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Chapter 8: Working it out

"Does everyone know what time it is?" asked Heidi in excitement

"Tool time!"

That's right here is Tim the Tool man Taylor"

"Thanks Heidi, I am Tim the Tool Man Taylor and here is Al between the state line Boriland"

"ha ha very funny Tim"

"Today we will be working on is fixing home applicator" said Tim

"Today we'll be fixing a coffee maker"

"Alright fixed it Al"

"You did?"

"Yes I added more power, come on Al turn it on"

"I don't think so Tim"

"Fine I'll do it"

Tim turns on the coffee maker and very thing was normal until the coffee marker was spiting on coffee bean. The audicene ducked so did Tim, Al and Heidi.

At home Jamie was lying down on the couch, and on her stomach was a bowl of ice cream. Then Mark comes in all sad and he looks at Jamie.

"I didn't know your stomach was a table too"

"What's wrong Mark?" asked Jamie

"I met this girl she is so cool"

"What is this girl name?"

"Mandy Carson, she likes the same stuff as me"

"The best you want to do, is date someone who loves the same stuff as you"

"How do you know?"

"I dated Randy"

"Now look at you"

Jamie chucked and Mark went up stairs. Then Tim comes in. Tim was looking for Jill

"Where's Jill?" asked Tim

"She's went shopping for the baby"

"why didn't you go?"

"Because I was sick"

"But you look fine"

"Shh she doesn't that"

Tim chucked and he looked at the planner for the day.

"Hey where is Randy?"

"I think Randy should tell you not me"

"Is it anything bad?"



Jill comes in with shopping bags everywhere for the baby, Jamie looked so surprised.

"Jill you brought the whole stores" said Jamie

"That's only one store" said Jill

"Damn" said Tim

Randy comes in. he looks at Jamie. He feels so excited about this news that Randy ready to tell the family.

"Hey guys" said Randy

"Hey" said Tim

"Where were you this morning?" asked Jill

"Well I wasn't shoplifting, like you did, I had a meeting" said Randy

"What meaning?" asked Tim

"I didn't want Jamie to tell you, I want to apply for college"

"Around here?" asked Jill


"Randy that's excellent news" said Jill

"When are you going to found out?" asked Tim


"Who's gonna help Jamie?" asked Jill

"We talk about it with Landon and he's willing to help" said Jamie

"I'm so happy for you" said Tim

It was ready to become Thanksgiving and Cynthia coming to make things much better for Jamie and everyone else.

"Tim Brad can't make it again for Thanksgiving" said Jill

"It's okay we have two sons and pregnant women's family, the joy doesn't giving" said Tim

"Be nice it's the 8th month"

"I know I don't know Randy anymore"

"Tim he is the same son we raise and he ready to raise another life and he isn't alone"

"I know, but this is getting a little weird wen we're in that hospital in that waiting room"

"I know what you mean"

Hours later everyone is here but Cynthia was being late. Landon saw Jamie siting there all by herself.

"Don't worry Jamie. She'll be here soon I promise" said Landon taking to make her feel better.

"Thanks I kinda knew she was visiting someone," said Jamie

Randy and Mark were waiting for Cynthia to come.

"So you want me to be the godfather," said Mark

"Yes, if I do get married Brad will be my best man"

"Can I rub it in his face?" asked Mark


Tim was watching the football game with Jamie and she was looking at her clock.

"Dad I'm calling Susie"

Susie is Cynthia's sister; Cynthia wanted to spend time with Susie.

"Jamie don't I know Susie, she hates my gust" said Hegbert

"I know, she hates mine too that's why I'm calling"

Jamie was dialing the phone and Mark and Randy came in from the outside and randy walked over to Jamie.

"Hello Susie it's Jamie, no, no I will send you are Christmas card don't worry, no, no, no need to yell, have you seen Cynthia? what do you mean she
left 3 hours ago"

Hegbert and Landon looked at each other. Jill and Tim look at Hegbert and Landon hopefully everything okay

"Thanks buh bye" Jamie hung up the phone. "She left 3 hour ago"

"Let me call her cell phone" said Landon

Landon was worried he did know she went to her sisters and that's it.

"Nothing" said Landon

"Do you think she got lost?" asked Randy

"She drove her when Jamie told us that she's was pregnant," said Hegbert.

Tim, Randy and Landon went searching for Cynthia. It was a bizarre outside then Landon notice her car was crashed and police was there. Landon enter outside and the cops told him she was killed in a car accident .

End of Ch8
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