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posted by Yugi-Game-King
Sweet,and kind.
Sweet,and kind.
(with Yugi,and Mana in the floor...)
Yugi leaned away,and Mana,and him both couldn't help but blush tomoto red. "I-I...." Yugi was at a loss for words. "It-Its alright Yugi...." Mana said,and hugged him sitting up. "Mana?" "Yes Yugi?" "Would you....Go to Yami,and Tea's wedding with me....As m-my...." Yugi trailed off,and sat back away from Mana. "As your date?" Mana ask. Yugi looked down, sighed,and wispered. "Yes..." "Of chorse I'll go as your date!" Mana exclamed,and bounced onto Yugi,putting them laying back in the floor, with Mana ontop of Yugi this time. They both blushed,and Mana got up,and went to her bedroom. Seeing as Yugi was already dressed,and ready... All Mana had to do was go,and get ready.
(Later just before time to go.)
Once Mana was ready, she came down from her room. She was dressed in light pink high heals,and a sparkling pink dress that was Tea's request. Yugi waited just in the liveing room, dressed in a tuxcedo. White pant's with a pink undershert,and white coat. On his coat he wore a pink rose just as all the other best men would be wereing. Just before Mana turned the corner she stoped at a full lingth mirra. "Alright then..." SHe said,and rounded the corner. "Are you ready Yugi?" She asked whitch got his attention,and his mouth droped. "You look...." Yugi really didn't know what to say. He didn't want to say hot,and a-fin her, but he didn't want her to think she looked bad either. "Your beautiful." Yugi simple said. "You really think so?" Mana asked blushing. "Yes." Yugi said blushing. After the moment of akward silince that followed they went out to Mana's car. Yugi dorve.

(At Yami,and Tea's wedding.)
When Yugi,and Mana entered everyone stoped for a split second,and stared. Mana got nervus,and started to shake. "It's alright....Just pretend that nobody see's us." Yugi wispered to her. "Alright..." They then found thier way to the seat's Yami had preserved. When it came time Yugi stood,and went to the groom's side,and Tea looked out the big double door's and motined Mana to go to were the brides-maid's were,and so she did. Then the music began to play,and Tea walked down the isle, her arm wraped around her uncal. Her dad didn't show, but she was happy anyway. The smile that crossed Tea's face when she saw Yami standing with a wide, proud smile across his face was magical. Mana smiled to this,and Tea maid down the isle to Yami,and priest Seth. Priest Seth read them there vows. Tea then looked into Yami's eye's,and said "I do." and sliped a gold wedding band onto Yami's left hand. Seth then read the same thing to them again,and Yami looked right into Tea's eye's blushed,and siad, "I do." He then sliped a golden wedding band onto her left hand as well. "You may now kiss the bride." Seth said, and Yami diped Tea over,and kissed her, for them it seemed like a few sweet second's for the crowd it seemed like a few minets.

(After the wedding- the reception.)
"Congratulations Yami!" Mana said hugging both of them. "Thanks." They both said,and hugged her back. Yugi then walked up,and hugged Mana from behind. "Oh!" Mana let out a suprised sound. "It's alright, just me." Yugi said with a laugh. "This is a great after party Yami." Yugi complimented, the party planed by Mai. "You should thank Mai for the party...." Yami said,and chukled noticeing Mana's blush. "Yugi?" "Yes Yami?" "I think Mana has a little too much attintion...." Yami said chukleing. "Sorry Mana." Yugi said letting go. "It's fine, i'd expect my boyfriend to do that." She said with a giggle. "Hu?" Everyone turned to them. "So I-I'm your?" Yugi asked.. "Oh! Are you not? I thought you were..." "I-I am!" Yugi exclamed. Yami,and Tea looked down at them. "Well, I would have expected you to be after what happend this evening...." She said reminding him of the kiss. He blushed tomoto red. "Oh..... That... Well I would expect you to be my partner as well then." He said ,and Yami pulled him to the side.

