans. Wake up, eat, sleep. Repeat, and repeat. Lather, rinse, and repeat. Same for everyone. I've become another monster of society, and I'm only 15.'Exactly. This is how fast and jaded this mature stuff can get kicked in.

I'm only interested in listening to classical music, not pop music.
I'm only interested in simple flavors. Not unfamiliar ones.
I'm only interested in boring, simple clothes. Not neon clothes.
I'm only interested in pure and original...
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posted by peacefulhippy28
The name is Alex I have long black hair I'm 5,"5". I'm wearing long black leather pants with a ragged Rolling Stones tee. Oh and I'm gay.

I'm going to tell you bout this amazing hot chick named Leah. This girl is my roommate I love this girl a lot this girl has long blonde  hair she's 5,"2". She is wearing short shorts with her pants unbutton and unzipped some with a pink tee that comes just above her belly button. This girl is my everything  but she likes guys and she loves me too so she is bi and I'm k with it. Just the other night me and her were standing in the kitchen nude making out....
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one day i said " mum dad im going to nando's"then i walked out of the door.As i was walking to nandos my phone buzzed.i looked at it, it was a text from zayn my best friend. we hadn't see each other in 6 years.
it said "Hi Amy"
i texted back "Hi Zayn how are you doing"
he said "im fine but i need to talk to you" as soon as i had finished reading the text he rang.
he said "hi Amy"
i said "hi zayn"
he said "i miss you soooooo much" in such a sad voice.
" i miss you too zayn" i said so what did you want to talk to my about then zayn.
he said"i talked to your parents because the summer holidays...
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posted by TotalDramaFan60
The game starts out in the middle of nowhere.
???? ??????:Hmmm? Where am I?
????????? ???????????: Shrokatown. I'm Jimmeguel McGreggen.
???? ??????: *laughs* I'm Juju. Juju Cherry.
Jimmeguel: Let's start training.
Jimmeguel grabsa Juju.
Juju: WHOA!
The title screen shows, and a box says, JIMMEGUEL MCGREGGEN achievement unlocked! And letters in orange spell


start continue achievements and a gear, for settings. The continue is blocked out, because you haven't started a game.

Start: link
posted by TotalDramaFan60
Melody and Jake were escaping while Lisa and Alex were trying to fit in through the small hole Melody and Jake left. "Help me pull this rock, out, Alex!" Lisa exclaimed, pulling on a gigantic gray rock. Alex got up quickly, and tried to help Lisa. After a few minutes of pulling, the rock came out, and....The rocks fell more onto Lisa and Alex! Meanwhile, Jake and Melody were setting tons of pranks up in the living room of The Mystery Family. "This is gonna be good!" Melody exclaimed, tying a pin to a string. "What's that gonna do?" Jake asked. "You'll see." Melody said, and tied the string to a hook on the ceiling.
posted by TotalDramaFan60
Lisa rubbed and messed up Jake's hair. "That's my Jake!" she exclaimed. "Guys?" asked Alex. "Yes Alex?" asked the children. "Am I the only one who feels the ground shaking rumble-y?" asked Alex. "That's not a word, but no!" exclaimed Lisa. Suddenly, the ceiling started to cave in, and the Jerkily Family's children were...Trapped. "Lisa, I'm double-scared!" Melody exclaimed. "It's okay, Melody. We'll be fine as long as we stay together." said Lisa. There was another awkward silence. There was a tiny hole, and Jake and Melody weren't there. "Oh, come on!" exclaimed Lisa and Alex.
posted by peacefulhippy28
The name is Alex I have long black hair I'm 5,"5". I'm wearing long black leather pants with a ragged Rolling Stones tee. Oh and I'm gay.

