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WARNING: The following story contains suggestive themes not suitable for some readers such as intense violence and scary themes. Viewer discretion is advised.

Dogs are known to be “Man’s Best Friend”. They are loyal, sweet, courageous, and protective of their owners. In fact, they will go through desperate measures just to keep people alive- whether it’s taking the risk of being injured or costing their life with death, they will go through any trouble just to make sure their suspects don’t ever lay fingers on what’s rightfully theirs.

There are on the other hand other types of dogs that rebel against bond ships. They are known as “feral” or “wild” dogs, which roam freely and congregate into greater numbers just to rule over small towns or other territories formally owned by others of their own kind. Not only do they “take over” establishments but sometimes, their tastes even change. When gone hungry they will catch and eat just about anything that comes in their path-be it a cat or a human. In towns where large packs of these dangerous predators walk on, they are known as the apex rulers of the land.

Numbers of feral dog cases have been reported at lease in certain times. Possibly one of the most gruesome stories, if any, is the one regarding “The Hounds of Humbervill”. This story is very well known on a number of reasons but one reason in particular is that Humbervill was saved from oblivion by a certain individual, who had powers beyond limitation. He goes by many names, but “Kasey” is the official one. Just how did he come to deal with the Humbervill hounds and how exactly did these vicious killers came to the peaceful area? The story is already told by many, but you are the first to hear about it..

The town that is Humbervill is a very quite town located somewhere in Oregon. Small houses stood close by one another as the neighbors grew accustomed to each other’s company and were very friendly. The children were also happy, playing fun games near the streets and going down to a small creek that flowed nearby through a patch of forests. It was what many may call “A peaceful American town”.

While it was true, recent events had suddenly caused the town to loose its title. It all started when a feral German shepherd named “Carter” and his pack had somehow managed to venture through the community block. To a few citizens, they felt sorry for them as they were once owned but were turned loose. To others however they felt the opposite and could sense an evil presence- especially on Carter. For at lease two more weeks, the dogs continued patrolling the streets. They didn’t interact with any of the children nor did they dare come up to any of the houses. For a while, the people started to feel a sense of relief. They believed that the dogs were probably only observing so that they would eventually become good, adoptable pets.

What they didn’t realize however was that they were way wrong. A news report came in the following morning about an elderly woman who was brutally mauled by the feral dogs. According to the crime scene, her entire face was torn off while her stomach was ripped completely out. Her intestines and other body parts were also ripped and out of her stomach line. The entire town, including the sheriff, couldn’t imagine such a gruesome situation.

But it didn’t end there. Day after day, reports of more attacks caused by the dogs were reported. A little girl, at the age of five, was torn apart by the dogs. A twelve year old boy had his stomach completely ripped out. And a married couple was invaded by the dogs in their own home, with their bodies lying on the sofa. No matter what they did the dogs continued to kill and devour many of the people who lived in Humbervill. It seemed like hope was close to being lost. However, the sheriff didn’t give up as he had a secret weapon.

Within minutes, the Humbervill community received a surprise visitor. He was very well known throughout the world and his pride continued to spread. Known as Kasey, he is a superhuman capable of shape shifting into countless animals and creatures while using their capabilities in battle or confrontations. He managed to get in contact with the sheriff and arrived just beyond time. According to what he was told, Humbervill was invaded by the feral dog pack and had been on killing sprees prior to their arrival. Kasey stated that he would do what he could to deal with them, in which the sheriff and the entire community supported and gave him luck- even though he didn’t really needed it.

As the next day arrived, the community streets were still bear. None of the people had dared to come out of their homes as Carter and his pack continued raiding the neighborhood. This went on for a good while until they received a surprise newcomer. It was an American foxhound, but was a little different compared to the feral dogs as he was beautiful groomed and didn’t looked like a deranged mutt. It turned out to be Kasey, who was attempting to “talk with” them. The other dogs called for their leader to at which Carter, who was sleeping in an empty trash can, crawled out and headed to the direction of where the newcomer was coming.

Kasey was in direct contact with their leader. Carter looked angry, but didn’t perform any movements. This was Kasey’s chance to talk some sense into the German shepherd and his fellow pack, hoping they would listen to reason. As he talked in doggie language, the pack members could only stare at him with confusion as they didn’t understood a single thing he said. Carter however was arrogant and ordered the foxhound to leave. Kasey wasn’t giving up and continued making dog sounds to him. This got on his nerves however and decided to put an end to it with a brutal fight.

The last thing Kasey wanted to do was brawl against another dog. Sense there was no choice however, he had to accept. The other dogs circled as they watched. First, they circled around trying to size each other up. This was also followed by deep, low growls and the hairs on their backs rose up a little. Then, Carter took the first move by trying to leap on Kasey. He missed his chance as the foxhound managed to maneuver the attack. Kasey then tried leaping on top of Carter which proved successful. Because the German shepherd was larger however, he managed to shake the dog off and threw him violently to the ground.

Carter then bit Kasey on the side of the neck. Kasey yelped in pain as he tried to get him off his grasp. The dog’s mighty jaws were far too powerful however as he couldn’t get him to flinch. It took a while, but he finally managed to get him off by scratching him on the nose with his front claws. The German shepherd whimpered as he covered his nose. Kasey meanwhile slowly got back up as blood dripped off the side of his neck. It became clear now that Carter had won and ordered him to never return to his turf. He then knocked the foxhound to the ground once more before turning and leaving. The other dogs also turned and left. Kasey remained motionless for a while, but was still alive and breathing.

