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posted by AdaLove
**Jacob was born to Billy and Sarah Black. Sarah died in a car crash when he was very young. Jacob remembers Bella from when they were younger, though she does not remember him.**


He has a small but very important role in this book. After Bella Swan flirts with him (as a way to get information),
he introduces the idea of Edward Cullen being a vampire by telling her Quileute legends. According to Stephenie Meyer via her official website, Jacob was originally just a device to tell Bella about the "Cold Ones".However, both she and her editor liked Jacob so much that they decided to give him a larger role in the sequels to Twilight.

***********New Moon******************

Bella becomes very good friends with Jacob, the son of her father's good friend Billy, after Edward leaves Forks. He helps her become somewhat happy and normal again, though she still misses Edward. New Moon reveals that Jacob is one of an ancient line of Quileute werewolves. They have forever been the mortal enemy of any vampire, even the Cullen family. At first Jacob thinks all this is legend, and he is frightened and disturbed by the influence a young man on the reservation, Sam Uley, has on some of the Quileute youth. But when Jacob makes the change himself in response to a new vampire threat, he learns that Sam (the leader of the pack) went through his own werewolf hardships, including a rather bloody incident with his girlfriend (now fiancée) Emily Young. As werewolves are short-tempered, highly violent, and likely to explode into wolf form when provoked to anger, Jacob agrees that he should stay away from Bella. He patrols the forest with his pack, searching for the vampires in the area who are killing local hikers. Jacob and the pack save Bella from the vampire Laurent (from Twilight), who is trying to kill her. Before the over-sized wolves chase him off, Laurent tells Bella that Victoria, James's mate (also from Twilight), is trying to kill her as revenge towards Edward, who killed her mate. Later on, Harry Clearwater dies of a heart attack . During a conversation in which Jacob almost kisses Bella, Bella's phone rings. When Jacob answers the phone, the speaker, whom he believes to be Carlisle Cullen asks where Charlie was. In reality, it was Edward pretending to be Carlisle. Jacob tells Edward that Charlie was "at the funeral" meaning Harry's funeral. Thinking that Bella has died, Edward goes to see the Volturi and Bella and Alice rush to stop him. Jacob is hurt and disgusted by Bella's choice, Edward's return, and Bella's willingness to go back to him and become a vampire. After leaving Bella's motorcycle in her driveway, Jacob reminds Edward of their treaty, which prevents the Cullen family from biting a human. This means that if a member of the Cullen family turned Bella into a vampire, the treaty would be broken and the werewolves could start a war. Jacob is upset by the whole conversation, though Bella manages to calm him down before she and Edward leave. However, when Bella turns to look at Jacob one last time, she sees he is suffering in heart-wrenching emotional pain.

******* Eclipse********

The third installment of the series begins with Jacob still trying to keep a safe distance away from Bella. She desperately tries to get a hold of him to talk, but he continues to ignore her attempts. He decides to write her a note instead. He is not comfortable with the idea of Bella walking around a vampire. The thought of it causes him to almost lose control with anger.
The book starts with Bella reading the note from Jacob. He has a hard time expressing himself in the note, as she reads through many unfinished sentences that end up being crossed out. The last comment in the note is not crossed out, and shows he is still angry with their situation.