I'm going to tell you bout this amazing hot chick named Leah. This girl is my roommate I love this girl a lot this girl has long blonde  hair she's 5,"2". She is wearing short shorts with her pants unbutton and unzipped some with a pink tee that comes just above her belly button. This girl is my everything  but she likes guys and she loves me too so she is bi and I'm k with it. Just the other night me and her were standing in the kitchen nude making out....
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posted by SBKITT1
"i saw a black cat running by"
"i saw a black cat running by"
Hi my name is Sese and because i covered

for my sister i now have a gun pointed at

my head and i'm screaming my head off.

You wanna know why? My sister had lied about

throwing a party. I took the blame and got

kicked out of my house! I was sitting on

the lawn being bored and pissed off. When

i saw a black cat run by and decided to

go after it like a fucking moron! I didn't

notice the van behind me.......and if u

aren't totally stupid i'm pretty sure

u can guess i got kidnapped. But oh no

that's not why i'm about to die! I tried

to help the other kidnapped kids escape -.-

I got caught after all the...
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posted by missing_99
I liked him. At the time I thought it was love, when I'm sure all of you so-called adults would debunk that. But I'm glad you're saying it wasn't love, it was never love. It was lust that ended with pleasure fused with pain and horror and bitter heartache. Smiling at each other, hands slightly touching the surface of the other's skin, mine more delicate now than what it has ever been. My body a tomb that has been raided.

He told me I looked pretty with my hair pulled back. My cheeks warmed and my heart beat just a little faster. I told him his suit looked especially nice that day, I asked where...
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Amy's P.O.V
As i just about fit everything into my suitcase my mom came in.she said"hi honey how are are u doing"i replied"im fine mom but im sooooooo happy im going to zayn's"then she left and said"bye honey"then after she left i walked out right behind her, and went downstairs.i said "bye" to my mom and dad and my dad drove me to zayn's it took us about 2 hours to get there and i was talking about how much i missed zayn to my dad all the way.we finally got there and i saw someone standing in the door way shouting "Amy,Amy,Amy"after a while i saw it was zayn my dad said"Amy i will carry your...
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posted by Icestorm727
Chapter One: I walked across the Merdog Beach in my blue v-neck bikini. I walked towards the shore-line. Dogs were all playing together at the wonderful dog beach. "Lucky!" I called to my 6 month old German Shepperd,"Here boy!" Lucky came zipping towards me and knocked me over into the clear water.
I laughed as I sat up in the ankle deep water."Oh boy!" I laughed, "Are you hungry? Are you hungry? I bet you are!" Lucky's tail wagged like there was no tomorrow. I ran up the beach to the Dog Shack.
"Hi Rosie! What can I get you today?" said the young employee, Jackson. "Can I have the steak tips 'n' gravy, please?" I said smiling at the cute boy.
"Sure! This time I'll trow in a mango smoothie free." replied Jackson. "Thank you so much!" I said happily. Mangoes were my favorite fruit. "Hey Rosie do you have any plans for tonight?" asked Jackson. "Yes. I am going to dinner with Carson. Why?" I said.
Thursday 22,2011

OMG, theirs this major test we all had to take today i totally FLUNKED.

Did i introduce myself?

you can just call me Alex

Anyway,on with my abnormally weird life :)

i go to a special school,by special i mean immortal super human school.

Unlike a normal kid i have super powers.

i control water,fire,ice,weather,and i have stealth like abilities.

I guess i'm like every other kid in the world,
except for having powers and all.

Some call me a freak, and some say i'm just a super natural weirdo.

most schools don't have super natural students, but i'm not the only student with...
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posted by QueridaPantufa

It was as if the earth had moved. The sky was shaking, so that all there was left were falling stars. I forgot all there was around me, everything or everyone I had ever seen or heard about just didn’t matter anymore. I had found her. My true and only love. But just like a falling star, it went as fast as it came. And then all there was left was emptiness. A big hole left inside of me. I will never forget her, she saved my life in every way a person can be saved. So this story isn’t really about me. It’s about her, and all that she was. Because what does it really mean to be...
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added by Lalalulu321