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Devs~ If it’s okay with you, I made some kids for Aisling and Rowan that you can put in Generation of War if you want. Let’s assume this is a universe where Jackson doesn’t exist, so Aisling and Rowan actually end up together.

Name: Victor Matthew Heyywood
Hero Name: Apocalypse
Age: 16
Appearance: 6’1” ish, strong/solid build, wavy dark brown hair, blue-green eyes, light skin, freckles, he looks a LOT like his mom although his facial features are a bit more like his dad’s
Powers: Vic can fly, like his mother Aisling, and he also has super-strength. He mainly fights with hand-to-hand combat; he prefers his own fists and strength to any other weapons. He is surprisingly fast, but not particularly agile or coordinated.
Weaknesses: He is not very coordinated and is very clumsy. He has a deep fear of guns, and he is also very impulsive and can be quite reckless.
Personality: Vic is fairly outgoing but he is quiet. He is kind of the “strong and silent” type, but he isn’t particularly shy. He is rather impatient and his temper is easily set off, but when he’s angry it usually fizzles out pretty quickly. He is confident and a natural leader, and he is extremely focused. He has a sarcastic side, which will usually show when he is ticked off or angry. He usually works well in a group but he is more of an individual kind of guy.
Relations: son of Aisling and Rowan, older brother of Annaliese and Aris.

Name: Annaliese Charlotte Heyywood
Hero Name: Fathom
Age: 14
Appearance: also tall, probably around 5’9”, wiry build (more like Rowan’s), wavy purple hair a little longer than shoulder length, blue-green eyes, light skin, freckles
Powers: Somehow Annaliese got the short end of the deal, her only power is gauging measurements (like Aisling’s). She is also good at hand-to-hand combat, and the combination of her height with her wiry “runner’s” build means that she is strong but also fast and agile. She has incredibly sharp aim due to her gauging power, and so it’s not very hard for her to pick up new weapons as long as they involve aiming and they aren’t too heavy. She is better at thrown or “shot” weapons than hand-to-hand ones such as swords, bo staff, fighting knives, etc. She has a great sense of direction and is good at navigation and mental maps. She has a highly logical mind and has a great memory for strategy and numbers, figures, calculations etc.
Weaknesses: She is a bit uncoordinated but less so than her mother and brothers. Her logic helps her but when it fails or she’s in a situation that is beyond logical explanation she feels very vulnerable and is often unable to think properly. She is terrified of the unknown, and anything she cannot measure or gauge. She panics easily and she is rendered completely useless in these situations; this also occurs when her emotions impair her logic.
Personality: Annaliese is shy and timid at first, but very sweet and kind once you get to know her. She is agreeable for the most part, but her love of logic and strong desire to put logic above emotions often gets her into situations where she might come off as rude or unfeeling to people. She tries not to let her emotions take control of her, to the point where an outsider might think that she doesn’t feel emotions at all. Like I said before, she is extremely logical and also quite clever. She is quiet and tries not to “show off” with her intellect.
Relations: daughter of Aisling and Rowan, twin sister of Aris, younger sister of Victor

