The Storytime Spot Club
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“If I have to die, so will you” Zoey said.
“No one has to die, moron!” Dean yelled angry. “Put the fire out, open the door, do something!”
Zoey shook her head. “I can’t. Crowley will kill me, if I let you go”
“He’ll kill you either way” Dean snapped.
“Well, if Cas doesn’t love me I don’t care” Zoey exclaimed crying.
They heard a noise and looked aside. Cas opened his eyes and frowned.
“Dean?” he said hoarse.
“I’m here” Dean said, quickly walking to Cas. He helped Cas sit up and supported his back. He looked from Cas’ injuries to Zoey. “If you really love him, you’ll let him go”
Zoey shook her head.
Cas put his fingers in his blood and painted a sigil on the floor. He poked Dean and nodded weak at the bloody sign.
“What is it?” Zoey wanted to know.
But Dean put his hand on the sigil and he and Cas vanished in a blinding light.
“You’re too kind”
Even if his current state Damon found the strength to be sarcastic. “Can I ask you something? Why did you have to bring Stefan into this?”
“Oh, Stefan. Good, old Stefan” Bonnie sighed. “It’s not like he was involved right from the beginning. When Katherine pretended to be Elena and Stefan brought her to the hospital after taking some sleeping pills, I told Stefan there was a way to bring the real Elena back instead of waiting for it to happen”
“And that involves torturing me?” Damon asked.
“No, that’s just for fun” Bonnie said shameless.
“And me...
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Bonnie sank down next to him. “I’m sorry” she said. “For your arm, your eyes, your ear, your chest. I don’t want to hurt you, but when you’re around I get really mean. You bring out the worst in me, Damon Salvatore”
“I figured”

Why was he talking to her? He should just ignore her.
“Don’t you ever wonder why no one saw the cuts in your face?” Bonnie asked. She felt Damon shrug and he groaned. His arm hurt.
“The spell I put on you let’s people only see what I want them to see” Bonnie explained. “It’s quite exhausting, but soon I can just drop that part of...
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Alaric and Damon were standing in Alaric’s garage. “You call that not wrecked?” Damon said, looking at the car.

“It’s not that bad” Alaric said, not very convincing. “We can still fix it”
“Alright then” Damon gave in and he rolled up his sleeves. He walked at the front side of the car and gave a look at it. While he did some things Alaric came standing next to him. He leaned against the car. “You’ve been hanging out with Elena quite a lot lately” he started. Damon avoided Alaric’s look and pretended to concentrate on fixing the car. “Not that I mind” Alaric...
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Kelsey threw down the shovel when her phone rang. Without looking at the screen she pressed cancel.
“How long are you going to keep avoiding me?”
Kelsey turned around and looked at Derek, who put away his phone. “Until you get it in your thick skull that I don’t want to talk to you”
“We have to talk” Derek said.
“I just buried my sister” Kelsey said emotional. “I had to leave her last night, because I was turning and now I can’t even given her a proper funeral. I just put her in the ground, like a dog”
“I’m sorry” Derek said. “I feel terrible about it. Amber was...
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After Damon had made that awkward phone call, he was the one being called. “Miss me already?” he said, thinking it was Caroline.
“Are you okay?” Alaric asked. Without awaiting an answer he continued. “How good are you with cars?”
“I can drive them quite well” Damon bragged.
“Yeah, I know, but not’s not what I meant” Ric said. “Remember I spent the night in prison?”

“Well, since I’m planning on telling the next generation of Saltzmans I couldn’t possibly forget” Damon smirked.
“I had to leave my car there, on the street” Alaric said. “And a tow truck...
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Alaric looked at his cell mate, who looked like he wanted to snap Ric like a twig, when he heard Damon talking to the police officer that had arrested him. They walked behind the corner in the direction of the cell. Halfway Damon stopped and stared in the police officers eyes. The man walked away and Damon walked to Alaric’s cell.
“Okay, stop laughing” Alaric said, seeing how the corners of Damon’s mouth started to tremble. “Seriously, stop laughing. It’s not funny”
Damon couched. “You’re right. It’s not”
“I take it everything’s okay with Elena?” Alaric tried to change...