***** Yeah, I miss you, too. A lot.
Doesn't change anything. Sorry.

Later on in the series, his affection towards Bella grow stronger. He's enraged by the fact that she will become a vampire after graduation, which is only a few weeks away. Bella feels bad that she's spending all her time with Edward and so she sneaks off to visit Jacob occasionally. Jacob invites Bella to come with him to a Quileute council meeting, and she accepts. Jacob and Bella spend the night together and listen to tribe legends, believed to be real by the Quileute. On one of the later visits, Jacob tells Bella he loves her, and kisses her, thinking that Bella loves him back. Bella, outraged that he would kiss her after he knows that she loves Edward, punches him in the jaw and breaks her hand. Jacob brings Bella home and is told by Edward that if he ever kisses Bella again, he'll break Jacob's jaw. But Edward also claims that he would allow it to happen if Bella wanted to kiss him. A while later there is a graduation party held at the Cullens' house that Jacob decides to go to, giving Bella a charm bracelet with a carving of a werewolf on it as a graduation present. While he's there he learns that Victoria has amassed a newborn vampire army to attack Bella. Jacob eagerly agrees on learning how to fight these vampires and to fight along with the Cullens to protect Bella. Their original plan was to have the werewolf, Seth Clearwater, watch over Bella in a remote mountain place while the Cullens and the rest of the werewolf pack fought off the vampires. Bella, however, wanted Edward with her when she stayed in the mountains, and asked Edward. Edward agreed as long as Jacob would carry her to the place in the mountains so that her scent would be lost. They followed through with the plan, and Jacob carried Bella to the mountain hideaway. While waiting for the battle to be over, Edward, Bella, and Jacob set up camp. A blizzard blows through the camp, and Bella to begins to freeze. Jacob comes in the tent and stays in Bella's sleeping bag to warm her up with his abnormal body heat, much to Edward and Bella's horror.

Later on, Bella wakes up and Jacob leaves the tent. Bella and Edward then start discussing their marriage plans, and Jacob overhears their conversation, and runs away because of he's so upset that they're getting married. Upon Bella's request, Edward brings Jacob back and leaves them alone to talk. After some talk, Jacob says that he's going to go and kill himself because Bella doesn't love him. Bella then begs and pleads with him not to. Bella says that she'll kiss him if he won't commit suicide. Jacob agrees and they kiss (although he wasn't going to really go through with killing himself - it was a trick he used on her). Bella then realizes that she loves Jacob, but her love for Edward overpowers everything else. Jacob, thinking he had won Bella over, then leaves to finish the battle, and gets injured in the battle trying to save a fellow werewolf, Leah Clearwater, who was trying to show off...Jacob, shattered all the bones in the right side of his body while being tortured by two hiding newborns. Carlisle patches him up and a worried Bella visits him. They talk and Bella says that she has chosen Edward. While heartbroken over her choice, Jacob doesn't show it, and reluctantly agrees to stop trying to take Bella from Edward. Jacob reminds Bella that he will always be there for her whenever she needs him.

The epilogue is written from Jacob's point of view for the first time in the series. Jacob is sitting on the end of the cliff thinking about how difficult it will be when Bella is turned into a vampire. Leah comes and tells him to get over Bella, and Jacob angrily tells her to leave him alone before he goes home. At home he finds that Edward has sent Jacob a wedding invitation to Bella and Edward's wedding. With it a note was enclosed from Edward saying that Jacob did not have to come to the wedding, and Edward thanks Jacob for "everything". Unable to endure his broken heart any longer, Jacob runs away in wolf form, leaving "Jacob Black" behind him.

************Breaking Dawn***********

In Breaking Dawn, Jacob is mentioned to be trying to live the rest of his life as a wolf so he doesn't have to deal with the pain he is in. Jacob is first seen at Bella's wedding, where he becomes violent towards Bella and Edward when he finds out about their plans to make love while Bella is still human and has to be restrained by Seth and Sam. Then after Bella returns from her and Edward's honeymoon, he believed Bella was turned and demands the pack attack the Cullens. Sam refuses to do so, and Jacob goes on a solo attack mission. He finds out that she is pregnant and sees that Bella has purple and blue bruises on her stomach from were the baby has kicked. He talks with Edward, who doesn't want the baby because it is killing Bella. He is asked to have a child with Bella. But Edward eventually learns to love the unborn baby, leaving Jacob feeling betrayed. He returns to Sam and tells him about Bella's pregnancy. The pack plan on killing Bella and the baby because they see the unborn baby as a threat. Jacob still loves Bella, however, and revolts against Sam's authority as Alpha. He starts his own pack of which he is Alpha, which Leah (who later becomes Beta) and Seth Clearwater join. After Bella gives birth to a girl she names Renesmee, Bella appears to die after Edward bites her to turn her into a vampire. Jacob goes to kill Renesmee, but imprints on her when he sees her. He nicknames Renesmee Nessie because her real name is too much of a mouthful. (Bella is extremely irritated with the nickname and the fact that it catches on, even though herself and Edward call her Nessie at the end of the book.) He is extremely close to her, goes hunting with her, and for Christmas he braids her a bracelet that is the Quileute version of a promise ring. Much to the annoyance of Edward, Renesmee always has the bracelet on. Jacob has a strong desire to protect her and to keep her happy and safe. It is likely that his feelings will eventually bud into romantic interests when she is old enough. He thinks of her as "his Nessie". It is hard for him to be separated from her, so he visits every day and almost never leaves the Cullen house. Bella first thought that she had tortured Jacob, enough until she found out that he had imprinted on Renesmee. He states, though, that once Renesmee's growing slows down, he will go back to school. Sam's pack stops trying to attack the Cullens, since there is a law that states that one cannot kill the object of another wolf's imprinting, due to the damage it would cause to the wolf in question. Bella was planning to have Jacob run away with Renesmee to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and possibly from there to Isle Esme, if the Volturi had decided to attack. She had forged passports made for the two of them, with Jacob as Jacob Wolfe, and Renesmee as Vanessa Wolfe. She picked Jacob and not herself or any of the Cullens because neither can go out into sunlight, it would be painful if Jacob and Renesmee were separated, and Jacob would be able to keep her safe much more effectively than anyone else, since he has a strong desire to protect her because of the imprint. Jacob and Renesmee did not have to run away, so Bella keeps the passports for the future. By the end of the story, Jacob also seems to finally be on good terms with Edward, since Edward refers to him as his 'son'. Paul, another werewolf, imprints on Jacob's sister.

