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Hello,My name is Cole and I write stories on a website called Quizazz.Com link Here's my first chapter on my Hunger Games story called,"Rue's Lullaby" Check it out ;D

Description: Welcome to the annual 99th Hunger games," says President Snow, his voice booming over the tvs all over the Districts. It had been twenty five years since Katniss Everdeen won her first Hunger Games then started the rebellion. The rebellion had been squashed and District 12 was bombed as was District 13 once more. However, District 12 was rebuilt with new citizens and new buildings. One boy and one girl are chosen from each of the 12 districts. District 1 makes luxury goods, District 2 mines precious stones, District 3 focuses on electronics, District 4 fishes, District 5 is DNA splicing, District 6 is scientific research, District 7 produces lumber and paper products, District 8 are the factories, District 9 is food processing, District 10 is livestock, District 11 is agriculture and the newly rebuilt District 12 mines coal. Kids from Districts 1, 2 and 3 were Careers, which means they train to become a Hunger Game champion.

Character: Lilyanne Hawthorne

~Chapter One~

Gale had never really been a drinker. Never been, until after his daughter had gone missing, and was presumed to be dead after a year. He started to drink more after the divorce too, when everything started to really fall apart for him. He missed his daughter, who had gone missing. He missed waking up next to his wife, despite all the deprivation and abuse that she bestowed upon him. He started to drink, he started to lose himself, he started to slip, he started to see things, and, THEY, started to see HIM...

Gale started to notice, vague, huminoid shapes, first, out of the corners of his eyes, then, they began to take more defined forms, and leaving the confines of his peripheral vision, and even, the confines of his seclusion, sobriety and waking states of consciousness. Soon, they began even to "speak" to him, if only somewhere deep within his mind...

The beings seemed to WANT, something from him. They seemed to have a purpose for him, something that they wanted him to do, or somewhere to go.

He didn't get clear or concise intention from them, until one night, they confronted him directly, in a dream.

In the dream, Gale was sitting at the shore of a lake, late at night. Somehwere out of the still, qiet and darkness of the night, a girl shrouded, in darkness, blacker than the surrounding night, stepped forward, beckoning to him, with soft and thin hands, only her bright grey, piercing eyes were clearly visible, and then she "spoke", and this time it was quite audible to him
Gale heard her speak clearly "Come with me." Gale didnt know hwat to think of the strange and mystrious girl. He hesitanly got up and took her hand, imediatly they were in a completly diffrent place. Gale looked around him and gasped "Where are we?" He said looking at the beautiful waterfall and lake infront of him..

Gale sprang up, out of bed, as the loud, insistant knocking, disturbing the peace and serenity of the room and his sleep.
He answers the door, and at the door, his daughter, in handcuffs with two peacekeppers escorts... ... ...He knew it was time.The time of the games to start...

Gale looked down at his daughter, who looked back up at him with hatred for the peacekeepers burning in her eyes. Gale knew she was dying to be let free and if they gave to the chance to show she wouldnt not go down without a fight..........
The peacekeepers shoved her into the house. Gale hugged her, missing her so much and just happy to be able to hold his littler girl.
"Dad!!!!!!", she cries, with his cheek against her neck.

It's almost enough to make HIM cry, just like SHE is.
He brushes aside some tangled, wet locks of hair from her face, over her ear and he says: "It's ok, everything's going to be ok.",Gale is cutoff by two Peackeppers, who tooken him.Lilyanne cried and begged for her farther back.....
The peacekeepers dragged Gale away. Lilyanne ran after them, screaming "DADDY!"

"DADDY,LOVES YOU SWEETHEART!" Gale yelled back crying.His tears fell down one by one.
Lilyanne sunk down on her knees and cried on the ground,she thought of severel things but she knew they wouldn't work..even with some help.
The peacekeepers dragged him away. Lillyanne cried and cried, many people came out to help her but she pushed them all away. Finally she had enough with the people and screamed at them "JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! HAVENT YOU EVER LOST SOMEONE! I JUST WANT TO BE ALONE!"

Suddenly Lilyanne ran towards the forest and went under the fence...

~Ten Years Later~(shes now 17)
The soft trickling of liquid flowing filled the immediate area as the girl slipped the knife back into her jacket. She slunk back into the shadows after making sure no one saw her. She moved stealthily, only stopping when she saw the figure shrouded in shadows.

"Joshua," she sighed in happiness, pushing her curly waist-length brown hair from her face as she approached, boots hitting on the whispy leaves.

"Did you get anything?" The teenage male whispered, looking around.

The seven-teen-year-old female pulled the dagger out of her jacket and pushed it into her accomplice's hand, smearing blood on him as she moved. Jashua looked into the younger female's gray eyes and nodded, taking the knife and examining it.He looked at the dead deer and Grinned.

"Nice." he said.