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posted by 80smusiclover1
After capping off their meal with gelato cakes for dessert, George, Pattie, and Laura left the restaurant with their stomachs satisfied and hearts happy. They then decided to spend the next hour walking around another corner of the Street so that their food would be completely digested. Afterwards, they headed back to the hotel. George asked, "Pattie, now that Adam is gone, would you like to stay with Laura and I in our room for the rest of our vacation?" She replied, "Absolutely, George! That's exactly what I've been thinking a while ago." George said, "Splendid! However, since we're not married...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"What a lovely restaurant this is!", remarked Pattie as the trio were led by one of the servers to their table. George replied, "Indeed! I've also heard that it's among Dublin's best for Italian fare." Laura added, "And we will be able to sit at a quiet corner!" Pattie said, "Great! That means no rude customers disturbing us, too." George said, "Precisely, love!" They soon took their seats and were given the menus. While browsing them, Laura remarked, "The food all looks so good, daddy George!" He replied, "It certainly does, Laura, darling! What type of pizza would you like us to get?" She...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Once they got dressed up, George and Laura were on their way back to Grafton Street to find a lovely restaurant for the dinner date. Laura asked while walking, "What do you think should we have for this upcoming dinner, daddy George?" George replied, "Hmm...How about some good ol' pizza, Laura, darling? I'm sure Pattie will really enjoy that." Laura said, "Wow! Absolutely! I'm sure about that, too." "Wonderful!", said George. It wasn't long until the two found an Italian restaurant, which also happened to be one of the city's best. Thankfully, because it was a weekday, they were able to reserve...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
It was exactly 9:00 pm when the concert came to an end. The Beatles then had a little autograph session with their fans while Laura managed to find and collect three shamrocks, which she discovered at the back of the stage. They packed up their instruments afterwards. Mike said, "That was a bloody splendid gig, brother!" Paul replied, "Thank you! Yes, we had so much fun ourselves." George added, "Indeed, me mate. Indeed!" John, Ringo, and Laura nodded in agreement as Mike smiled in response. George said, "Well, Laura and I will be having a special meeting soon, so we'll see you all after about...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Now that Saturday was in full swing, the group started off for St. Stephen's Green shortly after lunch time. When they made it and entered through the main gate, Ringo exclaimed, "Wow! This place is gorgeous!" Sparkie made a noise that sounded like he was saying, "Indeed, it is!" George replied, "Yes, I can see why this is a favorite park among those living here in the city. It's perfect for taking a break from all the hustle and bustle!" Laura remarked, "That's so true, daddy George. Maybe I'll be able to find some shamrocks while we are here as well!" George winked and said, "Certainly, Laura,...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
After finishing and paying for their banana split, George and Laura resumed their Street tour with Pattie now joining them. As they strolled along the sidewalk, George said, "Say, I just got a lovely idea, Pattie!" She replied, "Yes? What is it, George?" He continued, "Since I will be having a concert with me mates at St. Stephen's Green on March 5, which is a Saturday, Laura and I were thinking about taking a night walk there afterwards. What do ye say?" Pattie remarked, "Ooh, sounds great! I'd love to." George replied, "Wonderful! Our concert will be taking place at eight in the evening,...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Pattie took a deep breath and began sharing what she had planned to tell George. She said, "Okay, so this may come as quite shocking to you, but it's the awful truth. You see, I've been trapped in a troubled relationship with my boyfriend for some time now. His name is Adam. Everything was fine at first. Until, for some reason, he started acting up and neglecting me by a lack of visits even before this vacation of ours. As a matter of fact, after three days, he STILL hasn't returned to the hotel! I already wanted out with him, but no matter how much I try to, he always threatened to call my...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
A couple of hours later, the Beatles, Laura, and Mike were now on their way to Grafton Street. George was giving his daughter a shoulder ride during the walk and told her, "I've got a special surprise which I know you'll love while we are at the Street, Laura, darling!" She replied, "Ooh! Sounds very exciting, daddy George! I can hardly wait for that." George smiled and said, "I'm glad, my dear." Laura smiled back in response. By the time they made it there, the place was also bustling with the spirit of St. Patrick's Day. Almost all of the shops and restaurants were decorated with banners...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Hello there, pretty lady! Mind if I have a little chat with ye?", asked George when he was finally at her table. The fact it was a Beatle who asked her that and in a straight manner gave her quite a surprise, though it was a pleasant one. She smiled at him and replied, "Why, certainly! Please have a seat." He then did so in a flash. George said, "Great! So, what is your name?" The lady said, "My name is Patricia Boyd, but you can just call me Pattie for short." George remarked, "That's a lovely name. Veddy nice to meet you, Pattie!" She replied, "Thank you. Nice to meet you, too. You must...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Next morning, George and Laura woke up feeling refreshed and went ahead of the others to the hotel's restaurant for breakfast. As they browsed the menu after getting their table, George said, "Wow. The food all looks so tasty, eh?" Laura replied, "Indeed, it does, daddy George." He continued, "What would you like to get, Laura, darling?" She said, "Hmm...I think I'll try the waffles with scrambled eggs and chicken sausages. I'll also get a glass of orange juice for my drink." George replied, "Okay, that sounds good. For myself, I'll get the bacon, mushroom, and cheese omelette with brewed coffee...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
