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posted by iheartwheaterly
I've been gone for a while. Needed to think about things...but anyway here's a new series!
DISCLAIMER-Dude,you know the deal.

First Chapter-Tony's POV
After much thought,I decided I should just call. It couldn't hurt. I moved to grab my phone and felt a sharp,sudden feeling. Suddenly, the pungent smell of blood flooded my nostrils. Another bloody nose had come about,all I did was move!
Earlier today,McGeek threw a football to me. Not fully watching where I was heading,I ran into the metal pole. Last time I'll go along for him. I had broken my nose. Whipedie fricken' doo!
Gibbs was pissed that we were fooling around,so I got a harsh head slap too.After being rushed to the hospital,my close friend,Ziva drove me home. She just walked me up the stairs and left.
Narrator's POV...
Tony took care of his bloody nose. He then turned off all the lights and paced back and forth.
Tony's POV
Ziva doesn't love me. She doesn't care. She's seeing someone else. I can't make the mistake of killing him again. If it makes her happy,then I'll deal with it. Finally,I just can take it.
I unsteadily pick up my cell. I dial her number.
"Oh,sorry are you with your 'friend'?"
"N..."she tried to beat him to his next comment.
"If you are,remember protection."
"I'm not actually." she retorted.
"Well,movie night?" he said in a adoring way.
I heard a long pause on Ziva's end.
"I will be over momentarily." she said.
I turned on all the lights and went into the bathroom. I fixed my hair a little bit and ran to my room. Wait! Why was I doing this. She had a boyfriend...that wasn't me.
Narrator's POV
Anthony heard a sudden knock on the door.
He approached the door with unsteady hands.
"Are you feeling,well?"
"Yeah,just a little sore."
He stepped aside,queing her entrance.She had a paper bag in her hand.
"What is this,my sexy ninja?" he said with a devlish smile.
"Sexy?" she asked.
"Well,this is awkward,so I will go take a shower." Tony insisted.
Ziva waited until he went into the bathroom,and then quietly went into his room. She fingered through his bed side table. She found a few dirty magazines,expired condoms,and a book. Not a regular book either. It was a book he kept as a journal.