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WARNING: The following story contains suggestive themes not suitable for some readers such as intense violence and scary themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

There once was a village that was ruled by vampires. The origins of this village have no exactly been documented by historians and there are little aspects as to how the citizens became blood thirsty killers. What’s to expect from this village however is that the superhuman, Kasey, has had encounters with these vampires and know just how deadly they can be.

Out on the village streets, Kasey was an African leopard that has the yellow and black coloration. He was running away from something. It wasn’t long enough to realize who was chasing him.

Far behind, a large crowd of people were seen running to the large cat. These individuals were no ordinary people. Their skins were brightly colored, their outfits and clothing were torn and ripped, and fangs could be seen sticking out from the upper portion of their lips. They were all vampires and were craving for blood.

There was a tale that stated if anyone who wasn’t a vampire entered the village, their own blood would be drained. Sometimes though if the victims were lucky enough, they too would be turned into a vampire. While all of these facts were stated truthful very few who have dared entered came back alive to tell it.

Kasey continued running as fast as his cat legs would carry him. He had been running through streets, ally ways, and even abandoned market places. There was no place to hide nor was there anytime for breaks. The vampires were quick to move and when it came to hunger, they refused to let their prey get away.

He had been running for hours without taking a single breath. Despite his intentions, his leg muscles started to stiffen up. He knew he had to catch a break sometime. Finding a place to do it was the most difficult part. The crowd was still in hot pursuit and the clattering of their feet could be heard from a mile away. Kasey’s cat ears twitched as he could pick up the sounds.

After running for about a minute more, his break had finally arrived. Standing in a distance was a very tall, old tree that had no leaves. It looked like it had been dead for sometime. Using the claws on his paws, he quickly climbed the tree and had made it safely up on a long, thin branch. He finally got to catch a break and breathed heavily for a moment before returning to normal breathing.

The vampires had found their target, but became enraged after realizing their prey was up in a safe location. They weren’t giving up so easily and decided to stand by until he came down. Due to his intelligence, Kasey knew better than to come down to sudden. He just laid on the branch while watching the crowd from down below.

It had been nearly an hour and Kasey still hadn’t moved. Neither did the crowd. They just chatted, played games, and kept watchful contact on the cat. However, lightning was soon seen from the sky and was followed by a loud clash of thunder. The vampires knew that rain was coming and that they needed to get to shelter. Everyone got up and headed back. Kasey continued staying on the tree until he was sure no one was around. When the coast was clear, he slowly got down without breaking any bones.

As he made his way back into the quite village, he started wondering what had caused the entire village to be like this. It was something that jogged his memory just now. He did what he could to figure it out, but nothing was correct or placed.

Walking along the deserted streets, Kasey was also being aware of his surroundings. He made sure that there was no trace of anyone within the area and that whatever was out there wasn’t an enemy. He happened to come across a few little critters like lizards and rats, but other than that there was nothing more.

He then entered an old, abandon bar which was destroyed and covered in cobwebs. He had no idea why he ventured in, but he was just looking around. After observing the bar, he left and continued walking down the village streets. When he got to the farthest east, he suddenly discovered an old, catholic church that stood on the left.

The exterior of the building was lovely, but when he got inside it was a lot different. The rows of seats were torn, broken, and covered with lots of dust. Some of them even had blood stains. Approaching the center, where the preacher always stood, it was also deserted as there were no congregation seats, no instruments, and there was no, fiber glass in the back- it was nothing more than just a way outside. Kasey couldn’t believe the condition the church was in. His mind really started pondering in what could’ve happened.

Just then, he noticed something that was seen on the left side of the floor. Coming from the preacher’s area, he walked closer to it and sat down. His eyes were staring at an inscription that was written on the wooded floor. This is what it read:

“To those whom may see this:

Our village is not what it may seem. If you ever try to enter, you will never leave alive.

A horrible disease is plaguing our people. What will happen to us is unknown, but whatever happens trust no one within the village gates. You may be one of us- at any given moment.”

Reading the inscription gave Kasey a fright. He was finally able to put the pieces together.

According to what he determined, the village was at one time a very peaceful place. In the recent years however, a terrible disease had entered and plagued everyone. While it wasn’t known what kind of infection it was, everyone assumed they would be dead. Instead, it turned them into monsters that only consumed blood and thought nothing more but blood.

Just then, someone crashed through one of the stain glassed windows on the left. Kasey walked backwards a little and knew who it was. The stranger got up and showed his fangs at him while hissing. With no where to go, Kasey had no alternative but to stand and fight. He showed his own teeth and growled while bits of his back hair stood up.