The check-in process went smoothly for our heroes by the time they made it to their hotel, which is located in downtown Dublin. They then relaxed in each of their rooms for the remainder of the afternoon once everything had been settled. Afterwards, at exactly 6:00 pm, they all met again in the lobby and proceeded to look for a restaurant. As they did so and after getting their orders, they started planning out their go-to list. George was studying his maps when he gasped with a pleasantly surprised tone upon seeing a certain place. Laura asked, "Yes, daddy George? What is it?" He replied while...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
"Wake up, Laura, darling! We're almost there!", said George as he gently shook his daughter, who decided to take a siesta in the middle of the ride. She slowly did so until her eyes opened wide upon seeing the Irish tricolor being flown on top of the Dublin ferry port. At that moment, Laura exclaimed, "Yes! Now it's on to the real deal! Thanks for waking me up, daddy George." He replied, "You're veddy welcome, my dear." The group soon disembarked from the ferry and were greeted with the sound of local folk songs, which were playing as the port's in-house music. John said, "I can already feel...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Mike was already inside the terminal and had been waiting for their ferry ride to Dublin when he heard a familiar voice saying, "Brother, we are here!" He then looked up and grinned as he saw Paul, his mates, and Laura coming towards him while carrying their bags and instruments. Mike said, "Hey, everybody! You made it just in time, I'll say." George replied, "We certainly did, mate. So, what time is our ride?" Mike looked at his watch and replied, "It will be at 1:00 pm." George remarked, "Great! In that case, we can still eat our packed lunch here." Mike replied, "Yep! And lovely to meet...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
It was now the first day of March, and with St. Patrick's Day just around the corner, the Beatles and Laura were on their way to Liverpool for a ferry ride to Ireland. Just a day after George turned twenty-three, they decided to spend the entirety of this month there and hold two concerts during their trip. What's more, Paul's brother, Mike, will be joining them along! Laura said, "Daddy George, I wonder what adventures are in store for us in Ireland?" George replied, "You'll see for yourself when we get there, Laura, darling. I'm sure they'll be bloody exciting!" John, Paul, and Ringo nodded...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
February 1966

The year had been off to a good start so far for George, Laura, and the other Beatles. As they await the time when they'll embark on new adventures together, the two (With the former now sporting a longer mop-top) were having lunch at a diner close to Hyde Park one day during a mild winter week. This is no ordinary week, though, because George's twenty-third birthday is coming in four days! While waiting for their food, Laura said, "I'm so looking forward to celebrating your birthday again, daddy George! It's gonna be spectacular!" He replied, "You and me both, Laura, darling!...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
One cool, breezy afternoon, George and Laura were relaxing in the yard of Kinfauns while enjoying the crisp autumn colors. While Laura played with her skipping rope, George strummed his ukulele as he whistled softly. Then, an idea popped out of his head, and he told his daughter, "Say, Laura, darling, it's been quite a while since we last hit the road. Let's have a new adventure tomorrow!" She replied with an excited tone, "Certainly, daddy George! I missed doing that, too. And this time, I think I'll bring both my rabbit and Corgi plushies along!" George said, "Sounds like a lovely idea, my...
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After a satisfying meal, the Beatles and Laura returned to the park in about five minutes before the start of the concert. As they went up the stage, John looked at his watch again and said, "We're just in time, mates!" Ringo replied, "Splendid! I think I can sense the fans cheering for us now." And sure enough, he was right. Not only that, but they were chanting their names, too! Paul exclaimed, "Hello, Beatle people! Are you ready to have some fun?" They all responded with a loud, "YEAH, YEAH, YEAH!" With that, the concert officially kicked off. Everyone was having a rockin' good time as...
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It was already evening by the time the group made it back to the town square. George said, "I think we still have enough time for dinner before our concert. Anyways, it's only thirty minutes past six." Laura replied, "Yes, daddy George. That hike I had has made me hungry!" George remarked, "I bet it has, Laura, darling." John, Paul, and Ringo agreed. As they passed by the visitor center, the former dentist's sister had just completed her work for today when she saw them all smiles. Laura said, "Hello again, madame!" She replied, "Hi, young lady! I see you've found the geyser and got your companions...
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"Wake up, me mates! We're here.", exclaimed George as Laura finally reached the site of the geyser. Surrounding them was a wide view of the English Channel and the Needles lighthouse and rock formations. After the lads came down from Laura's beret, Paul said, "That was a long, refreshing nap we had!" Ringo replied, "Sure is! I felt rested." John nodded in agreement. Laura said, "I'm glad you slept well, uncles." George added, "Yes. I am, too." Soon, it was exactly five o'clock, and at that moment, the ground began to shake for ten seconds until the geyser released itself! Laura exclaimed, "Yeah!...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Shortly after paying for their lunch, George had a fun idea. He asked his brothers, "Say, would you like to go on a joyride around downtown London with me and Laura?" Peter said, "Ooh, that sounds exciting! Sure!" Harry added, "Yes! We'll be using your car, eh?" George replied, "That's right! You're going to have a blast while riding it. Me daughter and mates always do." Laura added, "Indeed, daddy George!" John, Paul, and Ringo nodded in agreement. Peter remarked, "How splendid!" "And with that big victory you had against that Terence coward, I think we ought to call you 'George the Great'!",...
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