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Harry Potter

Your favorite quotes?

5 answers | my answer: Oh! Mine would be from Severus Snape, in Philosophe...
Harry Potter

Which one of the actors in harry potter plays best?

10 answers | my answer: Alan Rickman and Ralph Fiennes
Harry Potter

Has anyone see A Very Potter Musical?

9 answers | my answer: LOL yes it was awesome, I loved Ron he was always e...
Harry Potter

have you seen harry potter/daniel radcliffe with a hairy chest?

4 answers | my answer: Quite disturbing it is, indeed.
Harry Potter

I anyone else botherd by the fact that in the movie Harry has blue eyes, or is it just me?

35 answers | my answer: It is kind of bothersome, in a particular way.. Har...
Harry Potter

out of all they some have died in Harry potter,and you have a chance to save 5 of them,who will you pick then? my list it:1. Fred Weasley. 2. Cedric. 3. Lily Potter. 4. Dobby. 5. snape

137 answers | my answer: 1. Severus :'[.. 2. Fred x( 3. Arthur(He was awes...
Harry Potter

Why do you like harry potter??

4 answers | my answer: Because wizards surrounded by a literate plot is ju...
Harry Potter

If you could kiss anyone from Harry Potter how would that be

29 answers | my answer: severus snape years 1-7 nobody else XDDDD! ^///^
Harry Potter

in the hp series, who is the best actor?

21 answers | my answer: Alan rickman <333333 hes just too cool xD
Harry Potter

Do you remember how did you get your first Harry Potter book? How was started your Potteromania??

29 answers | my answer: When I was about 4 and my bro was in Middle school,...