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“I arrived at Daphne’s house in the afternoon. Lex was watching TV. Shannen was not there. Lex said she was going to see where she was. She went upstairs, while I waited. A few minutes later she and Shannen came downstairs. Shannen was acting strange. Her hair was messy and she wore her clothes inside out. And when I told her she turned all red. I wanted to know more, but then Daphne’s husband Emmanuel came downstairs. I didn’t even know he was in the house. I thought he was at the hospital. When he left I asked Shannen what she was doing with him upstairs and she confessed that she slept with him. I called her a slut and told her I never wanted to see her again. Then I left the house. She followed me into the alley. I took a shorter way home. I had taken a cab, but I didn’t want to wait for another one. I wanted to get away from her as soon as possible. So, I took a shortcut via the alley and she followed me. She cried and tried to talk to me. I didn’t want to listen and got angry. She grabbed my arm and tried to stop me from walking away. I slapped her and she fell on the ground. I walked towards her and checked on her. She was awake and she was only hurt a little” Andy said.
“So she was still alive when you left her” inspector Anderson said.
“Yes” Andy confirmed.
“Can anyone confirm your statement? Was there anyone with you when this happened, aside from Shannen , naturally”
Andy thought about that and realized how deep he was in trouble.
“No” he said. “We were alone”
Cas opened the door of the motel and heard Dean sigh a relieved sigh.
“Took you long enough” he said, but he didn’t sound annoyed. He sounded like he had been worried.
“I’m sorry” Cas responded. “I had to make sure Meg would be okay”
“And will she?” Sam asked with raised eyebrows.
“Yes” Cas nodded with a faint smile. “She’s trying to make something of her life. She even has a job”
Dean, who had just taken a sip from his beer, choked. Cas frowned and walked towards him. “Are you alright, Dean?” “Yeah” Dean said difficult and coughed. “So, Meg has a job....
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Jo and Dean were waiting for Cas to come back, so they could leave. Sam was in another room, on his laptop, reading the online news papers to find out if anything out of the ordinary had happened. Ellen was in yet another room, cleaning the weapons, while she was thinking of a reason to convince Jo to come home with her, instead of putting her life on the line when she went with Dean and Sam.
Their bags were packed, all they could do was wait until Cas came back. Sam walked out his room and joined Dean and Jo.
“I think I have something” he started. “In Cornell, Wisconsin. Woman tells...
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If Dean and Sam had hoped Cas would be in a better mood after putting some food in his stomach, their hopes were now buried very deep into the ground. After finishing his lunch he threw his plastic plate on the floor.
“Why did you do that?” Sam hissed, as he leaned to the floor to pick up the garbage. Cas shrugged. “You’re acting really odd, Castiel. Has anyone told you?” Sam said a little annoyed. Cas shrugged again. “Stop…shrugging. If this is about Meg, then just tell me”
“I don’t have to tell you anything” Cas replied with his gravelle voice. He stood and as Sam wanted...
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Dean was sitting on a chair, next to Cas’ hospital bed. There was only one visitor allowed and Sam and Dean had agreed to switch turns.
“Why are you so reckless?” Dean mumbled helpless.
The next moment Cas sat up and gasped for air.
“Cas?” Dean said and he stood up. He wanted to call a doctor when Cas took his hand.
“Am I alive?” he asked faint.
“Yeah” Dean nodded relieved. “You’re alive”
Cas closed his eyes and fell asleep.
A couple of hours later he woke up and saw he had company. Dean hadn’t left, and Sam, Jo, Ellen and Anna had joined him.
“You gave us all a big...
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Anna materialized in the ICU. The doctors had brought Cas here. There was nothing they could do as long as they didn’t have the donors they needed.
Anna, holding a pair of kidneys in her left hand and a liver in her right hand, quickly walked to the bed. She removed the sheets with her mind and cut open Cas’ belly. While blood streamed alongside Cas’ unconscious body and on the matrass, Anna put the organs in their rightful place.
The monitor started beeping and Anna vanished, when a team of doctor’s came rushing into the intensive care.
“I need to talk to security” the doctor said, when he’d fixed up Cas’ properly. “Someone was here. Someone attempted to kill this man”
“Someone who gave him the organs he needed?” his assistant frowned. “Why would anyone do that?”
