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posted by cici1264
Teen Pregnancy Facts takes a look at the trends in teenage pregnancy, the higher risks for medical problems in teenage mothers, and a comparison of teenagers who get pregnant to women who wait until they are older to get pregnant.

The rates of teen pregnancy have been declining in the United States, but the number of pregnant teens in the U.S. remains high. Teenage pregnancy poses a serious risk to the health of teen mothers and their babies, and to society as a whole, which has to pay the economic and social costs of teen pregnancy.

The number of teens giving birth has been in decline since the 1990s in every state and in every racial or ethnic group. The number of teens seeking abortions has declined by almost half, while the number of pregnancies declined by about a quarter. The rates of teen births dropped more in some states and in some racial groups than others. Teen pregnancy rates dropped the most among African-American teens. Still, African American and Hispanic teens have a higher birth rate than other teens in the U.S.

Some other facts about trends in teen pregnancy in the United States:

* About 750,000 teens become pregnant each year.
* Almost one-third of teen girls will become pregnant.
* Among industrial or developed nations, the United States has the highest rate of teen pregnancy, teen parenthood, and teen abortions.
* About half of U.S. teens are sexually active. Of those who are sexually active, more are having sex at a younger age, which increases the risk of teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease.
* More teens are waiting until they are older or until they are married to have sex.
* More than half of teen pregnancies occur in older teens, age 18 or 19. The number of younger teens having babies is declining more than that of older teens.
* About a quarter of teen mothers have a second baby within two years of the first.
* Teens who choose to have sex are more likely to use a condom than in the 1980s, and less likely to use less effective methods of birth control and STD protection.
* Most teens who use birth control pills do not use any other method of protection, and many teens are inconsistent in their use of the pill.

Younger sexually active teens are especially at risk for pregnancy and other negative consequences of sex. Teen girls who first have sex before the age of 13 are more likely to have had sex involuntarily. Even among those for whom their first sexual experience was voluntary, about a quarter did not really want the experience to occur. Teens with partners who are much older than themselves are twice as likely to have unwanted sex, and more likely to have unprotected sex.

A teenager who is having unprotected sex has a 90 percent chance of becoming pregnant within a year. The use of condoms, hormone-based birth control, and better sex education among teens are credited with the decline in teen pregnancies since 1990, when the number reached a high.

Compared to women who wait until they are older to get pregnant, teens who become pregnant:

* Are more likely to get pregnant more times during their life
* Are more likely to be single parents
* Are less likely to have good health coverage for their babies
* Are less prepared for being a parent and may not know how to take care of their baby
* Are less likely to get support from the biological father
* Are less likely to complete their education - only 40 percent of teen mothers complete high school, while 75 percent of all teens graduate. Less than 2 percent complete a college education by age 30.
* Are more likely to live in poverty - more than 75 percent of teen mothers need welfare within five years of having their baby

Teens who become pregnant have a higher risk for medical problems such as:

* Toxemia
* Hypertension
* Severe anemia
* Premature delivery
* Placenta previa

Pregnant teens are more likely than older pregnant women to abuse drugs, alcohol, or tobacco and are less likely to get good medical care or take good care of themselves while pregnant. Also, about half of all new cases of sexually transmitted diseases occur in teens, and these diseases can cause disabilities or death in the infant or the mother.

Babies born to teen mothers are at higher risk of medical problems such as low birth weight due to improper fetus growth and/or early delivery. The younger a mother is, the more chance there is of her baby dying during its first year of life. The babies of teen mothers are more likely to have disabilities due to premature birth. Also, the children of teen mothers are more likely to live in poverty, to drop out of high school, and to become teen parents themselves.

Other than the effects on teens and their children, society also pays a price for teen pregnancy. According to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy an estimated $9 billion of public money was spent on families begun by teenaged parents in 2004 alone.

Though the rate of teen pregnancy has been falling, recent numbers suggest that the percentage of teen pregnancies increased slightly in 2006, and experts are unsure whether this was a fluke or a sign that the teen birth rate is rising again.


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, healthfinder.gov, Teen Pregnancies, Abortions Drop from 1990 to 2004

U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health, MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia, Adolescent Pregnancy [online]

March of Dimes, Professionals and Researchers Quick Reference: Fact Sheets, Teenage Pregnancy, October 2007 [online]

Ventura SJ, Abma JC, Mosher WD, Henshaw SK. Recent trends in teenage pregnancy in the United States, 1990-2002. Health E-stats. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics. Released December 13, 2006.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, A National Strategy to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, Annual Report 1997-1998, June 1998 [online]

The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, Teen Pregnancy: So What? October 2006 [online]
posted by cici1264
If you have already received confirmation that you are pregnant through a pregnancy test then next exciting step will be to have an ultrasound. Technology has certainly increased at a rapid rate in the last few decades and today expectant mothers are able to view their unborn babies in a completely different manner than just a few years ago.

