Trunks and Pan Club
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posted by trunksbriefs
Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING OF DRAGON BALL Z…I wish I did though

Hey everyone! This is my first ever fanfic! Yay! I hope you guys love it! My fanfic flash backs or memories will only be based on the true things that have actually happened in DBZ. This will make more sense in the story.

Yes I made their ages based on truth so sorry if you believe In close age marriage.

Son Pan: 18

Trunks Briefs: 32

Son Goten: 31

Bulla Briefs: 20

*Goku's Home*

"Come on Goten hurry up!" Trunks yelled as he was tapping his foot on the

ground. They were going to go out clubbing, but Trunks thought they were

going to be here all night. Just as Trunks was about to start yelling again, he

saw Pan wearing a very short red dress that showed her always covered curves.

She had on black heels about 2 inches high. *Why is she wearing that dress?

She hates dresses especially if they were that short.* Trunks asked himself as

she came down stares with Goten right behind her. "Hey Trunks. Ready to go?"

Trunks was immediately snapped out of his thoughts when Goten spoke. "I've

been ready since I got here." Pan ignored the two *so called men* and grabbed

her keys from the counter. "Grandma! I'll be back before midnight!" She yelled

as she ran towards the door avoiding confrontation with her uncle. The door

slammed and it caught the attention of the two half Saiyans. "Where is she

going in such a hurry?" asked Goten. "I don't know, but it must be important if

she's going in that cute dre…" He stopped after he realized what he was about to

say. "Cute what Trunks?" teased the son of Goku. "Nothing you big moron." He

smacked Goten on the back of his head and headed for the door. "Let's go. I want

to get there before all the entertainment leaves." Trunks said with a wicked look

in his eye. Goten nodded, and he followed Trunks to his new black convertible.

"You need to get me one of these." "Why should I? So you can use it to pick up

girls then sleep with them like you did with Gohan's car." "Hey that was only

once and like you don't do that." Goten punched Trunks in the arm before he sat

down on the passenger side.

*Fun House*

"Do you really think we're going to be able to sneak inside without anyone noticing?" "Of course. My brother would always tell me how he was allowed to go in when he was only 19." "Yeah but what if someone recognizes us while…" she was cut off when she noticed a real big guy heading towards them. "Umm Bulla." Pan stuttered, "Who's that?" Bulla turned around and saw the big guy. She also noticed that he had his hand behind his back. "Hey ladies." Spoke the man with a real deep voice as if trying to conceal his real one. "How about you come with me and I'll treat you two to some drinks. On me." He said with a smile. "Uh…I don't think so mister. Come on Bulla lets go." Pan grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her to the parking lot. Before they can even reach five feet, the guy grabbed Pan by her waist and dropped her down to the ground. "Pan!" "Don't worry Bulla. I'm fine. It's this guy who should be the one worried." She gave him a death glare and started to get up, but he just pushed himself on her. "Who do you think you are!" She demanded. "A man who needs some pleasure for tonight." The guy just stared at her body and gave her a wink. "Bulla. Get in the car. Now!" Bulla did what she was told and got in. She started the car and waited for her next order. Pan didn't even struggle to break free she just waited for the right opportunity to strike. *This guy is going to wish he never touched me* As the guy reached down to kiss her, Pan quickly lifted her knee, hitting him right in his stomach. Pan pushed him off, but then she felt the urge to beat him up a little. *I bet this guy will just try to rape another girl if I leave him unharmed* With that she offered her hand to help lift him up. He surprisingly accepted, but he was even more shocked when he felt a punch to his groin. She then back flipped, breaking his jaw with her foot. "If you ever dare lay a hand on another girl in your life, I will be glad to show you real pain. This is not even a pinch of what I can do." Satisfied with the scared look on his face, Pan got in the car and drove off while Bulla just stared at her. "what's wrong Bulla?" "It's just that…you kind of raised your power level then dropped it down." "I had to. That way nobody can sense my energy."

