Arthur and Gwen Club
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posted by ellarose88


Chapter Two

Arthur and Gwen’s journey back to their chambers are quiet. While the conversation she had earlier in the night between the two ladies troubles Gwen, Arthur is not sure how to broach what he accidently overheard between his wife and servant friend.

His wife a topic of such nasty and malicious gossip, Arthur has half a mind to approach the ladies besmirching her. He knows though that it would do nothing to quell their gossip, and also he understands his wife well. She would not welcome any attempts of defense.

Finally arriving at their shared chambers, Arthur opens the door to which Gwen nods her head in thanks.

Her continued silence is driving Arthur mad. Usually, he calmly offers his soothing embrace and comforting words after Gwen comes to him with her problems, this time Arthur feels frustrated. It is not so much with his wife, but the pressures that being a ruler entails -- the vile gossip and endless tittle tattle of certain sectors of his people taking its toll on his wife, making her unable to open up to him. That is what gets to him, Gwen not feeling like she can share her worries and doubts with him. Her feeling like she has to handle it all on her own.

They proceeded to undress, in silence; Gwen is behind the screen while Arthur carelessly strips off his cape and under-jacket before removing his shirt. Finished with his clothing, he hears a frustrated sigh from behind the screen.

“Need some assistance?” He offers softly – hoping that it conveys his willingness to be there for her when she needs it. A few more seconds of silence and Arthur decides to hang it. He walks over to his wife behind the screen.

Gwen can feel his warm soothing radiance and knows that he is behind her, even before he helps her untie the dress’s laces.

“Thank you,” Gwen says quietly, breaking her silence.

“Of course.”

The dress begins to loosen under her husband’s expert hands.

“You know I would do anything for you, Guinevere.” Arthur begins to tell her and Gwen’s eyes swell with emotion.

Oh how much she wishes she could talk to him! But she can’t.

So she simply nods.

“You can tell me anything, you know,” He ventures to say delicately.

She knows now that he must have heard her conversation with Merlin. Her eyes downcast, head down in shame, Gwen feels Arthur’s hand drop from undoing her laces to place it gently upon her shoulder.

“You heard then.” She simply states, knowing full well that there is no need to ask.

He gently tugs at her waist to get her to turn, so he can look her deep in the eyes. “Yes,” he nods his head in apology, “I didn’t plan on eaves-dropping, Guinevere,” He starts to explain, but stops when she interrupts him by turning away again. A sign for him to stop talking and finish un-lacing her dress

He complies, finishing removing the last lace from its eyelet. Then he tells her it’s all done, before gently caressing her shoulder and walking away. Though, he is saddened that his wife won’t open up to him, he needs to be patient. It’s a delicate situation.

He hears her shuffling around, no doubt getting dressed in his favourite nightgown. Usually, after a feast such like the one tonight he would enjoy the pleasure of removing his wife’s luxurious gown before continuing to more satisfying activities, but not tonight nor the next week would they engage in such activities.

During the first year or two of their marriage, producing heirs was not at the fore front of their minds, though they understood its importance and dreamed of one day having a family of their own. They were young and excited, after so much time of having to hide their feelings. So instead, they revelled in being able to express their infinite love without the fear of being caught or being pulled apart anymore.

Those first few months were precious as they learnt and discovered each other intimately. So when her monthly came it was no big disappointment. With the amount of times they enjoyed being intimate, surely children would follow.

Oh how Arthur wishes he could go back to those times where his wife was not so hard on herself and happier. But he can’t and a part of him doesn’t want to because while they may not be succeeding in securing the future of the Pendragon line, he is so happy with his life, so content with his marriage. Sure, ruling a whole kingdom was not an easy task, but with Guinevere, his round table of knights and friends by his side -- including Merlin -- he believed that he truly could bring about a peaceful and golden age to his people.

It’s seeing the disappointment and the blame in his wife’s eyes month after month with still no babe in her womb that breaks his heart. It’s the feeling of not knowing what to say anymore in reassurance that torments him. Three years in and Arthur has never felt so at a loss of what to say or do. So he just makes his way over to their bed now, the bed-sheets having already been turned down, and gently gets in and waits.

Eventually, she finishes dressing and gets into their bed. Arthur’s arms are out ready for her to snuggle into his embrace, and so she relents and lays her body close to his, her head on his chest, his arms around her like a cocoon. Moments pass, and she hears an almost silent sigh, before his voice breaks it, “What are you thinking?” She can hear his concern.

“Nothing. I’m fine,” She tells him quickly.

“Really?” He asks, and while Gwen is not looking up at him she can feel intensity of his gaze focused on her.

Gwen feels his hand under her chin, before he lifts it up towards him so her eyes are facing his. “Guinevere, truly, I know you are not alright. There’s no point in pretending that you are.” He tells her. But all she does is turn away, breaking away from his hold, before turning to sleep facing the opposite side.

