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posted by HaleyDewit
For a minute Cas’ feet seemed to be stuck on the ground, but as he saw Daphne running away, along with the opportunity of a lifetime with her, he forced himself to move.
However as he tried to reach her, he felt a firm grip on his upper arm and the next moment he and Meg were standing next to the swimming pool.
“What in God’s name do you think you’re doing?” Cas asked furious.
“I am saving you from the biggest mistake in your life” Meg said. “You don’t want to marry that girl”
“Because I want to marry you? Is that what you’re trying to say?” Cas asked still angry.
“No! Just not her! You don’t even know who you are! Shouldn’t you figure that out before you jump into commitments?” Meg exclaimed.
“I may not know who I am, I still know how I feel” Cas said sharp. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to find my fiancée”
“No” Meg said and she grabbed his arm. Cas pushed her away, and she fell backwards. But as she was still holding on to Cas, she dragged him along into the swimming pool. As soon as they both reached the water surface Meg grabbed Cas’ collar and kissed him passionately. The kiss took Cas by surprise. It was not like any of the kisses he had shared with Daphne.
“Don’t marry her” Meg pleaded.
“I have to go” Cas said with a trembling voice. “I love her”
Meg shook her head. “You’re confusing gratitude with love. Because that’s the only thing you’re feeling. Gratitude. And maybe loyalty. Neither is enough to marry someone. You think you owe her something, because you think she saved your life. But truth is, she never did. You were never in need of saving”
“Just go away” Cas said as he swam to the shore.
Meg entered the kitchen and saw how Mrs. Jones was bleeding over her entire body. Cas was holding her arms and stared at her.
“Cas?” Meg asked careful, breaking Cas’ concentration. He let go of Mrs. Jones and turned his head to Meg.
“Are you sure you want to be here, right now, Meg?” he asked a little annoyed. “It’s about to get messy”
“Are you kidding?” Meg scoffed. “I was a demon for centuries. I love messy”
Cas smiled an evil smile, one that Meg had never seen on his face before, and his eyes were cold as he looked back at Mrs. Jones.
“You know you’re going to die,...
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Mrs. Jones was cleaning the breakfast table when someone rang the bell. She put the dishes on the dresser and walked to the front door. She opened and froze.
“You” she said weak when seeing Cas.
“Hello, Mrs. Jones” Cas said friendly. “Can I come in, please?”
“I…I don’t know, Mr…” Mrs. Jones stammered reluctant.
“Novak. Castiel Novak” Cas introduced himself. He nodded at Meg. “This is Meg Masters. She’s a close friend. Please, Mrs. Jones, I just want to talk to you”
Mrs. Jones sighed. “Fine, then” she said and she let them in. She led them to the kitchen where...
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Cas walked inside the same café he had been the night he found out Meg was human, too. He looked around and noticed to his great delight that the same three men were sitting at the same table as last time he had seen them there.
He stared at them, until they felt it and turned their heads to him. He smirked as if he wanted to say: ‘Come and get me’
He turned around and left the café. The three men looked at the bartender. “Come on, he’s asking for it” one of them said disbelieving. The bartender shot them a warning glance. He allowed it once, but not again.
“I will call the cops...
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The door opened again and Sam and Claire walked in.
“Nice color” Sam mumbled, referring to Meg’s hair.
“Gee, thanks” Meg said monotone. She looked at Claire, who looked back provocative. With two Winchesters at her arm she felt a lot more confident. “When’s your dad coming?”
“Meg!” Dean reproached her. Meg pulled her shoulders. Dean conjured his phone and handed it to Claire. “You should call your mom, tell her you’re fine”
Claire dialed her home number. Her mother sounded very agitated when she answered the phone.
“Who is this?” she asked a little snappy as she...
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Dean opened the door and followed Jimmy outside.
“Hey, wait a minute!” he yelled.
Jimmy stopped and waited patiently for Dean to catch up with him.
“Where’s Cas? What did you do to him?” Dean asked trembling and furious.
“Don’t worry, he’s alive. He’s in here, somewhere. We switched places” Jimmy explained dark.
