Yxari the Acid Girl Club
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Sid tried to process what just happened. Why was Ana-Lysa retired? Where was she? Why was Yxari heal--... The cigarette disappeared with one intake of breath.
    Delilah was filling steralised Liquid Death bottles with the blue steroids, not having anything else to put them in. Yxari entered the Infirmary, Nicky's extra set of clothes hanging off of her limbs and the side pockets clinking.
    "DELILAH, THAT'S PERFECT!" she cried. Delilah looked over just as Yxari pulled the thirty-plus vials of Liquid Death from her pockets and dropped the 50th vial of steroids.
    "You can NOT be serious, Yxari..." Yxari scoffed.
    "It's perfect! The guard to the room goes to the safe and grabs a bottle of Liquid Death so that I can't cheat or something and brings it to me so I can inject the prisoner! If all of the bottles are steroids..."
    "Then every inmate on death row for the next fifty weeks escapes because they were injected with Anabolic Steroids," Delilah said. Yxari rolled her eyes.
    "You act as if I won't replace the steroids with the LD."
    "And you act as if Sid will trust you after his least favourite inmate escapes."
    "You act as if I won't give you a key."
    "You act as if I wouldn't get caught."
    "Both of you shut the hell up," Light said, interrupting Yxari. He rubbed his temples, a firm migraine in place. "Let's just get these steroids to the safe."
    The intercom buzzed above them. 'Nurse Delilah and Executioner Sadaris, please report to the Warden's Office'. Yxari gave Light the key to the safe.
    "You know what to do... Get them there and put the key in my room, you know where that is?" Light nodded, not willing to admit that he followed her there and saw her change her clothes. Yxari gave him an affirmative nod and took Delilah's hand, pulling her out of the Infirmary.
    Light shoved the vials of LD into his pockets, along with the key, and made a mad dash to the safe.
    Sid tapped his fingers on the desk, staring at both of the women before him. He lacked a cigarette, a dangerous sign. Yxari remained blank-faced, and Delilah had a frown on her face. Sid inspected Yxari's clothes again and lifted an eyebrow.
    "Whose clothes are you even wearing?"
    "Nicolaus. He was generous enough to donate."
    "Ladies, let's cut to the chase. Where's Ana-Lysa?" he asked. Yxari developed a glazed look in her eyes.
    "Dead. She's dead," she said quickly, not even registering what she said. Delilah gulped when Sid's face turned to one of complete shock.
    "Well, what Yxari means is--"
    "Is that she's dead. Yeah."
    "You transplanted Ana-Lysa's Acid gland!" Sid shouted. He slumped in his chair, in a unresponsive state. Everyone stood/sat still for the better part of fifteen minutes before he looked at Yxari. "You're executing Sullen tomorrow."
    She tried to look as upset in the face as possible. "Yes sir."
    And with that, they were both dismissed.