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(Considered originally wrote sometime in 2003 or 2004, based loosely Call of Duty 3.. But the story was rewritten and made public in August 23, 2013 in FictionPress, here was the result.. May not be very good, but here's still the story)


Nazi's had attacked and destroyed a village, Thomas James Crow was the only lone survivor. He witnessed the town being destroyed and Nazi's killing the villagers including his parents, who were killed by one particular Nazi named LT Hassan, a cold hearted man, who has a large black mustache (what looks kind of like the one Captain Prices has in the Call of Duty games), he also has cold looking brown eyes, and a blue sailor hat, which matched the blue Nazi uniform.

Hasson and his men destoried the villiage and left.


(CURRENT TIME) June 8th 1941, somewhere in a small town called Hanceville.

Thomas is currently 40 years old, he would always be haunted by the horrors he saw.

He is still getting use to the his new life. In a busted up sack of a home, in a smelly old town, that he hated everything about.

But he is forever haunted by the events of that horrible day.

The day he lost EVERYTHING!

The day he is forever changed by, cause of it, he is left as an angry man who only wants to find a way to avenge that horrible day, BUT HOW!

One day his chance finally arrived.

Two soldiers arrived in town, wanting recruits. Thomas saw this as his opportunity.

Cpl David Star was at the table were people would sign up. He was tall and skinny, and wore a army helmet, and large boots, and had a small pistol held in container around his belt. Beside him was Cpl Matt Tomboy. Who had M1 Grande in his hands, was tall and strong looking, a few cuts on his face and wore a cameo sun hat.

A few people came to sign. David Lop, Patrick Lake, and Tom Com.

"I think that's the last of them ser" Star told Tomboy.

Suddenly Crow appeared. Crow was strong looking, tall, and bold. "You're a though looking cookie, A" Star said. Crow didn't answer. "You look pretty old, why the hell do you want to join?" Tomboy asked. "Anger at the Germens, they killed my family, and destroyed my home" Crow replied. Tomboy knew how he felt as he has had a similar expirence, and so he allowed Thomas to sign up "What's your name anyway?" CPL Star asked. "Thomas Crow" Thomas told him.

Tomboy and Star drove Thomas and the other recruits to their base. Were they met Sgt Eric Rock. He was dressed like Star and most other soldiers, he was somewhat fat, but not noticeably, and looked really strong, he had a Thompson gun. Tomboy introduced the Recruits to Rock. "Good more fresh meet" Rock teased.



"THAT'S GROSS!" Tomboy cried. Looking at a fly infested spoiled rotten glass of milk. "Look Matt, I made, DRINK!" Eric ordered. "I hate you" Matt growled. And forced himself to drink it.

Tomboy was throwing up, all night.

"I'm glad you liked it" Rock teased. Tomboy gave him a glare.



Rock called everyone to a meeting. Cpl Gap arrived with 100 more soldiers, for back up. "Ok, lesson up everyone" Rock said. "Are you all out of donuts?" Star teased. "Ya, did you stuff them down" Com pitched in.

Rock ignored the two of them. Suddenly the base started getting blown up. "Com, check what you can see" Rock insisted. Com checked though a hole, and saw a German tank. The tank fired at his direction, and blew a huge hole at that spot, as for Com, poor guy was blown into millions of pieces that spread all over the base.

"WHY THE HELL DO THEY HAVE A TANK!" A soldier cried.

"Who cares, just get though that hole, it isn't safe in here" Rock cried. Everyone did just that. But a dozen Germans were there waiting for them. And a battle started. Private Maxwell, who has a mustache, and forest cameo type helmet. Shot two Germans with his pistol. Everyone had pistols except Rock, Tomboy, and Star.

Rock shot a German 12 times in the chest, and watched him fall dead before lowering from his aim position.

A German managed to reach a MG42, and started firing, luckily everyone was able to find cover. Until Rock grabbed him, though him down, and stabbed him in the stomach with a knife.

Tomboy shot a Germen strait in the forehead, with his M1 Grande.

Crow managed to grab a Bazooka, and destroy the tank, before it had the chance to create more damage.