Name: Aris Jensen Heyywood
Hero Name: Nova
Age: 14
Appearance: tall, like 6’2” ish, strong build (he’s built more like his mother), wavy dark brown hair, purple eyes, light skin, freckles, wears glasses
Powers: Aris got his father’s powers of creating “clones” of himself, although unlike Rowan, his clones look exactly like him except for the eyes (which change color depending on the clone). His clones, although controlled by him, have personalities of their own and will often rebel against him. He does not have multiple personalities or multiple “sides”, but rather his clones are like their own people when they split off of him. Each clone has its own strength, for example one of them is fast, one is strong, one is stealthy, etc. Aris, especially his “stealth clone” is good at stealth and alright at hand to hand combat. He will occasionally pick up weapons such as knives but usually he fights with his own fists.
Weaknesses: His clones can be very uncontrollable sometimes because they have their own personalities, and he can be weak-willed sometimes. He is extremely clumsy and uncoordinated, and he has the least muscle strength out of his siblings (but the highest stamina). He is overconfident which can get him into trouble sometimes.
Personality: Aris is the most outgoing one in the family, and he is spunky and rebellious. He has an attitude, especially towards authority figures, and he can be very snarky, sarcastic, and teasing. He is cocky and confident, and a huge prankster; he often uses his clones to help pull off elaborate pranks on his teammates. Sometimes his confidence gets him in trouble, and he always speaks his mind. He is extremely honest and will never lie about ANYTHING. He has a great sense of humor and he can be wild and out of control.
Relations: son of Aisling and Rowan, twin brother of Annaliese, younger brother of Victor
posted by XxKFforeverXx
Trystan increased the speed on the treadmill, jamming the earphones into his ears. He shook his red hair from his face, sliding down his goggles over his eyes as he began to pick up speed. He stared straight forward at the wall as he ran, his focus altering at the red lightning bolts. The male slowed the treadmill and stepped off of it, slowly pulling the earphones away from him. Trystan stumbled back when a hand clasped around his neck, his gloved hands gripping at the yellow forearm.
"Where's your brother?" Trystan gasped out for breath, staring back at a familiar face. "Hu-Hunter!" The speedster...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
Precious child
Precious child
Name: Jaime [Jay-me] Adams-Norrian (Adams is't known, however Norrian is. Only few know his last name.) Or as Fang calls him sometimes "Princess".
Alias: Valac
Occupation: Hero
Age: 17
Appearance: Jaime's hair color is the same as his father's, Fang, however it isn't nearly tinted as a ravenette color in the sunlight. Jaime's hair is much shorter and frames in his face, mainly in the cheek area. His eyes are a bright blue. The teen's stature is only 5'4 and his body frame is quite small, however it allows him to be more nimble in battles. Much like his father, Jaime has wings. They stretch 14ft...
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posted by khanna266
I couldn't find any blonde little girls
I couldn't find any blonde little girls
"Big Brother,Wake up!"Lily poked at her older brother with her toy wand."Ugh!Five more minutes mom."he grunted and rolled over facing towards the wall."I'm not your mommy,silly.I'm your wittle sister"the little blonde laughed.Daniel rolled over facing towards her and looked up at her with one of his bright baby blue eyes"That's right you are.Besides your too short to be my mommy."he joked and Lily laughed in the adorable way she always did.Daniel then put on a shirt and threw Lily over his shoulder."Daniel what are you doing?"she laughed as her braids fell hanging upside down."I'm kidnapping...
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posted by MafiaYJ
"Now! Lon, take him out." It hate just been over a year since my last assignment, but a year was enough to change me. At one point in life, killing was easy, not enjoyable but I didn't have much guilt. Now that was all different. Now I had friends, family, people I cared about. And its that, that madr it that much harder to pull the trigger.
I had a gun as I ran down the steps and kicked open the door to the lobby. My target was in my line of fire. I could take him out. He made himself so obvious. But we were in a hotel lobby. Around me, people were in a panic at the sight pf my gun. Who was...
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posted by MafiaYJ
It has been long since,
I have seen.
The outside world,
Is but a dream.

I have once seen,
Where flowers lie,
But now all I see,
Is a starless sky.

I remember,
A shining sun,
Its blinding rays,
Shone on everyone.

There was a boy,
I once met,
He is all I had,
And I will never forget.

I am alone,
In my dark world,
Praying to see as I had,
When I was a little girl.

Music evades me,
As does your voice,
All I have is before me,
And I have no choice.

Your moving lips,
They captivate,
I mustn't look away,
Before it' too late.

I remember swaying,
To the music in my bones,
But I can barely hear,
That I am all alone.

I miss the magic,
That music used to bring,
I remember when,
I could hear birds sing.

Now everything I have,
Is only everything I see,
And that is not the way,
I want things to be.

