The Storytime Spot Club
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Cas stroked his hair and tried to keep his breathing under control. Meg didn’t understand. He needed more. He had lied about the pain being back, but he hadn’t lied about needing another dose. He opened the upper buttons of his shirt, suddenly feeling feverish.
He hurried to the dresser and opened all drawers and cupboard doors. He searched through them, checking all boxes, finding nothing. He slammed everything shut and began to rub his fingers again.
“If I were a medicine cabinet, where would I be?” Cas mumbled trembling and out of breath. He ran to the stairs and sprinted upstairs. He went to the bathroom and opened the mirror cupboard.
“Got it” he said, sighing relieved and he grabbed all boxes that had medicines in it. He took out all the strips and swallowed the pills one by one.
He leaned against the cold, marble wall and sank down on the floor. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.
Everything was a blur. The police was searching her house looking for things comparable to what Daphne had shown them on the DVD.
Daphne was sitting on the couch, staring at the black screen. She failed to erase the images in her head.
“Do you own a computer, Miss Allen?” Isabel asked. She had insisted to do this case. There was something about this man and she was going to find out what it was.
Daphne nodded numb.
“You mind if I take a look?” Isabel asked.
Daphne shook her head and stood up. She walked to the kitchen and conjured her laptop. She put it on and typed in the password. She...
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“What the hell happened to you?” Sam exclaimed.
“Someone was shooting at us” Jo explained agitated. Dean was leaning on her and he was starting to become heavy. Cas rushed to them and took over.
“Thank you” Jo said.
“Where is it that you’re injured?” Cas asked. “Then I’ll heal you”
Dean shot a long look at Jo and then looked at Cas. “No” he said slowly. “I’m not that hurt. The bullet just missed me, it’s just a scratch. Jo can take care of me”
Jo frowned, but nodded in agreement.
Dean shot a meaningful glance at Sam, knowing Cas wouldn’t understand. Sam grabbed...
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“I’m sorry” the doctor. “There’s nothing we can do for him”
“But…you haven’t even tried” Zoey said trembling. “You can’t just leave without trying. You’re a doctor for God’s sake! Help him!”
She attacked the doctor and he let her slap him. The nurse came forward and pulled Zoey away.
“The pathologist will be here in a minute” the doctor said. “I’m really sorry”
The medical staff packed up their things and left. A few minutes later, Zoey hadn’t moved an inch, a few man in white costumes came in her room. Apparently the man next door, who had a key of the...
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Jo and Anna where walking at the mall. Jo needed some distraction and Anna needed companion. Jo walked into a clothing shop and dragged Anna inside. Her eyes fell on a long, purple dress and she walked towards it.
“You should try it on” Anna encouraged her. Jo took the dress and walked to the fitting rooms. “Thanks for taking me with you”
“You’re welcome” Jo said, when she came out of the room. “What do you think?”
“I like it, but it’s not really your color” Anna said honest. “Plus it’s two inches short”
Jo got back in the room and while she took off the dress and...
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Cas and the man from the furniture company waited outside while the firemen extinguished the fire. Taking advantage of all the activity Meg sneaked in through the back door. She walked through the kitchen to the hallway and upstairs.
She went to Daphne’s bedroom. There had to be something in here she could use against her.
She opened the closet and searched through the clothes. Every now and then she inspected a piece of clothing and if she liked it she threw it on the bed. She had to increase her wardrobe one way or the other.
She walked to the cabinet and opened the first drawer. Underwear,...
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The next morning.
Cas slowly opened his eyes and tried to remember where he was. A door slammed and he startled. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. Two hands grabbed his shoulders and he looked up.
“Meg?” he mumbled. “Where’s Daphne?”
“She left” Meg said nervous. “I don’t know when she’ll be back, so we have to hurry”
“I’m not sure what you mean” Cas said tired.
At that moment Meg really wanted to tell him the truth. About who he was, what he was, but she couldn’t. He would freak out and that was the last thing they wanted. Well, the second last thing right after Crowley...
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Cas kicked the door of their bedroom open. Daphne was sitting on top of Mitch.