Shortly after Crow defeated the tank, the fight was beginning weaken on the enemies side, there were only 3 Germans left. And Rock shot them with his Thompson gun. Everyone cheered over the victory they just had. "Best of all, we only lost one man" Rock said. "I wouldn't say that" Lake said pointing to a body that was gunned down from the MG42. "Ou" Rock said. Rock grabbed his dog tag. "At least his dog tag is in one piece, and unlike Cow's, it isn't blown to pieces like his body" Rock said, putting the dog tag into his pocket. "Anyway, as I was about to say, before the attack rudely interrupted me… Our men are being out numbered, and we must pass though there (Points to large forest) to get to them" Rock told everyone. "We will need better weapons then these god damn pistols" Lop complained, and everyone agreed. Rock sighed in annoyance. "Look back in the base, hopefully the spot holding weapons, isn't completely destroyed" He told them. Crow, Lake, Gap, lop and everyone else did just that.

Fortunately the place Rock spoke of was still in one piece. Thomas grabbed a B.A.R. Cpl Gap grabbed a Sten gun. Maxwell grabbed a Thompson. Lake and Lop grabbed M1 grandes. Everyone else grabbed Lee Enfield's.



"I feel pretty nervous about this Eric" Tomboy said. "Nothing to be scared of, this forest is completely empty" Rock replied. Suddenly thousands and thousands of Germens appeared. "DAMMIT!" Rock cried angrily.


The large dark forest soon turned into the battlefeild of a hells fight.

The Nazies had liturary been approching out of everywhere imaginable, bullets where flying more than anything imaginable.

Rock's unit quickly started hiding behind whatever cover possible.

A few men wouldn't as lucky and were quickly gunned down.

Still the rain of bullets containued spraying at them.

Rock and a few others managed to return fire, several of the the Germens fell down dead.

One guy managed to throw a gernade, witch successfully killed three or four of the Nazis.

This went on for nearly an hour, both units where under heavy cover.

"This is crazy!" Crow cried, trying his hardest not to get a bullet wound anywhere, even though the tree he was against was abit thin.

"Just hang in there!" Tomboy cried, firing a bullet from his M1 Grand at the position of the Nazi soldiers.

Again the battle containue this way, nither units losing too many soldiers yet. And the Germens still had them out numbered.


Slowly but surely the Canadians started gunning through the Germens.

Cpl Gap managed to gun down most of them, but suddenly he noticed a enamie bunker.

"Sgt! I think I see where they're coming from!" Gap called out to Rock.

"Really!?" Rock called back.

"Somekind of bunke-

Before the sentence was finished Gap was gunned down by two MG42's coming from the bunker, cutting nearly one hundred bullet holes in Gap, who almost instantly fell down dead.

Crow and two others saw Gaps death close hand.

"There goes the front enterence" one of them commented.

"I got an idea" Crow commented.


Crow, Lake and another soldier sneaked to the back entrance of the German bunker.

"Alright, North, break down that door so we could catch them by surprise" Crow said to Private North.

"You aint the boss here, we're the same rank" North reminded.

"Just do it, alright" mentioned Private Lake.

"Alright, alright" North groaned.

North kicked down the door but instantly after he dead, he was immediately gunned down by countless bullets, instantly killing him, as he fell down dead.

Crow and Lake instantly jumped to the sides of the open door as cover.

"Watch this" Lake said taking out a grenade and throwing into the open doorway.

An explosion from the grenade was shown from inside the bunker, Lake managed to check if he got any joining the explosion, the once that weren't killed in the blast, Crow managed to gun down with his B.A.R.

But while Crow was shooting a German leaded onto him, prompting a hand to hand fight. But Crow managed to kick the German off him, the German landed next to Lake who smashed his Lee Enfield against the German's face, surprisingly killing him as easily as that. "Nice" Crow commented.

Lake saw another German try to secretly hit him in the back of his head with a MP40.

Lake helped Crow back up before they returned to the fight.

Lake managed to shoot quite a few of them with his Lee Enfield but eventually had to reload.

Crow didn't even use his B.A.R but instant but instead strapped around his back, and took out a knife. He waited until one of the Germans got closer than ran up him and stabbed his chest and took it back it out when the German was dead, and pushed down the lifeless body.

Crow continued doing this type of stuff until the five remaining Germans were all defeated.

"BUNKER CLEAR!" Lake called out to Rock.


"Come on Thomas, lets help them out if we can" Lake said to his partner, who nodded in agreement.



The large battle finally was coming to an end. There were only two dozen Germans left.

Rock gunned down two at once before having to reload.

