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posted by 80smusiclover1
Hello, everyone! Kelly here. Once again, I've been inspired by my good friend Antonia to make my own version of her recent Q&A list. Now, you may be surprised by some of my answers here, so feel free to ask me more about them by sending me a message. Anyways, without further ado, let's begin.

1. What is your favorite junk food? I'd have to say potato and corn chips. My favorite flavors for the former are Classic and Sour Cream & Onion.

2. If you could change your name, what would you choose? No thanks. I'm perfectly content with my name.

3. Are you good at keeping secrets? Yes, I am.

4. What is a perfect workout song? Definitely "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor. Just hearing that intro is enough to get your adrenaline pumping!

5. Have you ever thrown someone a party? I don't think so.

6. How do you feel about Disney? I grew up with Disney! Of course, nothing will ever beat the classics.

7. Has your heart ever been broken? In regards to my family, sadly, yes. This was all because of the antics of my narcissistic father. However, I'll never let that diminish my zest for life. As for friendship and romance, all has been just fine.

8. Have you ever had a tree house as a kid? I wish I did!

9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? I hope to finally have my own career as well as to be happily married and have at least one child with my boyfriend, whom I met in DeviantArt when I joined that site back in 2018 (His name is Mike, in case you're wondering.). I also hope to continue having a wonderful, supportive group of friends by this point.

10. Have you ever thought of baby names? That would be Jamie for a girl and Richard for a boy.

11. What is your favorite scent? Lavender and Rose.

12. If you won the lottery, what would you do with the money? I would use it for a two month-long vacation in either Europe or North America. The rest of the money will go to charity.

13. What is one of your favorite movies? The Lion King, no doubt!

14. What superpower would you like to have? I sometimes imagine myself running at high speeds, similar to Sonic the Hedgehog!

15. If you could have been born at any time in the past, when would it be and why? Either in the late 40's or early 50's. That way, I'd be able to witness the height of Beatlemania and maybe even meet the lads in person!

16. What world problem would you love to fix? Violence and hatred.

17. Are you a cat person or a dog person? Dog person forever, baby!

18. Can you cook? What do you like to make? While I'm not that experienced in cooking dishes yet, I am good at baking. My creations so far are chocolate chip cookies, banana bread/cake, chiffon cake, and choco banana walnut pie.

19. Would you rather eat Italian or Chinese food? Italian food all the way!

20. What did you binge watch recently? I'm currently doing a marathon of my favorite Thomas the Tank Engine and Friends episodes. Also, my boyfriend and I are revisiting that show's first season.

21. What is your favorite city? London, England. New York comes in close second.

22. Who is your favorite author? My top five favorites are C.S. Lewis, Wilbert Awdry, A.A. Milne, Charles Schulz, and Dr. Seuss.

23. Are you similar to your parents? In a way, yes. I got my fair skin and good looks from my dad, while my intelligence and kindness come from my mom.

24. Do you collect anything? You bet! I've been collecting Care Bears and My Little Ponies from various incarnations of both franchises since I was a kid. I also like to collect travel/airline magazines, fridge magnets, souvenir toy cars, and vintage coins and postcards.

25. How many languages can you speak? I'm a trilingual. I can speak English, Filipino/Tagalog (My home country's native language), and French.

26. What movie never fails to make you laugh? A Hard Day's Night. That movie is one of the best examples of British humor at its finest!

27. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? Both are equally beautiful.

28. How did you get your name? My mom once said that she has always adored the sound of my full first name, Primrose Kelly. In fact, she already had this name in mind even before I was born.

29. Do you have any nicknames? I have two: Primy and Kell. I don't get called by those that much, though.

30. Who is your favorite comedian? I like George Carlin, Robin Williams, Rowan Atkinson, and the members of Monty Python the best.

And there you have it! That was so much fun! I hope you enjoyed reading this list. If you didn't, please be respectful. If you can't do that otherwise, sod off!

