The Young and the Restless Couples Club
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While the women had gone next door to the Newman house so Summer could handle everything Victor had requested, Kyle and the men had carried all of the luggage into the Abbott house and the rooms where they would all be staying. The insides of both the Abbott and Newman homes were similar to how Kyle and Summer’s house looked because they had wanted their home to incorporate elements from all of the vacation homes their families had all over the world. “Your initials will be on the door of the room that you guys will be staying in. Since Summer and I will be in my room, our initials aren’t on the door of my room.” Kyle informed them. “I’ll be back up in a little bit because I need to go talk to the caretakers real quick,” he added.
    “That’s fine, Kyle. Take your time.”
    While the men were at the Abbott house unpacking and unloading, Summer and the women had walked over to the Newman house so she could do what she needed to do. She showed them her bedroom where Kyle and her stayed whenever they stayed with the Newmans while in Italy especially her closet which was the same size as the closet in the master bedroom she shared with Kyle in their home. “Go ahead and look around if you want because I need to talk to the caretakers about something my grandfather wants done.” Summer told them.
    “Thank you. We’ll do that, Summer.”
    Kyle was in the Abbott house telling the caretakers exactly what Jack had told him to tell them while Summer was doing the same thing at the Newman house with THEIR caretakers. Once Summer was done, she told the women that it was time for them to rejoin the men to get freshened up and refreshed before their dinner reservations. All six of them were shocked at well how Kyle and Summer were able to speak Italian but they explained that it was the benefit of growing up in their families. Everyone went to their rooms to get settled in and relaxed so Kyle took that time to inform Summer about what exactly his father had told him in regards to their daughter. “Dad told me that Dr. Chambers would call us sometime next week with the results of Nicole’s allergy testing. He also said that she’s with my family tonight and will be with yours tomorrow.”
    “It’s almost Nicole’s bedtime so we should go ahead and call her from the house and make sure that she does her usual bedtime routine that we do with her. It’s like when our parents had to leave for work or whatever the situation was. They still made sure that we did our bedtime routines so we should do the same with her.”
    All four couples ended up calling their daughters at the same time to wish them goodnight and making sure their children kept up their routines. While talking to their girls, they were also getting ready to go to dinner at the restaurant Kyle had made reservations at for them. “Mommy and I will bring you with us next time and we’ll bring you to our favorite restaurants while at the same time your mother and you can do her favorite thing and we can have some quality time as a family.” Kyle told Nicole.
    “Daddy? I love shopping just like Mommy because she has gotten me into it. I love the fact that we can have mother-daughter shopping trips now. I love Mommy and you so much and I miss you.” Nicole told Kyle.
    “Your father and I made sure that you had everything you need for your time with your grandparents because they love you as much as we do and wanted to spend quality time with just you. We also made sure that we put two good bedtime stories in there that they can read to you before you go to bed just like we do. We love you and we’ll call you tomorrow.” Summer told her.