The Magic in You & Me: Winx Role-Play! Club
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Author's Note: Yeah I know I already did an article like this when I first joined but, as you can tell from the title, this is kind of an "updated version" from the last article I had written. What's the update? Well, read and find out! ;)

Jasmine North

Basic Information:

• Birth Name: Jasmine Marie Michaelsen
• Current Name: Jasmine Marie North
• Age: 20
• Home Planet/City: London, England. Earth
• Level of Magic: Charmix
• Powers & abilities: She has powers of psychic attributes. She can read people's minds, speak to them in their minds and even send telepathic messages. She can move things with her mind (only small things, though) and her eyes occasionally flash purple; mainly when she's angry.


Casual: Jasmine has long brown hair that stops behind her shoulders and dips near the middle of her back. She has hazel eyes, fair skin and small pink lips. She is fairly tall. Jasmine has two tattoos: one under her right eye which is "peace" in Russian and on her left arm, she has a quote from poet Rainer Maria Rilke. She usually wears a black shirt, jeans or black pants, heels or convers.

Magic Winx: Her hair is in the same style. She has dark red lips and light gray eyeshadow. Her top is black and has no right sleeve, while her left sleeve is long and stops near her wrists. She has black, flexible pants and black boots that stop near her knees. Her wings are similar to Stella's except Jasmine's are black and she was silver outlining.

Charmix: Her Charmix charm is a purple gem that is surrounded by silver curls. Her purse is one that hangs off of her hip. It is a diamond that is multicolored. (mainly purples, blacks and pinks)


• Jasmine was born to a normal family in New York. She was raised like any other child, and went to school, getting out of highschool with high marks. She went to college for two years trying to major in the sciences. When that didn't work, she switched to try and earn a political degree. (Mainly dealing with world events, and law) She studied for 2 more years, and then left; soon earning a job as a member of the C.I.A. After 3 years, she was sent on her biggest mission which took her to Moscow, Russia. During this period of snooping, she was caught and imprisoned for aiding the American government. She stayed in the prison for 3 years, before something changed. A new cell mate - named Lucas North - was tossed in as well, and the two stayed together, in prison, for seven more years. Only when Lucas' team (MI-5; the British Security Service) stepped in and sent over their head boss to negotiate, is when Lucas, along with Jasmine, were released. Since then, she has joined the team who saved them, in MI-5, and continues to work there. (Along side her fiancee: Lucas North)


• Birthday: November 2nd
• Favorite food: Cheeseburgers, Fish n' chips, dark chocolate.
• Favorite color: Black, purple.
• Favorite Hobby: Reading, playing the cello, swimming.
• Favorite animal: German Shepherds, Siberian Huskies, ball pythons, Boston Terriers.
• Likes: Books, sleeping, friends.
• Dislikes: Ignorance, hatred, self-harm.
• Favorite music: Classic rock and 80's-90's pop.
• Favorite movies: Horror and comedy.
• Jasmine's looks were mainly inspired by actress Mila Kunis.
• Her past was inspired by the backstory of BBC's Spooks character, Lucas North.
• Jasmine is originally 32 years old. She being 20 in this role-play doesn't really work with the timeline I have for her. She was imprisoned for 10 years in Russia (being captured at 22). In this timeline, she's be 10 when she was captured which doesn't make sense at all. (which is why I hate that Winx girls are mainly teens)

Lorinna Locksley

Basic Information

• Birth Name: Unknown
• Current Name: Lorinna Locksley: Countess of Huntington
• Age: 18
• Level of Magic: Winx
• Powers/abilities: She has powers over thiervery and tricks. She can make knives, arrows, slingshots, rope...anything that might help pull a trick on someone, or aid in thieving.
• Home Planet/City: Unknown; raised in Locksley, England. Earth.


Casual: Lorinna has bleach blond hair that stops behind her shoulders. Her eyes are bright gold. She has pale skin and pink lips. She is of average height, but she has very strong arm and leg muscles. She usually wears a dark red dress with a black corset. Her shoes are black flats and she carries a small weapon with her. (ex: daggers, slingshot)

Magic Winx: Lorinna's hair is cut into a style similar to Tecna's Enchantix. She has red lips and silver eyeshadow. Her top is short and red that stops right above her collar-bone. It splits into a 'V' near her stomach. Her bottom is a long, black silk skirt that splits open near her knees. The inside is a suede-like material which is red. She wears white flats with intricate golden designs. She has white sleeves that begin at her shoulders and split into a 'V' near the top of her hands. She also has a necklace that is a crescent moon with a star on it's tip. Her wings are split in two: the top being the shape of when the moon during its 'new crescent' and the bottom being in the shape of the moon during its 'old crescent'. Her wings are transparent and have golden-like whips hanging off the tips; some knotting together to form rope.


• Lorinna was born to a family that already could not keep her. As far she knows, her mother had simply appeared out of the blue into the small village she grew up in. (Locksley) People said that she looked ill, with strange markings/tattoos covering her arm. Her mother ended up finding a home, job and even a husband in Locksley. Once her mother had found out she was with child, her father left her as soon as he found out. Her mother had Lorinna all alone in their small cottage, and feared that she might not live long enough to care for her. Desperate and filled with fear, she dropped her daughter at the doorstep of the Lord's manor: Robin of Locksley. He was surprised to find a baby at his doorstep, but in good nature (As he was); took the poor child in, and raised her like she was his own. Lorinna grew up strong, good with bows and knives and knowing how to fight and fend for herself. She grew independent quickly, and matured very nicely. (As did her temper) When Robin had to leave to help fight in the King's war, he knew that he could trust Lorinna to keep the house, and Locksley: safe. But only a few months after Robin's departure, the old sheriff of Nottingham was removed from his post and replaced by a newer, and much crueler sheriff. He made sure that every noble in Nottinghamshire respected him - but Lorinna did not. Her disobedience caused the sheriff to think twice about her owning and watching over Locksley. (She being a woman, did not help the case either to this sexist tyrant) He made Guy of Gisborne the new Lord, and made sure that Lorinna was kicked out. Having nowhere else to go, she set off into the forest to live her life in solitude. Only when Robin returned is when the two (Along with Robin's manservant: Much) began fighting back against the sheriff. Since Robin's returned, their little gang of outlaws has grew into a gang of seven; where they continue to fight against their insane sheriff, and steal from the rich to give to the poor.


• Birthday: Unknown/Robin found her on the 1st of January so he deemed that date her birthday.
• Favorite food: Meat, beef-jerky, cheese, bread, apples.
• Favorite color: Red, dark blue.
• Favorite hobby: Singing, practicing, riding horses.
• Favorite animal: Horses, dogs, eagles.
• Likes: Helping others, being with her family.
• Dislikes: Tyranny, selfish people, arrogance.
• Favorite music: Classical, folk and symphony.
• Lorinna's personality is based off of Jonas' Armstrong's character off of BBC's Robin Hood, Robin of Locksley.
• Originally her powers were based on stars but then I thought of a better, more suiting power for her.