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innocuous said about Miami Vice
The best scene in the series and my favourite is when Sonny is on the phone with Caroline while In The Air Tonight plays in the background. Television history was made at that very moment. Posted over a year ago
innocuous said about Miami Vice
The greatest cop show ever made. And the one by which all others are judged. And none of them come close. There was just something special about Miami Vice. The whole vibe of the show drew the audience in each week. The soundtrack, the clothes, the cars, the characters and the scenery all did something that was never before seen on television. Long live Crockett and Tubbs and Miami Vice. Posted over a year ago
innocuous said about Jonathan Brandis
Jonathan, Not a day goes by that I do not think about you. You deserved so much more than life gave you.
It is a shame that those close to you did not see the warning signs you were giving. I cannot begin to imagine the living hell you were experiencing and the pain you must have felt. I am sorry that I never got the chance to meet you and to tell you what you mean to me, even to this day.
Jonathan, you are still over and missed by your fans. And I am on the top of that list.
Take care. Posted over a year ago