At its most basic, the ultrasound will create a picture of the placenta as well as the unborn baby. The standard ultrasound will generate a 2-D image of the baby, sometimes referred to as a sonogram. This type of ultrasound is conducted by passing a 'wand'...
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posted by cici1264
There are many different ways in which a pregnancy can be confirmed. You may first suspect that you are pregnant when you miss a period or experience other early pregnancy symptoms. If you suspect that you are pregnant, you may take a home pregnancy test. Regardless, if you are pregnant, at some point you will usually have a blood test done to confirm the pregnancy. The blood test works in a similar fashion to a home pregnancy test but can be more accurate, which is why a physician will usually order it even if you have already received a positive result at home.Both tests work by detecting...
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posted by cici1264
While home pregnancy tests are becoming more and more sophisticated in regards to providing early results, it can still be important for many women to understand the early signs of pregnancy. Some of the signs of pregnancy are fairly well known, such as a missed menstrual cycle, but there are also many other signs of pregnancy that may go unnoticed.

One of the most common signs of pregnancy that many women overlook early in pregnancy is an extreme lethargy. This tiredness is commonly associated with late pregnancy as the baby is gaining weight and placing strain on the mother's body, but an...
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One of the reasons a woman may opt for abortion is to be free from the burden of raising a(nother) child. Time, circumstances, finances, and emotional health may leave them unprepared to consider a pregnancy.Others may feel pregnancy is an inconvenience. Younger women may consider that they haven't completed their education and realize they still have their whole lives ahead of them. Some feel it will take too much to give a child up for adoption; plus, they are not willing to carry the child for 9 months and go through delivery.

Women who give in to the idea of abortion are often pressured into it by their partners. In many cases, these women find it difficult to choose the life of their child over their partner.

Whatever the reason, abortion should never be entered into without careful thought. The procedures can be dangerous, even life-threatening, and emotionally devastating.
posted by cici1264
In order to protect yourself and your partner in any relationship, it is important that you are able to communicate. The beginning of a relationship is the usually the easiest time to have meaningful conversations, since you are just getting to know each other. This is the best time, even if it feels awkward, to discuss sex. You both need to know what you are expecting from the relationship.Click Here to Learn More

Before becoming sexually involved, it is important that you and your partner discuss the issue, not just before the act itself. If you are a virgin willing to wait until you are in...
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posted by cici1264
Teen pregnancy is one of the most difficult experiences a young person might ever face when it interrupts school or other plans. It can create an emotional crisis resulting in feelings of shame and fear, and it may appear that you will crumble under pressures in your environment. The stress of how you are going to break this news to your parents might be even greater, and finding help may seem an impossible task.

You might think no one can help you, or you might be too embarrassed to search for help. However, denying the pregnancy or ignoring it can only make things worse for you and your baby. Denial will not take the pregnancy away; instead, you will lose the time you could have invested in prenatal care and counseling. You have options, and making a choice may be simple or difficult, depending on your situation. Check resources carefully and try to give yourself the opportunity to make the best informed decision possible.
posted by cici1264
Prenatal care is essential to maintaining your health and the health of your growing baby. Maintaining and continuing prenatal care can help catch any health concerns before they become major problems. Babies who do not receive adequate prenatal care are far more likely to be born with a low birth weight, and can suffer from a myriad of other health-related issues. Your baby's health should be a concern long before he or she is actually born. The months of growth and development for your baby are extremely important to his or her health and wellbeing after delivery and for the rest of his or...
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posted by cici1264
Adding a new baby to your life means lots of changes are in store. What do you need to know in order to make sure that you are fully prepared to bring baby home? Below we will explore some areas you need to cover during the next few months.
One area you will need to address is where your baby will sleep. In the first few weeks most babies do quite well in a cradle or a bassinet. This sleeping option allows you to keep baby close to you and a bassinet will even allow you to move baby around the house with you with ease. Keep in mind that after the first few months, your baby will need larger...
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posted by cici1264
For some women, experiencing morning sickness is a fixture throughout pregnancy. While some women are blessed with strong stomachs, most have to learn to deal with nausea intermittently while their baby grows and develops.There are many theories about why expectant mothers have morning sickness, but nothing has been proven or verified. Some say that is it as a result of increased estrogen and hCG levels. Some even say that morning sickness reveals itself during healthy pregnancies. But that can't necessarily be the case since there are women who have healthy pregnancies and never get morning...
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Prenatal care is essential to ensure the health of you and your baby. But some women don't have medical insurance, and we all know how expensive doctors' visits can be--especially when regular visits are necessary as the pregnancy progresses. If you find yourself in a similar situation--pregnant and without insurance-you do have some options. The health of you and your baby is ultimately the most important. A lack of insurance should not impair health, growth, nor happiness.Alongside the lack of insurance, many women find themselves underinsured when it comes to pregnancy. Just like not being...
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posted by cici1264
You've chosen a car seat, picked out a bunch of clothes, decided on bottles and diapers, and your home (or at least your registry) is already filled with rattles and stuffed animals. Now it's time to move on to the big stuff. Furniture, curtains, wall-hangings, shelves ... all the things that will personalize what may have previously been a junk room, a guest room, or maybe even just a large closet. Whatever the room's previous function, it's now going to become your baby's nursery.Of course, not all babies sleep in their nursery at first. A lot of parents - particularly if mom is breastfeeding...
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Are you wondering how to tell if you're pregnant? Most women are familiar with the number one sign of pregnancy, which is a late or missed period. Even so, it should be kept in mind that there can be many reasons why a period might be late. If you've been sick or you are stressed out, this can sometimes cause your period to be delayed.