“Daphne” Mitch said, looking at Cas.    
“Don’t worry” Daphne said with a heavy voice. “That’s my husband. He knows I have my needs. It’s not my fault he’s incompetent”
Mitch pushed her off of him and searched for his clothes. Cas turned around and ran downstairs.
“What are you doing?” Daphne asked grumpy. “Come back in bed”
“Are you completely out of your mind?” Mitch exclaimed.
“Oh, please, you knew I was married” Daphne said.
“That was really low” Mitch said. “Get dressed. I’m done here. You go find someone else to consider your needs”
“Come on, don’t be like that” Daphne said.
They heard an enormous crack and they jumped.
“What the hell was that?” Mitch asked.
When Cas entered the living room, Daphne was sitting on the couch, her parents sitting at both sides. She was just blowing her nose when Cas came their way.
“Daphne, I feel regret for the misery I have caused. I don’t want you to fight with your sister. You need her and she needs you. Perhaps you should get in contact with her and try make things right” he said.
Daphne wiped her eyes, but it was no use; the tears just kept rolling.
“I can clearly see the recent events have influenced your mood” Cas said sad. “Maybe we should leave these people and go to a more entertaining companion”...
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Jack was putting on his coat when his phone buzzed. He took him out of his pocket and smirked when Zoey’s name appeared on the screen.
“Miss Allen, I’m just finishing up here and then I’m going straight home, so that drink you’re dying to have with me, it’s going to have to wait”
“Check her facebook profile” Zoey said.
“What?” Jack asked distracted.
“She posted some pictures of her and Emmanuel on her facebook page” Zoey explained. “You can cut her out of it and scan the photo. See what you come up with”
“Are you still there?” she asked slowly.
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“He’s a cop, Zoey!” Daphne exclaimed. “What else do you need?”
“I’m sorry, D, I wasn’t thinking” Zoey said.
Cas was sitting at the kitchen table watching Daphne and Zoey arguing.
“Perhaps it might be better if I would find another place to stay” he suggested. Zoey rotated her head to him.
“Finally something smart coming out of your mouth” she said. “You know what? Get up, I’ll drive you myself”
Cas stood up, but Daphne walked to him and pushed him on the chair again.
“You’re not going anywhere” she said sharp.
Zoey took a deep breath. “Maybe we should...
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“You shouldn’t have come here” Damon said nervous. “Go away”
“I will” Elena said. “With you. Can you get up?”
Damon shook his head. “I have to stay here…I have to make amends”
Elena frowned. “What are you talking about? Just get up and come with me. And please open your eyes”
Damon shook his head again. “I can’t open them. It hurts too much” he said a little ashamed. But Elena didn’t listen and pushed his eyelids up. She regretted it immediately.
“What has she done?” she asked shocked.

“Vervain” Caroline said.
“Why doesn’t he heal?” Elena asked....
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Elena lay in her bed, but it had taken Stefan two hours to reassure her Damon was alright.
“I brought him to Ric’s loft” he had said. “If I would’ve brought him here Bonnie would’ve found him in no time. You can go see him tomorrow. I promise”
“Where’s my phone?” she asked shaking. “I want to call him. I want to hear him say he’s okay"
Stefan gave Elena’s phone and she dialed Damon’s number. It went straight to voicemail. “He’s not picking up” Elena said scared. “Something happened”
Stefan took her by her shoulders. “Elena, his phone is probably dead and...
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Elena and Bonnie were sitting outside the Grill, both having a lemonade, when both their phones rang.
“Bonnie” Bonnie said.
“Hello, Elena speaking” Elena said, trying not to give away anything and hoping Bonnie would be too caught up in her own conversation.
“It’s time” Damon said. “Meet me at the Boarding House. I’ll be in the car” He ended the conversation.
And so did Bonnie. “Elena, I’m so sorry, but I have to go” she apologized.
“Oh?” Elena said sheepish.
“Yeah, I’m having a date tonight” Bonnie blushed.
“Really? That’s great! Who’s the lucky one?” Elena fired her curiosity.
“Ehm, I rather not say. At least not until it’s official” Bonnie said.