******* Physical appearance*********

Jacob is 6'7" tall, with a toned and muscular build. Bella describes him as having dark russet skin. In New Moon, upon discovering his werewolf powers and joining the Quileute pack, he crops his black hair short. Later he grows it out to chin length in Eclipse because he thinks Bella likes it better that way. He tends to wear only cut-off style jeans, saying that when turning from human to a werewolf and back he doesn't like to have to carry a lot of clothes since they are ruined during transformation. In Breaking Dawn he cuts his hair short again and it seems that he has grown even taller. It is noted by Bella that he would surely hit his head upon the beams of her new cottage. As a wolf, Jake has russet brown fur, dark eyes that show intelligence, and is very swift. He is also the second fastest and the second largest in the pack, but later grows to be the largest and also the fastest.

******* Personality ********

Jacob's personality shifts throughout the books as he matures. In Twilight, he seems shy and sheepish around Bella, easily succumbing to her flirtations and worrying about how the Quileute legends will affect her perception of him. However, in New Moon Jacob becomes sullen and temperamental. This is because he is experiencing the change of shape-shifting. In Eclipse, he becomes a lot more confident that Bella is really for him - so much so that he makes her realize that she does love him after all. In Breaking Dawn, his personality changes yet again, because he feels like Bella is going to die. He is ready to kill her baby daughter, Renesmee, until he sees her and experiences imprinting.

********* Shape-Shifting Traits********

* Regeneration - Body heals at an abnormal rate, faster than any human body can.

* Phasing - Can morph in and out of "wolf" form. With practice and skill, one can morph faster and with more efficiency. While less experienced, young shape-shifters will frequently phase when losing their tempers. There is still a risk when a shape-shifter ages and becomes more and more experienced, it happens much less frequently.

* Telepathy - Only works within pack, when in wolf form. They can speak with each other telepathically and hear each other's thoughts. Though this is more than useful while hunting and tracking, there is no privacy left in the pack because of this ability. It can be described as both a gift and a burden. Their thoughts are open even when they tried to hide them.

* Physically enhanced - Has "super-strength" in both wolf and human form. In wolf form, they are also exceptionally fast. Before phasing, the human form will build up their muscles naturally and will be ready for the first time they phase.

* Delayed aging - They cannot start aging until a solid period of time without phasing goes by. It is unknown the exact length of time, only it would be very difficult because of what causes phasing and the fact that the current pack are so frequently needed in the present time of the books.

* Constant temperature - Shape-shifters have a constant body temperature of about 108 degrees to withstand severe cold.

* Imprinting - Shape-shifters can imprint on a certain person they see once they begin phasing. However, not every werewolf imprints, the book says that the number of werewolves that imprint in the 'twilight' saga is unusual. Jacob describes imprinting to be stronger than true love.