All the Canadian units continued gunning the Germans, partially Rock. It didn't actually take long for the Germans to be finally defeated.

Tomboy ran up to the remaining German and ended smashing his head against a thick tree, killing him.

Only a few of the soldiers had enough energy to cheer about the victory they finally received.

"Alright kids! Gather round!" Rock called to all his men, who soon lined up around him.

"We shall rest up here for a few days, but after that, a truck would eventually come for us"

"In the woods!?" Star cried in surprise.

"Your be surprised where these trucks were these trucks can go… But anyway, when it arrives we are all getting inside, no matter what… It takes us to our next objective, support fire our men being out numbered at a beach like area" Rock told his men.

"Feels like there might still be a German around here" Crow said, paranoid toned.

"Don't be silly kid" Rock replied, despite being younger than Crow (most are).

But suddenly at that moment there was the sound of a rifle being fired, and Rock felt pain as he received a bullet hole throw his stomach, and fell down in pain.

"SNIPER!" A soldier cried and everyone took cover, but after a long while, realized he must of left.

Rock was still alive so Tomboy ran over to try to save his old pal from dying. But it was too late, in his last words Rock ordered Tomboy to take lead, than died much to Tomboy's and many other's sadness.


12:05, midnight..

Everyone was fast asleep except Thomas, Star, Lap and Maxwell who were gathered around the still light campfire.

Tomboy was awake as well, but sat quietly in the dark, still saddened by his best friends death. He was also duck tapping his knife onto his M1 grand, to act as a bayonet.

Star, Lap and Maxwell were heard singing.

On the farm, Ev'ry Friday
On the farm, It's rabbit pie day
So ev'ry Friday, that ever comes along
I get up early,And sing this little song...

Run, rabbit, run, rabbit, run, run, run
Run, rabbit, run, rabbit, run, run, run
Bang, bang, bang, bang! goes the farmer's gun
Run, rabbit, run, rabbit, run, run, run

Run, rabbit, run, rabbit, run, run, run
Don't give the farmer his fun, fun,fun
He'll get by without his rabbit pie
So run, rabbit, run, rabbit, run, run, run

On the farm,No poor rabbit
Comes to harm, Because I grab it
They jump and frolic, Whenever I go by
They know I help 'em, To dodge the rabbit pie!

"Never heard of it" Thomas admitted when the three finished the song.

"You really need to get out more" Star said chuckling.

The fire was beginning to die down abit.

"Crap" Star groaned, poking it with a stick till it grew abit more.

"Where do you suppose that truck will be bringing us tomorrow?" Lap asked, somewhat nervously.

"No idea.. I just hope Matt back there remembers were ever it is" Star replied.

"I'm sure he dose, he was second in charge after all" Maxwell insisted.

"Who could of shot him anyway.. I thought they were all dead" Star said.

"I might have a hence.. It might be the same guy, who ruined my life" Thomas thought out loud.

The other three looked surprised, but never replied.

"I think I know who you mean" Tomboy said suddenly.

The other four turned towards him, as he appeared out of the dark.

"Dose he always wear a blue sailor hat?"

Thomas nodded.

"Damn Hassan" Tomboy groaned.

"How do you know him?" Thomas asked.

"Same reason you do.. He ruined me" Tomboy said.

He took a long sad sigh, then contained.

"I grew up with my parents and brother. We lived on a farm, our lives were pretty ordinarily, until..

"Hassan and other Nazis discovered we were part Jewish on my mothers side.. I was the only to find a way to escape.. But I'm haunted by that day" Tomboy said sadly.

"I guess we have more in common than, either of us realized" Thomas said softly.

Tomboy noded sadly.

"Anyway.. You boys should get to sleep, can't have you so tired, you get yourselves shoot from lack of focus on whats happening" Tomboy said.

The other four nodded, put out the fire and began doing just that.



The truck arrived, though Tomboy wasn't overly found of the type of truck it was.

"Alright, everyone get inside, (bangs side of the truck as if checking its condition), lets see if this piece of shit can get us there in one piece shall we" Tomboy said.



They were finally nearing their objective, but suddenly the truck was hit by a landmine, killing the drivers, and carzing the truck itself to fall sideeways and crash.

Fortunately, Tomboy and all them survived in one piece.

"Damn, that was enough to wake you up" Lap commented, giggling abit and holding his sour head.

