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Now, there are lots of weapons in video games. Swords, axes, guns, and many more. But, does anyone here think of Chainsaws the very second they hear about video game weapons? Not really. So, today, I am going to talk about the Chainsaw Wielders in video games. The rules are as usual. Only one game per franchise. Now, lets start the list

Antonio Montana
Antonio Montana

#10: Antonio Montana from Scarface: The World is Yours - Now, I know that Tony is a movie character, and not a video game character. But, this video game’s first mission is the last scene in the movie… and it has a fucking tiger in this level that attacks enemies for you, so how much of the movie do you think this follows? Anyway, the reason I chose Tony is because, well, he wields a chainsaw… Okay, so, this is more based on opinion rather than facts. And here is an opinion. GODDAMN, SCARFACE WAS AN AWESOME MOVIE

Tommy Vercetti
Tommy Vercetti

#9: Tommy Vercetti from Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - Now, I could have chosen any of the characters in the 3D GTA universe, but which one of them has a mission where you chase after a fat Columbian and cut him to pieces with a Chainsaw down the streets of Vice City? Only Vice City, that’s what. Seriously, this mission alone put Tommy on the list, because he is so hell bent on killing this guy, he’l cut him up with a chainsaw in the middle of town in broad daylight. It’s just so stupid, its great

Doom Guy
Doom Guy

#8: Doom Guy from Doom - Now, there is a moment in some horror games where an enemy chases you with a chainsaw. Well, now you get to show the fuckers how you felt when you get a Chainsaw. When you find the chainsaw, you literally see Doom Guy give a sadistic smile. He knows what is going to happen. And he loves it. And, after cutting down hundreds of demons from hell, you’ll begin to love it too

Dr. Salvador
Dr. Salvador

#7: Dr. Salvador from Resident Evil 4 - Now, being probably the worst doctor in video games, Dr.Salvador scared the hell out of me when I played Resident Evil 4. This guy appears at random moments in the game, wearing a bag over his head, and running at you with a chainsaw. When you hear that chainsaw of his, you will get a little scared. Probably because his chainsaw, unlike the other enemies in the game, deals a one hit death to you. And you get to see him cut your head off in all of it’s gruesome glory. Great


#6: Pigssy from Manhunt - Now, what is scarier than a chainsaw wielding maniac with a bag over his head. How about a chainsaw wielding maniac with a dead pigs head over his head. Yeah, that’s just disgusting. Pigssy is a mentally challenged psychopath that is chained up in an attic of the Director’s home, wearing nothing but a pigs head on his own head, and the swed up skin of pigs all over his body. Once he breaks free, it becomes a game of cat-and-mouse, where he chases you across the mansion, trying to kill you. And it is horrifying. Imagine a man covered in parts of farm animals with a chainsaw chasing you in a broken down mansion, and you have no way of stopping him. It’s goddamn horrifying


#5: LQ-84i from Metal Gear Rising - It’s a robot dog… with a chainsaw tail… WHAT ELSE!


#4: Juliet from Lollipop Chainsaw - After the great game series that is No More Heroes, that only left fans thinking what Suda51 would do next… And what did he do? Get Tara Strong to voice a cheerleader with a girly chainsaw and go out and fight zombies while she has her boyfriends still living head attached to her… SUDA51 EVERYBODY! So, anyway, Juliet is a cheerleader, with a love for lollipops, and is a zombie hunter. Yeah. We got Simon, the Vampire Hunter. Dante, the Demon Hunter. Now, Juliet, the Zombie Hunter. Now we just need a video game with a Alien Hunter in it. Anyway, Juliet goes around town, hacking up zombies with her chainsaw, and making blood and guts fly everywhere. And, from time to time, pop music will play while she murders hordes of them. But, seriously though, just close your eyes when she talks and tell me you don’t imagine Twilight Sparkle

Marcus Fenix
Marcus Fenix

#3: Marcus Fenix from Gears of War - It’s an Assault Rifle… with a Chainsaw… WHAT E- Okay, were not doing that again. Marcus, being a soldier defending all human life from the Locusts, feels the best way is to do this calmly and carfu- Ha ha ha, fuck that. He goes out there and slices them to bits with his chainsaw gun. IT’S FUCKING CRAZY AND I LOVE IT!