Peace and love,
~Kelly 🌟🌟🌟
"And that's me story, mates." Declared Nicholas as he concluded it. Rosie remarked while a tear streamed down her eye, "That was very heartwarming, buddy. I am deeply touched." John added, "So am I. I'm sorry about what happened to you when you got bullied by Jason growing up. You never deserved that." Ringo said, "Indeed. I hope karma got him." Nicholas smiled and replied, "Oh, it did. He's currently in jail for the rest of his life." "Thank goodness! Now, that serves him right!" Exclaimed Ringo. "Definitely!" Replied Nicholas. Paul said, "That part where you helped Bridget gave...
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Leaving For College in London
After four years, I finally graduated from high school. Our ceremony was magnificent, and we brought home a lovely souvenir photo as a keepsake of the event. In the following months while we had my college papers filled up, my parents and I visited London so that I could get oriented with the city. We also visited the University College, which was my school of choice, and had a tour around the campus. When the new school year started, my parents drove me back there. I said "Goodbye" and blew lots of kisses to them as I got off near the main building. They also told...
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Nicholas in High School
On August 2013, I started high school. I had better memories there than in my elementary. One day, however, I got bullied and beat up by Jason and his gang again. Thankfully, they got expelled and never came back after that. My favorite memories in high school are winning first place in the sports tournament, reciting a poem and a short story during history class, and of course, performing with a band which covered Beatles songs for the prom event. Before that took place, I bought a new guitar, and I practiced playing it every day. This resulted in the band being given...
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A Day at Alton Towers
In celebration of my graduation from elementary, my parents and I went to Alton Towers for a day of fun and games. We first went to the water park, where we had a blast swimming, snorkeling, and riding the water slides. After that, we proceeded to the theme park. There, we rode the roller coaster, bumper cars, ferris wheel, and the Runaway Mine Train. We also challenged ourselves inside the arcade, and won several great prizes there. Our visit was capped off with the beautiful musical fountain show. It was nothing like I've never seen before. We then left the resort with plenty of smiles all the way home.

Helping an Abused Girl
One day, while I was biking around the neighborhood, a shock came into my face when I saw a woman beating her daughter up endlessly. I approached them and asked her, "What do you think you're doing? How could you treat the poor girl like that? She's already crying hysterically, and you should be ashamed of yourself!" When the woman heard this, she stormed off angrily. Thus, leaving me and the girl behind. With deep concern, I asked her, "Are you all right, darling?" She replied as tears streamed down her eyes, "No, I'm not. I'm terribly bruised and deeply hurt emotionally."...
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The Bully and an Asthma Attack
By the time I was in elementary, my resemblance to George was becoming more obvious. This caused several of my classmates, mostly the girls, to gaze at me admiringly. Of course, I wasn't shy at all. I was just quiet. I smiled and waved at them in return, though. Everything was going quite well at first. When, suddenly, while I was walking back to the classroom after lunch break, someone tripped me to the floor. It was my childhood bully, Jason. He laughed at me and exclaimed, "Well, lookie here. It's a little old hairball!" This caused me to become angry, and I...
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An Irish Adventure
A week after my first day of school, my parents and I went on a vacation to Ireland to celebrate St. Patrick's Day and to visit some relatives there. We rode a cruise ship from Albert Dock, which crossed the River Mersey and the Irish Sea before stopping in Dublin. After getting off the ship, my aunt, uncle, and cousin Liam met us outside the pier, and we stayed in their house for the entire trip. The highlights of it were visiting Blarney Castle and kissing the Stone, shopping in Cork City, and taking lots of photos with wacky poses in Giant's Causeway. I even collected shamrocks during our tours and brought them back home with me. In the end, it was a wonderful experience for all of us.

The foursome and the Beatles have been relaxing inside the dorm as the weekend started. Nicholas was playing his guitar when something popped out of his head. He told the others, "Mates, would you like me to tell you about me early life?" Rosie replied, "Definitely, buddy! We'd love to." George added, "Here, here!" Nicholas said, "Jolly good! There will be plenty of touching moments here, so please have a box of tissues ready." "All right. Here it is." Replied Paul as he held the tissue box. And with that, Nicholas commenced his story.

The Birth of Nicholas
I was born on February...
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added by Peaceandlove67
Source: Gone to the Snow Dogs
added by Rubyrings
Source: Google images
added by RocknRollSoul60
Source: Google Images
posted by 80smusiclover1
Hello, everyone! Kelly here. The following is going to be a rant blog on why I despise politics. So, without further ado, let's begin.

What is it about politics that makes me hate them so much? Well, first and foremost, they are very toxic. They destroy friendships and family relationships to the point where they probably would never reconcile. It's really heartbreaking, and I weep for those whose lives were ruined by politics. They just make people miserable in the long run.

Secondly, politics cause unnecessary tension. Imagine a peaceful conversation suddenly turning into a violent political...
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posted by 80smusiclover1
Hey, there! Paul recently made an article like this. So, here's my own take on it. Enjoy!