(I was bored and wrote these each for the sisters. please dont steal!)
posted by GlitterPuff
She awoke from her sleep hearing a scream from a room. Quickly, the red head jumped out of bed and went into the living room, seeing Amara curled up in a ball on the couch. Rene walked over to her, sat down, and pet her head.
    “Amara sweetie, what’s wrong,” she said, her voice sounding half asleep. The black haired girl answered quietly.
    “Daddy… he was gonna…” her voice trailed off, not finishing her sentence; but Rene knew what she was going to say.
    “He wouldn’t jump off honey,” the red head said with kindness...
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I was bored, so I decided to find and list all the articles pertaining to Aisling’s life, in anticipation for my upcoming series!

link: Series; finished. Aisling aged 14. My first (and very crappy) Aisling story. Basically it introduces Kaos, Aisling, and mind-hacking.
Wings of Kaos: Series; canceled. Aisling aged 14-15. Never actually wrote it, but a basic summary: Aisling. Kaos. Fun. Not really. And then he was your dad.
link: Two-shot; finished. Aisling aged 15. “Hi Aisling. I’m Tesla. Can I rape you?”
link: One-shot; finished. Aisling aged 15. Aisling and Jackson break up. This will...
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posted by Robin_Love
“Under the sea?”
“Been done already.”
“Night in the clouds?”
“Too simple.”
“Used too often.”
“Ugh! This is hopeless!”
Becca looked at her upside comrade.
“Devin, we'll find a rockin theme for you. I promise.”
Devin turned her gaze from the window to where Becca sat upside down. Since Devin had wanted privacy, they had gone to Becca's place. And hadn't been interrupted since entering.
“Fine. But I just can't see how.”
“Think outside the boring fun box.”
“That was contradictory.”
Devin turned her gaze back to the outside view. She...
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NOTE: The following scene contains alcohol use. (This is purely for precautionary sake)

Police Chief Robert Draxx opened the door to his apartment and flicked on the lights. It wasn't until after he had hung up his coat he noticed the shadowy figure, using night camo, hiding in the shadows. 

"Revenge, couldn't you have met me at the office?"

"It's midnight, best bet was you were here asleep. In fact, I knew you were heading here."

Draxx sighed and opened the fridge. "What's so important?"


The Police Chief straightened up. "What's he doing in New York?"

"He's not. From my sources, he's still...
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posted by Red-Revenge
Baby Sisters

(Part 2)

New York City

April 29, 18:01 EST

Sam quickly shut down the computer and hopped out of his seat. "Artemis! What're you doing here?"

"I thought I'd stop by to visit my big brother." Artemis said. "Why? Is this a bad time or-?"

"No, no!" Sam said. "It's just Holly's sister is in town and I didn't expect you to show up now."

"Double sisters, huh?" Artemis asked, walking towards the computer. "Older or younger?"

"Younger!" Sam exclaimed, shutting the computer off before Artemis could open it.

"You could've just said 'don't touch it'." Artemis said.

Sam raised an eyebrow.

"True, true."...
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posted by Red-Revenge

"What's wrong with purple?" Liam demanded.

"Nothing." Cassie said quickly, snatching the shirt from Liam. "I still think blue looks better on you."

"As you've pointed out so blatantly."

"You've been on this Team for two years and you still don't have a civilian outfit."

"Why such a fret about civvies now?"

" cant go to the pizza place with me in a skin-tight suit." Cassie said nervously.

"Who said anything about a date?" Liam asked, a sly smile on his face.

"Cassie rubbed the back of her neck nervously. "I was operating under the fake confidence you would go with me."

"Of course...
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posted by FangYJ
Help, I have done it again 
"Scotty...Why?" Danny put his head in his hands.
I have been here many times before 
Danny sat in front of Scott's grave,  tears sliding down his face. "I don't get can't be gone..." 
Hurt myself again today
"It's not fair! You didn't deserve it! Any of it!" Danny got up and hit the tree, cracking it. 
And, the worst part is there's no-one else to blame 
I swear I'll kill them for what they done to you! Brendan's in on it too. You're death WILL be avenged. I swear it. 

Be my friend
"Missile coming in! And fast!" Brendan watched the dot move closer and closer. ...
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posted by XxKFforeverXx
"Stop!" Jonas sprinted after a boy about sixteen with dark hair and piercing blue eyes. Agents closely followed and started climbing a small hill after him. 
"Jaime! Stop running! No ones pointing a gun at you. It's pointless." Jaime turned to look at four agents who where closely behind him. 
"You've been running for what? 22 hours? You're probably starving" Jamie climbed down and walked past Jonas. 

