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Also the same way I met Jack! :3

"You remember how I met Ciel, Jaime?" I looked over at the young winged boy.
"No..." He said, looking through his memory banks. I smiled and hopped into his lap.
"Story time!"

I ran through the forest, my boots hitting the snow furiously. All I had to protect me from the cold was Daddy's sweatshirt and some shorts, not good for below freezing weather. I skidded to a stop, just barely avoiding falling off the cliff. I peeked over the edge, and I couldn't see the bottom, and my eyes widened. Something shifted in the snow.
"Who's there!?" I whipped around. Amethyst eyes gazed upon me. I tilted my head. He was young, like, my age, translation, ten or eleven.
"What're you doing out here?" The boy had a big coat, that belonged to his dad or something. He didn't respond, he only looked off into the snow. A blizzard began to hit.
"You don't talk much, do you?" I sat next to him, my legs dangling over the ledge.
"Who are you?" He looked over at me.
"Mel. Who are you?"
"C-Ciel." He looked me over. "You shouldn't be out here in those kind of clothes. You'll loose your toes."
"I've lost worst." He tilted his head.
"Don't ask." I breathed out, my breath visible. The cold had sunken in through my sweatshirt.
"You look colder than an ice cube."
"Yeah, I am." I whispered.
"Come here." He opened his arms. I hesitated, but, there was something about this boy I trusted. I sat on his lap, as he unzipped his jacket. His chest was bare, and had one scar running down his neck, to his stomach.
"You are cold." He whispered, zipping me into his fur jacket.
"Why are you out here alone? Especially on Christmas?"
"I've always spent Christmas alone." He said.
"Because I don't have anyone."
"You ask alot of questions, don't you?" I nodded, and he let out a chuckle.
"That's okay."
I smiled, and warmth began to flood back into my body.
"How old are you?" He asked.
"Ten. You?"
"You're an old fart."
At this, he laughed.
"I'm only two years older than you!"
"I know." I giggled. He rolled his eyes.
"Why are you out here alone?"
"Because it's my birthday, and I wanted to."
"Ah. Happy birthday."
"Merry Christmas!" I beamed.
He poked my nose, making me giggle. Slipping from his jacket, I braced myself for the cold.
He stood up, taking my hand and pulling me up.
"You're strong." I said. He bowed, and started to walk off.
"Bye!" I waved.
Before he had a chance to wave back, he fell to the snow.
"CIEL!" I dropped down to his side.
"I'm okay..." He whispered, struggling to his knees. I pressed the back of my hand to his head, and he was burning up.
"You have a fever." I pulled his arm around my shoulders, and stood up.
"Don't strain yourself." I said, starting to walk.


I kicked open the locked door.
"Daddy!" I yelled.
"Yes M-What happened."
Fang knelt infront of us, tilting Ciel's chin up.
"He has a fever." I whispered. Ciel's knees buckled under him.
"Woah there." I said, catching him. His eyes shut slowly.
"Give 'im here Mel." Fang picked him up.
"Take good care of him." I whispered.


"Where'd you find him?"
"We were talking over on the cliff."
"Why was he there?"
"I dunno. He just said he didn't have anyone to celebrate Christmas with." I whispered, pressing the back of my hand to the sleeping boy's forehead.

"Really?" I nodded.
"Yeah. He's been my friend ever since."

I mean, Jack found me on the cliff. And brought me in cause I had a fever...
posted by Mclovin_69
“ Why didn’t you tell me..? “ she breathed out with her back to him as she stood out on the balcony with her arms crossed, he let out a deep sigh and looked down “ I didn’t want to risk anything….”, she turned around as the cool breeze blew through her blonde hair. “ Risk what!? Bentley what could you possibly risk if people knew who you were! “She shouted, Bentley looked down still “it’s not like I wanted to keep it a secret from you….. I knew from the beginning but I just didn’t want to tell you because eventually I’m going to have to go on my own……” he muttered...
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“ So you talked to Jet? “ he muttered taking a sip of his pop and placing it back on the counter, she nodded “ I had only come back an hour later Bent, I found you in the Nervegear and Jet had sent you a message. I knew Jet knew about this so i made him tell me what the heck you were doing….” Aryess said gripping her glass of water on the counter with both hands, Bentley sighed “ Jet….he couldn’t even keep a stupid promise……”. Aryess perked up “ meaning? “ , “ I told him to do all he could to keep you from coming after me……but as you can see he did a bang up...
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Random questions for the OC's. From my Creator.

For Fang:


2.) Is your name Fang because you're secretly a vampire? o.O

3.) Will you give me back my eyeliner anytime soon?

4.) Why does Mel chew on you all the time?