Then, more vampires came through the church doors. Every one of them charged after Kasey. However, they were then stopped when another stranger appeared. Through the smoke, it was revealed to be a sexy vampress. She revealed herself as “Vorticia the Fourth” and she was the fourth daughter of a vampire clan. Kasey, who wasn’t at all amused by her beauty, started asking questions regarding the history of the village.

Vorticia however refused to answer them. In fact, she got off on a conversation of her own. It regarded Kasey’s visit and why so many of the vampires were after him. The truth was that they felt like his blood was a lot different than that of average humans. This didn’t shock him at all as he already knew his blood was pure. After a slight argument, she ordered the fellow vampires to grab onto him so that she would get a taste of his blood first.

Kasey struggled the best he could, but there was no hope. The grip of their hands was too strong for him to break free. Vorticia then got on her knees and sanked her fangs into his neck. Kasey wailed as she drank his blood. When she was through, she moved herself out of his way and licked her lips. She then said that his blood really was pure and tasty. However, what she didn’t realize was that there was more than one way to skin a superhuman like himself.

Instead of dieing or bring turned into a vampire, he quickly transformed. He turned himself into a Bigfoot, broke free from the grips of the vampires, and quickly stormed out the church. Vorticia’s reaction was at first filled with shock but was then turned to furry. She then ordered her comrades to chase after him. Kasey, who was still Bigfoot, ran for his very life. When he got to the middle of the village, the entire clan of vampires surrounded him in a giant circle.

Knowing this was going to occur, Kasey was well prepared for the ultimate battle of his life. It was about a hundred vampires against one giant, hairy beast. Vorticia also arrived and smirked at him which didn’t affect him at all. Then, one by one, each vampire got to him to fight. They stood little chance of defeating him however as he knocked every one of them out. Of course some of them were lucky to sink their teeth into him and get some of his blood, but other than that they weren’t very lucky. After that, Kasey was left standing as he was breathing heavily. Vorticia however was now underway to killing him.

She screamed that she wasn’t going to let him get away with this. By the time she got close to him however, something suddenly happened. She started coughing and gagging violently as she clinched her throat. Kasey watched with astonishment as he had no idea what was going on. Then, she started vomiting violently. As he walked backwards, Kasey also heard some of the other vampires doing the same thing.

At first, he didn’t understand what was going on or why they were suddenly becoming ill. It was then he understood that it was probably because his blood was probably toxic and because of the Animorphic powers being attached to his own blood, they had probably changed the taste of it. After a while, the entire vampire clan moved out of the village and into the wilderness. They were hoping to find a new place to live with very little toxins affecting them. By then, the old, broken village was deserted.

For Kasey however, he was still a Bigfoot, but took shelter in a nice, comfy cave just beyond the mountains. He would rest here for the night until the next day- when he will embark on another daring adventure.
WARNING: The following story contains suggestive themes not suitable for some readers such as intense violence and scary themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

Swamps are categorized as many things. People who were born and raised in such environments often call them home; while others dislike them. Possibly one comment, that anyone will ever admit, is the fact that when it gets dark swamps will be the last place you’ll ever want to visit.

With its murky waters, miles of large swamp trees and plant matter, and predators lurking every corner it is no wonder a lot of people will never dare enter...
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posted by AnimeFan66
WARNING: The following story contains suggestive themes not suitable for some readers such as intense violence and scary themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

(I would also like to point out that this may be the most disturbing and violent story I’ve ever written. So if you’re not a fan of blood and intensive violence, DO NOT read this story- even if you’re brave enough to. Thank you.)

Were you ever afraid of those cute mascot characters when you were little? If you’re familiar with seeing Mickey at the Disney parks or seeing the animatronic characters at the Chuck E. Cheese’s restaurants,...
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WARNING: The following story contains suggestive themes not suitable for some readers such as intense violence and scary themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

In the dark streets of Chicago, a group of teenage boys were walking around the city blocks. They recently recruited a fourth member, who was about the same age as the leader of the gang. They decided to test his skills by taking him somewhere within the city limits. It was currently unknown where they were heading but it became clear that where they were going was somewhere big and completely off line.

After walking through the blocks...
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NOTE: This story was written exclusively for a good friend of mine. I wanted to make sure of this. Please enjoy.

