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posted by InfinityYJ
Fin didn’t bother helping Mercy up from her unconscious position, because she herself was too tired to lift anyone up. Scarlet snapped and the flames disappeared. She turned to Fin and smiled. “How has life been for you?”
Fin laughed quietly, pulling her hair back behind her ear and beginning to braid it. It was a nervous habit she had developed, and because she’d done it as her alter ego so many times it was easy now. Reaching the end of her strands, she released it and it fell back down to her shoulders carelessly. Scarlet smiled, and pulled off her backpack. Fin watched the other firecaster dig around in the canvas pack. She pulled out a round piece of plastic covered in bristles, with a handle, and tossed it to Fin. “You look like you haven’t used one of those in forever.. or this,” she remarked, tossing a small cylinder to her.
Fin stared at the hairbrush and chapstick for a long time, as if looking at something from another world. Finally, she looked up grinning, and grasped Scarlet in a tight hug. “Stupidest gift ever...” she muttered into Scarlet’s hoodie. The older girl smiled and pushed her off. “Gotta go. Break a leg!” she whispered, and disappeared.
Fin watched her go, then went off humming Breaking the Habit.
“Acest lucru. Este de a lua. Pentru totdeauna! Doar o persoană, am nevoie pentru a contacta cel puţin un...**” Robin yelled.
He banged his head on the desk, still sitting in front of the League system computer, hacking away. They’d been watching Fin succeed against most of the challenges thrown at her, but they knew it was only a matter of time before she would fall. Robin groaned and looked up at the computer. “Last code,” he muttered to himself, and typed in the last few pieces. He waited a few seconds, but the computer turned up orange, and he only smacked his head on the desk again.
And he started hearing voices. His sisters, his friends, everything just rushed into his head. For some reason Delta was more annoying than ever at the moment. She was loud, demanding, staticy... wait. Staticy?
His head shot up and looked at the computer, and his face broke into a relieved grin. There was Delta, smirking impatiently, staring at him. “Dude, are you gonna sit with your mouth open like an idiot, or are you gonna talk?”
He scrambled around, fumbling his words and trying to figure out how to tell her. “We’ve, uh, well we’ve figured out something about... um...”
“Fin needs to be warned.”
Robin jumped at the Dark Knight’s sudden intrusion, but Delta only nodded. “I’ll figure out how to get to her, Bats.. Somehow...”
Fin sat in front of the mirror and stared at herself for a long time. Her hair was actually combed for the first time in a while, and it looked good-ish. It looked kind of natural, for her. She sighed, and reached up to the back of her neck. She winced at even the slightest touch, and pulled her hand back to find her fingers coated in a thick, maroon colored liquid. Biting her lip, she reached into her jean pocket and pulled out a tiny syringe filled with a multi-colored liquid. She placed it behind her neck and pressed it in slowly, inhaling sharply.
It dropped to the floor and shattered, and she wiped the blood on her fingers onto her jeans. She reached back again and brushed her fingers up against the injury. She smiled as she pulled them back dry. “Smart...”
“Isn’t it?”
Fin stared at her mirror, without moving. On the windowsill behind her sat a girl with long black hair, wearing dark sunglasses in the middle of the night. She seemed relaxed, staring up at the starry rubbled sky. She turned towards Fin, a sincere smile gracing her face. Fin swiveled around in her chair and jumped towards her. “Delta! What’re you doing here?”
Delta grinned and dropped onto the floor. She looked around. “This place is messed up, man, what the heck? Coulda’ sworn you would’ve gone for something more... classy...”
Fin rolled her eyes. “Oh, totally. I should have used Bruce’s credit card to buy out that little flat on fourth street. That wouldn’t have brought attention to myself!”
Delta smiled. “Whatever, sis. Look, I’m supposed to warn you that--”
