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posted by Twilight597
a/n umm...yeah someone commented and it made me happy..thanks! so heres chapter 5, and the next one isnt done yet, but it will prolly be done 2maro this ones kinda long too...

Chapter 5

Laurent grabbed me, and I gasped in shock. The next thing I knew we were standing next to the end of the clearing following the one named Carlisle and Esme. I don’t know what we were doing, but I was scared. Laurent followed them up to a giant house. Once again, I was thrown over his shoulder and on my feet. I screamed and fell down again, because it was so abrupt and it scared me.

“You said you were a doctor?” Laurent asked Carlisle.

“Yes, I am,” He answered.

“Can you check her out? I think James threw her around a little, and he has been really harsh with her,” Laurent asked.

“Oh, sure,” Carlisle said, and walked over to me, “Can you stand up and walk?”

I tried, and ended up standing, but I didn’t know if I could walk yet.

“Uhh, I don’t know,” I said.

“Okay, what’s your name?” he asked.

“Becky,” I replied. For some odd reason, I felt like I trusted him, more then I trusted Laurent.

Carlisle picked me up gently and walked inside at a normal pace. Esme and Laurent followed him in. Carlisle set me down on a nice white couch, that I didn’t want to get dirty, because I was probably covered in filth. Carlisle walked up the stairs, saying he will be right back.

“Would you like anything to eat or drink, dear?” Esme asked me.

“Oh, sure I haven’t eaten anything in like four days. I guess I haven’t realized how hungry I was,” I said, after my stomach growled, thinking about it.

“I’ll fix you something, what would you like?” she asked as she was walking out of the room.

I shrugged and I immediately regretted it, because I pulled at my ribs, and I cried out in pain. Suddenly Carlisle and Esme were both in front of me. It seemed weird that these people that I just met, cared for me that much. I grabbed at my chest, and leaned back on the couch, crying.

“What hurts?” Carlisle asked.

“Hmm, I don’t know, I’m kind of grabbing my ribs, maybe my foot,” I said, “Sorry, bad habit.”

“Esme, can you run upstairs and grab some morphine?” he asked his wife. She suddenly disappeared, and I began breathing heavily. I think I was going into shock, because I’m not used to this whole vampire speed thing. I next thing I knew, I felt a sting in my arm, and a few seconds later, I blacked out.

When I finally came to, I found myself in a large bed, covered in all white. I thought I was at the hospital, but it was too home like to be a hospital. I heard the beep of the machines next to me, and I was wondering where I was. If I wasn’t in the hospital, then where was I?

The door opened and I saw Carlisle and Esme, and two other people walk in behind them.

The one person following them was kind of scary. He was lean, but built. The girl had spiky black hair and was literally bouncing off the walls. I’ve never had anyone so happy to see me. That was quite a surprise. I was scared of everyone in the room. I didn’t know what was happening, but I suddenly felt calm. That was weird. I couldn’t make myself feel scared anymore. Something was wrong.

“Whoa,” I whispered.

“It’s okay,” Carlisle said to me, “Alice, come back later with Jasper, I think she’s fine now.”

I took a deep breath, and the two left, following Carlisle’s orders. Alice seemed mad that she had to leave.

“How are you feeling?” Carlisle asked me, and then went over to check out the beeping thing. I just realized, I had a needle stuck in my arm.

“Uh-uh, n-no, I don’t like needles. Not at all, c-can you take that out? Please?” I asked, closing my eyes and taking another deep breath, though this time, I stuttered.

“Well you seem fine; I just need to take one more x-ray for your ribs, and then, I’ll fix them up, which if there are bad enough, I might have to conduct surgery,” He said.

“Well can we do that now? I don’t like this,” I asked.

“Okay. Esme, can you watch her while I set up the machine?” he asked Esme.

He left, so I asked Esme, “Is Laurent still here?”

She came over and sat on the edge of the bed, “No, did he need to be?”