5.) Can I touch your wings in exchange for your live daughter? ~Overly~Attached~Girlfriend~Face~

6.) Would you kiss the floor instead of me?


9.) Did you realize I skipped eight?

10.) Do you know Ciel raped Mel?

11.) Nah he didn't, just wanted to...
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posted by MercyYJ
(( Warning to those whom it may concern; this story does contain hints of rape and does bring up the subject. If you are uncomfortable with this in any way, feel free to just click "back" and go back to you happy life... Thanks! ))

Link to Part 1: link

She stood outside the hospital room, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. "He can be released soon, right? I mean, it's only a minor gunshot wound to the shoulder. Nothing major, right?"
"We'll have to wait for his foster parents to sign out on the clearance papers."
"But- he's my partner!"
"Good for you." The doctor turned to the couple...
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(( Bentley P.O.V ))
Two months………, two months we’ve been trapped in this death game…. We had barely made a dent into reaching the one hundredth floor. The floor to freedom, I felt lost and tired but wasn’t in my right mind to give up. I walked through the streets in my black combat boots, black jeans, my black fingerless gloves, and fighting vest with swords crossing on the front. I walked past the fruit stands and opened my option list looking to see how much money I had, I clicked on an amount and a bag of money appeared in my hand as I walked over to purchase a bag of apples....
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posted by Robin_Love

“Please Mr. Wayne? Pleasepleasepleaseplease? PLEASE?”
Devin followed the billionaire around the mansion, begging for his approval. He finally turned to her, his face set in stone.
“Give me a reason that you can back up.”
“The team has had major problems the past months from missions or personal lives. This is the ability to let them relax and have fun after all the hard work they've put in.”
Devin's no-nonsense face matched his. He studied for a time.
“You'll be in set-up, clean-up, and any thing else responsible for this.”
“I promise! It will all be...
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(( Bentley's P.O.V ))

I dont understand.... a system announcement always means somethings wrong..... i have to tell Jet..., i swiped open my list looking for the log out button in my suprise it wasnt there. What was going on? everyone around me obviously had no clue what was going on either there was no point in asking obviously something was up, something big..., suddenly i saw it a big hooded figure appear before my eyes floating in mid air, who was the figure? what did he have to say?.

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posted by Robin_Love
She winced as his fingers gently ran over the bruise on her cheek. She could see the angry fire in his eyes and looked down. His fingers pressed against her blackened eye gently and she pulled back a little. His hands moved to hold hers, which were in her lap. She glanced up and saw the pure rage that is surging through him, feels it in his shaking hands. She looks back down and tries ignoring his eyes boring into her. She looked back up, their eyes locking.
“Why the hell did they do this to you?” he asked.
“I was in the way. They wanted their loot.”
She shrugged and ignores the annoyance...
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In which the reader is forced to wait while I try and figure out what's coming up next. >-<

“Patience, Kyra.”
She got goosebumps at Chelsea’s calm voice, tears escaping down her face. The pain of the gold was immense but she couldn’t place why-- skin contact hadn’t affected her before. Chelsea’s chuckled reached her as she took in a shuddering breath. “I assumed it would pain you more than you believed.”
The dark cloth over her eyes slipped away and she blinked a couple of times. Chelsea sat across from her, scraping a jagged knife on rock, making earsplitting screeches....
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Can you believe it? It's officially been a year since Red Revenge made his first appearance in Heart of Courage...

And now it's time for the party to start! Later this week, 66DragonAnimations will be uploading a video celebrating the one year anniversary of this vigilante! The link to the link is below. They've even re-designed it for the special anniversary!!!

And what will the link account be doing you ask? Why, we're re-publishing every single Red Revenge story ever! Go check it out, fan us, and enjoy this month of the Black Hero.

Celebrations start December 1st and continue until the World Premiere of What Matters? on January 5th!

So please, enjoy this month of festivities and DON'T LEAVE!!!! WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK!!!
Red Revenge V:
What Matters?

Trailer 2-

In Cooperation With

For twelve years I've protected this city.

A red chevrolet, from the seventies, speeds down the street. Revenge jumps on top of it.

And this whole time, everyone though I was a hero.

Revenge grabs the driver and slams him into the steering wheel. The car skids and crashes into a wall, Revenge jumping off.

Let them think that.

Power Corrupts

Sam picked up the helmet and slid it on over his head. The screens glowed red and activated. Systems, weapons. He had enough to take out half of New York and still resist the police...
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posted by The_Writer

((NOTE: This takes place in an Alternate Universe))

Sam looked at the puffy pants with disgust. He had been quick and happy to agree to do something silly for a kid's charity concert. If he had known that he would be doing the classic song "Can't Touch This" in the original music video's format, he would've suddenly become very ill. 