Her com crackled and they both tensed, Fin a little more. Delta motioned for her to be as quiet as possible. Fin nodded. “Yessir?”
I notice that you are in a separate quadrant than I have assigned you. Why?
Fin opened her mouth in a silent wtf, but Delta shot her a glare and cleared her throat.
“I am in pursuit of subject. No help is required. I’ll take her down myself.”
Delta. You are not moving. I’d like to know why.
“She’s got me cornered.”
You’re sure you can handle this? Do not reply. I’m sending over a satellite camera to make sure you don’t fail.
Delta winced as the com link shut off. She quickly turned to Fin and whispered. “They’re gonna come after you, and they expect me to fight you. You wanna run?”
Fin nodded, smiled, and punched her sister in the face. Delta stumbled back, holding her nose. She looked up to find nothing but a small candle glowing. However, the vent cover seemed a little more clean than it had been a couple seconds ago. Smirking she jumped out the window, calling her hoverboard and going up to the roof.
“The chase begins,” she murmured, shooting herself towards the other girl who was jumping along the rooftops as a small camera propelled by its own jet came and followed the two.
Fin took a glance back at Delta, sighing. I guess it’s time to show off my acting skills... again... Well, sis, bring it on. Now grinning widely she flipped off the roof and fell, then launching herself up towards the sky. Delta took out a couple of projectiles and threw them at Fin, intentionally aiming at her sister. Anything less than true aim would have been spotted easily, and they’d become suspicious. Fin easily dodged, flipping back, and the projectiles hit the ground. Delta kept throwing, Fin kept dodging, until she ran out of room to run.
The waves crashed out in the bay, reaching their ears. Delta looked at her and pulled out a knife. “I don’t regret this. At least you’ll be able to live.”
Fin turned to glare at her. Now?
Delta’s smirk only grew. Fin smiled in reply.
She reached behind her head, only to lower her arms quickly and shoot two thing out of her belt-- a rope, and a knife. The knife flew towards the camera, but didn’t hit the actual lens. The rope hit Delta’s feet and wrapped her ankles together, and Delta fell. Fin looked at her sadly. “I want my iPod back,” she stated, then jumped towards the bay. She pressed a button on her belt and the knife in the camera blew up.
Delta stared at the remains of the camera, then looked back to where her sister had disappeared. Then she shook her head and smiled. “I’m gonna have to answer to her if I don’t give her a 4th generation touch...”
And she took out a knife and began to sever the bonds on her feet.
posted by Robin_Love
Secret-Day time
Secret-Day time
Name: Trevor Wright
Alias: Secret
Occupation: Hero
Powers: Trevor posses different powers at different times of day. Day-strength, light, fire, wind. Night-speed, shadows, darkness, water. Trevor is also a master spy and trained extensively in combat. He has never been detected and has endurance that lasts twenty-four hours. Trevor loves to use a gun in the day and a sword at night.
History: Trevor was raised on the streets of London, England. He is, as far as he knows, an orphan. His powers manifest from his X-gene. He was taken in by a sly shape-shifter, who intended to sell Trevor to the highest...
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Mount Justice 6:00pm
Kaldur, Robin and KidFlash were at KidFlash's room. They were finding something 'formal' for Kaldur to wear and since KidFlash was the only one out if the three of them to be around the same height as Kaldur they were going to hunt down there.
"Uh, could you for once clean your room? It reeks plus its so messy!" Robin exclaimed, picking up one of KidFlash's dirty clothes with a pair of kitchen thongs-he did not DARE touch it with his own hands.
"Well, dude, quit with the chatter and lets start searching." KidFlash said, tossing a already used shirt at Robin's head.
Robin glared...
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posted by InfinityYJ
Despite the lies that you’re making
Your love is mine for the taking
My love is
Just waiting
To turn your tears to roses...

