The Awkward Turtles♥ Club
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posted by mooshka
Ah so this is super late, but hey better late than never right?;) Well, this is a mixture between a birthday article and a "we've been friends for a year now!" article:D WHOOT WHOOT! So for starters, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR DANNNYYYY BOO BOO, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU♥ Yay. You are such an epic soul and you deserve to have a kick ass time on your birthday♥ May you have many more to come{and hopefully I'll be present in all of your up coming birthdays;)}haha. And OMG I can't believe we've actually been friends for a whole entire year now:O I mean we came so far lol. We went from barely knowing each other, to fighting, to somewhat talking, to becoming "brothers" lol. Did you really think we would make it this far? haha.

Qualities I love about you!
Well, everything. But I admire your strength<33 You've seriously been through so much {more than someone your age should go through} and you keep on fighting back and I see you getting stronger and stronger. I hope that one day all the struggles in your life to go away and you to be super happy because you seriously deserve it. I also love your devotion, when you believe in something you really believe in it. You never back down, but you NEVER offend anyone when expressing your opinion and you respect everyone else's opinions as well... I love that. Not a lot of people can do that;) you are are a rare epic soul. HA! I also love how you're ALWAYS there for me. Even when I'm going through lame-o teenage stuff lol. You take all of my problems seriously and never think of them as silly, you listen to all my random fangirling even about things you don't watch or care about lol. You're the one person I can always count on to talk to even if its not that important:D I LOVE YOU.
You are awesome<33 WHY ARE YOU SO AMAZING!?
You are awesome<33 WHY ARE YOU SO AMAZING!?

Man, sooooooooooooo many memories with you! Sad, happy, angry, emotional, excited, etc etc lol. I can't even began to describe it. So now I'm going to take you down memory lane:D hahah. cheesy I know, but you love me.

Our First Meeting:
Ha, yeah not so good:p lmao. So we didn't exactly have the most warm and fuzzy first meeting, but hey who cares we're too amazing for stuff like that. Well, our first meeting was on some stupid pick on the BL vs LP spot and of course we had a difference of opinion and "kinda" got at it:p lol. I thought of you as some psychotic BL fan and I'm pretty sure you thought of me as some majorly crazy LP fan haha. I remember I had a a "BL Fan" stereotype engraved in my mind at the time, so I was beyond My bad and sorry;)
We're friends now so whatever:p all the other stuff doesn't matter...
We're friends now so whatever:p all the other stuff doesn't matter...

First Real Talk:
Our first real talk was on the BLP safe ground<33 I remember we for some reason seemed to connect right away despite all the stuff that had happened. I always used to go on there to talk to you mostly lol {we were really the only one's who used that thing lmao.} But you told me some pretty personal, and important details then and I was shocked that you trusted me that much, but I was beyond honored. i will never forget the safe ground and our talk(s) on there<33
I will always be grateful for the safe ground<3
I will always be grateful for the safe ground<3

Wall posts/Pm's:
I loved when we started wall posting each other randomly lol. It was so much fun<33 We would talk daily! And then we started wall posting AND pming each other at the same time! {dude we're weird haha} and then eventually we just moved onto pming which i love<33 I don't know, I just think we're special because we actually PM each other instead of wall posting<33 Now if I don't talk to you every day it seriously feels like forever:O I LOVE OUR PM'S<333.
Not talking to you is not acceptable!
Not talking to you is not acceptable!

Well, I think there is no doubt when I say that we are so different and our likes/dislikes are so different lol. Seriously, if I'm from the North Pole than your from the South Pole, haha. But I think the fact that we're so different and still are so close shows so much<33 And well of course our differences list {that's still on going! We need to update that lol} I love that list, I love how instead of getting upset that we don't agree on something we actually become excited and write it down<33 So random, but so much fun. I also don't know how or when you became my anti-twin but you did♥ and I can't ask for a better one<33
My Anti-Twin♥
My Anti-Twin♥