Arthur rises up half way, “Guinevere,” He calls to her, but she firmly hisses, “I don’t want to talk about it.” Leaving nothing for Arthur to do but to leave her alone, feeling like another part of his heart is being ripped apart.

Sleep, however, does not come easily to him -- nor does it for her. They love each other so very much, but both of them wonder whether it will always be enough. The thought of that too much, they try to bury it away, knowing that tomorrow is a busy day – Arthur training his new recruits and Gwen has her hands occupied with planning her brother’s up-coming wedding to his future wife Lady Amelia.

    Merlin tries to put on the hauberk all by himself but the more he tries, the worse he gets tangled in it. He heaves, puffs and curses to himself for the failure. Having done no good at all, he yanks it back upwards. The weight is terrifyingly heavy as he finally pulls it over his head and lets it fall on the floor, collected in a heap. Not bothering to pick it up, he takes in a huge gulp of air and walks towards his bed and sits down. A sheath with a sword in it lay on the bed, staring back at him. Merlin reaches out and runs his finger along the sheath. It was...
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    “Uther, please reconsider the options again … Arthur is still young and naïve. There are lessons and knowledge that the prince has yet to learn, and he needs guidance not burdens at this stage of his life,” Beatrand, one of the council members, says. The rest of the council nods in agreement. Gaius and Balinor keep quiet and watch the king and the council without saying a single word. They are all here, gathered at the instruction of the king, who announces abruptly that he will be handing the reins of the kingdom down to his son, under the...
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Now, this is an opinion I share roughly 95% of it, except the very last bit. I firmly believe that he can bring it, when he cares. When he wants to and I have seen it enough to know that he can. Circumstances, annoyances being what they are explains much re telephoning it in. I saw what they saw very much and so do many others, many who are perceptive. I do not hold him to this. Lots of things are factors. Give him something to work with and he brings it. So that is my aside...otherwise she is totally on point and the ratings showed the results. I knew they would be less than stellar. I knew...
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Merlin’s series finale went out with 7 million viewers that would mean Series 5 couldn’t hold a ratings candle to the back half of the very Gwen-centric Series 4 and that the Series 4 finale held over a million more viewers and 4x09 was the most watched episode ever. I believe 5.2-5 million was it’s average, if it broke 6 that was amazing. 7 million + were mostly for premiers and finales. 8+ for multiple episodes is what happened in Series 4.

I’m too lazy to get a source, but I do believe that 4x09 and most of the last 4 episodes of Series 4 actually had more viewers than the pilot....
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Guinevere narrows her eyes at the man who is sprawled all over her booth.

"Who does he think he is?" She seethes.

Her lips press into a thin line as she stalks over to the table she calls her "spot." It is at the far end of the coffee shop, away from the distractions made by people who come in and out of the store. It's in a nook that is quiet—which is how she prefers to spend her afternoons.

This guy didn't seem like he was into any pursuit that fells into the category of "quiet."

She stalks over to the table, making sure to lock eyes with the blonde-haired man who actually beams when he sees...
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First I warn you as intelligent people you will spend a great deal of time going WTF is this, are these morons for real but you should grab a wine and read and soon, within two or three paragraphs you will begin to laugh as they perpetually screw themselves into corners with their collective, juvenile BS, the precious self-inserters. What is more this is a losers game and what becomes readily self evident is that they are not majority at all but what we all know to be life's losers who have, at best, a tenuous grip on reality.

There is one aspect not covered by the intellectually well-heeled...
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Gwen forks her scrambled egg lazily and pops it into her mouth, chewing it without interest. She is tired; after working late throughout last week, she accompanied Morgana to visit her sister Morgause last night and been home only this morning. Elyan was still asleep when she arrived and only Percival realised her arrival, because she bumped into him when he was preparing to have his early morning jog, a routine he follows without fail. She asked him to keep her arrival a secret from Elyan and he gave her his word, but not before some sound advice. She thanked him for the favour and the...
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“Be careful!” Gwaine says as he steps in, holding the door back so Merlin and Arthur could step inside. Leon was parking their car in the parking lot and will be heading up shortly. Arthur was discharged from the hospital after scans on his head revealed he didn’t do as much damage as they had feared. Though the scans came out clean, the doctor still warned them should Arthur feel any kind of pain at all, they shouldn’t hesitate to get him back to the hospital. After an hour long discussion with the doctor followed by some procedural check out documentation signing, Merlin brought...
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     Gwen jogs lightly as she hurries towards Gaius’s room. He paged for her because she was out on her routine rounds on the selling floor and could not be contacted by telephone. She heard the page and immediately proceeded to his room, knowing Gaius wouldn’t page for her if it wasn’t important. As she nears Gaius’s room, she hears voices. One she recognises to be Gaius’s but the other seems new, one she has never heard before. Who could it be, she wonders and knocks the door.
    “Come in,” Gaius instructs from inside.
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Hi ladies,

Here is the letter for the write-in campaign (please thank Stacey for all the time and effort that she put into this). Please have a read through it and let us know if there is anything that we should add or change before we send it in. Also please pay attention to the spelling and grammer and let us know if there are any spelling or grammatical errors that we shoud fix. Thank you all for submitting your wishes, this is truely a community effort. Cheers!