I sighed, “Well I don’t know where we are, and I don’t know where my family is. Victoria just kind of took me from my home, and took me somewhere, making me drink her blood. She bit me too, literally drinking my blood. She says I am a vampire now. Well turning into one, in a few days more. I never believed any of that when I was a kid, and I still don’t, please tell me she was kidding.” I hadn’t noticed, but in my speech, I had started crying. I also hadn’t noticed Carlisle standing in the doorway.

“I’m very sorry for your loss, and I am very sorry to say that Victoria wasn’t kidding. I’d be honored to have you stay at my house, until we can find out about your parents,” Carlisle said, “I’m sure Rosalie can take care of you until then. She loves children. I’m also ready for you down the hall.”

I wiped my eyes and pulled the blanket off and pulled my legs.

I held up my arm, and looked at Carlisle.

He walked over to me and told me to look away. I felt him peel off the tape, and the needle slowly slid out.

I felt like I was going to puke. That was nasty. I looked back, and Carlisle was cleaning it off in a sink by the back window. When he was done, he walked back over to me, at a slow pace, not to frighten me again.

I saw him stick out his arm, and put it around my shoulder, and put his other arm under my knees, and I was being lifted from the extremely white bed. I closed my eyes, and then suddenly felt cold on my back.

The cold metal on my back started moving, and I was pulled into the machine. I didn’t even feel myself being pulled out, because I woke up back on the bed, with another needle in my arm.

I looked at it, and saw water moving in it. I gagged and almost puked, I didn’t want to get any in the room because it’s so white. I saw someone come over to me, as I was trying to get up to run to the bathroom. They had a bucket in their hand. I took it and sat up. I felt it come up in my mouth before I even realized it. The person handed me a glass of water, and took the bucket. After I was done drinking the whole thing, she took it and set it on the table next to me. I finally looked up at her. She was the prettiest girl I have ever seen. Beautiful, wavy, flowing, blond hair and the same color eyes as Carlisle.

“T-thank you,” I said and lay back down, because I had a headache now.

“That’s okay; I’m Rosalie, I’m going to be taking care of you until Carlisle comes home with Edward, Emmett, and Jasper. with James and Bella,” the beautiful lady said.

“Umm, do you know if you can take that out? I asked Carlisle before and he did,” I asked.

“I don’t know; he did something, after the last x-ray. I’ll call him now,” she replied. She pulled out a cell phone, and dialed a number. She walked away, towards the door.

I waited until she walked back to say thank you. Again, I didn’t watch as she slowly pulled it out. When she did, I looked over to her, and asked, “Can I eat something? It’s making me feel dizzy that I haven’t eaten anything in so long.”

“Of course, do you want me to bring you up something?” she offered.

“No, can I walk down to see what there is?” I asked.

“Sure. Do you need help getting up?” she asked.

“No, I think I’m fine,” I replied. I pulled the blanket off of me, and slowly stood up. I’m surprised I didn’t hurt, when I walked. Carlisle must’ve been a really good doctor, because I’ve broken a rib, falling out of a tree before, and the next day, I walked on it, and it still hurt. At first, I limped, but after a few steps, I was walking fine.

We walked down the steps, and Rosalie waited patiently for me. I didn’t really look at their house, when I first came. There was too much of a shock. Now when I really look at it, it’s really nice. I wished I had a house like this back home. Then I thought of my house, which brought up so many memories. Mostly about my parents, and my sister, I really loved them.

Rosalie interrupted me, “Alice told me what you would want, she can see the future, and she knew exactly what you would want.”

I sat on the couch, until Rosalie walked out with something. I looked at the plate. It was my favorite kind of hash browns, with some chocolate chip pancakes and some chocolate milk. I chuckled, “Ha, I’m a chocolate kind of girl. It’s my favorite out of anything.” I kept laughing, and walked over tot he table to eat.

After I finished eating, Rosalie asked me to come outside.

“Becky, I’m very sorry, but Jasper was searching for your parents, and he found that they were murdered, and another girl, I think he said it was your sister. She wasn’t found, and they think she’s held hostage, or dead.” She told me, after we sat down on the swing.

