kay lautner

Fanpopping since June 2011

  • Female, 29 years old
  • ramsgate , United Kingdom
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kl92 said about Taylor/Jacob Fan Girls
ong im so happy that were goin get married to talor next year he is the best boyfriend i could ever have sozz girls who love him so much i only got to know him because my dad is is manger so i spent nearly evry day wid him say happybirtday to our daughter emily lautner Posted over a year ago
ninoska12 commented…
what? but you have to be fibbing. hes 19 how old r u? over a year ago
ninoska12 commented…
hes in the usa your not so you cant go out with him which means you are fibbing. over a year ago
nikia11 commented…
whats goin on ..... how are you going out with him over a year ago