Chuck Greene
Chuck Greene

#2: Chuck Greene from Dead Rising 2 - Sure, I could have chosen Adam, but, we don’t get to see all the crazy thing Adam can do with those chainsaws. Sure, he can juggle them and block bullets with them… but that is Preschool level compared to what Chuck does. What Chuck Greene does is more than just grab a chainsaw and cut up enemies. He uses the chainsaw and places them together with bikes, and cuts down zombies by the hundreds in a matter of seconds. Not to mention, he can make a Paddlesaw, which allows him to slices zombies with easy. Hell, THE WEAPON HE HOLDS ON THE BOX HAS TWO FUCKING CHAINSAWS ON IT! HOW COULD I NOT PICK HIM!

Jack Cayman
Jack Cayman

#1: Jack Cayman from Madworld - Now, even though Marcus has an awesome assault rifle gun, and Chuck can create some awesome stuff with them, Jack IS the chainsaw. And that isn’t some sort of figurative stuff. I mean his fucking arm is a goddamn chainsaw. Jack is an ex-navy soldier who went to work with the FBI to handle the violence that is happening on Jefferson Island. And the best way to fix the violence is more violence. And it works beautifully. Sure, he can use other stuff, like bats, swords, spears, clubs, street signs, tires, and spikes, but his trusty chainsaw is just amazing. He can slice guys in half both vertically and horizontally, as well as decapitating them, slicing their arms off, and even using it to rip their hearts out. That fucking chainsaw has no damn limits to it. Just having all these beautiful ways of murder as well as being the weapon yourself easily makes Jack number one.

So, there you go. Did you like this list. Tell me below if you like. And with that, I will see you all next time.
You know what I can’t fucking stand? All these Jeff the Killer ripoffs. Jane the Killer, Nina the Killer, Jenn the Killer, Jenny the Killer. Killer this. Killer that. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING?! What is it with the emotional teenage girls liking this pathetic little bitch of a serial killer. He’s not even attractive, unless you find someone who just got done tounging a weedwhacker attractive. And his story is fucking awful, so why do people like this pale little shit so much to the point where there are ripoffs. And no, the ripoffs are just as bad. A perfect example is this one I am reading...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
This is a parody of My Little Pony. The voice actors for the mane 6 are..

Ice Cube - Twilight Sparkle
Kath Soucie - Rainbow Dash
Sargent Schultz from Hogan's Heroes - Pinkie Pie
Wally from The Cleveland Show - Fluttershy
Tabitha St. Germain - Rarity
Ashleigh Ball - Applejack

Now, let's begin. Rainbow Dash was with Fluttershy in a parking lot full of Buicks.

Rainbow Dash: Now, what have we learned?
Fluttershy: Nothing.
Rainbow Dash: No! We learned something.
Fluttershy: Lots of control.
Rainbow Dash: Good.
Fluttershy: Screaming, and hollering.
Rainbow Dash: Yes, and most importantly...
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So, there is only one last Bong Chong Dong story. The last one. Will this one be better than the first, or will it be just as bad as the second. Only one way to find out.
So, this story starts with the girl from the first story… You know… That girl from the first story. So, she is on a bus, in what has to be the reddest tunnel in existence. I mean, seriously, why is there so much red in one tunnel. Is this some sort of Korean belief I don’t know about. I don’t know.
So, the girl falls asleep, only to wake up, to see that everyone else is asleep. Yeah, because, red is such an amazing sleeping...
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Well, this one has been on the chopping block for a while, and, since its October, and since this anime is kind of a horror anime (Thought, that's debatable) I think now is the best time to talk about the anime, Highschool of the Dead.
Now, this is the first anime that has zombies in it. Now, I love anything with zombies, from games, like Left 4 Dead, Zombies Ate My Neighbors, and Dead Rising, movies like Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, and Land of the Dead, and television shows like The Walking Dead........ Okay, so thats the only show I know that has zombies in it. But, when I heard there was...
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Hello everyone and welcome to Boss Bits. Today, we'll be looking at the bosses from the game that people say is the greatest game ever made... That would be Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the N64.... Then remade fro Gamecube.... Then remade again for the 3DS.. You get the idea. Ocarina of Time is a game that supposedly turned the gaming world on its head. It's pretty good. It had great story, great overworld, and great graphics (At the time). But, what I think makes this game unique are the bosses... Lets take a look at them
(Warning: Spoilers)