“I don’t know” the doctor said. “But I want someone to keep an eye on him, as long as he’s here”
Crowley was training his new powers on some of his demons, while he thought of all the things he could do with it. The ironic thing was that Cas had given him his powers to save Dean, and the first thing Crowley wanted to do with his new abilities was drain the life out of that Winchester chucklehead.
But that wouldn’t be the most clever plan ever. The Winchesters would probably expect him to strike now. So, maybe, he should send someone else.
As if on cue, Kevin appeared and a malicious smile appeared on Crowley’s face.
“Kevin!” he exclaimed and Kevin turned to Crowley.
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“What do you mean, he couldn’t?” Ellen asked upset.
“He said he tried to, but he failed. He said his powers don’t work” Sam explained.
“Why don’t they work? Where is he?” Ellen asked angry. “I’m going to kick his ass until he heals my daughter”
She turned around and started walking.
She turned around. “What?” she snapped.
“I don’t think yelling at him will do much good” Sam warned.
“Then I’ll save that for plan B” Ellen said.
“What’s plan A?” Sam asked.
“Begging him” Ellen said. “On my knees if I have to” And she turned around.
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“How could she do that?” Daphne cried. Martin was sitting on the grass, letting her let it all out. “She said it was my fault. She said I had to divorce Roland and when I told her I was pregnant she said it was a devil’s child and I had to kill it”
“She was jealous of the bond we have” Martin explained.
“But why did she have to take my baby? She was all I had left” Daphne cried.
“She wanted you to think she’s all you have left” Martin said.
“She put me in a clinic!” Daphne yelled hysterical. “I started drinking, because I felt guilty about your death and because she...
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Zoey looked at Cas with compassion in her eyes.
“You’re really in pain, aren’t you?” she asked. Cas nodded and Zoey opened the buttons of his shirt. She held her breath when she saw the wound she had made. “I thought angels could heal”
“You used an angel sword” Cas explained. “It takes longer to heal. If you had pushed it any deeper I would’ve been dead by now”
“Oh, my poor Cas” Zoey said. She took off her shirt and revealed a red tank top. She pressed the shirt against the wound and Cas groaned.
Zoey frowned. “You need to be distracted” she decided. She sat down...
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In the room next to Sam’s Dean was trying to call Cas. Meg had been so kind to give him his phone number.
When after the fourth time Cas still hadn’t given any sign he heard Dean’s calls. Dean smashed his phone into the wall.
“Damn it!” he cursed. He looked up at the ceiling. “Cas! Cas, if you hear this, I will find you and I will tear that bitch into shreds. I promise you”
He took a deep breath and tried to stay calm.
“Anna? Please get down here? We could really use your help”
He had barely finished when Anna appeared.
“I am so sorry I didn’t get here any faster” she said,...
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“Aaaahhh!” she exclaimed. She pushed Cas away and looked at him terrified.
“I’m sorry” Cas mumbled concerned.
“It’s okay” Lucy said, but Cas unlocked the door and ran away.

Cas hurried out of the toilet and walked back into the restaurant. Lucy stared perplex at the backdoor Cas just went through.
A few yards further, in the shadows, Zoey was watching. She examined the waitress. She was pretty, but not stunning.
She walked to the girl and started talking. Did the guy hurt her? She could tell her, she’s a cop, Zoey told the girl.
Lucy Dickinson, Zoey read from the name card attached...
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Daphne lifted one of the table legs that had broken off of the living table and walked behind Mitch.She lifted the leg and smashed it down on Mitch’ head. He dropped on the floor and blood dripped out of his head.

Daphne parked her car in front of Castle Café. She got out of her car and dragged Mitch to the front porch. She dropped him there and walked back to her car and drove away.
A few seconds later another car opened and Zoey walked to the Castle Café.
“Hey, are you alright?” she asked.
“Aah” said Mitch groaning, who could barely keep his eyes open. “Your sister bashed my head....
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Meg looked around the police station. So that was why no one was answering her calls for help. They were all dead. There were bodies everywhere and their insides were torn out. The floor was covered in blood.
Meg looked up. Daphne had entered the building. She stared shocked at the bodies.
“You killed all those people” she said trembling. It wasn’t a question, but an observation. “You’re going to hurt more people. I can’t let you do that”
“You can’t handle me. I’m too strong for your” Meg said. She walked towards Daphne and passed her. If she was going to try something Meg could easily take her down.