“I thought you were dead” Dean snapped hostile.
“Clearly you didn’t pay much attention. Castiel said I wouldn’t age or die. I’ve been stuck in my own body for ages and it’s time Castiel knows what that feels like” Jimmy replied bitter.
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Ten minutes later the door opened and Meg appeared in the doorway. Cas’ heart jumped up, but Dean walked to the door and pushed Meg outside.
“What are you doing here?” he hissed.
“Sam called me. He said Cas wanted to see me before he died. Are you really going to deny him his last wish?” Meg asked disbelief.
“It’s for his own good” Dean said heartless and he grabbed Meg’s arm, dragging her to the stairs, leading to the ground floor.
“For his own good? He’s dying!” Meg exclaimed.
“And who’s fault is that? You’re the one that introduced him to Heather. You left that...
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Crowley had summoned Kevin and since Kevin couldn’t give up his disguise he responded.
“Something wrong?” Kevin asked when seeing Crowley’s strange expression.
“Depends” Crowley started. “You tell me, how is it possible that two ordinary people go through a maze of traps and get out alive?”
Kevin pulled his shoulders. “I don’t know. I guess they have a high threshold for pain. Maybe you should ask your vampire buddies why they let them escape”
“Maybe” Crowley admitted. “But I also think you’re not being quite honest. Something you have to tell me? Like how you don’t...
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The next room, which was also the last, led both players to what looked like a workshop. They were standing on some kind of balcony and Meg walked closer to the edge to get a better look at the people down there, when she heard a weird noise. She turned around to see Cas stumbling out of the other room.
“Oh my God” she gasped and she ran towards him. Without thinking she took off the shirt again, allowing Cas to see the scars on her skin.
“Press this against the wound” she said. Cas, too weakened to protest, did what she told him. “Follow me” she took his free hand and pulled him...
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The room was pitch dark.
“Meg?” Cas called, though he knew better. He touched for the wall and tried to let his eyes get used to the darkness.
Then suddenly a flash blinded his eyes and he shut them. The darkness returned and Cas opened his eyes.
“You’re not going to find what you’re looking for, with your eyes closed” a voice whispered. Cas understood he had to keep his eyes open at all cost and so when the next flash of light came he tried to keep his eyes open.
The light remained for about five seconds and Cas saw something rectangle and dark on the ground. When the lights disappeared...
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Cas climbed out of bed and stormed out of the door, colliding to Dean.
“Sorry” he mumbled agitated and he tried to pass, but Dean grabbed his arms.
“What the hell are you doing out of bed?” he asked reproaching.
“Kevin” Cas explained breathless. “He’s going to kill Meg, unless I stop him”
“I thought you hated her” Sam frowned confused.
Cas shook his head. “No. I don’t know why I said that. I didn’t mean it” He tried to free himself, but Dean seemed to be much stronger. “Why won’t you let me go?”
“Kevin works for Crowley, which means there’s a big chance...
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Now that Alexia had cut off his meds, Cas was feeling much better, though he still wasn’t able to get out of bed. He heard the sound of wings and an instant later Balthazar appeared in the room. He wanted to ask what he was doing there, but found himself unable to. So he just cast him a quizzical look.
“You have to meet me at Butterfield Park” Balthazar said. “Crowley wants me to kill you and that’s exactly what I’m going to do”
Cas frowned. Why would Balthazar tell him this? Why not just kill him right now?.
“If I kill you here and now, it wouldn’t be a fair fight” Balthazar...
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Meg was hiding in the guest rest room of the hospital. She should be resting, but first she needed to calm down. Who the hell did Cas think he was to lash out on her like that. He had begged her to get help. What was she supposed to do? Let him suffer? Thinking of it now, she realized she should’ve done exactly that.
“Have you heard anything I said last night?”
Meg looked up in the mirror and saw the reflection of the young girl that had practically saved Cas’ life.
“I told you he’s sick” the girl said.
“In his head, right” Meg snapped, without turning around.