It was at lease two hours sense the sheriff herd back from Kasey. He could only assume that things were going according to plan. What he didn’t realize was that Kasey was defeated- at lease for the first time. Carter and his pack continued raiding the streets. However, the German shepherd was no facing a new problem. His beautiful face was scarred by Kasey’s impact- of course only his nose had a scar. One of his members, who became his prime mate, kept licking the wound. Even though he received a huge scar and the impact was supreme it didn’t meant he lost his title and continued staying strong.

Meanwhile, deep within the woods, a small trail of blood could be seen from the dirt path and through some patch of the forest. It became clear that Kasey was the one who ventured thatway. Traveling a few miles, a large cavern stood. Entering in, Kasey could be seen lying near a rock wall. His neck was still bleeding, but was slowly healing. He decided to get some rest so that it would heal quickly. At the same time, he started to try coming up with another way to convince Carter and his pack to leave without causing conflict. But according to his visions anything he tried doing would cause chaos- be it a mature choice or a foolish one.

By the time he woke up, it was already dusk. The surroundings from inside the cavern were starting to get dimmer from the darkness. He then felt the side of his neck and realized it was completely healed. The blood that dripped from the wound was also gone, like it disappeared without much of a trace. This is one of his most prized abilities as he is able to heal himself- though it doesn’t “always” happen. As he got up and stretched, he made his way out from the cavern entrance and climbed on the rocks a few feet high as he looked up at the night sky. The colors were formed by a light purple as well as bright orange. To him, it was a beautiful sight. Then, he caught a sight of the moon which also showed itself from the colored skies.

As he was gazing, he still kept trying to come up with a better solution of how to deal with Carter and his pack. He didn’t have much to go on, but it wasn’t until later when he finally had an idea that could work. With his idea in place he quickly and carefully managed to climb his way down from the slopes and made it back to lower ground. He then quickly ran into the woods, appearing that he was making his way back to Humbervill.

Speaking of Humbervill, Carter and his fellow pack continued bringing chaos throughout the whole community. By this time the sheriff was getting tired of waiting for Kasey and decided to take the matter into his own hands. He, along with a few police officers, drove to the neighborhood and were horrified by everything the dogs caused. Mailboxes were knocked to the ground, every yard was dugged clean off, and the sights of blood stains could often be seen in some of the area. While the sights were horrifying, the sheriff and officers knew they needed to deal with this problem once and for all.

They carefully got out of their vehicles and entered the neighborhood. Through the visible windows, they could see the people shaking for dear life. Their doors were locked and completely closed as they refused to stop outside or even crack a window open. While it was terrible seeing them like this, the officers and sheriff knew what they were doing would soon help them. As they continued exploring the barren streets, they found no sign of Carter or his pack. The sheriff assumed they must’ve turned and left, but his theory would soon prove wrong.

Series of barking sounds were heard behind him. The officers fled with panic as it was too late for the sheriff. He was attacked by the dogs and was brutally killed. They tore and ate his flesh. Coming out from the darkness was Carter, who had blood stains on his entire front body. It became apparent what happened- he and his members were killing and eating more people.

By the time they had finished eating the sheriff, their attention suddenly turned back to the woods as they could hear a series of loud noises. It sounded as if something large was cruising nearby and was knocking plants and bushes down. The other dogs were unsettled, but Carter stood his ground. The noises continued until a large, dark figure was seen through the thicket. By the time it came out, it was revealed to be a Werewolf that was nine feet tall, was covered in thick fur, and had a long, bushy tail. Its eyes had no pupils and had a bright orange color.

While the rest of the pack stood back, whimpering with fright Carter stood his ground and growled as he showed his teeth. Kasey, trying to be reasonable, told him to leave at once or that trouble would soon come. He said this in a deep, deep voice that sounded like a monster or alien. Instead of obeying him, the German shepherd once more leaped on the giant monster. He pushed him to the ground and then grabbed his throat. The Werewolf roared with pain as he tried forcing the dog off without hurting him. After a brief moment of this, he finally managed to get the dog off.

Carter’s mouth was filled with blood as it slowly dripped to the ground. Kasey meanwhile slowly got back up as he held onto his neck and coughed blood from his mouth. He then looked down at his bloody hand and looked up at Carter with anger. His wolf ears were turned back as his facial expression soon changed to even more anger. His teeth were also shown as he growled. Carter did the exact same thing. The other dogs meanwhile stood back as they looked at each other with fright. The final battle was about to commence.

For at lease an hour, the two beasts squared off. Kasey wasn’t doing much as he didn’t want to physically hurt the German shepherd. He was however receiving a lot more wounds than the dog. After a while of brawling Kasey couldn’t take it and slumped to the ground. A large pool of blood started forming underneath his stomach and Carter panted as he stared at the giant Werewolf with victory. He then ordered his pack to do away with the beast, but instead refused. He didn’t understand what was going on but what could be seen from the dog’s points of view was that they realized what they did this whole time was wrong and eventually regained their conscious. They instead turned and left him alone.

Carter was enraged. He vowed he was going to kill every last one of his former members. However, before anything could happen a gun shot was heard and the German shepherd yelped as he dropped to the ground quickly. One of the officers had shot and killed him, much to Kasey’s dismay.

The rest of the dogs weren’t put to sleep, but were instead given new homes to the people who had survived. They were treated, cared for, and were given rabie shots. Humbervill’s title eventually came back and the sheriff, as well as those who were killed by the dogs, was given proper burials.

What became of Kasey was simple- he participated in a news coverage and soon left Humbervill to proceed on his next mission. Where he goes next is unknown, but wherever there’s danger he’ll know where to go.