********** Family relationships**********

Jacob's father is Billy Black, his mother is Sarah, and he has two sisters, Rachel and Rebecca. Billy and Jacob seem to be fairly close as they have lived alone for a fairly long time. On the other hand, Rachel, Rebecca, and Jacob are not as close as the twins live out of town and they rarely see their brother. Jacob's mother was said to have died of a car crash, with him saying, "Her coffin was nailed shut," in Breaking Dawn.

******** Romantic relationships*******
*&*Bella Swan

"He was my best friend, Edward. Of course I'm offended."
―Bella Swan, on Jacob Black to Edward Cullen.

Jacob claims in Twilight that he had a crush on Bella, but didn't act on it since she was already with Edward. During New Moon, he spent more time with Bella, and his crush turned into love. He is romantically attracted to her, although she only sees him as her best friend. As stated In Breaking Dawn, he has many times imagined Bella nude. His feelings for her put him at odds with her boyfriend, Edward Cullen. Jacob tells (or rather, shows) Bella how he feels in Eclipse by forcibly kissing her, to which she reacts by punching him in the jaw, only to end up with a broken hand (due to the fact that she is human and he is a 'werewolf'). Jacob does everything he can think of to try to steal Bella from Edward, but she rejects him. Heartbroken, Jacob runs away from home and tries to live as a wolf to escape the pain he feels.

Despite Bella's rejection of him, Jacob still feels love for her, and abandoned his former pack to protect her. But he still feels constant pain because he failed to win Bella over.

When Jacob imprints on Bella's daughter, however, he is stripped of his feelings for Bella forever. After he imprints on Renesmee he just loves Bella as his best friend.
[edit] Renesmee Cullen

In Breaking Dawn, Jacob imprints on Renesmee Cullen, Bella and Edward Cullen's daughter. While Renesmee is a child, he will feel only the need the protect and help her, but as she grows up, Jacob will feel attracted towards her as part of the imprinting. It is implied that Renesmee will 'accept' Jacob as her mate, since she loves him very much. Bella isn't very happy about this at first, but then comes to accept it later on.


Jacob means "supplanter." This could refer to the way Jacob took Edward's place in New Moon.
edit Movie portrayal

The role of Jacob was played by actor Taylor Lautner in the Twilight film. In January 2009, it was announced that Lautner would reprise his role as Jacob in the sequel, New Moon.
posted by KatiiCullen94
Hi everyone, this is first fanfiction for, I’ve only ever written a hand full of fanfiction over in but I thought to myself , I might give it a shot.

I do not own or possess any rights over Twilight, Meyer does.
Rated T
Summary: Once Edward left during New Moon, Bella never fully recovered, in her depression she committed suicide, leaving Jacob behind. Will Bella live on forever in the life of Jacob or is it time to let her go. No Victoria.

            ~Chapter 1 ~

Many people can say that waking up in the morning...
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Tyler :)
Tyler :)
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I walked into a big Victorian house and it instantly let off a homey vibe. I looked around and Jasper was smiling. I had gotten to know Jasper on the way here and i have found out he used to be in the civil war, he fought on the confederate side. He was changed by a vampire named Maria and he was in many vampire wars. He told me all about his past and about his mate Alice. Alice seemed like a adorable girl she reminded me of my sister Alicia. I smiled as a caramel haired women came in front of me and Jasper. "Jasper you didn't tell us you were bringing a guest" she said sweetly. I frowned and...
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posted by cheerathlete08
Hey guys what's going on? Well I survived the first week of being a sophomore in high school how about you? Well anyways I have half of part eight edited but tomorrow look for midnight sun part 8.5 because there is a whole lot of editing needed. But here is the first part edited. The rest will be tomorrow and edited *promise* so here's part eight don't forget tomorrow look for part 8.5 anyways here we go:
      We mostly were walking I was still very angry with her. I had recently found out that nobody knew she was with me except for Alice. Which was more pressure on me. If I kill her nobody...
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posted by cheerathlete08
So I know it's late and I'm sorry I just got back in Los Angeles and the air port made me turn off my iPad so sorry anyways i am also very sorry about last Fridays, i didn't edit because I had zero time. I know this one will be short as well and so I am sorry about that it seems like I have a lot to apologize for anyways next Fridays will be longer *promise* anyways here's part four enjoy what little of it you can!
Here's the link to part three link