A grim smile broke out on her face as she whispered the crude lyrics harshly, her throat dry from lack of water and too much inhaled rubble. Barefoot and barely alive, she stood from her crouching position and began to run on the rooftops, her hair practically taking a mind of it’s own as it flew out behind her in wild patterns. She wiped her nose with the back of her hand, coming back with a streak of blood, but she paid no attention as she leapt across the gap between...
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There is a three year time jump between Season 2 and the Arrowette Series. A few things have happened...

Darkseid invaded Earth and was repelled, but Batman, Aquaman, Hal Jordan, and Flash were killed (Batman unbeknownst to the public) during the invasion forcing Wally and Dick to fill the respected roles of their mentors. One year later, Barbara Gordon was paralyzed and forced to leave the cowl of Batgirl behind and become Oracle. Stephanie Brown took her place.

Red Robin, leader of the Teen Titans (That's right, I changed their names) is still Tim Drake (There will be NO Damian Wayne). Aqualad...
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posted by Obscurity98
Roy's arms crushed her body as he hugged her, he begged her not to leave. Harley only pushed him away, and backed up. Roy gave her an odd look, and pulled her closer. Harley pushed away again. Kaldur stepped closer, "Harley please, You have to come."
Harley looked around, the sorrow in her eyes. She had to find a way to communicate. She ran over to Megan and pulled their heads together, Megan was startled, "what? What are you doing?"
Harley motioned from her head to Megan's. Finally Megan got the picture and tried to communicate telepathically. But just as they did, something blocked them. Megan...
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posted by AchillesYJ
Name: Achilles
Secret ID: Adrian Martin
Age: 14
Appearance: about 5’8”, muscular but not super ripped, dirty blonde hair with a blue streak, one blue eye and one brown eye
Civvies: jeans, teeshirt, blue jean jacket, shark tooth necklace
Costume: civvies with sunglasses and wildly styled hair.
Personality: quiet, keeps to himself, a teeny bit egotistical when he talks, doesn’t like to talk to many girls, but does have a soft spot for some who seem down-to-earth
Powers: limited invulnerability, uses knives and blades, poison and explosives expert
Bio/History: He refuses to disclose this.

So.. yeah. That's me.
Mount Justice 5:48 pm.
"Uh, Kaldur? What is with the poop smell?" KidFlash stated, mockingly closing his nose with his fingers in a non-impressed way.
Robin was oblivious to that-he was instead very cross and VERY mad at Kaldur.
Robin tried to grab Kaldur but KidFlash grabbed hold of him by his collar.
"Dude-take it easy"
Robin was so mad but he couldn't get out of KidFlash's grasp-all...
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posted by ArtemisYJ
After my recent article a lot of people think we should reset the OC spot. Do whatever you want. But as for me I'm making a Role Play that will be in a controlled enviorment. Meaning the following:
~It will be Invasion (season two) ONLY (and what happens in the show, happens to our group. 
~You must apply and get accepted to get in 
~We must have a complete or near complete cannon team before OCs applicants will be accepted
~All of the rules I posted in my previous article will be heavily enforced to promote a good RP place (not to be a dictator but to make sure its easier for everyone)
~If you...
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posted by Obscurity98
Harley flew away from the Mountain crying she knew they could have helped her, but she didn't want to take chances. What if one day she really did hurt some one.
Harley let t=her mind wander thinking back to the words Kaldur said. How he pleaded with her on not leaving. Then it dawned on her, what would happen when they told Roy?
He'd have a fit! and then try to find her. She knew it.

She walked now down the streets of Metropolis. she flew over to Clark's apartment he shared with Lois Lane.She didn't want to bother them, so she just sat there, on the window sill not making a noise. After a time,...
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Okay, I'm having one of those moments again. The kind where I get all depressed about Mercy becoming evil (because I really didn't want her to!) and about how there are WAY to many OC's! Not pointing fingers at anyone, because I'm doing it too, but seriously! If you want to make an OC, could you PLEASE just write an article about them first? We need some idea about them first!
That's why I won't be RP-ing at all until I can actually WRITE a story for Casey! I suggest a lot of you guys do that, saying that some people don't even put up a bio for their character!
One more point, PLEASE refrain...
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OOC: This is a one-shot that me and robinluv14 wrote together. We were really bored so this is kind of insane. Like really insane. It’s really random, and not on the timeline of our other stories or the rest of the wall. Which is why Fin is alive and Delta isn’t a traitor and all that. Well we wrote most of this before the Delta thing. We were just too lazy to finish it and post it.....Well I’m rambling, as usual, so here. Read. If you dare.

The sun had set, and gray dusk had overtaken Happy Harbor. Most of the team was piled in the cave, in the lounge, the kitchen, or in their respective...
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OOC: Okay let me explain and apologize. This is going to be dark, extremely dark, and probably pretty twisted too. If you don’t like that type of thing, don’t read this. I don’t usually write this type of stuff, but I can explain...maybe. See, lately I’ve been reading some pretty dark, often graphic, Slade/Robin slash on If you’ve ever read any of that, you’ll understand. I’m pretty sure it messed with my mind, because the other day, I had a very...vivid.. dream about it. So of course, me being the lunatic that I am, I had to write it down. This is the slightly...
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How to end up running for your life from a pissed girl wearing a red helmet with two guns pointed at you. AKA, how to piss me off.

1) Sneak into my room dressed like Joker when I'm sleeping.

2) Constantly say horrible 'Lady Gaga' jokes when I'm around.

