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posted by loveDE45
Earlier this evening I saw my friend Kelly having an emotional breakdown over a certain contrast between SE and DE and I promised her to try to write a post out of her fangirling/sobbing tweets.
We all remember just how completely shattered and absolutely alone Elena felt in 3x20 when Alaric was dying - his human death.
She was crying and completely out of it, saying ‘I have no one’. 
In that exact moment Stefan jumped right in and TOLD her flat out ‘You have me’ in a way that came across as completely self-serving and non-understanding of Elena’s actual situation.

First of all, Elena was devastated after losing her 6th and last parental figure, the one that had promised to look after and protect her and her brother - she was not mourning the loss of a boyfriend or a friend that Stefan could actually replace.

When that Alaric disappeared from her life suddenly, Elena was very distraught and extremely vulnerable not only because she felt un-safe, but because Alaric was not just her adult guardian, he was her close friend that she truly loved and the thought of him also dying on her made her insides feel like they’re eating her from the inside out.
So for Stefan, who for the record, treated Elena like actual shit even after being free from Klaus’ compulsion, threatened to drive her off a bridge and turn her in to a vampire, told her that she and her brother don’t matter to him, turned his back on her and chose revenge over her love for him, to actually have the nerve to take advantage of that opportunity of Elena’s sadness and vulnerability to get her to let him back in (both her heart and in her pants) again, to forgive him is just disturbing.
Stefan told Elena that she had him with his words after a whole season of showing her the exact opposite, he talks but the substance of the words is not there.
On the other hand, Elena felt just as alone and lonely in 4x07, in a different way.

She was judged for every thought, word and action she had, said or did by the closest people to her; her brother and her best friend. On top of that add her ex-boyfriend too.
One tried to kill her (not his fault), the other one yelled at her telling her that she’s just not good enough, she’s ridiculous and that something is wrong with her. And her ex-boyfriend told her that she needs to be fixed.

Imagine all of that being thrown in your face in one day.
Elena felt completely judged and left alone by the people nearest to her. She was lonely.
So when she is sitting with Damon in the Salvatore living room and they’re drinking together, Elena says ‘my brother tried to kill me.’
What does Damon say? ‘Welcome to the club’ = ‘You’re not alone. I know how you feel.’

It’s honest and subtle. It’s not direct or desperate and in-your-face like that SE moment in 3x20 felt.
He didn’t tell her ‘Oh Elena, don’t mind Jeremy, you have me here!’ Just simply ‘welcome to the club’ in true Damon style, a bit of sarcasm and humor in the statement.
And when Elena says ‘It’s safe to say that I’m not so great at this vampire thing’ he tells her something very sweet, special and very beautiful.

He says ‘I’ve never seen you more alive.’, which is equivalent to: ‘I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks and neither should you. You’re beautiful and I love you either way.’ Elena KNOWS that Damon has been in love with her since she was human, and for him to tell her, in this moment when her brother, best friend and ex-boyfriend, told her that she’s just not good enough for them as a vampire and they can’t love her the way they used to, Damon tells her, again subtly, that he still loves her and he’ll never stop loving her no matter how many times she turns either in to a human or vampire or a damn hybrid.
He told her exactly what she needed to hear, not just because she needed to hear it, but because to him that is the truth, and he wants her to know that no matter what others say, she is perfect in his eyes. He wants her to not feel bad about herself because her being in pain pains him.
What is most beautiful to me here is the fact that Damon is Elena’s best friend, in reality, they never said it in words, but when you look at their level of closeness and trust and the way they never hide ANYTHING from each other and because they lean on each other through the hard times, they are indeed each other’s best friends.

So when she hears her best friend that she knows is in love with her, her best friend who makes her insides become mush and makes butterflies explode fluttering all over her body, telling her that he thinks she is alive, vibrant, beautiful and worthy of love, with no ulterior motive, it only makes her fall for him even more.