        I frowned as I stopped in the front door of our house. I heard Carlisle, mental anguish in his head. Rosalie told him. I heard...
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posted by ananya1

Though Edward and Jacob have totally different existence in the TWILIGHT SAGA, but still they can be well compared. I am personally more addicted towards Edward than Jacob. Here I have noted down few reasons why I like Edward over Jacob:

1.    Edward has a better physical appearance than that of Jacob. He looks very cool and his paleness suits the character of a vampire but as for Jacob he looks cool but lacks a personal appearance which doesn’t make him suitable for the character of a werewolf.

2.    Ed is a dashing fellow and an agile...
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posted by EnchantdEquinox
Chapter 10: Imprint.
There was no sound around her, except for quiet breathing. Renesmee felt groggy and disoriented, and she wasn’t sure where she was. Her arm seared with pain.
“She’s awake,” Someone murmured. Renesmee recognized the voice of her father. So she was home. Slowly Renesmee opened her eyes, letting them adjust quickly to the bright white light. The first face she saw was her mother’s, her golden eyes filled with concern.
“Renesmee, baby, are you ok?” she whispered, her beautiful voice breaking the tense silence in the room. Renesmee was laying on one of the white...
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Chapter 5: A Favour

People always dream about monsters like the boogeyman, or maybe that mysterious werewolf, or a creepy bloodsucking vampire. But myself, I live in that dream, and those dreams live amongst you. So is it really just a dream, or is it your self counsious speaking to you in a twisted, creative way? I started to wonder if all ledgends about monsters and demons are true.

I drove into La push, although there isnt a treaty line anymore, there are still limits for my family, but of course for some reason i'm untouchable. I began to wonder the point of trying to make sense of it. If...
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posted by DestinyGirl
Okay, so my other fanfic Starlight will be on hold because sadly, (and quite embarrasingly) I LOST my notebook that had ALL of my chapters in it!:'( So until I can find it, I've begun to write this little idea out. For those who don't know me, I'm waaay into fantasy andf supernatural. My favorite beings are angels, and this is where this story was born so please... read and review!:)

A once glorious race once walked the Earth, the angels. Bella is the last remaining pure angel there is -- the rest have been turned into fallen angels, monsters that are drawn to pure angels. Raised within...
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posted by EmmettOk
Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or the characters - unfortunately. I don't own the songs either.


TooHuman signing in
vampboi signing in
grizzlybears sgning in
TooHuman:Hiiiiiiii Peeps!
vampboi:hi love,are you alright?
TooHuman:oh i'm fiiiiiiiine
vampboi:Emmett did you give her sugar?
TooHuman:who wants to play a game?
grizzlybears:me too!
TooHuman:ok which song i'm a i singing- We’re soarin’, flyin’There’s not a star in...
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posted by Angelcatz11
The Cullens house

Nessie's POV

It was a few minutes later that dad had walked, I gave him a weak smile, "Dad... can I ask you something?" I whisperd. "Sure! whatcha wanna ask?"
"Well, Jacob he umm asked me out on friday, do you think I can go?" I watched him, His smile dropped and his amber eyes turned to coal black. "No...It's..." But he didnt finished he just shook his head and walked away. "Dad!" I shouted and ran forward, I caught him by the sleve and spun him around. "Why???????" I asked. "No Ness! Vampires and Werwolfs are forbidded to love!!!! You may never see that boy agian! Okay?!" He shouted, I have never seen him get so angry before... My face turned into a pout then a sad face, Tears poured out my eyes, I pushed past him and ran up to my room
posted by runlikeawolf
No.It couldn't be true.A wave of black engulfed my vision.He was a hard,cold,selfish monster!How could this be? I'd always had a sliver of hope inside of me.Now,nothing was worth living for.Nothing was worth fighting for!
I was falling.Falling in despair.Why were the leaches even created?How could they strip you of everything that you loved?!?
I took a shocked step back.Why had I even hoped for things to be different?Suddenly,the anguish was replaced with a never-ending wave of fire.Shudders ripped through me.Bella's words stung more than anything I could have ever imagined.
Everything exploded.The...
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posted by LexisFaith
"So, Bella. Tell me a little bit about yourself." Emse siped on her coffee from the paper cup while I dipped my teabag in and out of the steaming water infront of me.

