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posted by Robin_Love
“I can't believe how much has happened,” Becca said aloud.
A wind blew her hair and she attempted to tuck the loose strands behind her ear. She sighed as the sun set. It was a gorgeous summer sun set with cool breezes. The day was as perfect as the weather. Except for one minor detail.
“Megan has become like a sister to me. She's always there to help me and she trusts too easily. Kaldur is...I don't know him very well. But he could be a close friend if we were to talk. Then there's Connor. He is very temperamental but he has a sweet side; he's a brother. And so's Wally. Ohmygosh. Wally is just all around crazy! But he has earned his place on the team. Artemis would come next. She and Wally are constantly fighting but that's because of the romantic tensions. She could be my best friend. And you know all about Robin. Did I miss anyone?”
There was no answer. But Becca had expected that because it was deadly quiet. What else would you get from a private cemetery? Tears flooded her eyes as the names of her parents, engraved in stone, stared back at her blankly. This had been the day Becca had lost her mom. And her dad would be two or three days away. She was all alone. Becca let the tears slid down her cheeks, fingering a blade of grass.
“I miss you so much! Mommy...daddy...why'd you have to go? Mommy...daddy...!”
The sobs came now, wrenching from her heart and out her throat. It hadn't ever been so easy to mourn when Serepta had been on her trail. But now Becca was free to do much more the weep over the loss of her parents. She looked at herself and felt uncomfortable. She was wearing the purple dress she'd had for her mother's funeral with the a little green jewelery set her dad had bought her. She didn't wear much color, but Becca had decided to dress with her parents' favorite colors; just for th day. Now she was wondering if she should've reconsidered. Before she could decide what was more honorable, arms wrapped around her and Becca wiped at her trickling tears.
“I thought I'd find you here.”
“You a good detective, Dick.”
“Hmm. You're a better one.”
Becca smiled a little, leaning into him as the sun sank lower. She felt Dick's breath hot on her ear and couldn't keep the heat from flushing her cheeks.
“You look beautiful,” he whispered.
“I wanted to honor them by wearing something they'd love.”
“I know. You mother would like the dress. And your dad would be pleased with the green jewelry.”
More tears began to fall at the mention of them and Becca felt lost.
“How do you do this? I want to know how you did it those first couple years.”
“I had a family to help me. Bruce and Alfred were very helpful and understanding. They let me mourn. But kept me from wanting to join them.”
“But...I have no family. You're all I have left. You're the only family I have.”
Becca fingered the silver band on her ring finger. It had little hearts engraved in it and a few sparrows. But there was a robin with rings outspread right in the center, where a jewel should have been. It was simple, something that would have meant nothing. But Becca cherished it.
“Don't worry, love. I'll help you. Even between being Becca and Shade. You don't have to worry.”
“Dick, I don't even know who I am anymore.”
Dick moved to sit in front of her. He cupped her cheek and tilted her head upwards. She grabbed his free hand and tangled their fingers together.
“I know who you are Becca Stevens. And I will never loose you.”
Dick looked into her vulnerable brown eyes and he knew how heart broken she was; how betrayed she had been feeling. He leaned down to capture those tempting lips with his own.
“I promise.”

“Is your hair dyed?”
“What?” Becca asked, a smile on her lips.
“Did you dye your hair?” Wally repeated.
“No. Why?”
“I never thought you could black hair with red highlights. Especially ones as red as yours.”
“Umm...It's just like that.”
Wally tilted his head as he watched Becca jog away. She'd gone from happy to secretive; over hair! Something was wrong. Becca was normally cool with all of his random questions. But she just closed up, like she was carrying a burden. A secret. Wally LOVED secrets. He wanted to find out Becca's secret and he was anxious to start. But if he got too nosy, word would get to Robin. Then he'd be in trouble. Find a secret or get in trouble with the Dark Knight?...Bye secret!