Boss: Gohma
Now, this boss is pretty much one...
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Song: link

Commander Kane: This sounds like music for a New Yorker.
Sean: I pulled trains to New York City on a daily basis. Does that mean I like this music?
Commander Kane: Yeah. You're a New Yorker.
Sean: I'm also hosting tonight's segment of Sean's Spectacular Saturday of Stories. I'm in one of these stories actually. Here's the lineup.

8 PM - Now

Johnny Lightning

8:30 PM - Later

Anata No Tenkei-Tekina Anime Bak2Bak

Theme Song: link

Welcome to a place called The Island Of Errol. A place that is run by five railroads. It has hundreds of engines, and lots of trains in the four towns, Mossberg,...
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Welcome to the second episode of Cultober II: The Return. Yesterday, we looked at a classic horror film that is regarded for its writing and effects. Now we will be looking at a classic B-monster film that is known for its cheese but loved for its premise nonetheless. Today we will be looking at what many consider the king of classic b-movies, 1958’s The Blob. The original, of course.

Young lovers Steve and Jane are at Lover’s Lane when a meteorite crashes into earth. From within, a gelatinous creature known only as The Blob emerges from within and begins to devour residents of the...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

When I was twelve years old, I remember my older brother playing the hell out of Batman: Arkham Knight. It looked so cool and a ton of fun to play, but when I played it, I got my ass kicked. Because character action game. But I still liked what I had (Not enough to put on the list, clearly), but I thought, “What if other superheroes got this kind of treatment”. And then Spider-Man came out.
Okay, so I won’t explain much of the plot. You know Spider-Man. I know Spider-Man. We all know Spider-Man. The plot involves Spider-Man getting involved with a terrorist attack and as to fight...
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So remember when I talked about how a David Cage game, despite how much of a hack he is, has a better concept of mattering choices than Telltale? Yeah, I still stand by that, despite Cage's lack to tell a story. But that's not to say Telltale games are bad. At least, not all of them. One of my favorites is the very stylish and narrative griping murder mystery of The Wolf Among Us. So let's talk about-

Hi everyone this is DisneyPrince88 and I’ll be doing one of WindWakerGuy430’s top 100 video games for his anniversary

The video game that I’ll be reviewing is one of WindwakerGuy...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

So let’s be really clear here. As far as writing goes, and an interesting story, I prefer the GTA games over any other sandbox game. But for replayability, for massive fun, for an overworld that is brimming with personality just begging to be fucked around in, I always prefer the Saints Row games, and none of them is more insane and fun to play than Saints Row IV
So the game is far different from the past games, which was about a small street gang becoming a massive criminal empire. Now said street gang’s leader has become president of the United States. And there’s aliens, espionage,...
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Remember back when I talked about Lollipop Chainsaw and said that it was the most decisive game from Grasshopper before another game. Well, this is the now most decisive. Travis Strikes Again, a spin off, not No More Heroes 3, that people either like or hate. And in case it wasn’t super obvious, I love this game
I feel like it is important to remember that this game is a spin-off and not a main series game, and yet everyone still thinks this is NMH3 and a bad continuation. If this game spits on the legacy of the franchise, then Smash Bros, Pokemon Snap, and the entire Persona franchise...
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Well this one is certainly going to be a blast from the past, assuming anyone from that time is even alive or even reading this article. In 1920, when movies were still silent films with only a line of text appearing afterward, not much was thought about being done in the horror genre. But low and behold, here comes Germany with one of the most influential horror films ever made, 1920’s The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari. What makes this film such a standout from almost a hundred years ago? Let’s find out.

The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari is told from the perspective of an interesting person by...
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This is a film I only heard about in hushed whispers. 1988’s Maniac Cop was a slasher film that, among other slasher film titles, went unnoticed when it first came out. Low critical reception sure didn’t help. But it eventually gained a following and many people came to enjoy the film. And so, what do I think of the movie. Is it a possible underrated slasher classic or is it not good. Well, I do like the idea of a police officer being a serial killer, and making it a lot more of a hidden threat, so there is definitely potential here. Let’s give it a shot.