(With Yami and Yugi.)
"What happeind this evening?" Yami asked. "Nothing...." "If it were nothing you wouldn't have blushed. How long were you at Mana's after you left?" Yami asked. "The rest of the evening....Why?" "Well, what did you do?" "Nothing! I swere it was just a-a kiss....." Yugi said blushing. Yami's eye's grew wide. "How did this happen?" He asked. "Well it started when she droped her key's....." Yugi told him the story,and he understood. "Oh!"

(Back with everyone els.)
Yugi,and Yami came back to Tea,and Mana giggleing. "What's going on here?" They both ask. "I love her she's so funny,and hyper!" Tea exclamed. "Tea is great!" Mana then exclamed. "It's nice to know your getting along." Yugi said. "Nice to know that your finnally dateing." Tea joked. Mana giggled. "I'm I Yugi's first girlfriend?" She asked. "No! Rebecca was!" Yugi shouted. "Alright Yugi settle down..." Tea laughed. Yami then sat down,and Yugi sat near Mana. "What happend between you and Becca?" Mana ask. "Becca?" Yugi looked confused. Then Rebecca came over. "Anna!" Rebecca exclamed."Anna?" They all asked. "Becca!" Mana exclamed hugging Rebecca. "How's my sister?" Mana asked. "Just fine. HOw have you been wile liveing with mom,and Mahad?" Rebecca asked. "Great, big brother Mahad misses you." She said. "Aw!! I wished I could see him!" Rebecca exclamed. "You just might...." Mana said. "He's hopeing to come down,and see us both in a year or so..." Mana said,and her,and Rebecca hugged once more. "Well, i'm ganna go Anna, i'll see you later. I'm going on a date with Mokuba." Rebecca said happily skiping off. Yugi, Tea,and Yami couldn't beleive their ears. "What?" Mana asked setting back down beside Yugi. "Rebecca's your sister?!?!" They all sounded suprised. "Yes,were sisters." She said calmly. "Oh,and Yugi....." She said. Yugi looked into her eyes makeing her blush. But she kept strong. "If I found out you,and her broke up over a fight, or you hurt her....." She tailed off,and just before she continued Yugi kissed her. "Yugi?" "I would never hurt anyone that I care for." He said,and this maid her blush. "A-At lest I can trust that you'll love,and take care of my when I need you...." She said shocked. She wraped her arm's around Yugi,and kissed his neck. This maid him blush. "I'll tell you the whole story of me,and Rebecca later okay?" "Okay!" After word the party continued,and Mana told about her,Mahad,and Rebecca's past. About how they were all seperated when Mana was 10 Rebbeca was 7,and Mahad was 13. Now Mahad was 22,and Rebecca was 16, herself 19. Now that she was back with her sister,and their brother Mahad was going to be down soon she was happy, and now she had a boyfriend, Yugi.

(In Mana's driveway later that night.)
After watching Yami,and Tea drive off in a shiny gold colored Volvo with the word's "Just married," on the back windo, Yugi,and Mana left. They now stood in the driveway not wanting to leave eachother's side. "Well, I'll see you tomarrow then?" Mana asked. "Why not?" Yugi said,and kissed her on the neck. Mana pulled him close,and kissed him sweetly. Then they both went to thier homes and collapsed on their couches.
Blushing,and loveing.
Blushing,and loveing.
added by spyzero
added by QueenYamara
added by raikagebee
added by indrico
Source: http://images.wikia.com/yugioh/images/e/e1/Raigeki-LCYW-EN-ScR-1E.jpg
added by lilmissYuganna
Source: Yuganna
added by cynti19
added by Boundjor
added by Mew_Mokuba
Source: Self Made
added by madening_mahem
added by MCHopnPop
Source: Screencaps Taken by me!
added by MCHopnPop
Source: Screencaps Taken by me!
added by rose_love
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by Narusasu4EVER
added by miraclay34
added by Mew_Mokuba
Source: Self Made
added by redstarlight
added by BB2010
added by cynti19
I made this one...