“Of course, I get it” Elena said. Bonnie put some money on the table. “See you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, tell me all that happened” Elena waved as Bonnie walked away. The moment she was gone Elena jumped up and ran away as if she was being chased.
She slammed the door open and went straight to the kitchen. Rachel looked up both shocked and excited. She wanted to walk to her, but Kelsey raised her hand. “Don’t come any closer” she said. “I just spent the most horrible and painful night of my life and I want to know why”
“Honey, I only know the big lines. I can’t tell you much” Rachel said. “Your father is coming home soon and he’ll be furious if he knows you’re here”
“Dad doesn’t have any right to be furious” Kelsey snapped. “He lied to me. He’s been keeping secrets from me”
“I know and I can’t make...
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Damon and Elena were in the kitchen, both sitting on the dresser. Elena pulled on a hole in her jeans, making it bigger.
“The fashion trend where people wear worn off jeans has passed a long time ago, Elena” Damon smirked.
“I’m sorry’ Elena mumbled.
“It’s okay…But if you want to make more holes I can help you” Damon winked.
“That’s not what I’m talking about” Elena shook her head. “I’m sorry about the bracelet. Amber broke it. I know how much it means to you and giving it to me was a really nice offer and now it’s broken and I can’t fix it”
Damon shrugged....
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Stefan looked up when he heard the door open. Damon and Katherine entered, but they were alone. “Where’s Elena”? Stefan asked, looking over Katherine and Damon’s head.
“She’s in the car with Caroline…and Bonnie” Katherine added grumpy. Stefan looked outside to see the car.
“The car that’s still on the road” Damon cleared up.
“Ah” Stefan said.
“Where did that treacherous bitch go?” Katherine tried to be neutral.
“You mean Amber?” Stefan said. “I don’t know. I thought she was right behind me, but I only turned around when I was here and by that time she was gone”...
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“I still can’t believe you killed him”
Amber and Kelsey were hiding in the woods.
“And I can’t believe you just drained him” Kelsey fired back. Amber shrugged. “You know what I am, what did you expect?”
“Who turned you?” Kelsey asked.
“Some guy named Stefan, why?” Amber said. Kelsey’s eyes widened. “Stefan Salvatore?” “Yeah” “You got involved with a Salvatore? Are you out of your mind?”
“I didn’t get involved with him! He got involved with me. He attacked me. And why are you so upset about him being a Salvatore?” Amber asked uncomprehending.
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“You should go see a doctor”
Elena and Damon were sitting at the kitchen table with the first aid kit in the center. Elena had tried to bandage Damon’s finger, but the bandage didn’t want to cooperate.
“I can’t go to a doctor, I’m a vampire” Damon said. “And it’s broken, a first aid kit is not going to help”
“But doesn’t it hurt?” Elena asked compassionate.
“It’s okay” Damon said. Bonnie had made the pain lighter, just like she did with the whole jinx, but of course she couldn’t take it away completely. For that she had to die and since he couldn’t kill...
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The sun was almost down and Stefan and Amber were once again sitting with each other. Now that Klaus knew they were just friends he didn’t find it necessary to send someone spying on them. He wanted Stefan to be his most loyal servant and he wanted to trust him. His closeness to Amber was alarming, but on the other hand Stefan wouldn’t be so stupid to go against Klaus’ wishes, knowing what could possibly be the consequences. No one would stop him if he went after Damon, or worse Elena. No, Stefan wouldn’t take that chance.
He couldn’t be more wrong. He watched Stefan and Amber talking,...
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Bonnie and Damon were walking down the path leading to the front door of the Salvatore Boarding House. Bonnie ironed her shirt with her hands. “Listen, Damon, it took me a lot of work to make everyone satisfied with the situation. It wouldn’t do much good if you start spouting out the wrong things, you know what I mean? And Katherine doesn’t like me that much” she said. Damon looked at the sky. “Now, why would that be?” he said sarcastic. Bonnie knocked and five seconds later the door was opened by Katherine. She flew in Damon’s arms. Bonnie pursed her lips and tapped her arm....
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