1. What was your pet's name? My pet's name was Yardie.

2. What kind of pet was it and what breed? Yardie was a dog, and he was a mixed breed.

3. How long have you had your pet? I've had Yardie for nearly two years. From late 2007 to early 2008.

4. How did you get your pet? I discovered Yardie as a stray dog in my village. When I saw him for the first time, he looked rather injured and was limping. I felt sorry for him, and I decided to take him to the nearby vet, who nursed him back to good health. Afterwards,...
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"So, there you have it, my friends." Rosie said as she finished telling her early life story. Nicholas remarked, "That was very touching, love." "And bittersweet, too." Added a teary-eyed Ringo. George said, "I'm sorry you had to part with Zack before coming here, Rosie." Paul added, "Me too. I'm sure it was quite hard for you." Rosie replied, "Oh, it was. However, everything got better with time, and I knew that I would find new friends when I left, which I did!" Nicholas said, "That's right, darling!" John added, "And that's veddy good for you as well!" Rosie replied, "Indeed! I'm...
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The Graduation and Preparing For College in England
Zack and I finally graduated on May, 2017. The ceremony was really wonderful. After we all accepted our diplomas given to us by the principal, we posed for a great group photo. Both of our parents were there and took pictures of us, too. This was followed by a delicious and hearty lunch with food prepared by the cafeteria. Afterwards, it was time to go back home. Tears streamed down Zack's eyes as he told me, "Well, this is it, Rosie. Our last time together. I just wanna say 'Thank You' for everything you've done for me and for being such a...
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Rosie Goes to High School
After finishing elementary, my parents decided to transfer me to the British School for my high school. It was also during this time that I gained an interest in studying music in England for my college, and this was the perfect starting point for me. Zack transferred here as well. One day, while eating lunch at the cafeteria, he became sad and sighed heavily. I asked him, "What's the matter, Zack? Is something bothering you?" He replied, "Rosie, I hate to tell you this, but my grandfather has been diagnosed with diabetes recently. My parents told me that, after I graduate...
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Birthday Bash at the Beach
For my tenth birthday celebration, my family decided to have a beach vacation. By this time, Zack and I have become close friends, and he and his family came with us as well. Our group also included my grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, and cousin Linda. They were all from my mother's side. We had our own private villa complete with a barbecue grill, a giant jacuzzi pool, equipment for water sports, and a free shuttle service to the nearby mall. Me, Zack, and Linda had lots of fun swimming and snorkeling in the crystal blue waters. On the day of my birthday, we...
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A New Friend
During recess when I was seven years old, I saw a group of bullies picking on a boy and calling him names. This made me angry, and I approached the scene and told them in a forceful voice, "Back off, and leave him alone! What gives you the right to do that to him?" Upon hearing this, the bullies got scared and ran away. I then asked the boy, "Are you all right?" He replied while gazing at me admiringly, "Yes, I am. Thanks for standing up for me. That was very brave of you." I said, "You're welcome. Those bastards needed to be called off. What's your name, by the way?" He replied,...
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The First Day of School
The day I started school was quite humorous and enjoyable at the same time. I was the unique one among my classmates because of my fair skin, which resulted in some of them wondering if I was a foreigner. The teacher was also amazed by my intelligence and how I did well in most of the subjects. I was ahead of my parents during the reviews as well. Once, my mother got surprised when she saw me reading the sentences in the English lessons aloud. She said, "Rosie, you already know how to read! I'm so proud of you!" I smiled and winked in return. This made me feel grateful to have the special gift of being a fast learner. I was very friendly to all of my classmates, too. Also, during this time, my fluency in English increased. It truly was a great start for me, and despite getting excellent marks, I remained humble and always thanked my parents and teacher for their help.

Becoming a Beatles Fan
My parents introduced me to the Beatles by the time I was a toddler. The first song that I heard from them was "I'm Happy Just to Dance With You", which remains one of my favorites up to this day. I couldn't help but dance along to the infectious beat. My mother then showed me a photo of the band, and I gazed at their sweet faces admiringly for thirty seconds. Soon, I was listening to their other songs, mostly from the early years. I also watched A Hard Day's Night and Help!, to which I couldn't stop laughing. It was officially the moment I became a huge Beatles fan, and thus, even though I was unaware of it at first, was also the start of an exciting journey that I would never forget as I started school.