However, as she passed by, Daphne jumped forward and stabbed Meg in her neck with syringe, containing a red substance.
“Aaaahhh!” Meg gasped and she touched her neck. “What the hell are you doing?”
But Daphne had left the building and ran for her life.
Meg read the book as if it was a detective and she wanted to know who the killer was. Daphne’s life had been a roller coaster due to her illness. But everyone knew Daphne was crazy, including Cas’ attorney. So she kept looking for something different.
When she was near the end she discovered something strange. She flipped a few pages, when a piece of paper fell out of the book. Meg picked it up and opened it. She read the letter and compared the handwriting with the one in the book.
She threw the book on the floor and conjured her phone.
No signal, it said
“Damn it!” she cursed.
She carefully stretch her arm, but the Key of Solomon was still working perfectly.
She looked at the hard stone floor and stamped on it, causing part of the floor to break. Meg grabbed a piece of the floor and threw it at the ceiling.
The Key of Solomon broke and Meg kicked her cell open.
It was visiting hour in prison and a guard told Cas someone wanted to see him. Cas expected to see Dean or Sam, but when he entered the visitors room it was Zoey who waved at him discreetly.
The guard brought him to the table and then withdrew himself. Cas sat down.
“Hi, Emmanuel” Zoey said full of compassion. “I’m sorry. Castiel, right? Daphne told me you found out who you are. How do you like your new old life?”
Cas looked around him, then back at Zoey and let his shoulders hang.
“I’m sorry. That was a stupid question” Zoey said.
“What are you doing here?” Cas wondered. “Why...
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Anna waved a bag with chocolate cookies in front of Meg.
“I know you like these” Anna said teasing.
“When I was human, maybe” Meg snapped. “It’s been a very long time since I was human”
“Then I guess my plan to keep you happy fails” Anna said, in a tone as if she couldn’t care less.
“Why would you want to keep me happy?” Meg frowned.
“Cas is in trouble” Anna started. “Inspector Roberts has a DVD that shows how Cas abuses a little girl”
“What?!” Meg exclaimed and she jerked the bag with cookies out of Anna’s hand. She ate a cookie, not because she was hungry,...
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Isabel was in her office when someone knocked the door. Isabel looked up and said: “Come in” A young girl entered the office and walked towards the desk. She conjured some pieces of paper. “Here’s the list you asked me for”
She handed it to Isabel and then waited for further instructions.
“That will be all, Jackie” Isabel said with a little nod.
Jackie turned around and walked to the door, when Isabel called her back.
“Did you tell anyone about this list? Or that I asked you to get it?” she asked.
“No, inspector Roberts” Jackie said a little nervous.
“Good” Isabel sais...
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Lucy walked out of the toilet and looked at her watch. She had to go back, but then she’d have to pass Cas’ table and she wasn’t sure if she could do that with a straight face. Or she could just go around the building and use the entrance.
“Are you okay?”
Lucy looked up. Another woman, not much older than her, walked up to her.
“It’s alright, I’m a cop” the woman said and she held up a card with her name and where she worked. “Anything you want to tell me? Like what happened in there?”
Lucy laughed and looked away. “Yeah, I don’t really see why that’s any of your...
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It was quiet again in the car. Dean was angry with Cas for threatening his baby, Sam thought he should let both Cas and Dean alone and Cas was still angry with Meg.
“Hello, Jo” Cas broke the silence.
“Cas, don’t be an idiot. Jo’s not here” Dean said.
Sam turned around. “Eh, Dean?”
“What?” Dean snapped.
“Maybe you should check your rear view mirror” Sam suggested. Dean looked in his rear view and cursed. Jo was sitting next to Cas.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Dean asked angry after he pulled over. “And how did you get here in the first place?”
“Anna gave...
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Meg looked up. Cas was standing outside her cell.
“Dean and Sam want me to come with them” he said.
“Then what are you doing here?” Meg asked sober.
“I don’t want to go with them, if it means leaving you here” Cas said. He looked at the bars and teleported himself into the cell. Meg stood up and walked backwards until her back hit the wall. “What are you doing, Castiel?” she asked when Cas came closer.
“I love you” he said with a heavy voice. Meg felt his warm breath on her neck, right before he kissed her there.
“Cas, don’t” Meg said, but Cas didn’t...
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