I couldn’t say anything. The whole world just collapsed onto me. “H-how is that possible, w-what? This can’t be. V-Victoria must have done this, after I was gone, because she said something about me being the last half lamina in the world, and I was going to be a queen, and she was going to kill me, or turn me into a full one, but I didn’t think it would be my parents. I have to find Rachelle, she can’t be dead, and Victoria has to be willing to trade her for me, she’s only 6 years old,” I started crying in my hands, my parents never took care of me, really. I mean I loved them, but Rachelle, I promised to take care of her, and I will not, repeat, will not let her die.

“I won’t let you trade yourself for your sister, but I will do anything I can to try and find her. I promise you she will some home alive. Carlisle was talking, and said that if I wanted to keep you, and if you wanted to join our family, I could adopt you, because Emmett says I seem quite attached. He loves you already, says you seem fall a lot. He said it would be funny. I don’t think so. He laughs at anything, so if you say yes, then it’s something to get used to,” She pulled my head out of my hands, and made me look her in the eye, “Would you like to join my family?”

I didn’t really know what to say. This is such a big offer. “Are you really sure, I won’t be a hassle I mean seriously, I can go live with one of my,” I took a pause, “Scary aunts.”

“No, I don’t think I could let you go. I barely know you, but it seems like, you’re already my daughter. I feel this weird connection towards you, like I know you already too. Jasper even knows it. So please, I don’t think I could live without you. It was so worrying when you were asleep.” She told me, with so much emotion, I heard someone groan inside. The door slammed open and a scary looking guy came storming up to us. I was scared; it looked as if he was going to kill me, or both of us.
posted by twilightfantic1
well i would like to thak my best friend for her help.Hope you like it comment

we all got into our crouch.Nessie,nessa,jacob,and seth were behind us.while im in the middle alittle behind edward,emmett is on the left with rose behind him a little,jasper was on the other side of edward with alice behind him little,and carlisle was beside emmett with esme behind him a little.But just to think about it nessie and nessa could fight if it came to that plus they make a a good tag team.Then i saw it jessica and justin were out cold.

"that is what i dindn't tell you is that i have a power that could...
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posted by patrisha727
Hey you guys, I decided to make ANOTHER new story! PLz rate and comment You can read more of my stories at the link. Ok then, enough of the introduction, I hope you guys enjoy! ^_^

"Bells!" my mother, Renee yelled, before I went out the door.
"Yes?" I asked her. Did I forget anything?
"I hope you have fun in college." she said while giving me a hug.
"Mom, it's not I'm going to leave forever. I'll be back for Christmas and for Summer." I said.
"I know Bella, it will be hard for me to be alone again. I'll miss you." she said.
"I will too mom. I'll send you an email once I arrive." I assured her....
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The Reverse Chronicles
A Hero’s Return

Reverse Introduction: Authors Note
This is the first book in the new series of books called The Reverse Chronicles it features Sam Devine who we last saw dead in The Chronicles of Sam Devine: The Twilight Legend. After that Becky became the new leader of the newly formed Sam Alliance and lived on a happy life, fighting for justice for Sam’s death. She was helped by the guardians and they all lived a very happy life.
Now Sam is back with new friends, one we have already met at the end of The Twilight Legend, Polaris the life guardian who is escorting him...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
Collin's POV
I had to go home first but, I needed to morph. I quickly let her off, she had the weirdest and cutest look on her face. Then she relized and said "oh". She turned around, I morphed quickly and put on my pants. I snuck up behind her and put my hands over her eyes. Guess who, I said. Collin! she said. Let me go in through my bedroom window and then I will tell you when you can knock on the front door and come. Is it okay to come in? she said. Won't it be weird with your parents there? No, my dad cleared the problem up with my Mom. well I hope, he did. It must be nice to have real...
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posted by Lucian66
I recently read an post from Twilight widower on Twilight Widowers Anonymous( it's a support site for husbands, boyfriends and life partners of Twilight addicts). It cracked me up and i want to share it with you.

Onward and Upward

Firstly, please accept my apologies for the incredibly tardy post. As you can imagine, since
the photos of Robert Pattinson standing shirtless in Italy were released, it has been very difficult for me to get near the computer.