In the middle of the night,...
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posted by Windwakerguy430
Hello, everyone, and welcome to Whatever Happened To…, where we take a look at gaming's biggest busts, disastrous disappointments, and all of it’s failures, flops, and other alliterations. Games that could’ve been something, only to turn into nothing. And today, we’ll be talking about a little game that shouldn’t even be allowed to exist for reasons we will be getting into on this episode of Whatever Happened To…, and that game, in question, is Too Human.

Too Human was a game created by Silicon Knights, a company founded by the amazing Denis Dyack, and by amazing, I mean he’s...
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Song: link

Duck: Black Sabbath ladies, and gentlemen.
Henry: What's Black Sabbath?
Duck: *Gives an annoyed look at Henry*
Gordon: I wish I was the Gordon hosting this show.
Duck: Didn't you already host with James? Besides, I don't you think you want to be this Gordon.
Gordon: *Using a magic shield to protect himself from more rocks* I'm safe. Now to continue hosting. Adventures of Thomas & Friends will be up next followed by Gran Turismo.

Episode 15

The Little Engine That Could

One day at the wharf, Mr. Percival recieved a letter from Sir Robert Norramby. He wanted an engine from the Narrow Gauge...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
You must look at this picture for 20 seconds before continuing onto the next part of this fan fiction
You must look at this picture for 20 seconds before continuing onto the next part of this fan fiction

Song: link

The following is an STH/AM6663 Fan Fiction
The following is an STH/AM6663 Fan Fiction

Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see.
Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see. *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see.

Pinkie Pie: *Talking into a radio, recording a casette tape* Entry 749020, I have just joined three ponies in a new group formed by Celestia. This group is called 935. I do not trust the other members in my group, so I will brain wash them, and go into a teleporter I built personally. Celestia has an important job to complete in a...
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posted by Windwakerguy430

In the town of Camren, there is a shopping center known as Final Stop, a store known for it’s poor products, high prices, and with employees who seem to have more common sense than anyone else around. The employes, Malcolm, Emilia, June, Roland, Benedict, and Thomas, all deal with the worst of working in retail, such as idiotic customers, poor pay, the devil as the manager, the end of the world on a known as Black Friday, The Back being a portal to Hell, and a rival company owned by a holy manager with dreads.


A new member to the Final Stop Cult Family, Malcolm is...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie are friends, but sometimes Pinkie likes to tease Dash about the time she fooled her by thinking she was a ghost. Rainbow Dash doesn't like that.

One night, they were having a sleepover at Sugarcube Corner.

Pinkie Pie: Wake up Dashie! Are you dreaming about the time you thought I was a ghost?
Rainbow Dash: Certainly not. Anyway, I was just pretending to be afraid. I knew it was you.
Pinkie Pie: I hope you don't mind the room being dark.
Rainbow Dash: Why?
Pinkie Pie: Just checking to make sure you don't get scared.
Rainbow Dash: *Ignores Pinkie, and goes back to...
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Wind: But why do I have to do this
Teacher: Because at the last ballgame, your so called “National Anthem” caused a full scale riot
Wind: Oh, it wasn’t that bad
Teacher: Forty-six people died
Wind: Oh… well that what they get for going to a ballgame
Teacher: Okay, the way I see it, you have two options. You can either play a game of baseball and win this school a victory, or you can spend a day with Austin over there
Austin: (Draws a penis on the board) HA HA HA HA!
Wind: I’ll play
Teacher: Your damn right you will
(That night)
Dave: Hello, Oxford. It is a beautiful day here at the...
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posted by Seanthehedgehog
Running from Chicacolt to San Franciscolt is a railroad called the Union Pacific. It's the largest railroad in the United States, and is run by thousands of ponies. This is the story of some of those ponies that run the rails, aka railroading.

Episode 2: To Lease, or not to lease

August 1, 1950

It has been half a week since Coffee Creme's first day working on the Union Pacific. She's a hard worker, and normally works with Hawkeye, and together, they would have a special assignment. They were recieving it in Cheyenne at 9 O clock in the morning

Pete: Attention everypony! Listen up.
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