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Elena was tied onto a pillar in the center of the parking lot. Damon could see her from where he was standing. He could also see how werewolves and vampires were lurking from the dark. With the chance of being his heart ripped out he speeded to Elena who was still unconscious. He carefully tapped her face, to wake her. She slowly opened her eyes and when she realized it was Damon who had come to her rescue a little smile appeared on her face. “I knew you’d come” she said weak.
“Ssh” Damon said. “Don’t speak. I’ll get you safe”
“These ropes are really tight. It hurts” Elena...
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“I think we should go” Damon said, looking at the clock. It was eleven p.m. “Okay, I’ll just go refresh myself and then we can leave” Elena said. She got up and walked to a red door next to the desk. To get there she had to pass the table were tattoo-guy and companions were still sitting. She felt her heart beating faster and she got sweaty palms. But they didn’t look up and she reached the bathroom without a problem. When she closed the door behind her she dared to breathe again. There were two doors opposite of each other. One said men, the other women. She opened the women’s...
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Damon lay on his bed, his eyes closed. He hadn’t woken up since Bonnies attack. Elena sat on the bed, tears rolling over her face. She didn’t understand any of this. Why was Stefan so mean to her? Why did someone do this to Damon? And why did she have all these different emotions? She knew she was seventeen, but she didn’t feel like that. She felt like a little kid. She wanted to be cuddled and cherished. She lay down and snuggled against Damon’s cold body. She weaved her fingers in his and lay her head on his chest. She felt him moving and looked up. He was awake.
“No, you need to...
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Kelsey poked her sister to wake her up. Amber opened her eyes and looked around. They were still in the woods and seemed to have spend the night there. Kelsey pulled her sister up and dragged her with her.
“What’s the rush?” Amber asked surprised by Kelsey’s speed.
“We need to get you somewhere safe” Kelsey said agitated, not slowing down.
“Why? Okay, I know I have to be careful for the sheriff and vampire hunters, but I’m not going to get myself caught” Amber said.
“Trust me, the sheriff’s the least of your worries right now” Kelsey said. She ran even faster. “What...
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Katherine and Stefan were sitting in the living room while they were waiting for Amber to get downstairs. Stefan stared at her and tried to read her, which he couldn’t. Katherine was in dilemma. Stefan was here, sitting with her. Wasn’t that exactly what she had hoped for? The only obstacle were Amber and Elena, though Katherine believed Elena would be much easier to get rid of. Two words: Damon Salvatore. Speaking of which, the witch said she let him go. If that was true, where was he? And why hadn’t he told Katherine, when he knew how worried she’d been.
“I’m going to call him”...
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Damon was sitting in the couch, his head in his hands. “Is it still not over?” Elena asked slightly worried. “I gave you two painkillers, it shouldn’t hurt no more” Damon looked up and gave her an irritated glance. “I’m not making this up, if that’s what you think” “I didn’t say I think you’re making this up” Elena defended herself. “I just find it strange… Maybe you need to get a doctor” “Yeah, let’s do that” Katherine scornfully said. She came from out of the kitchen.
“Let’s go to a nice doctor and have him examine Damon. Surely he wouldn’t...
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How are you feeling?” Sam asked.
Meg was lying on the couch and with her eyes closed she answered: “As if someone stabbed me in my stomach and my hands”
“You want a painkiller or something?” Sam asked. This was weird. Last time he had spoken to Meg he had forbidden her to ever see Cas again. Now he believed he should’ve thought twice about that.
“I don’t think that’ll help” Meg said. “We need to find that Zoey bitch and chop her head off”
“What makes you think Zoey’s behind all this?” Sam asked.
“I read Daphne’s diary” Meg said soft. “Most of it is Daphne’s...
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Janice was wondering around in the clinic. She had walked up to Daphne’s room several times, but each time she was almost there she stopped suddenly and turned around again.