(I thought I could sneak a post in earlier this week, but then - alas - the New Moon trailer came out. Add to that the particularly fine weather...
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posted by VAMPirella1997
this part might not be so good, cos i'm kinda tired... let's see how it goes!
-VAMPirella XX

End of Part 6:
the stress and worry made us move even faster as we dashed round the house, informing our family we had to leave. Now. They scurried around, packing. I dashed back to my cottage to grab my clothes. i chucked them all in my suitcase, not bothering to fold in my rush. finally, we were all ready and i dashed back to the house.

Part 7:
I scurried to Edward's side, holding myself to his side. I was scared. Edward wrapped one of his arms around my waist, squeezing my tight to him. I buried...
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hey.okay two things ive got to do. first Bella and Edward are supposed to be inside the house not out it. Soz for the mistake :) and i apologise again because Carrie ann was trying to do what Stephanie Meyer did in breaking down with the house standing up and the game with the score.
second is, remember carrie anns in france and im not on after friday till september. anyway thanks.

The next day was the day that Nessie was bringing Cally and Kris to meet us. Alice was running around trying to make sure that the house was cleaner then the already spotless state it usually is in.
It was just before...
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"Twilight" has been selected to be the closing night event at this year's Old Pasadena Film Festival. The movie will be screened on Saturday, July 25th on the top level of the Schoolhouse Parking Garage located on the SW corner of Colorado Blvd. and Fair Oaks Ave (enter on Fair Oaks, Green, or Raymond). Chairs will be provided on a first-come, first-serve basis so you may want to bring your own lawn chairs or blankets. The movie will start at 9PM; admission is free.

The event is taking place as a part of the world's largest free outdoor movie festival, held every July at various locations throughout...
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posted by renesmeblack
Ok, as you know, Tanya and her clan had found Mark dying in the snow in Denali. What happened to Renesmee?

My eyes opened. I was covered in quilts, and the room was really warm. A strawberry-blonde woman knelt beside me. I saw her golden brown eyes and freaked out.
"You're one of the Cullens, aren't you?!" I asked, fearing for my life. The woman looked shocked.
"The Cullens? You know them? This is great news!" she said seriously. I recognized her voice. This woman was Tanya.
"Well, yeah, but-"
"They called me and said Renesmee was kidnapped. You haven't seen her by any chance, have you?"
I stammered....
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posted by Bella_Cullen902

Sorry i haven't wrote in a while it's just that i think people dont like my stories and i dont want to write things for no reason.

I just think it's better this way and i might start again but dont count on it. i know you guys are gonna be mad but i dont think that i'm gonna write anymore cause i'm not any good:(

Sorry again!!

If you want you can give me ideas that you have and ill make a story for you but thats 'bout the only way that i'll be writing stories.

*~Sad and Sorry~*
*~Sad and Sorry~*
Last one for today. ^_^

Jasper's Pov

"What's wrong Alice?"

Alice looked as if she were faint or something.

"Nothing is of the matter, I mean...nothing is...well
nothing is wrong okay?"

I really can't trust her sometimes, so I went to Edward.

"Edward, what is Alice thinking?"

"Why would I want to help you?! You tortured me once already!"

"Please! Just tell me what she is thinking!"

"I don't think I should tell them or should I? If someone is controllong Esme, where is this person-"

"Someone is controlling ESME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?" Edward shouted.

