Arthur and Gwen Club
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Song 3: link

I am not free, you see,
I rearrange the furniture.
It is a play, with images and walls,
In which I rearrange the furniture.
And when the room is mine,
The chairs are real,
I rearrange the furniture.

    “Gwen, can you help me a moment, please?” Merlin sticks his head out of the doors leading to Arthur’s chambers, and, having spotted her passing, calls.
    “Of course, Merlin, what do you need?” Gwen asks, turning towards the doors.
    “Arthur wanted me to change his drapes,” he sighs, walking ahead of her.
    “You need my help changing drapes?” she asks skeptically.
    “No. I need your help picking out the fabric.”
    “Why me?” she asks, hands on her hips.
    “Because you know what Arthur likes, Gwen,” he says, blushing slightly, a little uncomfortable having to address their unspoken attraction.
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she says, not very convincingly. She looks away and tucks a lock of hair behind her ear.
    “Gwen, it’s all right,” Merlin says, crossing to her, putting his hands on her shoulders. “You don’t need to hide your feelings from me.”
    “Yes, I do, Merlin!” she says, her voice suddenly harsh as she fights to keep her emotions in check. “If I can hide them from you, maybe, maybe I can convince myself that I don’t feel them!”
    “Why would you want to do that?” Merlin asks softly.
    “Because nothing can come of it. He can’t marry me, he can’t even court me. He probably shouldn’t even talk to me as much as he does.”
    Merlin brushes away an errant tear with his thumb.
    “It’s just a silly crush,” she lies. “He probably doesn’t even feel the same way.”
    “Gwen, you know that isn’t true.”
    “Do I?”
    “Yes, you do. You may not see it, but I do. I see the way he always looks for you in a crowded room, the way his eyes track your movements as soon as he catches sight of you.”
    She bites her lip and picks at her fingernails.
    “Oh – and that one day, you dropped that bowl of fruit when that page almost ran you over? You bent over to pick it up, and I thought Arthur was going to pass out!” he laughs.
    “What?” she asks, shocked and a little embarrassed.
    “He, um, got a nice view of your…” he waves his hand vaguely in the area of her bosom, “…assets.”
    “Oh!” she exclaims, slapping her hands over her breasts. Stupid, it’s too late for that, it happened last week. She drops her hands.
    “He says your name in his sleep,” Merlin adds quietly.
    Gwen gasps. “He… he does?”
    “Frequently,” Merlin nods. “Seriously, Gwen, he thinks the world of you. As a person, I mean. Your beauty is just a… a bonus.” He smiles at her.
    She smiles back, but the smile quickly fades. “It doesn’t change the facts, Merlin.”
    “What facts would these be?” he challenges.
    “Whatever Arthur and I feel for each other, Uther will never allow us to even see if it can go anywhere.”
    “Well, I guess you’ll just have to wait until Arthur is king, then,” Merlin shrugs.
    She shakes her head. “Uther will have him married off to some princess before that time comes.”
    “Gwen. Have faith. I do.”
    “I’ll try.” She sighs heavily.
    “Better than nothing,” Merlin says decisively. “Now. The red or the gold?” He holds up two choices.
    She looks. “The red is awfully similar to what he already has.”
    “He likes red.”
    “He likes blue,” she corrects. “Red is just the Pendragon color, so everyone automatically assumes that it is his favorite.”
    “See? That’s why I need your help,” he grins triumphantly. She scowls at him.
    “Gold,” she decides. “It will brighten the room.”
    “Gold it is, then.” Merlin sets the red ones aside.

    “You know what else I’d do?” Gwen asks.
    “What’s that?”
    “I’d take that stupid antlered skull off the wall,” she answers, pointing back to the adjoining room where the trophy is hanging.
    Merlin laughs. “Arthur killed that stag himself,” Merlin says. “At least that’s what he told me.”
    “Oh? I suppose it was the first one he’d ever gotten? Surely shot when he was, oh, six years old?”
    Merlin and Gwen laugh together, enjoying the rare opportunity to joke and daydream.
    In the corridor, Arthur’s brow furrows as he hears laughter drifting from his chambers. That’s a woman’s laugh. No. That’s Guinevere’s laugh. He hurries to the door, and strides into his room, looking for the swish of her skirts, the sweep of her dark curls.
    He looks around, and sees what are unmistakably Merlin’s boots on his bed, beside a lavender skirt and small brown shoes.
    “Flowers? Are you serious? He’d…”
    “What the hell is going on here?” Arthur strides into his sleeping quarters to see something he’d never thought he’d see if he lived a thousand lives: Guinevere on his bed. With Merlin. Okay, they are fully clothed, above the blankets, and not even touching. Still.
    Gwen sits up and leaps off the bed, smoothing her skirts and fretting at her sleeves in her embarrassment. Merlin raises his arms, lacing his fingers behind his head.
    “Do you like the drapes?” he asks casually.
    “D-drapes?” Arthur sputters. “What were you doing on my bed? And why are you still on my bed? Get off!”
    “All right, all right, you don’t need to yell,” Merlin answers, slowly rising from the bed and then making a great show of straightening the coverlet and pillows.
    “We were mentally re-decorating your room, if you must know,” Merlin explains.
    “I’m sorry, my lord, we shouldn’t have been neglecting our duties. Or lying on your bed,” Gwen says softly.
    He turns his eyes on her. There is no possible way I can be mad at her. “That’s all right, Guinevere, you’re allowed a break once in a while,” he says gently, smiling a little as he watches her. Are you are welcome on – or in – my bed any time at all, he thinks, but it is a sad thought, a hopeful thought that he knows is probably hopeless.
    She blushes again and looks down. “Thank you, Sire.”
    “Arthur,” he corrects her for what feels like the hundredth time.
    “Arthur,” she repeats, looking up at him through her lashes.
    Merlin watches the pair of them, torn between quietly leaving and locking the door behind him and clearing his throat to remind them he is still there.
    Decorum wins out and he clears his throat. The spell is broken. “The drapes? Yes or no.”
    Arthur looks at them, scowling, studying them, saying nothing.
    “Gwen chose them,” Merlin adds.
    “They’re perfect,” Arthur says immediately, turning to look at her again.
    “Thank you, my l— Arthur.”
    “So, you were planning to redecorate my room, then?” he asks, taking a step closer to her.
    “Just silly daydreaming,” she says dismissively, lightly.
    He reaches forward and touches her cheek softly. “One day.”

Song 5: link
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