Tutor Boo/Smarticle♥
Well, I have to mention all the times you've helped me with school lol. Dude, chemistry, math, and Spanish <33 Especially Spanish I could not have passed without you. I struggled and stressed so much and you let me bitch, complain, and even took time out of your day to help me with all of it. You never hesitated or questioned it<3 you always just helped! And I will forever be grateful for that. YOU ARE SO SMART!
My lil' genius <3
My lil' genius <3

Our dictionary<3:
Man, our dictionary is epic. But I'm an idiot and deleted it thinking it was something else:( I seriously just deleted it while writing this article, I'm an idiot. I feel so horrible and dumb about it! But DON'T FEAR! We'll remember all of our epic words and we'll add more to it! I mean I eye ball that thing for life<33 LOL. I swear one day that thing is going to get published and everyone is going to be using our epicly awesome words.
OY! our dictionary is beast<33
OY! our dictionary is beast<33

Ek Hazaaron Mein Meri Behna Hai:
My sister is one in a million aka my Indian show<33 lol. I know you don't watch the show but talking to you about the show and hearing your comments/opinions about it is so much fun<33 Seriously, your my number one fangirl for the show. And I think if you could understand it you would love it:D And I totally think you would ship Virat/Manvi ;)
Fangirling over something you don't even watch or understand...UM EPIC.
Fangirling over something you don't even watch or understand...UM EPIC.

We are anti Serena and Julian!:
I love when we bash on Serena and Julian...weird I know, but its like usually everything I hate you love and everything you love I its just fun to find something(one) that we both hate and can bash on without offending the other lol. So hell yes for being anti Serena and Julian! yay for hating lol.
We don't like you!
We don't like you!

I love when I found out we both ship Zade<33 I mean prior to Zade the only couple we had in common was R&R but neither of us really fangirl about them, so the fact that we both started HOD together, and that we both shipped Zade made me so happy<33 Finally, a couple we both ship and adore lol:D And well this has nothing to do with Zade, but I have to mention how I love the fact that we both adore Cassie and Effy:D They're perfect souls<3 and now we even have Ryissa:D Yay:D
Precious souls<3
Precious souls<3

Disappearing on me:(:
Well, I hate when you leave for long periods of times:( I hate not talking to you and I get worried...but at least NOW you tell me when you go! lmao. I remember the first time you disappeared I was worried sick! I was asking people where you were, messaging you, going crazy, etc etc lol. I was a freak show. Never disappear on me again! And don't leave</3 haha. I'm so pathetic. But seriously you're too epic, you need to be a part of my life lol.
Don't leave:D
Don't leave:D

Supporting Dany:
I remember when Ally organized a support Dany icon event on the BLL and she asked me to participate...I was so happy and honored because someone other than you and me recognized how close we were and invited me to join something just because of the fact that I was close to you! I felt like a special soul and I loved wearing an icon for you<33 I WILL ALWAYS BE TEAM DANY:D YAY.
We really do love you<3
We really do love you<3

Aww remember when we decided to become Lucas and Nathan? haha. I remember we were trying to come up with a friendship to fit us for months and we ended up settling on Lathan, it seemed so random but they fit us so well<3 You will always be the Lucas to my Nathan and my "big brother". Hey, we're rare! We're brothers instead of the typical sisters;) Lol. we rock, seriously<3 brothers for life.

Well, seriously, we have so many more awesome memories but I think I would be here forever so I should probably stop<333 Besides I gotta save some for next year...but we'll probably make even more epic memories by then:D

I can't wait till you come to California man<3 Imagine it! I'll make you taste MT. Dew because its awesome! I'll also make you taste peanut butter and nutella and of course buy you a bunch of snickers and then we'll watch tv and fangirl like crazy people<33 It would be epic<33 So come here haha!

Well, this is my silly article for you<33 I know its not amazing, but sadly articles are the only thing I can make lol. I hope you liked it! Well, I hope you have an epic life and always stay happy! I hope you never feel sad and that no problems come your way! No that I love you and will always be there for you and I think your an amazing friend! LOOOOVE YOU<3333

p.s. ignore spelling and grammar, you know I suck at it lol.
We might not agree on it, but its the show that bought us together:D
We might not agree on it, but its the show that bought us together:D