Out of nowhere, Pan saw two fast coming lights. She could tell they were strong by their energy, but she hoped that they weren't familiar. The two men landed right in front of the car, making Pan lose control; thankfully, one of them stopped the car before they flipped. "Are you two ok? We sensed Pan's energy going up and down rapidly." Asked Goten. "Yes we are. We just had some trouble with some rapist, but we're…"Trunks quickly got Bulla out of the car and searched to see if she was hurt. "Where is he? What did he do to you?" "He didn't do anything. Pan was the one who got attacked, but she took care of it." Trunks let go of his sister and proceeded towards Pan. "Are you sure you're fine?" "Yes Trunks. We're fine." Pan got out of the car and started flying north. "Where are you going?" Goten yelled. Pan completely ignored him and kept flying. *I'm sorry Bulla you have to face this situation on your own* thought Pan as she knew that if they were both caught, they were eventually going to have to tell them where they were at. "I'm going after her." Said Trunks as he took off flying in Pan's direction. He couldn't seem to catch up with her, so he turned super and flew faster. After what seemed forever, Trunks noticed Pan's speed go faster. *How strong is she now? Last time I trained with her she was way slower* Trunks had a feeling he was getting out matched, so he decided to trick her.

Pan noticed his power disappear, so she figured he gave up and went back with Goten and Bulla. She stopped only to be grabbed by a big set of arms that felt similar to the guy that tried to rape her. Pan got scared because she knew nobody that can fly from outside her family besides villains. *ugh! This guys just doesn't give up! He's getting on my nerves!* Pan struggled to break loose but failed. "What do you want from me! I thought I made it clear to stop harming girls!" "What do you mean? I never did anything to harm you." Said the familiar voice. Pan noticed the voice and quickly turned around breaking free from his grasp. "Trunks I thought you were…" "Some stranger that was apparently harming you?" "Uh yeah…" Pan felt her cheeks blush from embarrassment.

Trunks noticed this and he looked away from her. He knew that she would get angry with him if he saw her with her face red. "Trunks?" surprised to have heard her talk to him he looked back at her. "Yeah Panny" "You don't have to look away anymore. I'm over that already." Trunks now knew Pan was completely different. He saw her figure change, her hair grew longer up to her waist, and she was actually dressing like a girl. "Pan what has gotten into you?" he asked a bit too angry with himself for asking that out loud. "What do you mean?"

"I mean that you look like…" he couldn't find the words to come out. He had them just couldn't say it. "Look like what Trunks?" Pan was now confused that his own cheeks were redding up. She looked at what she was wearing and forgot that he has never seen her like this before. "Oh you mean the way I look?" "Uh yeah. I've never seen this look on you since you Bulla made you dress up on one of her sleepovers."

"Oh. Well we were gonna go out, but we got our plans ruined by some guy on the way…wait how do you know about what happened that night?" she asked flying closer to him. "Um well you know. I was just getting up for a snack and just over looked and…" Trunks quickly dodged an incoming blast from Pan. "I'm sorry Pan. I had to see." "Oh yeah well lets see if you'll be able to see after I blast your head off!" she yelled as she shot dozens of Ki blasts to him. Pan kept this on until she started falling to the ground because of her laughter. Trunks obviously didn't like this, so he just let her have her laugh then make his point to why he went after her.

Pan noticed Trunks just floating there with a mad face, so she stopped her laughter and waited for him to speak. Trunks saw her looking up at him, but he pretended to ignore her.

She grew irritated and started flying up towards him only to be given the look of disappointment. "Trunks?" he looked at her then turned around to give her his back. She was definitely surprised by his actions and was slightly offended, for she thought she did something wrong.

"What's wrong Trunks?" Pan asked with a confused look on her face. Trunks knew sooner or later she was going to snap at him, but he rather take his time on doing so. He loved to see her get worked up because then he'll be able to get a good fight out of it. "Trunks I'm asking you a question. If you won't tell me then I'll…" Trunks thought Pan was finally going to fight him, but to his surprise, he saw Pan flying away. *Why is she not fighting? She always fights me when I don't answer her. Something has to be going on in her mind if she won't fight* After thinking this he took off once again to go to her. *