He adjusted the pants one more time when he heard the door squeak open. He turned to see Becca walk through the door.

"Becca!" Sam hissed. "What are you doing here?!"

"Look, if you're doing something ridiculous, I'm gonna be here." The ebony replied.

"I thought...
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posted by DanteYJ
(All the italic word are flash backs)

I really hate it, this void I'm lost in. I'll never see him ever again. The team was never close to him, but I was! I guess I took him for granted.

"I hate you!"

I never really understood what it was like to be lonely to have no siblings, sure I didn't have most of my family, except him, but I always had the team. Not now, it was just me and him... alone.. in his apartment.

"Hi, Blade, what brings you to my house of horrors?" A smirk crossed Dante's face.
"Shut it, Dante... I'm not in the mood for your jokes." Blade sneered.
"What's bothering you, Kiddo?"...
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This is what I did at 1:10 in the morning instead of sleeping XD

1.    Gossip

2.    People not getting along

3.    Being alone in the cave

4.    Fighting for no reason

5.    People that treat others differently because they aren’t like anyone else

6.    Sad music (duh)

7.    Not winning a game of Egyptian Rat Slap against her roommate Molly

8.    People that make fun of others

9.    Joker murders

10.    Talking...
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posted by ThirteenYJ
Delanni Pier
7:56 p.m.

Tara lowered herself onto the sand, looking out to the sea and it's cresting waves. Kicking off her sandals, she wiggled her toes freely.
She was glad she had changed into her civvies after a session of training. It hadn't been her intention to come out here to the beach, but her legs had carried her here nonetheless.
Now, looking around at the empty beach in her tank-top and shorts, Tara enjoyed the momentary silence, accompanied by nothing more than the cry of gulls and the slapping of waves as they greeted the surface. Feeling security in the solitude, she lifted her...
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The city was dark and cold. Even in summer, especially this summer, the nights were still cold. They were about to get colder. Moscow provided many shadows and alleyways to hide in. One was about to be used against the city itself. 

The man pulled out a cellphone and called. His silhouette was spotted three streets over by a professional sniper. The sniper had no interest in killing the man, however. He was the backup. 

"Are we all clear?" the deep, strong voice came over the phone as soon as the sniper picked it up.

"Affirmative." the russian accent came. "Good luck,  comrade!"

The bearded...
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posted by Robin_Love
I know these have been posted before, but I'm going to list them again. All at once so there are no questions later on. Let's start.

No more than four pictures of the same title/theme.

No more than two posts on the wall per account to avoid spamming of the wall ((Writer))

Articles must be kid-friendly and not graphic in any way

If there are articles that need questioning, message me.

If there are any problems between fans, they MUST contact me to stop major riots/fan wars

If you have too many Ocs that you can't keep track of, please fix the problem

Anything inappropriate or “scarring” will be...
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posted by InfinityYJ
My mind wanted this.. and I completely hate my mind right now.. But I wrote it anyways... So... *goes and hides in corner*
It's kinda... creepy/weird. Forgive me.

“I missed you.”
The halls were completely bare, the rug was clean to perfection, but the house had an eerie air to it. The lights didn’t work well and the doors seemed to whistle creepily. Shadows bounced off the slightly dirty windows. He walked slowly, his bloodshot hollow eyes darting to and fro among the halls, jumping at even the slightest of noises. His mouth would open to scream when a sudden shadow came out at him, but...
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Eric stormed into the cave. “She’s gone.”
Delta looked up. “Who’s gone?”
“Your sister! She’s gone!”
Eric threw his hands in the air. “You’re all hopeless. Yes, Phoenix!”
“How do you know that?” Red said from the other side of the cave, beginning to stride closer. Ariel looked up from her spot on the couch, and Tanner came out of the hall, obviously just finishing a shower.
Eric sighed and sat on the couch, rubbing his forehead. “I went to meet up with her at her place. We talked a little, and both fell asleep, and when I woke up, she just wasn’t there.”...
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BUAHAHAHA! Hope you enjoyed that last chapter!

I sat in a chair. Not just any chair, you know those spinning chairs at offices? Yeah. I'm just that special. I spun around. These were my flies in the ointment:

1. The saying "flies in the ointment", like, ew.

2. What the heck was going on inside everyone's mind? Did they think I was a traitor? Did they feel betrayed?

3. I'm starving. What the heck? I thought I was superior.

4. Lexi. What was Fang supposed to tell her? "Oh, your sister has gone evil and betrayed everyone of us!" Yeah, that's not him.

I spun, watching the walls spin by. I thought. And...
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