She walked to Daphne’s room again. She gathered all her courage and put down the latch. She peaked inside and saw Daphne was sleeping. She tiptoed into the room and sank down in the comfy seat next to the bed. She picked up the newspaper lying on the pedestal cupboard and read the headlines. She held her head diagonally and pricked with her finger at a picture of a man.
“Bad man. Very, very bad man” she said with...
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Cas and Zoey carried the luggage upstairs to the spare room, which was across Daphne’s room. Zoey put down the luggage and threw herself on the bed. Cas stared at her, unsure whether he should stay or leave.
“Come here” Zoey said and she tapped on the bed.
Cas slowly walked to the bed and sat down, looking as if he was sitting on needles.
“You really need to stop looking like that” Zoey said. “I won’t bite. And besides, you’re the one with the super strength and the magic fingers” She looked at him. “Daphne told me what you did. You saved her life and mine. I owe you an...
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Jack walked the steps to his front door and opened it. As he hung his coat on the coat rack he shouted: “Darling, I’m home!”
His wife didn’t respond, but there were noises in the kitchen, so he assumed she was cooking dinner for him. That was one of the things that made her so amazing. No matter what time he came home from work, she would always prepare him a fresh meal. And in return he would flirt with every woman he came across. She really deserved better.
“You know that guy I had to interrogate, the one in the hospital?” he said. “There’s something really off about him. I’m...
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“Once upon a time, in a land far far away there was a girl, named… Selena. She was the most beautiful girl of the land. She was sweet and kind and very lovable. There was also a boy, named Steve who happened to be a prince, and soon they fell in love with each other. But this boy had a brother whose name was… Duncan who was in love with Selena too. However, Selena loved Steve and Steve was the charming prince. So Selena didn’t want to be with Duncan, but after some time they became good friends. One day the prince had to leave to… fight in the army. While Selena waited for him to...
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Dean carried Cas to the entrance, where Zoey blocked their way.
“You’re not going anywhere” she said.
“Right, because you’re going to stop me” Dean said sarcastic. He pushed Zoey away and walked further to the entrance.
Zoey jumped his back. She tugged his hair and scratched his face.
Dean lay Cas down as careful as possible. He grabbed Zoey’s hair and pulled her off. He smacked her on the ground and kicked her wherever he could.
“I think you’re losing your angel juju” Dean said.
Zoey crawled towards Cas. She grabbed his collar and dragged him away, closer to the edge of the holy circle.
“What are you doing?” Dean asked scared.
He got his answer as Zoey emptied a few bottled of alcohol she had kept their in stock. She conjured a lighter and smiled evil at Dean.
“No!” Dean shouted, but Zoey dropped the lighter and caused another fire.
Cas’ eyes flashed open and his chest went up and down. He was tied onto a chair and he felt a sharp pain in both his hands. He looked down at his shirt, which was soaked in blood. He moved his arms and the pain in his hands became worse. He looked over his shoulder and saw how an angel sword pinched his hands together. He heard footsteps and tried to free himself.
“You’re awake” Zoey said breathless. She was carrying a plate with food. “Good”
“You killed all those people” Cas said trembling. “Why?”
Zoey sighed. “Do we have to talk about that?” She lifted the plate. “Look,...
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Daphne took his hand. “I don’t want to lose you. You have to stay with me forever” she insisted.
Cas nodded, not really considering what she was saying.
“Emmanuel, I want you to make me your wife” Daphne said breathless.

Zoey and Shannen were sitting at the kitchen table in Zoey’s house. “I’m glad you came” Zoey said.“
Yeah, sure” Shannen said. “I meant what I said. I’ll do what I can to help you”
“Thank you” Zoey said. “I really don’t trust Emmanuel, but I promised Daphne I’d give him the benefit of the doubt”
“I get it” Shannen said. “What do you want me to do?”
“I want you to follow him, take pictures of him, maybe even film him” Zoey said.
“I don’t think that’s legal”” Shannen said careful.
“If he hurts my daughter it won’t be legal, either” Zoey snapped and Shannen cringed.
“All right, I’ll do it” Shannen agreed reluctantly.