We had wondered down to the cafateria while Carlisle and Edward has Mason, letting him see all the "cool doctor stuff". I guess it paid to be a doctor.

"Well, I guess I could start with saying I'm 22 years old. I graduated from Forks High School at 16 and went into school right after that Christmas. I was raising a son with the help of my older brother Emmett and my father Chairle who passed away when Mason was only 2. My mother...
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posted by GothicGirl0525
Chapter 5:
    We walked down stairs to see who was here, though we stopped in our tracks at the voices we heard. Emmett’s booming voice came from the kitchen and it didn’t sound like the happy person we were used to. I finished walking downstairs and walked to the kitchen door, to see what was going on. The voice I heard stopped me in my tracks, the way it sounded, so broken and just not normally the bubbly and excited, Alice, we hear. It scared me because she was suppose to be this excited person always happy about everything and the one to look...
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posted by mmourer
All credit belongs to Stephenie Meyer. This story is based on her book series the Twilight Saga.
I know it's kinda short sorry.

Bella’s POV

I woke up that morning still worrying that I would make more enemies. I was also still thinking about what I did in the first place to make him hate me. I thought all I did was have to sit next to him. Maybe he just wasn’t a people person. I could live with that I just wouldn’t talk to him or anything. It took me even less time to get to school today because I already knew where all my classes were and...
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 21
“who invited him?” I asked in a rude voice.
“Carlisle incsited the whole family came over” Emmett told me and I rolled my eyes. I got out of the car and wondered what was waiting on me.
“lets get Ivan out and in the house” I told uncle Emmett. He nodded. Uncle Emmett took Ivan and dragged him to my room. I was still in the car and was getting my stuff. I locked the car and put the keys in my purse and hrld my left hand close so it wont move an inch. I was walcking towards the house hiding my left arm so my father wouldn’t see it. But it was impossible. I walked to the...
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 14
`”jake!” I cried and ran up to him.
“I know everything nessie, and we’re going to try to save ur family” jake told me.
“its too late to ssave it they’re divorced” I told him
“there’ alwaay still a chance” jake told me. And I nodded..
“but first wheres ur mother?” sam asked me.
“she’s near carlisles” I told him.
“she’s not there”he told me.
“what do you mean shes not there? I just saw her there aa couple minutes ago” I told them.
“when I went to carlisle’s house, he said that she stepped ouside and didn’t come back” jake told me.....
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posted by karpach_14
Chapter 13

I introduce them.
“nice to meet you” my father said.
“niced to meet you too” ivan replied.i wondered if he knew that ivan was a vampire. But there would be no guessing.. my father didn’t know that I lovve ivan.. so its going to be a shock to him .eric went to the cafeteria and then s couple secconds later the bell rang.ivan hurried to class, while I stood there with my father and aunt.
“dad ivAN IS COMING TODAY TO MEET MY FAMILY”I TOLD HIM AND BEFORE HE COULD SAY anything aunt alice grabbed to to class. After school aunt alice rode in her car and me ivan and eric rode...
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posted by karpach_14
sorry guys this is my old story i couldnt log on my old account karpach_13 so i had to make this one and im moving all my stories here. thanks plz dont forget to comment

When I was entering my school. In every single conversation my name was repeated. Some of the people said ‘I don’t mind going out with her’ with a evil smile and the others were usual. Like ‘ who is she’ and ‘I can’t believe she is going to be at this school’ and ‘you don’t even know her’. I kept on walking without talking to someone or not paying anymore attention to what people were saying. I got to...
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posted by teamalice_0
My last post was shorter than I would have liked so I made this one better. PS Comment please and Have a good thanksgiving!(stuf your faces without feeling guilty ;)
Tuesday morning, joy. Everyone hated Mondays and Tuesday was usualy dreary but better than Mondays. On the way to school I told Angela about my dream and said some of them were the Cullens but she never saw Dr.Cullen or his wife. She thought it was odd because Im blind and I had a dream about them.

School has whispers going aroud, more than normal might I add, either...
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