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posted by PeckOnAJ
Snowflake looked at the window. It was snowing outside. She put on her winter gear and scarf. She opened the wooden door with her paw. She thought to herself I don't want to be out too long I might catch a cold.

She walked through the cold and hard snow. Her paw prints following behind her. She ran so far away from her home she couldn't see the way back. She built a snowman and did a few snow angels.

Then she sat there and thought for a minute. Why do I feel lonely? I love the snow.. I haven't thought this way before. She looked back and noticed that the snow was covering her paw prints.

She looked for her home everywhere. She couldn't find it at all. She shouted as loud as she could to get some attention. Then it was silent.

An Arctic fox came and saw her. "What are you doing here? it's cold outside!" The wolf said. "Follow me!" The Arctic fox added. Snowflake followed the Arctic fox to a nice burrow. It had a fireplace inside and a hot cocoa machine. "I'm Icy! Would you like some hot cocoa?" Said Icy while sipping her hot cocoa. "Sure!" Snowflake replied.

"I'm snowflake and i'm an Arctic fox too as you can see!" said Snowflake. "I lost my home can you help me?" added Snowflake. "Here take this compass!" said Icy. She handed her compass. "What about a map?" asked Snowflake. "I don't have a map of this place but I am a explorer then I got lost in this place so I dug a house anyways have fun looking for your house.. good luck!" said Icy. Snowflake rushed out of the door.

She looked at the compass. It says to go north. She walked over to her snowman and its still snowing heavily. "Almost there!" Snowflake said exhaustingly. She ran through the snow because she had a terrible cold. "Achoo!" shouted Snowflake. She ran some more and now she could see her home. She ran faster and faster. Suddenly she was at her home. She went inside and drank some cold medicine that cured her imminently. It was a long day so she went to bed. THE END