30 Seconds To Mars Club
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added by KaterinoulaLove
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added by ayseblack
added by vagos
Source: screencaps by me
added by vagos
Source: screencaps by me
added by vagos
Source: Screencaps By Me
added by vagos
Source: Screencaps By Me
added by nikibella
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added by aleciane
Source: http://www.30secondstomars.cz
added by shahbano-1
added by nikibella
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added by nikibella
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added by nikibella
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added by nikibella
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added by nikibella
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added by Rachel2209
Source: vkontakte.ru
added by pattykirsche
30 seconds to mars
jared leto
added by vagos
Source: screencaps by me
In the middle of the night
When the angels scream;
I don't wanna live a lie that I believe;
Time to do or die.

I will never forget
The moment, the moment.
I will never forget
The moment...
And the story goes oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-woh!
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-woh!
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-woh-oh!
That's how the story goes.

That's how the story goes.

You and I'll never die.
It's a dark embrace.
In the beginning was the light of a dawning age.
Time to be alive.

I will never forget
The moment, the moment.
I will never forget this night we sing, we sing:
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-woh!
Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-woh!
continue reading...
added by vagos
Source: screencaps by me