3) Poke me constantly in the head when I'm wearing my helmet.

4) Ask if I have a motorcycle fetish. Constantly.

5) Tell me anyone on the team loves me.

6) If I decide to be nice and let you ride on my motorcycle, try and make a move on me. (You will then be dragged along the road behind me by your ear)

7) Say YOLO for everything.

8) Tell me I...
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posted by Kenzie_KarmaYJ
OOC: The beginning of the third and final fic in Kenzie's little trilogy. Enjoy!

Kenzie grinned in delight, watching Delta furiously charge towards Robin and scissor kick him. He retaliated, grabbing her legs and flipping her to the ground. Kenzie gave a small laugh and the teens gave her simultaneous smiles before going back to their training. She shifted her attention to Bentley, Aisling, Belle, and Russel, her momentary visitor. The four sulked in the corner. It was a habit for the particular group. Kenzie got up from her place and, carefully avoiding the sparring siblings, she made her way...
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posted by TerrorYJ
Becca approached him from behind, never making a sound. She wasn't too keen on talking to him, much less being anywhere near him. He was a fool, someone she would ignore. But he had crossed the line. He had hit a nerve inside her and she needed to be heard, loud and clear.
He turned his head slightly. He turned back to looking at the bank when he saw who it was. She knew he was upset. He had been hurt in battle, but Becca had wanted him out of the mountain. There were very few she turned away from. But this guy she did. In front of everyone.
“I get that you don't like me....
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The harsh winter wind whipped through the dusky air as she walked down the forest path, blonde hair billowing behind her. She pulled her heavy coat tighter to her body as she trudged through the snow. She looked up at the frost-lined trees, and cupped her hands to her mouth.
    “Zig!” she called, her voice reverberating through the forest until it was lost among the trees. “Zi-ig!” Looking down, she noticed a trail of small footprints in the snow, and followed them.
    She reached a thinning in the trees, and now a hill, covered in the thick...
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posted by NekoTheif
"I don't know who you are"

It shook Charm's foundation. "You...what?" he blinked. "Where am I?" she blinked at him. Charm noticed something different. The anger, the hurt, the love, the understanding it was all gone. She wasn't his Amara. "your not her. You can't be" he shook his head. "Who was I suppose to be?" she blinked. "Your suppose to be Amara! Your suppose to be Tundra!" he yelled shaking her.

She looked hurt. "I don't know who she is but she must mean a lot to you" she slid onto her knees. "She does. She means everything to me." he let Abel wrap her arm around his shoulders. "Is she...
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posted by Skittles98
Sorry about the long wait; I got lost on the road of life ;)

When I woke up and looked around, I was half expecting to see the run down house I used to live in. Instead, I woke to my new crimson room. The paint reminded me of fall leaves. I stretched and found a blue bundle at the end of my bed. I picked up the note.
“Time to go and meet some friends. Put this on, Sapphire” Dad used my ‘super-name’. I quickly slipped it on and tied my hair into a pony tail. I flew out and down the stairs. I whipped passed Alfred, my wake ripping the duster from his hand. I quickly flew back, placed...
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posted by Skittles98
The boy sat on the large, fancy chair.
“Dick, this is my and Diana’s daughter, Evelyn Veronica Isabelle Lang” he explained
“Your…daughter?” the boy asked
“Yes. We lost her in a storm six years before you were here” Dad said
“This is totally whelming. Why would you keep this secret from me, Bruce?” the boy demanded
“Dick, now isn’t the time. I’m making it your job to show her around the mansion, find a room for her and tell her who you are” Dad ordered
“Fine, but don’t think that we’re done talking about this” he nodded.
“I’m Dick Grayson. I’ll be your tour...
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posted by Lollipop97
Full Name: Annabelle Hawthorne

Nicknames: Anna, Ann, Annie, Bell, Anders.

Age: 14

Aliases: Timer

Identity: She tries her best to keep it secret to everyone but her family.

Nationality: American

Father: John Hawthorne, founder of the McFresh waffle company. Caring, but busy family father.
Mother: Mary Hawthorne, caring housemother, always trying to find fitting husbands for her daughters.
Sister: Abigail Hawthorne, grumpy 18-year-old sister with the bitchy attitude, but can also be kind and loveable at times. Also called ”Pissy Pants” by her younger sister.

Personality: Annabelle is a...
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