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posted by Skittles98
I woke up in a small room, a large cabinet holding an assortment of hair products, from brushes and combs to ribbons and clips. I was in a long red dress and my hair felt heavy, which was a shock.
“Rypunzel, Rypunzel, let down your hair” someone called
“YO GAMBETTE! LOOK OUT YOUR WINDOW!” a different voice yelled. I looked out my window to see Aqualad and Kid Flash standing there.
“Hey boys! You know what’s up with this craziness?” I asked
“Nope! All I know is that we’re in a fairy tale and Rob, Fang and the girls are gone” Kid Flash replied
“So, we’re here to rescue you” Aqualad added. My door to my tower room slammed open and I spun around. Mystique was standing there.
“Rypunzel, why were you yelling?” she asked
“Oh, I was just telling some boys to go away” I smiled
“Good girl. Mom’s proud of you” she winked, pinched my cheek, then left. Two girls came in. There were wearing tattered clothes. One had black hair, and the other had brown.
“Rypunzel?” One asked
“Willow? Becca?” I asked. They looked up.
“Thank God. I thought we were stuck here” Becca breathed.
“Aqualad and Kid Flash are out there. But good luck getting to them. The Wicked Witch is probably watching the window” I said
“Wally?” Willow asked hopefully, then looked out the window. She teleported down. Becca followed.
“Cheaters” I muttered
“Hey! You! Get out of here!” Mystique yelled, chasing everyone off.
“There goes my ride home” I muttered
“When I was just a little girl, my mama used to tuck me into bed, and she'd read me a story. It always was about a princess in distress and how a guy would save her and end up with the glory. I'd lie in bed And think about
The person that I wanted to be, Then one day I realized: The fairy tale life wasn’t for me. I don’t wanna be like Cinderella, Sitting in a dark, cold, dusty cellar, Waiting for somebody to come and set me free (Come and set me free) I don’t wanna be like someone waiting, For a handsome prince to come and save me. On I will survive, unless somebody's on my side, don’t wanna depend on no one else. I’d rather rescue myself. Someday I'm gonna find Someone Who wants my soul, heart and mind. Who's not afraid to show that he loves me; somebody who will understand I'm happy just the way i am. Don't need nobody taking care of me (i will be there)I will be there for him just as strong as he will be there for me when i give myself then it has got to be an equal thing. I don’t wanna be like Cinderella, Sitting in a dark, cold, dusty cellar, Waiting for somebody to come and set me free (Come and set me free) I don’t wanna be like someone waiting, For a handsome prince to come and save me. On I will survive, unless somebody's on my side, don’t wanna depend on no one else. I’d rather rescue myself. I can slay (I can slay) my own dragons. (My own dragons)
I can dream my own dreams. (My own dreams) My knight in shining armor (shining armor) is me. So I'm gonna set me free. I don’t wanna be like Cinderella, Sitting in a dark, cold, dusty cellar, waiting for somebody to come and set me free. I don’t wanna be like someone waiting For a handsome prince to come and save me, On I will survive Unless somebody's on my side. I don’t wanna be like Cinderella, Sitting in a dark, cold, dusty cellar, Waiting for somebody (oh - Oh) to come and set me free. I don’t wanna be like someone waiting for a handsome prince to come and save me. On I will survive unless somebody's on my side, don’t wanna depend on no one else. I’d rather rescue myself. I don’t wanna be like Cinderella, Sitting in a dark, cold, dusty cellar, Waiting for somebody (oh - Oh) to come and set me free. I don’t wanna be like someone waiting for a handsome prince to come and save me. On I will survive unless somebody's on my side, don’t wanna depend on no one else. I’d rather rescue myself.” I sung. When night set in, I jumped onto my large canopy bed. I fell asleep instantaneously.

A/N Sorry for the long wait. My teacher is evil and assigned us a million things for hmwk DX I'll try to get the next part up soon. BTW, here's a link to the song:
Anyways, hope you like!
Ryella starring as Rypunzel
Ryella starring as Rypunzel
So, it didn't turn out how I was originally going to write it, but it still works, I guess. So, enjoy!

"How do you play this?"

"Lizzy, it's simple. Just take these balloons, that are filled with water, and throw them at people when the walk in!"

"Isn't that mean Ashley?"

"No, it's fun!"

"Oh... Okay!" The two of them hid behind the couch, a large bucket of water balloons beside them. Suddenly, they heard heels clacking against the floor.

"Get ready," Ashley whispered to Elizabeth, "someone's coming." The blue haired girl handed the ghost a water balloon, carefully so she wouldn't drop it; and then...
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"So the under...stan...ding you...and Que....en...Beet...le have." Honesty forced out as Frostbite squeezed his throat even tighter, She chuckled, "Alanna doesn't know I'm her daughter."
Snowflake laid on the floor groaning in pain but was in a bit of shock as she gazed upon the gold hair creature. Honesty's face turned a deep red as he tried to chuckle but gasped and coughed for air.
"You said before that I had no idea who I was dealing with, but I have to admire you're a pretty good fighter." with that said she released his neck and the boy hit the floor. He went on all-fours as...
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posted by BladeYJ
((Listen to this in another tab or whatever while reading (; link))

When I woke it up, I had two things crawling around in my head.

