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1. forgiveness and love, cannot be earned, deserved, bought, sold, won, or forced. They are a gift and should never be taken for granted or expected.....only accepted.

2. when the going gets tough look around you....those who are still around are your true friends....

3. A cut from a sharp knife will in time heal, a cut from a sharp word can last a life time, think before you speak....

4. Love is looking past someones faults and finding beauty in their imperfections...

5. in age you find wisdom, in wisdom you find truth, in truth you find trust, in trust you find love, in love you find happiness you find you...

6.the most valuable item you own is your word....the easiest thing to loose and the hardest to get it back, all relationships are based on honesty...

7. watch your thoughts, they become words. watch your words, they become actions. watch your actions, they become habits. watch your habits, they become your character.

8. this life is yours. take the power to choose what you want to do and do it well...take the power to love what you want in life and love it honestly...

9. love because you are loved. smile because its contagious. laugh because its good for your soul. live because everyday is a gift not to be squandered..

10. remember to always be happy because you never know whos going to fall in love with your smile...

11. you should only regret the things you didnt do not the things you did do....

12. i am young but not naive, wise but not a know it all, friendly but not a push over, and i have made mistakes but learned from them..

13. its not what happens to you in your life the determines your character, but how you choose to respond to it.

14. friends come and go, but the ones that come back are the ones worth keeping forever.

15. to believe in an angel is to acknowledge that life is more that what we see. it is faith in action. it is a step toward seeing reality.
added by Toshiro_IceWolf
added by Toshiro_IceWolf
added by Toshiro_IceWolf
added by Toshiro_IceWolf
added by Toshiro_IceWolf
added by Toshiro_IceWolf
added by Toshiro_IceWolf
added by Toshiro_IceWolf
added by Toshiro_IceWolf
added by Toshiro_IceWolf
added by Toshiro_IceWolf
added by Toshiro_IceWolf
added by Toshiro_IceWolf
added by Toshiro_IceWolf
added by Toshiro_IceWolf
added by Toshiro_IceWolf
1. forgiveness and love, cannot be earned, deserved, bought, sold, won, or forced. They are a gift and should never be taken for granted or expected.....only accepted.

2. when the going gets tough look around you....those who are still around are your true friends....

3. A cut from a sharp knife will in time heal, a cut from a sharp word can last a life time, think before you speak....

4. Love is looking past someones faults and finding beauty in their imperfections...

5. in age you find wisdom, in wisdom you find truth, in truth you find trust, in trust you find love, in love you find
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1. being a friend is not just sharing a joke, a conversation, a cup of coffee or a funny means sharing an honest and true part of yourself.....

2. real tears are not those that fall from your eyes and cover your face.

Real tears are those that fall from your heart and cover your soul.

3. it takes a lifetime to gain trust and just one day to break it....

4. happiness keeps us sweet
trials keep us strong
sorrows keep us human
failures keeps us humble
success keeps us growing
but only friends keeps us going!!!

5. Learn from for today...hope for's too short to...
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added by Toshiro_IceWolf
added by Toshiro_IceWolf