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With rich lore and a compelling narrative, The Witcher delivers a well-exectuted story that has your choices play a significant role in several outcomes. As you explore the world of The Witcher, you will be slaying monsters, fighting the Salamandra scum and choosing whether to help the people (and werewolves) of Vizima.

While the controls get a little getting used to. they get the job done with simple timed-clicks and spell executions. Although, selecting what weapon you use via hotkeys can be confusing and clunky in general. Clicking the weapon you want is by far the easier solution.

Alchemy is a large element of the game as it can give tempoary buffs to Geralt during combat or by granting the ability to let you see in the dark. You can also brew oils to increase your weapons' effectiveness and you can also craft bombs. But, these buffs come at a cost. Toxicity. When your toxicity bar becomes at least half full, Geralt starts to become intoxicated. The more the bar is filled (the more potions you drink), the more intoxicated Geralt will become resulting in him being slower, potions having a negative affect or he may just die instantly. However, toxicity can be cured by: meditating or by drinking White Honey.

Questing in this game consists of having a few main quest branches, a few side quest branches and miscellaneous monster contracts.

The structure of the quests can be confusing as let's say, the main objective is to (no spoilers here, just made up) talk to Triss about the enchanted rose. You do that and this piece of text appears under this quest: "Now that Triss knows about the rose, I should come back after I go and see the Druids." That puts this particular quest on hold for now. Then you get a new objective for a different quest that says: "Find the druids and get more information about the rose."
You do that and then this quest goes on hold while you go back to Triss....I think you get my point. It's downright confusing!

There are activities in the game such as: fist fights & poker. The fist fights are boring once you learn the right tactics (rigging I mean) but if you want to make quick money, go right ahead. However, the poker is well done in this game. The music gets you into the gambling spirit!

Overall, I have enjoyed this game a lot. While the gameplay can feel dated sometimes, plus the occasional crashes, the voice acting is great and the story is compelling. I think it's definitely worth a buy if you're a newcomer to the Witcher series! :)