“That was too close,” Becca finished.
“Yes it was,” a muffled voice agreed. “They're getting too close too fast. We need to keep this secret Becca. Remember?”
“I'm trying. But I'm not very subtle with my emotions.”
“True. Relax. I'm sure Wally won't know any better. And the others don't see you as much.”
“What about Robin? I can't keep this a secret forever ya'know.”
“Just a little longer. In a week's time, you'll be able to release this information you have. The small amount we discussed about anyway.”
“What do you mean? What's going to happen?”
“...I'm not sure. Things are too iffy right now. But there's an evil stir in the air. You need to be on the alert. And watch over them. They don't know.”
“Alright. But only because it's for you.”
“Thank you Becca. Now I best let you go. We wouldn't want them snooping around right?”
“Of course not.”
“Good. And remember, we know nothing.”
The speaker hung up and Becca was left standing in darkness.
“Yeah. But I wonder if that's enough.”
I know this seems random, but bear with me! It all ties in at the end!!!! XD
posted by ShadowYJ
Name: Sabrina Elizabeth Swift

Hero name: Devastator (She chose it randomly in her early teens as a joke, but ever since she started using it, she got stuck with that particular name.)

Occupation: Hero/College student

Age: 20

Personality: Wise, sweet, & caring. Otherwise she is just a mature young lady.

Appearance: Waist length curly auburn hair, hazel eyes (greenish, brownish), very pale and is 5 foot 8.

Civvies: Dark Ray-Bans, black blazer with grey shirt, grey jeans and black high-heeled shoes.

Powers: She can control the elemental powers fire and earth. She also naturally posses the power of...
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posted by 66Dragons
The Reveal Part 2 of 3

Part II:

Leaving Bryson to look at the sights, Sam walked over to a corner of the room and flipped out a phone. He dialed a number and waited for the person on the other end to pick up. 

Holly glanced over and snorted.

"What?" Bryson asked. "Who's he calling?"

"Probably Artemis." Holly said with disgust.

A door slid aside on the other side of the room and yellow light emerged from it.

"Recognized, Artemis. B-07." 

"Speak of the Devil." Holly muttered.

"I probably have something important to do somewhere else." Sarah said, noticing the former archer's arrival and standing...
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posted by 66Dragons
The Reveal- Part 1 of 3

Part I:

Sam had cringed when he heard Holly was going on vacation. The last time his partner had gone on vacation, bad things had happened. VERY bad things.

She had told him in the final period. He didn't get to inquire anymore until they were leaving. 

"How long will you be gone?" Sam asked.

"All Summer." Holly moaned, walking out of the college's gates.


Before Holly could reply, a male voice shouted at Sam.

"Yo! Bro!"

Sam sighed.

"You know him?" Holly asked.

"If I did, he'd know better than to call me 'bro'." Sam said.

"You're Samuel Grant, right?" the dude asked,...
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posted by 66Dragons
Part 1 Coming Soon!

The Reveal- Part 1 of 3

"How long will you be gone?" Sam asked.

"All Summer." Holly moaned, walking out of the school gates.


Before Holly could reply, a male voice shouted at Sam.

"Yo! Bro!"

Sam sighed.

"You know him?" Holly asked.

"If I did, he'd know better than to call me 'bro'." Sam said.

"You're Samuel Grant, right?" the dude asked, walking up. Holly glanced at him. He had a masculine figure, brown hair, blue eyes, and was dressed in Sam's favorite outfit*: a suit.

Sam sighed. "Yes, what do you want?"

"I've been looking for you for months!"

"I'm not that hard...
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posted by The_Red_Revenge
Chapter 8:

"Sportsmaster?" Beast Boy said.

"You say his name one more time I'm going to kill you." Revenge said. "YES Sportsmaster. Who else would give me a run for my money?"

Nightwing raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, I forgot." Revenge said. "The All Mighty Nightwing."

"What was he doing?" Blue Beetle asked.

"I don't know. He was just walking in civilian clothes. I followed him into an alley-"

"--and got your butt kicked." Beast Boy replied, grinning. The grin quickly faded as Revenge grabbed him around his throat. Nightwing leaped to separate the two, but Revenge let Beast Boy go.