"Quite over there!" Tomboy cried, shutting everyone up.

"We still have the mission, lets get down there, at least the allys are just down that small hill" Tomboy contained, everyone nodded.

"You our backup? What took so long? and wheres Rock?" asked the Captain.

"We had a intense fight in the forest.. Poor Rock died from a sniper, I'm in charge" Tomboy replied.

"Either way.. You boys need help us, run to their side, kill them offically" the Captain said.

"We have to run in the open!" Tomboy cried.

"And avoid land mines as well" the captain replied.

"FU- (skips to next scene before line is finished).

The run to the other side wasn't ending up that bad after all, it wasn't even that far.

The Germans were outnumbered this time.

Only two hundred Germans and almost a thousand Canadians.

This lead into hand to hand fights for most.

Tomboy was using his bayonet, and his bullets both at the same time.

Tomboy had his knife out and was stabbing Germans.

Star tackled a German to the ground a beat him with his fists.

At one point, Thomas finally saw Hassan, and ran up to him, prompting a face to face fight, Thomas trying as hard as he could to stabb Hassan, who eventually pushed Thomas to the ground getting ready to shot him with his KAR98.

Suddenly Tomboy ran into the scene tempting to stabe the bayonet into Hassan, who dodged it, and smashed Tomboys face against a nearby wall.

joining this Thomas was grabbing for his pistol.

Hasson tackled Tomboy to the ground and was about to smash a large rock his face, when suddenly a gunshot was heard, and he took a bullet to the brain, instantly killing him.

Thomas revealed to be the shooter, and helped Tomboy up as well.

"Well, we got Hassan, finally" Tomboy said.

"Yes, but.. I can't help feeling.. Empty" Thomas admitted sadly.

"I know.. But, trust me the world was better off without him.. Just like it will for Hitler, when his time comes" Tomboy told him.

"Meantime.. We won the battle, we can relax." Tomboy added.

Art by Deathding
Art by Deathding
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Captain Jefferson: Adventures?! They're boring.
Thomas: You won't think so after seeing this!

Episode 2: Snowy Path

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"I can't wait to hear what your railroad is like." Duck said.

"Yes." Exclaimed James, "It would sound interesting."

"Alright. If you all insist, I'll tell you my story." Said Sean, so everyone listened.

"Once upon a time," began Sean,

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Wind: Why are we even doing this play
Mrs. Hope: Because people need to understand the beauty of theater. Nothing rivals such a precious art form
Wind: If you say so

(An audience waits outside)
Mrs. Hope: (Walks out onto stage) Ladies and gentlemen. I present to you, the play of Romeo and Juliet
(The curtain opens, showing Cody and James in fancy dresses)
Cody: (Whispers to James) I look like a fag
James: You and me both
Cody: Okay….. Uh (Reads script) Do you bite your thumb at us, sir
James: Is the law at our side, if I say ay… Wait, what (Reads script...
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Source: E
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Source: ww90sr8hierosdknlnholsnhoieryjoerijlkdfshmskdfhdghdsgserhd
posted by Seanthehedgehog

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Blue lines fly along the screen, then the words appear

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Robotnik: Snooping as usual I see! *Talks faster* Snooping as usual *Slows down* I see!

Naboo, one year before the events of A New Hope.

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The next evening he didn’t even want to be in his room, but I convinced him that the Boogey Man was just a figment of his imagination. I was awoken once more by his screams. I rushed to his room, to find him in tears again.

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#10: Moonfish from Fable - Now, even though the Moonfish don’t do much, physically, they are still pretty cool. These fish are real rare, and are only found in certain lakes. They are also pretty hard to catch, since the fishing in Fable SUCKS! But, when you catch them, their description...
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Song: link

Kevin: *Sitting down, drinking a soda*
Mr. Nut: Pride And Joy ladies and gentlemen, by Stevie Ray Vaughan.
Mily: Nice choice. *Passes by with five passenger cars*
Mr. Nut: After all this time, we're finally back, and I am your host by the way. My name is Mr. Nut, and I am from The Nut House. Our schedule for tonight is down below.

8:00 PM


8:30 PM

On The Block
The Nut House

Mr. Nut: Our back to back episodes of Trainz will begin now.

Theme Song: link

Welcome to a place called The Island Of Errol. A place that is run by five railroads. It has hundreds of engines, and lots of trains...
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