*Why does he keep following me?* Pan thought when she turned around and noticed Trunks on her tail again. *This boy needs a life.* with that thought she powered up and flew faster. *Where am I?* She asked herself. *This place looks like….* her thought was interrupted when she felt someone grabbing her by the arms. "Trunks! Let me go now!" "Why should I? So you can fly away again?" he said with a big smile planted on his face. "Maybe but that's because…" "Because what Panny?" Pan raised her shoulders a bit to indicate that she wasn't comfortable in their position. Trunks let go and waited for her answer. "What do you do when you are completely vulnerable?" Trunks was now confused, for he has never been in that position before, not counting previous battles. "I'm afraid I don't understand what you're trying to…" "Of course you don't! No one on this freaking earth does!" Pan turned around to hide her teary eyes. "Pan what's wrong? You have been acting very different today. Did someone hurt you?" "No Trunks! No one CAN hurt me. It's impossible unless it's some kind of unknown monster!" Pan suddenly bursted into tears. Trunks has never seen Pan cry before. He had no clue why was she crying, but he needs to know. "Panny why are you upset? What is the cause of your crying? You need to tell me."

Pan waited until she stopped crying to look up at him. "Everyone thinks of me as a freak. They expect me to be like your sister just because I'm a girl. That's why you see me in this horror of a dress. Because of Earth's ignorant people, I am forced to act like a girl instead of myself."

Trunks felt pure sadness in his heart. He had no idea Pan was acting strange just because of some stupid society beliefs. He tried to reply as gentle as possible. "Of all people Pan, I thought you would be able to ignore people's thoughts. Especially if it was about you."

Pan knew she had to get away before she cried once more. "Pan you need to forget what everyone says about you. Everyone loves you for who you are. Promise me you won't go on with this and just go back to the way you are if not, I will have to go into drastic measures." Trunks said with a warm smile on his face.

Pan looked at him and gave him a big Son smile, which he loved to see on her. "Ok Trunks. I promise I'll go back to my old self." She flew forward towards him and gave him a big hug. He gladly hugged her back. She released her embrace and stood flying there until she noticed Trunks reaching down to her ear. Pan felt a bit of a rush that she was floating back down before Trunks could've done anything.

Trunks was taken back at this. *Man. Can I ever get to tell her anything without her messing it up?* He flew down to her and soon they were facing each other again. There was now an awkward silence until Trunks stepped forward, getting closer to Pan. "Pan I got something to tell you…well actually I need you to do me a huge favor." *What can he possibly want?* she thought in a curious tone. Trunks knew she was going to kill him for asking her this, but she was his only true friend, other than Goten.

"Pan I need your help." "What do you mean?"

*Oh man. What has he gotten himself into this time?* Pan waited patiently for him to continue. She noticed that he was taking this seriously as he spoke in a solemnly voice. "Pan I…" "Yes Trunks"

"Will you um…uh…please would you…" Pan couldn't' stand it when people wouldn't get straight to the point. "What is it Trunks?" She yelled. "Pan I need you to go out with me tomorrow night" He said quickly, but Pan heard it as if he words were in slow motion. *He can't be serious…or is he?* "Please Pan," He begged, "I need your help with this. It will only be a friend-only date."

*So he doesn't love me…or at least like me. Well that's good! I'm glad he said it was a friend-only date, otherwise it would have gone terribly wrong for Trunks.*

"Well Pan? What do you say?" He asked her with pleading eyes. *Please let her say yes. Please let her say yes. I promise I will eventually tell her the truth* Pan nodded as she spoke. "Trunks I'll do it…" He was about to yell out of victory and happiness until, "But you'll have to tell me what is it you need help on, and you'll need to ask my parents to 'take me out' tomorrow got it?"

"Yeah I know, but at least you agreed." Trunks walked forward and gave her a huge hug that Pan knew was a thank you. "So are you taking me home or do I need to take the little boy home?" Trunks let her go and looked at her with a playful smile. "Ok, ok I'll take you home." "Thanks Trunksie-poo." "Jeesh why does everyone call me that?" He stated in an annoyed tone. "Because we all love you so much!" Pan said this as she jumped into Trunks' arms for takeoff.

Trunks just gave her a smile and flew her home.

Sorry if that was short or long, but I promise the next one will be interesting and will get to the more created stuff. Once again this is my first ever fanfic, so I would appreciate it if you guys can review and give me a thumbs up or down. I do accept flames and you are welcomed to give me any advice on whatsoever.

I don't know when I'll be updating. It depends how fast I can type this without anyone finding out…yes I know i'm to young to write lemon fanfics but I love them so yeah well…I'll post on my fan page when I'll be getting this done…please join "Son Pan Briefs" on Facebook thank you!

THANK YOU! And hope to get some reviews from this story!!!