He wasn’t trying to manipulate his way in to her heart or her bed or her anything, he was not trying to tell her or make her see that she still has him when everyone else has abandoned her. That wasn’t necessary for him to tell, because she has always had, still has and will forever have Damon by her side. And she knows that. -credit someone from tumblr
Jeremy ran through the hallway of the hospital. Stefan had given him a call to fill him in and he had also mentioned in which room Elena was ‘staying’. Ignoring the reproaching of several doctors and nurses and other medical staff he opened the door and stopped to breathe.
“Jeremy, why aren’t you at school?” Elena asked a little harsh.
“I was there” Jeremy said. “But then Stefan called me, saying you were sick”
Elena looked away. “He shouldn’t have said that” she said grumpy. Jeremy walked to the bed and sank down. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m fine” Elena said...
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“How is he?” Derek asked as soon as Damon and Elena entered the Boarding House.
“I’m right here” Damon said. He walked to the couch and sank down. Elena sat down next to him and looked at Derek. “Hey, could you go and get some blood”
“Yeah, sure” Derek nodded and he rushed to the basement.
“You feeling better?” Elena asked concerned, taking Damon’s hand.
“I’m fine” Damon said short. “Why were you in the hospital?”
Elena looked away. Then she looked back. “Who told you that?”
“Who do you think?” Damon smirked. “He told me not to come, but I’m a little...
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Damon was lying on the autopsy table, bare naked. A man in a white coat was standing over him, holding a scalpel in his hand.
Jeremy was standing at the reception of the police office, impatiently waiting for the sheriff to show up. After a few minutes a door went open and Liz came inside. “Jeremy, hi, can I help you?”
“There was an accident tonight” Jeremy quickly started without an introduction. “What happened to the body?”
The coroner placed the scalpel next to Damon’s clavicle.
Liz arrayed her paperwork, taking her time to answer. “I don’t see why I should share that kind...
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“I have to go to him” Elena said agitated. She got out of bed and wanted to walk to the door when Katherine grabbed her by her upper arms.
“You can’t leave now” she said.
“Why not?” Elena asked angry. “He might die if I stay here. I should’ve listened to Derek”
“Elena, they won’t let you go” Katherine said. She looked at Elena. “Give me your clothes” she ordered.
“What?” Elena asked confused.
“Give me your clothes, then I will give you mine” Katherine insisted.
“You’re willing to stay the night here so I can go see Damon?” Elena asked with raised eyebrows....
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Elena, Jeremy and Ric were sitting at the kitchen table having dinner. Well, Jeremy was eating. Elena was stirring in her food and Alaric was looking at her.
“If you wanted mashed potatoes you could’ve asked” he said. Elena looked up distracted. “What? No, it’s good. It’s really nice” she said.
“How would you know?” Alaric asked. “You didn’t eat yet”
“It looks really nice” Elena said shrugging.
“If you’re not hungry, that’s fine” Alaric said. “You don’t have to eat. But if there’s something else, I want you to tell me”
Elena looked down at her plate,...
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Stefan looked around him. Rebekah had brought him to a party for which they weren’t invited. But she had used her charms to have the owner of the house to invite them in. “What are we doing here?”
“Doing groceries” Rebekah replied. She let her eyes glide over the guests as if she was comparing products.
“I have blood bags” Stefan said. Rebekah gave him a disgusted look. “I’m not eating deep fried food. I prefer it to be fresh. Sure you agree”
“Blood is blood” Stefan said.
“There” Rebekah pointed at the corner left from Stefan. “He looks yummy”
“Rebekah” Stefan...
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Caroline took her books she needed for the next few classes and closed her locker. Elena leaned against the lockers and looked at her. She saw the red underneath Caroline’s eyes. “Hey, have you been crying?”
Caroline shook her head. “No” she said with a small voice. She swallowed and forced a smile. She sighed and looked at her friend. “No” she repeated a little steadier. “I saw Tyler at the Grill today”
“Oh” Elena blinked. “And how was he? Did he tell you what happened?”
Caroline shook her head again. “Not exactly. He…said it’s none of my business what he does...
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“Who’s Ronnie, if I may ask?” Klaus asked. Tyler frowned, wondering how Klaus knew about her. But the moment Klaus conjured Tyler’s phone everything was clear.
“She’s sent you quite some messages” he said acting admired. “What happened to the blonde one?”
Tyler didn’t answer that, but he did answer Klaus first question. “She’s just some girl who got here a few weeks ago. Here is Mystic Falls…We’re still in Mystic Falls, right?”
“Sure we are” Klaus smirked. “Something else I should know? Something important, maybe?”
“She knows a little too much” Tyler...
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Tyler woke up and found himself chained onto a chair. “What the hell?”
“Oh, no, not hell. Heaven. That’s where you’ll soon be” a voice said. A voice that sounded horribly familiar. A shadow came over Tyler and Klaus came in vision.
“Seriously? You again? If I wanted to see your ugly face again I would’ve given you a call” Tyler said annoyed. Being imprisoned by Klaus was getting really old. “Look, whatever you want with me, can you just get it over with already?”
“Oh, but of course” Klaus said. He bit his wrist and forced Tyler to drink his blood. Then he grabbed Tyler’s neck and snapped it.
“And now we wait” Klaus said.
“You sure no one’s going to bust us here?” Derek asked a little concerned. They were standing in the gym.
“Positive” Damon said, with his eyes on a paper. “According to this paper there are no gym classes for the next couple of hours, so I think we’re good”
Derek nodded. “Okay” he said, still not sounding very reassured.
“Look, I don’t want to do this, so shut up and stop whining” Damon said short. Derek looked at him a little upset. “Sorry. I’m a little peevish. I wasn’t expecting to see you ever again and it definitely wasn’t on my Christmas list”
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“It’s alright, you can take your time” the doctor said. She stared at the young woman who was sitting opposite of her and hadn’t said a word since she walked in.
“I need help” Bonnie eventually said with a small voice. The doctor nodded. “That’s why you’re here. Acknowledging you’re powerless is the first step and you’ve taken it”
“I’ve done horrible things” Bonnie said staring at the desk. “And my victims will carry the scars forever”
“That’s how things look like right now” the doctor said. “In time it could change. They can learn to live with it, as...
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One week later.