One: I felt hollow, as if a part of me was missing. Almost like someone took me and cut me in half, emptied my body of all it's contents then sewed me up. My fingers dug into the sheets as I sat up, straight, the room becoming familiar. Red velvet curtains hung in front of the window, blocking out all but the smallest rays of light. The silk sheets, I clung to, were smooth and the color of lust itself, it was the same for the walls and carpet. Cool wood filled the...
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posted by Robin_Love
He paced back and forth in the room and her eyes followed him. The room they sat in wasn't too large but very comfortable. Crimson lay on the couch to her right, sunglasses in place. Shade sat elegantly in an arm chair to her left. She sat on the only other couch, plenty of room beside her. In front of her, facing the TV-mounted fire place was a dark coffee table. Tea and snacks had been set out for them as they waited.
“You're quite agitated today.”
“Why do you think? Crimson, what do you have?”
The red head looked up for a minute.
“He has his doubts that are...
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posted by SilverWings13
Random drabble?

"How many bedrooms?"
"Of course that's your first question."
"The answer's one, isn't it?" 
Alek signed in resignation and leaned back against the ledge. On the rooftop beside him sat Aryess, who had paused bouncing the tennis ball against the wall of the utility building to give her brother a no-nonsense look. "Tara agreed to it, Argentum," he defended. 
"I'm not judging you!" she returned, resuming the mindless action of bouncing the ball. "In case you've forgotten, I live with my boyfriend." She paused, the ball leaving her hand and riding the gentle toss to the brick wall,...
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posted by SilverWings13
The smoke filled the air like a choking fog; the alarm blared loudly enough to deafen. He had been in the office once before, when he had snuck in for preparations for this day. The walls were the same sterile white, bare except for a map that hung on the corkboard, bright with red pins. There was glass scattered across the floor now from the one-way window of one wall. The desk was on its side. He hurried over to the wall with the map where keycards hung from a hook. He stood on his tippy toes to grab them. When he turned to run back to the others, he saw the foot sticking out from behind...
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posted by SilverWings13
In the tundra, she could see her own breath. It escaped like a faint cloud from her nostrils and floated upwards a few centimeters before disappearing into the pine needles. This high up, those tendrils of breath would be unnoticeable to anyone far below. Below, the crouching snow-covered bushes remained still and silent. No visible clouds escaped them.
An approaching roar drew her attention over the forest floor as a black jeep emerged from the forest. It barreled through undergrowth, breaking through the freshly fallen snow, leaving behind deep tire treads and the reek of diesel. It would...
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posted by Robin_Love
Alix Penn; Joan of Arc
Alix Penn; Joan of Arc
Full Name: Alix Penn to others, Joan of Arc to heroes alike
Nickname: Alix, Alice, Jo, or Joan
Reason or meaning of name: Alix means “of noble kind”; Penn meaning “Enclosure”
Eye Color: Green
Hair Style/Color: Long, wavy, light brown/dark blonde
Height: 5’4”
Clothing Style: Modest
Best Physical Feature: Eyes

Your Fears: I fear nothing
Your Guilty Pleasure: French Cuisine
Your Biggest Pet Peeve: Those who think themselves higher than others
Your Ambition for the Future: To protect

Your First Thoughts Waking Up: What tea to drink?...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
The boy winced in pain as he was drug by his shirt by Nicolette, and a fistful of hair held by Kori. Kori seemed to march her way through the watchtower, eyes glued forward as she was silent. Nicolette scurried along, her ears tucked low as she waved at people. "Where are we even going?" The boy only stumbled along, taking in the sights around him. He got no answer, but was only pushed along more, this time more ruggedly. Fang stopped mid-sentence when Kori and NIcolette entered the room, his eyes moving from one of his children to the other. "Who is this, and why does my daughter look like...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Before her rebellious side set in
Before her rebellious side set in
pt.2. but there is only one kid lolol

Name: Kori Adams (formerly Karina)
Alias: Raum
Age: 16
Appearance: Kori is a spitting image of her mother, having an angelic look about her. The same straight black hair and the same icy blue eyes. Don't let her innocent looks deceive you, however, she acts just the same as her father. However, because of this, Kori has taken to the rebellious side, and a favoritism to Jason Todd. She chopped off her long black hair into a short bob and dyed pieces in the front, white. Like her father, Kori can be found in dark pieces of clothing and old band...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Chris at the edge of the woods with Trystan by his side, watching Alex trek though the trees. She stepped into the water and made her way behind the waterfall, looking at the metal door that was still torn open. She snickered and shook her head, making her way inside. "Blake?" She called, listening before she heard her brother's voice in another room. "In here!" He called out, dusting off his shirt, moving to greet his sister. "You actually came, no back-up?" He rose a brow, earning a shrug from the girl. "What do I need to see?" Alex asked, following her brother as he began to walk. Blake...
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posted by SilverWings13
August 12, 1926 6:22 pm
Asheville, NC
Biltmore Estate