If your period is several days late and you have reason to suspect that you may be pregnant you will naturally want to find out as quickly as possible. In the past, it was very difficult to find out early in the pregnancy but today home pregnancy tests have become...
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posted by cici1264
Abortion has been a touchy and personal subject for many years. Whether you are considering an abortion or just want to know more about the numbers of abortions, this article will provide abortion statistics and information to help pregnant teens.

First of all there are about 1.38 billion women in the world who are in the childbearing years (ages 15-44). About 6 million women a year become pregnant. Many teenagers are also sexually active throughout the world. By age 20,

* 77 percent of women in developed countries have had sex,
* 83 percent of women in Sub-Sahara Africa have had sex, and...
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posted by cici1264
If you are dealing with an unplanned pregnancy, chances are good that you need help. You are probably wondering where you can turn for medical attention, advice and general support. A crisis pregnancy center is an excellent place to start. If you are not aware of what a crisis pregnancy center is, the following information will be of great use to you. Once you know more about a crisis pregnancy center you can look for one that is nearby for help with your unplanned pregnancy.What is a crisis pregnancy center?

Crisis pregnancy centers, commonly referred to as CPCs, are a place where you can find...
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posted by cici1264
While many women are quite familiar with some of the most well known early symptoms of pregnancy, these symptoms can oftentimes be misleading. Some of the most well known early symptoms of pregnancy include a missed period, nausea, cravings, increased urination, lower backache, increased lethargy, swollen or tender breasts, headaches, food cravings, darkening of the areolas.Missed or Delayed Period - There can actually be many reasons for a missed or delayed period other than pregnancy. If a woman has been sick or under a lot of stress, a change in menstruation patterns is possible. Hormonal...
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posted by cici1264
If you are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, one of your available options is adoption. Adoption, by definition, is the process of signing over your legal rights to a child you have born to another parent or set of parents. As an expectant parent considering adoption, once the child was born you would need to sign over your legal rights.

To many who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, the concept of adoption is not something with which they are familiar. Movies, television shows, books and the media all portray the subject in a rather sensationalized manner. The good, run-of-the-mill...
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posted by cici1264
If you're experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, you're likely thinking about the options available to you and considering what your next steps might be. It may feel like you have to make your decision right away, when in fact, you don't. The first decision you have to make regarding your pregnancy is whether or not you will choose to continue with the pregnancy or terminate the pregnancy through abortion.
Making the decision to terminate a pregnancy is difficult and emotional and should never be made lightly. Make sure, when researching this option, you consider your situation realistically....
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To find out if you might be pregnant, answer the following questions:

* Have you had unprotected sex recently?
* Have you missed your period? (This is usually the most obvious clue.)
* Are you experiencing nausea?
* Are you unusually tired?
* Are your breasts fuller and more tender?
* Do you urinate more frequently than usual?
* Have you noticed a change in your appetite?

Chances are, if you answered "yes" to most of these questions, you are pregnant. However, to be certain, it is best to take a test at a health center, where you can actually obtain a proof of pregnancy, if you really are pregnant.

Home tests are also an option but remember: false results can occur, which can throw you off, and at this point, that is the last thing you need!
posted by cici1264
Stretch marks appear as a result of rapidly stretched skin during rapid weight gain or growth spurts—-most commonly occurring during pregnancy or puberty. Stretch marks are caused by lower layers of skin tearing—-usually appearing a brown, red, or purple color—-and are commonly found on the stomach, thighs, lower back, hips, and breasts.

But, keeping your skin moisturized and healthy is believed to help prevent severe stretch marks. If your skin is well-hydrated, it should be more resistant to tearing and breaking. Eating fruits and vegetables (and plenty of vitamin E) will not only keep...
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posted by cici1264
Considering adoption? Whether it be to have your child put up for adoption or you want to adopt yourself, there are many things to look at as you decide the best course. To help you, here are some statistics about adoption. These adoption statistics may help you with your choice.

For the first time in United States census-taking history, in 2000 the census added the category of “adopted son/daughter” to distinguish between stepchildren and biological children. This helped track how many adopted children live within the United States. The 2000 Census included a section on adoption to help...
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