The army of card guards continued walking through most of Wonderland. Alice meanwhile was being taken along with them. “I’m curious as to knowing where they are taking me.” She thought. She would constantly turn her head to the left and right, looking up at their faces. While they didn’t look back their expressions were clear to her.

After walking through most of the land, they had finally arrived at their destination. Up ahead stood a large barrier that was covered by hedges....
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posted by AnimeFan66
WARNING: The following story contains suggestive themes not suitable for some readers such as intense violence and scary themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

After a long cruise across the sea, a military ship finally arrived at a mysterious island. There was a reason why it came to this island.

Over fifty years, the swampy island of “Cal-Calamida” was never inhabitant by any form of life. People believed the marshes were toxic and the creatures or natives that lived there were destined to perish. Others believe that because the island remained unknown it may have been a survivor of the...
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Author’s Note: The following stories were written in curtesy of convention etiquette and how NOT to behave when attending science fiction, Anime, comic, or movie conventions.

To that end, the following stories may contain graphic content not suitable for certain viewers. But again this is for education and not the sake of entertainment. Viewer discretion is advised.

•    The Creeper of All Nightmares

In a large Anime expo, a group of underage girls were Cosplaying the characters from “Lucky Star”. They were enjoying their experience by meeting new friends, taking a...
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added by Nerdbuster2
WARNING: The following story contains suggestive themes not suitable for some readers such as intense violence and scary themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

There are stories regarding the classic children’s game, “Hide and Seek” and each one tells the same ending- the individual who becomes the seeker sets an evil plot against their hiders which usually ends with murder and death. These tales have haunted people for years and continue to do so in its unspeakable thrills and horrors.

The latest tale however is something more crippling, if not terrifying. Want to hear about it? Then listen...
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added by Nerdbuster2
added by Nerdbuster2
added by Nerdbuster2
added by Nerdbuster2
added by Nerdbuster2
posted by AnimeFan66
WARNING: The following story contains suggestive themes not suitable for some readers such as intense violence and scary themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

Dogs are known to be “Man’s Best Friend”. They are loyal, sweet, courageous, and protective of their owners. In fact, they will go through desperate measures just to keep people alive- whether it’s taking the risk of being injured or costing their life with death, they will go through any trouble just to make sure their suspects don’t ever lay fingers on what’s rightfully theirs.

There are on the other hand other types of dogs...
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WARNING: The following story contains suggestive themes not suitable for some readers such as intense violence and scary themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

Tales and legends have frightened the human soul sense the dawn of the time. They vary from simple, local legends to those that are too haunting to tell. Currently, there are vast numbers of legends and tales told every day and every year.

But of all of them none are as haunting or as frightening as the legend of the “Bloody Ditch” or “The Bickerson Street Legend” as it is also called.

According to the tale, there once was a nice,...
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posted by AnimeFan66
WARNING: The following story contains suggestive themes not suitable for some readers such as intense violence and scary themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

It was a hot, summer day in a small rural complex in Louisiana. Through these small, life less towns a young dog was sniffing around, hoping to find food. This particular dog was in fact the superhuman known as Kasey. For those who’ve heard of him, they know who he is and what he’s capable of- able to shape shift into countless creatures from around the world.

As he sniffed around a garbage can, he suddenly heard fainted sounds coming...
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WARNING: The following story contains suggestive themes not suitable for some readers such as intense violence and scary themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

The belief of voodooism may be difficult to believe for some. But for others who believe in the supernatural or spiritual acts, it is totally real.

Voodoo is often performed with the use of “Voodoo Dolls”, small figures that when poked or touched can inflict the same line of pain to the person in sight. It can also be used to bring back the dead, though this style of voodoo is difficult to use.

In the recent months, there was a recent...
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WARNING: The following story contains suggestive themes not suitable for some readers such as intense violence and scary themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

A vehicle was driving down the dirt road that leads into the country side. Inside was a small family that included a mother, a father, and their two daughters. Along with them was their family pet, an American foxhound who clearly was the superhuman named “Kasey”. They didn’t know about this and sense becoming part of the family, he kept it all to himself.

The reason they were driving along the dirt road was that they were trying...
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posted by AnimeFan66
WARNING: The following story contains suggestive themes not suitable for some readers such as intense violence and scary themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

The police department gathered near the stairs that lead to the subway station. The chief officer gave instructions of what they were planning to do and their reason for coming to the station.

Weeks back, a number of gruesome murders occurred in the subway stations beneath the city blocks. The number of victims was never documented but the reports claimed that at lease an even number of killings occurred during night after night. The police...
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