Werewolves Club
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posted by HecateA

"You're alone?" Terry asked from outside, her face poking out of a bush.
"Yes fuzz-head, now common." She looked greatly offended for a minute, but let it go and climbed the fire escape ladder and crawled threw the window. She put a streak of shaggy black hair behind her ear, revealing her electric blue eyes.
"And?" She demanded.
"And what?"
"Common Sia, Mum."
"She didn't ask. She thinks Hannah's off to pick you up at ski club."
"Good." Terry relaxed and crashed on her bed, exhausted.
"Wear were you tonight?" I asked.
"Here and there around the Greenbelt, that's wear he hangs out for themost." Terry said. I nodded and sat down at my keyboard, on my side of the room and played a piece from the opera Carmen. Terry whimpered.
"Stop that!" She said, blocking her ears.
"Why? I'm playing perfectly well!" I protested.
"It's not that, it's just loud noises." She said. I muttered somehting about stupid noise-sensitive ears and put the keyboard's volume down. I resumed my piece. There was a knock on the door.
"For crying out loud!" I said. I got up to open it, but Terry beat me to the door. She always does when its Ian.
"Sup?" Ian asked, coming in.
"The sky." Terry answerred.
"My, aren't we hilarious today." Ian said, plopping down on a chair, making himself right at home.
"And?" Ian asked Terry. His hazel eyes were fixed on Terry while his hands fumbled with pipe-cleaners and metal threads he was bending into I-have-no-clue-what.
"Its clear, there was no sign of ol'Romulus tonight." She said.
"Odd." I said.
"Very. Usually he's all over the place scaring people." Terry said.
"At least it was a quiet night?" Ian offered.
"No. My nerves aren't right." Terry said.
"Something bad is coming." Ian confirmed. He took a chain out of his shirt collar. On its end was a disk. He pushed it and it expanded into a crystal ball. He tapped the glass at the top and a black liquid inside it began to twist around, like oil in water. He sighed and tapped it again. The fumes took a shape of millions of pieces of glass.
"Mirror fragments." I whispered.
"Correct. If the crystal says bad luck and Sirius isn't there, something is very wrong. He's planning something. A mass terror attack or just plain bitting more people behind Terry's back." Ian said. I took my own charm from inside my shirt, an amethyst like crystal as long as my middle finger, hanging on a brown leather cord and pressed it against my lips. It was cold like marble. I looked at Terry from the corner of my eyes. Her eyes shot dirty looks, art she mastered, at the desk like she was going to claw it or something and her face was clammy. She was obviously mad.
When we were all 10 (2 years ago) Terry got lost in the woods. Ian and I found her first, except it wasn't exactly her. It was a black wolf with electric blue eyes. She'd been in so much pain that night from the bite,even after it, Mum brought her to the hospital.
Anyways we'd known Terry was a werewolf for 2 years. But she wasn't like Hollywood wolves. She transformed every night and she didn't stand up on two legs or have fingers (her nasty claws changed to nasty long fingernails, hard like rock thought). Ian had done some research and he'd found us theese charms and a bunch of other cool werewolf protection stuff, because as well as having the wolf who bit Terry on the loose, on full moons she went on rampages were she wasn't herself. Anyways, a few months after Terry got bit, a lot of people were having very graphic and bloody deaths, including Ian's aunt Merica, who was his only relative (therefore he lives with us). We concluded it was the original wolf, good Ol'Romulus as we called him, and since then Terry sort-of chases him out of town ever night.
Ian and I try to help Terry. Ian was builting a GPS chip for Ol'Romulus, we accompanied her somenights and I wasn't bad at weapon fighting, but I still feel useless. How come my twin sister gets the cool powers?
There was a knock on the trap door leading to our attick room and mum oppened it. Her curly blond hair and crystal blue eyes made her look like Goldilocks in middle-aged woman form.
"You all stil awake at this hour? Off to bed now, Ian, your room. Terry, what are you doing home? Aren't you with Hannah, she isn't back yet." Mum siad, coming in our room.
"She wasn't there on time so I walked."
"At night? Don't do that again Terry."
"Mom, the freak attacks have stopped." Terry said.
"The criminal hasn't been caught. Sweet dreams." She closed the door after Ian left.
Darn, we'd have to find another lie for Terry to be out at nights. Because that's what it was all about. Lies...