Damon was only half dressed when he heard footsteps. Knowing better he hoped it was Elena. But it wasn’t, obviously.
“You’re an idiot” Caroline said reproachful.
“That doesn’t even come close to cover it” Damon said turning around. “You want some?” he asked waving his glass of Scottish Whisky.
“Please” Caroline nodded and Damon gave her his glass which he had already refilled.
“Yeah, just take it” Damon insisted when Caroline frowned. “I’ve been drinking way too much already”
Caroline accepted the glass and took a sip. “Well, like I said, you’re...
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Tyler entered the Grill and headed to the bar. Ronnie gave him a bottle of beer. “On me”
“Thanks” Tyler said, a little surprised. “You want something from me?”
“Why, because I give you free booze?” Ronnie asked with a smirk.
“Well, yeah” Tyler said.
“Hmm” Ronnie smiled. “Maybe I’m trying to make you my best customer?”
“Keep it up this way and you might succeed” Tyler said. “Cheers” he said before drinking.
Without any warning Ronnie grabbed his collar and pressed her lips against his. Tyler pushed her away and she smacked against the cabinet with bottles and...
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Damon opened the door of the bathroom and collided to Elena, who was staring at him with crossed arms.
“What?” Damon asked. Elena was giving him this reproachful look.
“Are you going to tell me what happened last night?” Elena said.
“No” Damon refused. “What’s there to tell? I had a bad dream. It’s not uncommon, you can look it up”
“But I thought they were over? Is this why you want us to sleep in separate rooms? So I wouldn’t know? Damon, you can’t keep those kind of things from me. If someone’s trying to hurt you you have to tell me” Elena said caring.
Damon walked...
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Elena entered the Grill and walked to a table. She was going to meet Damon there.
She looked up at Stefan. “Hi” she said uncomfortable. They hadn’t really spoken since she had declared her love for Damon.
“Can I sit with you?” Stefan asked careful. Feeling it would be impolite to reject Elena nodded. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there last night. Caroline told me she was giving a party to celebrate you and…Damon”
“It’s okay, Stefan, it wasn’t that big of a deal” Elena said.
“I just thought it would be weird” Stefan explained. “After all that happened I’m not...
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Covered in nothing but a towel Stefan opened the door of Alaric’s loft in which he lived for the time being. There were two women standing in the doorway, one being the selfish vampire slut that had changed him and his brother, the other being a blonde girl he had not seen before yet somehow she looked familiar, as if she belonged to a part of his past he had tried so hard to bury he had forgotten it.
“Good morning, Stefan” Katherine said. “Won’t you invite us in?”
“Give me a reason” Stefan smirked.
“Because you love me” Katherine said obvious and a glare of annoyance flashed...
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Katherine was in the kitchen of her new house, which she shared with Klaus and Rebekah, but they were gone for now. She smeared some loafs of bread and poured a can with tap water. She bit her arm and let some drops of blood drop on the bread. She placed the bread and the water on a plate and walked out of the kitchen.
She walked to the front door and left the house. The plate in her hands she slowly walked over the street.
She arrived at Fell’s Church and climbed down. She walked to a wall, put the plate down and shoved the wall aside. A pale hand came in view and a girl lifted up her head...
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“How do I look?” Elena asked, spinning around.
“Delicious” Damon said with a gleam in his eyes which glided over Elena’s face, over her breasts, her belly and her legs. He wanted her so badly, but he pressed his lips, swallowed and got off the bed. “You look amazing” he said, kissing her. He let go of her but Elena pulled him back, sticking her tongue in his mouth. “We should go” Damon said hoarse. Elena shook her head. “No” she said. “We still have some time”
She held one of her hands around Damon’s neck and with her other hand she went down in his pants. “Oh God”...
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posted by orkneymatrix
I can obviously think of a gazillion reasons to love it, but 10 seems like a round number...

1. The action is so fast and amazing it makes you fear blinking in case you miss something...

2. Hello?? Damon Salvatore's in the show!!

3. Several truly gasp-worthy moments in EVERY episode.

4. The Originals!! Sure, I'm not their biggest fan, but they spruce the show up a lot and make it a lot more interesting.

5. Flashbacks. Whether its the Originals 1000 years ago or Damon and Elena meeting just 1 year ago, you can never get enough of the flashbacks...

6. The truly beautiful main cast... from Nina Dobrev...
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The Cemetery
Alaric, Elena and Jeremy were standing before Jenna’s grave.
“I’m sorry it took me so long to get here, Jenna” Alaric said soft.
“Yeah, now you’re here”
Jeremy, who was the only one who heard it, startled and looked up. Jenna was sitting on her grave and winked at him.
“Are you alright, Jer?” Elena asked frowning and looking at her younger brother.
“Yeah, yeah” Jeremy said quickly. He stared at the stone, but Jenna was gone. Then he heard someone whistle and he looked around. Jenna was standing a few yards away from them.
“Jeremy, what are you looking at?”...
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