Jonas watched patiently while Jaime ate. 
"Who taught you to fight like that?" the boy ignored his question. 
"What do you want from me?" Jaime pushed his plate away and stared at Jonas.
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Bandit slid down the ladder and stepped back to allow Ruse to follow him. 
"Keep the link open," their leader ordered before running out of the alley.
Yes, sir, Ruse promised. He turned and sprinted out the alley in the other direction. By the time he reached the back of Wayne Tower, Saber Tooth, Fire Mutt, and Jaguar were already waiting.
"Done!" Jaguar exclaimed as the service door clicked open. 
"Shhh!" the others hissed. 
He ducke his head apologetically and moved from the mangled lock pad and held the door opened. 
Lady's first, he said, motioning inward like a doorman. Saber rolled her...
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posted by Robin_Love
Yes. I'm evil.

She stared at him, speechless. He came close to her and took her hands.
“It's okay Kitten. Relax.”
“H-how can this be? I killed you.”
She shook her head and stepped backwards, reclaiming her hands.
“No. This...this isn't right!”
“No! You aren't Alex!”
“Don't be so sure little Kitten.”
“Alex died!”
He stepped closer and she scratched him. He screamed and glared at her.
“You mess with a force you can't handle, Kitten!”
“Stop! You aren't Alex! Only Alex can call me that!”
The form flickered and Teague stood before her. Cat tried to run, but...
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Got these questions from MercyYJ and bakes..You can ask me questions on my forum and I'll answer 'em in part 2!

1) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
"Diversity and multiculturalism are such basic facts of life that they can play a role in almost any speech you give. Consider the following situations." Curse you, public speaking textbook!

2) When is the last time you played the air guitar?
*thinks* Um...yesterday. I was listening to Linkin Park.. *whispers* I was playing air piano too...don't tell anyone!

3) What was the last lie you told?
The answer to question 1. That...
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Explanations One-Shot
(Inbetween Final Battle at the School and Wally's arrival in the Cave in Chapter 15)

Artemis closed the book and laid her head on it, drifting off to sleep. She hated Biology. The two things she hated more were biology tests and late-night cramming for biology tests.

Artemis was almost asleep when the phone rang. She cracked open one eye to look at the clock. It was around one o'clock in the morning. She groaned and sat up, heading over to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" she asked sleepily.


"Holly? What are you doing calling at one in the morning?"

"Oops! I didn't wake...
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posted by Punk_Heart
I know that no one will bother reading this but I'm gonna post it anyways cause I'm tired of not saying what's on my mind. My trust in my close friends has been shattered and vice versa because I'm obviously not trustworthy enough. For the benefit of everyone please leave your minor personal problems to yourself, I respect that sometimes we all need advice from people other than our family, but I draw the line when someone posts about the same problem over and over again and gets the same advice but decides to ignore it. Not only is that rude and disrespectful but it's also very annoying. I also agree with all the annoying RP habits some people have developed and hope that people will look into those.

Well that's it flame and comment if you want I don't care, I finally said some of what's on my mind and didn't just sit back and suffer silently

Yoku sayōnara, min'na
( Bonjour!! Mclovin here me and ArtemisYJ be writtin buddies hehehehehehehehe)

The streets were silent during the night, it was like this basically every night so it didnt seem to be any different then usual. He played his guitar gentley his fingers came across the strings creating a beautiful tune, he heard the sound of change land in his case and looked up to see a man in a suit with a breif case continue on his way, he stopped playing and looked at the time, 10: 23 PM, it was getting late it looked like it was time to turn it in for the night, he took the change he had gotten playing out...
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posted by Mclovin_69
He sliced at a dummy with his sword making it fall apart and heard a little noise behind him and loooked from the corner of his eyes to see two attackers coming at him from both sides, he backflipped out of the way and took out his small daggers throwing them at the incoming dummies and made them fall apart aswell, he landed on his feet swiftly at ease and stood in a ready position with his regular sized sword breathing heavily with sweat running down his forehead, he heard clapping behind him and flipped his sword back into his side pouch and turned around smiling. The man who approached him...
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