"You have no idea what...
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posted by Obscurity98
Superboy had an arm around Megan, sitting on the couch. Next to them was Wally and Artemis. Robin an Zatanna sat on the stools, they got from the kitchen. Kaldur sat in an armchair, and Harley sat in Roy's crossed legs.
Superboy, was no longer paying attention to the movie. Something was wrong. He could hear it.

Harley sat with Roy frustrated. Earlier and two days ago too, Megan had yelled at her when she tried to help with cookies like last time. AS Roy placed his chin on her head, she sighed. Roy rolled his eyes, "don't tell me, you seen this movie already?" Harley Played with Roy's fingers,...
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posted by ReneYJ
It was a beautiful day outside of Mount Justice. I was wearing ¾ sleeve, off the shoulder sweater, ripped skinny jeans, and yellow high heels My hair, which faded to a brown-ish red earlier in the week, was down with a yellow bow. I also was wearing my favorite ice cream cone necklace Rosie was helping me practice some spells I was having a hard time with. We started with a freezing spell. It would make me able to shoot frost out of my wand. I started to practice on some plants first. The frost crystalized onto the green felted leafs and colored petals. Rosie started clapping.
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posted by SilverWings13
Proven part XI

"Not here," Eclipse warned. She led the cautious group to a room in the opposite wing of the ginormous mansion. It was a cozy sitting room: A couch, comfy love seats, a fireplace with a small flame living inside. The others followed her in uncertainly, ready to spring on the defense at any sign of danger, their hand on cane, hidden staff, and close to flaming.
The only one even slightly at ease was Aryess, though she was no less nervous, knowing that the time to explain her disappearance had come.
The boys filed into the room after the leading lady and their youngest team member,...
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posted by Robin_Love
A little something to help set up another article. Enjoy! :)

She could hear the music from her spot in the kitchen. It was a soothing sound but odd to hear. Mostly because it came when no one else was around. They had all gone out to do something. And she was alone as it played. She followed to where she knew it would be played from. The sound haunting yet alluring and still so soothing. It was amazing and it intensified with every step closer she took. The sounds accelerating and crescendo. She looked in the small window on the door. Someone was at the piano, but she couldn't see their face....
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posted by EmeraldYJ
After three weeks, the little girl had earned a place in everyone’s heart. She’d gotten her own nickname, Karma, and was proud to have it. But there was something strange about her. On week three she was taller, and a little thinner. She looked like a five year old, her hair often pulled into a single ponytail. Her green eyes were now a pretty shade of turquoise.
Kenzie rarely ever spoke, and when she did, it was often the word karma. Then she’d snap and something good or bad would happen, depending on what the person had just done. Fang had been the first example. Scarlet had been next,...
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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter 5:

Holly groaned and rolled over. If she got one minute of sleep tonight, she was going to buy herself a dozen donuts.

The blonde with whom Holly had been partnered was about to kill her with questions about the mission. Holly would've rolled over and punched her if the alarm clock hadn't gone off at that precise moment.


"Holly?" Megan asked telepathically. "Are you--"

"Exhausted." Holly replied mentally. "Blondie here wouldn't shut up. All. Freaking. Night."

"Hey! I was just asking questions about the mission!" Cassie exclaimed.

"Yeah. ALL. NIGHT."

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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter Four:

Holly walked onto the school campus. She had to admit, it was rather impressive. The school was an old castle that stretched to the sky. The old stone was cracked and covered with moss. The empty spaces in the wall were filled with glass, so Holly assumed they were windows.

The grounds were acres wide. Holly spotted many different small buildings. Greenhouses, tool sheds, and several others that were covered up. Holly raised an eyebrow, but continued walking as if she were a regular girl and not a super-heroine investigating a possibly hostile and mind-controlled school.