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Meg had returned to her spot on the floor opposite the ICU room Cas was in. She heard footsteps coming their way and she averted her head to right. A young girl with wavy, blonde hair, green eyes and thin lips walked towards them. She didn’t say a word, but turned to the guard.
“You should go and eat something” she said sharp and the guardian left.
Meg widened her eyes. “Hey, what are you up to?” she asked when the girl put the latch down and opened the door. She reached out her hand to Meg. “Get up. I want you to witness this miracle” Meg accepted her hand and let the girl pull...
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Meg staggered to the wall and stuck out her hand to find support. She let herself fall against the wall and sank down.
“He’s just lying there. He’s not responding to anything I say” she mumbled breathless. “When I find out who did this to him- and I will find out- I’m going to torture that bastard to death” She looked aside at Heather. “I want to help inspector Roberts”
“Okay, I think I know how to find her” Heather replied.
“And…someone has to call the Winchesters” Meg continued. “They’re his…family…If he…” Meg couldn’t get herself to finish. “They...
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“I will come back. I need to ask Castiel a few questions too, but as long as he’s on intensive care…” Isabel didn’t finish her sentence. She stood, walked to the door and left.
“What is she talking about?” Meg asked urgent at Heather. “What is Cas doing on intensive care?”
Heather took a deep breath. This was going to be really hard, ‘cause even though Meg would never admit it, it was obvious she cared deeply for her…friend, as she called him.
“Meg, I need you to listen very carefully” Heather started softly. “Something happened to Cas. When you were brought to the...
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Doctor Tyson did some standard examinations, while Heather looked from the doctor to Meg, waiting for him to say something.
“I think you have been very lucky, Miss Masters” he eventually said. “A little more to the left and you might not have made it”
“When can she go home?” Heather asked.
“I’d like to keep her here in observation for at least the rest of the week” Doctor Tyson. Meg frowned and shook her head.
“No” she mumbled weak. “I have to call Cas” She tried to get out of bed, but Heather stopped her.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of it” she said and she...
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The door to the intensive care opened by itself and an instant later it closed again. Balthazar became visible and stepped slowly to the bed Cas was lying in. There was a bandage around his head, and some kind of masker around his nose and mouth, attached to a ventilation device.
“I am so sorry, Castiel” Balthazar whispered as he lay his hand on the machine. “But I have no choice”
“What are you doing?” Anna asked sharp. Without turning around Balthazar mumbled: “Please, leave, Anna. I have to do this. Crowley will kill me if I don’t”
Anna walked to him with fierce steps. “If...
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Meg opened the door of Heather’s house and walked outside. She turned around and looked Heather sharp in the eyes. “If something happens to Cas, because of what you gave him,…” She couldn’t find a threat that was frightening enough.
“Mm-hm” Heather nodded, her lips pressed. “But you’re just friends” she commented sarcastically. Meg rolled her eyes and walked away, while Heather went back inside.
“Hey, Meg!”
Meg gasped as she recognized the voice. Would he really dare attacking her in the middle of the day, in the middle of a crowded street?
“It’s not very nice to...
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Meg took a few deep breaths in order to remain calm, before she rang the bell on Heather’s door. This time her co-worker was dressed when she opened the door.
“Don’t tell me your friend is sick again” she said as she let Meg in.
“Depends” Meg started vague. “He’s having a headache and he’s acting weird. Again. Still”
Heather shrugged. “Those are side effects. Every medicine has a side effect or two” she explained careless.
“What did you give him?” Meg asked.
“Does it matter?” Heather commented, avoiding Meg’s look.
“He threatened to kill me if I didn’t...
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Heather unlocked the door and looked at Meg who had been leaning against the door in an attempt to hear what they were doing.
“Did Cas throw up?” she asked, trying to sound casual.
“Yeah” Heather answered. “I’m going to need you to clean it up”
“Do I look like a maid to you?” Meg commented offended.
“Of course not, sweetie” Heather smiled weak and she caressed Meg’s cheek. “A maid I would pay. Now, come on, be a doll” And she walked back into the room.
When Meg came back with a mob Heather had taken off her T-shirt and as Meg walked to the vomit spot Heather crawled...
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