Temperance laughed as her husband twirled her again and again under the dazzling chandeliers. She finally fell into his arms to let the room stop spinning. When she looked up into Alexie's warm brown eyes, his lips captured hers to take her breath away all over again. Just then the music dwindled to a stop and chatter echoed throughout the ballroom, bringing the couple back to the present.
"And you thought this wasn't going to be any fun," Temperance teased as the pair drifted among the crowd arm in arm.
"It was delightful," the younger man agreed,...
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posted by khanna266
9:00pm at Daniel and Lily's apt.
Christmas Eve
Daniel and Lily just finished baking cookies and are now setting them down n the cofee table with a glass of milk and a note for Santa from Lily.
"Daniel?"the little blonde tugs on her brothers sleeve.
"Yes Lil?"he responds to her
"How will Santa get in if we don't have a chimney?" the little blonde worries.
"Santa's magic, he can get in however he wants." daniel tells her and she feels reassured.
"How about we watch The Grinch before we go to bed?"Daniel asks his little sister and she nods her head making her pigtails bounce.
"Alright then. I'll make...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Alex sat on the bed, letting her injured wing hand off the side, mindlessly rubbing her arms as she listened to her husband chatter away but not processing anything he said. "Alex?" The blonde shifted her eyes when her name was said. "Sorry, Jack.." She attempted to give him a reassuring smile but it ended in failure as her bottom lip quivered. "I just.. could've-" He cut her off, sitting beside her. "You done what you could. No one could ask anything more." He reached up and gently rubbed the top of her head before hugging her close. "You will never be anything your brother, even at your worst."...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
I decided that I needed a break from the intensity of Uncertain Death.. so I wrote a bit of fluff <3 I'll have more up after I write a bit more chapters

Fang awoke to sound of a child crying, turning to meet eyes with his wife. "I just fed him and changed him.." She sighed and Fang nodded, slowly sitting up. "I got him, go back to sleep." He smiled and leaned down to kiss her head before sliding out of bed. He stepped onto the cold hardwood floor and pulled on his shirt, sighing out as he left the room. Within a few seconds Fang was in the newborns room, walking over to the crib and grabbing...
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posted by SilverWings13
One sentence and the dance came to an abrupt halt. The one who had spoken was immediately whisked away for his safety, while the rest of the room was thrown into a flurry of confusion. The gathered guests had come for an engagement ball for their queen and her bastard prince brother. They had not expect a challenge by the brother against his own marriage.
Only a rescue from a visiting king protected the young man. The prince himself was stumbling over his splendid snow robes as the king's escort guided him away. The guards marched swiftly to the tower the visiting royal occupied for his stay....
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
I do apologize for the long chapter, and the one minor dirty wordy Scotty drops in this, it isn't part of my vocabulary and I try to keep everything PG, but I felt it was needed for dramatics.

Alex stood beside the red-head, avoiding all eye contact with him. "You realize that I'll get there before you, right?" She asked, not daring to look down at the intimidating figure. "Yes, I'm well aware. Shouldn't be too big of a difference though." Tobias said, kicking up the kickstand on the motorcycle. He nodded towards the blonde and she swallowed, watching him leave the area. "Creepy kid." She...
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posted by khanna266
Hey everybody,i was actually debating on whether or not I should make this,so I hope you like.Well,I guess here I go.

2:30 am Jake and Ashton's bedroom
*Ring!Rrrrring!Ring!* "Hello."Jake groans,
"Hey there squirt,"A computer voice speaks,
"Who is this?"Jake slowly sits up,
"It doesn't matter right now,what does is that I need you to come to Warehouse 9 alone,with the super bomb."The voice continues,
"I have no idea what your talking about he starts to put the phone down.
"If you love your boyfriend you'll do it!"
Jake looks over at Ashton still sleeping,"When?"
"Now."the person hangs up.
Jake grabs his...
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posted by khanna266
Hey everybody I thought I should write something funny so here goes nothing.

11:00 Am in the woods

"*yawn**howls* Ooh does it feel good to wake up late!"Minion smiled"Time to do something fun!"
He then walked out of the woods into the local park.There were tons of kids playing on the playground and a muscular shirtless guy playing Frisbee with his dog."Hmm"Minion's ears perked up.He then started to walk on all fours,then he was running like a dog and leaped up into the air doing a back-flip grabbing the Frisbee with his mouth."Arf!" he dropped it wagging his butt.The children on the playground...
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posted by khanna266
Saturday 6:30 am Ari and Jaime's apt.
It's already been two months since Paul was born and Ari was ready for another busy day.
"Morning"Ari walked into the kitchen with a stack of papers between her arm and her side.
"Morning amour."Jaime kissed her on the cheek while frying some eggs.
"Really babe?"Ari frowned
"What?"Jaime looked confused
"You know I'm a vegetarian"
"Huh? Oh these are for me."
"Where's my food?"
"Right here"he was holding a plate of waffles and some fruits.
"Thank you baby"Ari smiled and sat down.
Their baby was sitting at the end of the table sitting in a high chair,and Ari Sat her...
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