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posted by EmeraldYJ
OOC: you guys are VERY lucky that i'm so nice and giving you this days early.
Emerald: okay, yeah, sure they are.
OOC: what? don't believe me?
Em: no, i get it...
OOC: oh i see, you tried to convince me not to.
Em: yeah. i did. and it DIDN'T WORK!
(we start arguing)
Russ: dude, why are we here? can't believe you brought me here..
Ryan: I brought YOU here?
Russ: well DUH.
(they start arguing)
Em:Nu, esti un idiot, şi aţi făcut acest lucru pentru tine!
Manta: QUIET!!
(we all stop and stare)
Manta: Um.. Hi.
OOC: Well... have fun reading this... this is the sequel...
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posted by Robin_Love
She flew over the rocky terrain, breathing in the fresh air. Her blackened wings flapped gently, pulling her above the ground and towards the clouds. She folded in her wings as she got closer to the ground. She landed on her feet gently. She walked around a little, relishing the cold breeze flying through the summer air. She found a patch of yellow wild roses and picked one.
She heard a flapping noise behind her, turning to look. Nothing but a bluebird. She went back to walking around. When the sun started to set, she turned to go back. She got closer to the edge of the mountain, about to open...
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posted by 66Dragons
Chapter 3-

"Stay wet, minnows!" Lagoon Boy said before following the Dark Knight into the zeta-tubes.

The four girls looked at each other before departing for their individual rooms.

Holly walked in and locked her door. It wasn't that she didn't trust anyone on the Team, it was that she felt insecure leaving her private area, the only place she could be herself, available to anyone.

She knew Batman came in here, and she resented him for it, but she could do nothing about it. Red Revenge seemed to not trust her, but left her to herself.

Holly pulled out a suitcase, knowing the others would fuss...
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posted by KorranYJ
This is just me being bored, a little story about Korran and her impression of her first few days on the team

Korran had only been on the team for four days and she'd already gone on her first mission. Even though it hadn't turned out that well she was still happy that she could go on a mission, well it wasn't exactly an official mission but hey it still counted. Mercy, Silver Wings and her had gone after Terror while Fang and Notte had gone after Teague to get Devin back. As far as she knew Fang and Notte had been successful...
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(Note: The following fanfiction includes drug references, consumption of alcohol, certain suggestive themes, dark themes, extreme language, and extreme violence. This may not be suitable for minors)

(SPOILER ALERT for Book VI: A Massacre in the Family)

Final Battle:

The night: was noisy. The bustle of cars, people, trains, and planes clogged the sound waves of the Bronx. The smoke and smell of fuels filled the air, choking the airways of anything that lived there. It was damp though. The rain from the afternoon had stopped. The streets were still soaked. And it was hot. Blazingly so. 

The place:...
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posted by BladeYJ
Everything brightened up.. all she knew was she was on her bike in a knee-length white and pale blue summer-dress. She peddled through the town and kept going until she hit an orchird. She hopped off her bike and just stared at the evergoing rows of apple trees, the flowers pink and fluffy. She smiled and just walked through the rows, her eyes were light blue. Nothing seemed wrong. She came to a halt and watched a bunny pass her, suddenly there was a loud snap. She glanced over and her eyes filled with horror. They bunny was in a trap.. bleeding. She was hard, cold, and emotionless but she...
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posted by Robin_Love
Betrayal. Heh; funny word. It's almost as common to me as fear. It's happened since I was born. It just follows me. He was starting to come around a little too often. He was starting to come around ME too often. Normally I would leave him be. But he was pushing buttons and asking for hell. I was ready to let him die in the fear I wanted to send him. That changed when they told me to back off. That I was overreacting. To hell I was! They have no idea what it's like! So I left. Teams help each other. But they helped him. Thanks for the help. I walked out of there the minute they betrayed me....
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Okay: This is ALL I have written, but Im working. HARD.

Previously on The Red Revenge...

"A comet landed in Minnesota. Golden, with a creature inside."

"To what do I owe this "honor" Bluestreak?" Revenge asked.

"To the fact that Earth is under attack."

"The Venusians are invading Earth. This first wave we fought individually & alone was merely a scouting wave. The real invasion is about to begin."

"Who's this?" they both demanded.

"Rose, this is my new...partner, Emerald. She goes by Holly. Holly, my original partner: Rose Walker, aka Vendicta."

"If we are going to have any hope of winning this...
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