Then, everyone looked at Alice, Edward, and Esme's purple marking.
posted by Bella11700
She opened her eyes WIDE and said,"What?" in a tired voice. I could tell she didn't want to wake up at 6:00 in the morning but then again I couldn't sleep at all.
"We need to go. Now."I said.
I picked up my hand,put it as far away from me as possible and pointed two fingers at the suitcase and i brought my arm back to my chest. The suitcase flew rather fast across the floor.
I looked at Susan. She had the most horrified look on her face than ever. But she wasn't looking at me she was looking at the suitcase. I told her "No there are no strings. I figuired that out the hard way."I said now looking...
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posted by Bella11700
"Do yo really want to know?" I gulped. I hate getting yelled at. Even though she is 17 and im 18 it wouldn't make a diffrence if she was 5. ... Mabye. "I think you are nice ad kind and funny, well mabe not last night but-" she smiled at me and as soon as figured out i wasn't geting yelled at took a big breath. Meenwhile she got dressed ad went threw the little fridge that came with the hotel room.
Even the stove was littler than usual. I don't mean like a easy bake oven but i couldn't deny it was.
She puled out a bag of ham and a few slices of cheese. She got a ag of bread and started makin sandwiches....
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posted by AdaLove
I confuse Sunrise with
the Twilight
A Start Ends
an ending begins
She changed my life
my dead heartbeat
my frozen heart
She made them Hers
with her sweet flying heartbeat,
her honey gaze
she makes me love Her face
and the moonlight does not compare Her
I want her Forever
not to move on
to stay here, in the
Dead Moonlight
But I Can't
the sunrise came
and we have no choice back

P.S this time i tried as hard as i could!i work it from the morning!i hope you like it!it is a bit sad but it is the best i can do!
You are my life sence
before you, my life was
a story without tense
yOU are the sweetest dream,
my nigh't's lullaby,
my only dream.
my only heartbeat
Bels,your sweet gaze
Cuts like a knife into the haze
I’d let you push me, make me frown
coz you are the most important thing
Your force of will now made unbound
YOUr chocolate eyes,
can take me higher,
you are the rason for me
you are my light in the twilight
my light love

p.s : hey guys!i like very much writing but i don't be a good poet!don't be mean with me!i hope you like it!
posted by demilovatirocks
The Couples

Edward and Bella

Alice and Jasper

Emmett and Rosalie

Carlisle and Esme

Ashley and Kevin

Sonny and Joe

Selena and Nick

Lily and Mitchell

The first chapter will be posted soon.

please I know the trailor is long but it is finished.It had a lot of complications that I wanted to explain so you understood what was happening .Please tell me if you think it is good.
posted by demilovatirocks
These are the rest of the characters.

Lily Troscout a.k.a Lily Troscout

Jason Dolley,Jason Earle,and Mitchell Musso
Mitchell is with Lily.

David and Daniel Azel
Donna Azel is married to Chris Brown so she is Donna Brown.

Tiffany Thornton,Claire Thornton,and The Thornton Quints

Peter and Simon Azel

Ritchie and Marcia Thornton

The next one will be the family and friends.

I will make the next one really long.I wrote it in my book it is 3 pages but I am still not finished.

PLEASE COMMENT,RATE,AND GET PEOPLE TO READ AND DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm still at work so i'm going to put a story up from this computer. so if there are mistakes i'm really sorry because this computer don't tell me if i made one :D Enjoy

Bella's pov

“Bella, Bella” I heard Alice yell with joy while running towards me.
“I’m so glad that your staying here for a couple days now we can dress each other” she said smiling.
“Oh, wow, Alice. I can’t wait, i’m so overjoy” I said sarcastic while looking at Edward so he could save me.
“I think Bella would love to Alice” he said laughing. I just couldn’t believe he just did that to me.
I lowered my shield...
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posted by BiteMeCullen107
I could hear the TV on and I could smell the coffee. I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming or if I was just hallucinating over the fact that the man that has been stalking me, for what seems like my whole life, was in my apartment.
    I must be dreaming, my subconscious must have heard the TV on and brought that thought into my dream along with the coffee I made yesterday morning it must still be stuck in the air and did the same to my dream.
    I stretched my muscles, I was really stiff. It must have been because I got a lot of exercise yesterday at the...
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posted by Edward_lover101
Edward took me to Carlisle. He looked at me arm, took some x-rays and said it was a little brused from the blood being cut off, but I was going to be fine. Alice went to get my truck, i guess. The house felt empty. The only people that where here was Edward, Alice, Carlisle, And me. I guess the others where hunting or something. Edward took me back to my house. Charlie wouldn't be home until 7:00 p.m. It was 3:00 now. Edward took me up to my room. My copmuter was going nuts. I looked at my E-mails. Mostly frome my mother. But there was one from Jacob. I opend it. It said:

OH! Bella I'm soo...
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