The Awesomest PoM Fans!!! Club
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posted by peacebaby7

Skipper: *waddling along a long way behind the rest of the migrating penguins (however they can be seen on the horizon)*

Why did this have to happen? It's all my fault. If I hadn't passed out there may have been some hope for them. Why'd they have to go & save my life. It should've been me. Why, oh, why wasn't it me...

*frustrated & angry he sits down in the snow...just thinking...& starts weeping again*

(????): "What's the matter, cupcake?"

Skipper: *looks up at the penguin standing over him* "Who are you?"

(????): "My name is Buck Rockgut. What seems to be the problem?"

Skipper: "My parents were just killed by a leopard seal...& it's all my fault."

Buck: "Your fault? Why is it your fault? Did you ask the seal to attack your parents?"

Skipper: "No, but--"

Buck: "No buts! You did not cause that attack. Leopard seals are just dangerous carnivores. You are not to blame for that."

Skipper: *sigh* "I suppose your right. Why are you here?"

Buck: "I just saw ya here. Thought I'd see what the dealeo was. Name?"

Skipper: "Skipper, Mr. Rockgut."

Buck: "That's Buck to you soldier. No need for formalities here."

Skipper: "OK...Buck. What am I supposed to do now?"

Buck: "We should get going."

Skipper: "Back to the migration?"

Buck: "Negative. I'm gonna show you something. Something that might keep your mind off your problems."

Skipper: *follows Buck*

Buck: *leads him into a cave*

Skipper: "What are we doing here? Why don't you want to migrate?"

Buck: "Listen candy corn! Do you want to keep your mind off your parents or not?"

Skipper: *nods head slowly*

Buck: "OK then. Listen up. I am what you call a secret agent. Do you know what that is?"

Skipper: "Well, yeah. I've heard rumors that penguins in our rookery have been chosen to be agents to help protect the flock. Only no one knows who they are. You're one of them?"

Buck: "Yep. And now I'm gonna teach you how to be one."

Skipper: "Me? A secret agent? How am I supposed to do that?"

Buck: "I saw how you handled a few of them ice burgs when you were throwing your little mantrums. Like this morning. You tore the crap out of it. There were icicles everywhere after you finished. We could use someone like you."

Skipper: "But I'm only 12 years old! That's against the rules!"

Buck: "Who says I'm one to follow the rules?"

Skipper: "...Um...I...There..."

Buck: "Stop 'stuttering & spit it out ya small potato!"

Skipper: "...Um...Fine. What do I have to do?"

2 Years Later...

*Buck & Skipper outside practicing*

Skipper: "HIYAH! HA! HO!" *kicking & punching an iceburg, he jumps, turns, & kicks the iceburg with all his strength, causing many icicles to break off & fly out*

Buck: "Now that's what I'm talkin' about. These past 2 years have been good to you."

Skipper: "Affirmative."

Buck: "Now that your training is complete, do whatever you want. But you step out a line even an inch...I'll take you down. You hear me?!"

Skipper: "Affirmative, sir."

Buck: "The flock will be back in T minus 2 months. That is if you want to join them again."

Skipper: "...Maybe."

Buck: *salutes & leaves him*

To Be Continued...