PS: The images that I have included will be going at the top and the bottom of the letter when we submit it; the journey image will...
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posted by kbrand5333
My Christmas gift to you all! Hope you like it! I just want to thank all of you so much for all your kind words and encouragement about my writing. I honestly never had done any writing since school (150 years ago), and that certainly was not writing of this sort. You have all been so wonderful to me, and your praise only encourages me! Kisses and hugs to everyone, and have a fantastic holiday season, however you celebrate.

    It is the winter solstice in Camelot, a time for feasting and gift-giving. Holly branches and mistletoe are everywhere, and the chill in the air makes...
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I just felt the need to share my heart. And I didn't know where else or how to do it. We're here to have fun and boy do we. I love this place to pieces. I love all the joking around about our couple and about the actors who play them. I love all you guys. This is just a TV show and the whole deal is all make believe, but most of us do tend to recognize that and try to keep our emotions over something that's not real in check.

But I have a heavy heart right now, because I am a bit invested in this couple. I hope I'm wrong about what I'm feeling. You don't know how much I'm hoping I am wrong....
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To all my arwen/brangel merlin loving peeps out there....

I am like the seasoned wind, bristling by and taking every detail with me to heart.

I anxiously wait for the photos, vidz, articles and comments on a day to day basis...they mostly almost always bring a smile on my tired face.

The other night, my flatmates (2 horrid college guys) addressed my "obsession with those two was becoming concerning".

Perhaps it is becoming concerning to them, because they too find themselves watching the episodes with me.

But the issue was that after dissing the show and yet at the same time admitting that they...
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Check out Digital Spy's ten teasers for this week's Merlin below:

1. "I've been playing a dangerous game since the first time I set foot in Camelot."

2. The prince is not too happy with the "entertainment" at his birthday feast.

3. "I think that a lot of sorcerers are in the charcoal business."

4. The elderly Merlin returns and confronts Arthur once more!

5. "You've got *******, ******** and ******** to entertain you!"

6. At one point, Arthur forgets to put on his trousers.

7. "I take it you didn't come all this way just to smash my favourite pot!"

8. Arthur begins to suspect that there is something wrong with Merlin's bladder.

9. "Finally you will get all that you deserve, old friend."

10. Arthur gives Merlin a piggyback ride.
Bradley Jame’s Arthur is one of the reasons I got so drawn to the show Merlin. I was curious to see his journey to become king.
I think the creators of Merlin did good when they chose Bradley James for their Arthur. Sure he has the perfect look. With great bone structure and a beautiful appearance. He really looks regal. He looks like a prince and the king to be. An actor should have skill in physical movement. To make the expressions and movements typical for the character. Bradley has the skills and physical appearance to play a legendary damager.

However playing a character like Arthur Pendragon...
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Guinevere is some kind of wonderful. That is why she is perfect for Arthur. She is the embodiment of inner-strength. Which in my opinion is the best strength to have. She gets accused of sorcery and thrown in the dungeon. She is lying there all tiny and vulnerable and it breaks my heart. Through tears she comforts Merlin saying there is no need crying about it. She stays brave and strong in the most difficult situations. She holds it together when a lot of others would be falling apart.
She is elegant, beautiful, gracious, tiny and so feminine. She is not afraid of fighting to defend her loved...
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posted by HumbleQueen
A few days ago I posted a few questions on S2E2, "The Once and Future Queen" and received spectacular answers. But I was so taken with the answer by Stacey (EPaws) to Question 3 that I wanted to frame it! So I'm doing the next best thing by posting it here as an article, instead of broken up in several parts as it is on the Answers page. Please read and enjoy...I know you'll all love it. A worthy dissertation of the epic kiss that we all love so much by our dynamite couple!


The Once and Future Kiss

The heart wants what the heart wants.
Impulsive it might have been, but the impulse comes...
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"i have never loved any other than you nor i had love in return , for the sake of love alone , you are one alone , special , a single bright star shining in the darkness"

"im bound to you by a chain of iron unbendable , unbreakable , even death shall not free my soul from yours"

"my love for you is like the the full moon ,sailing high and clear and bright , only occasionally a cloud drifts across hiding her from sigh.We cannot see her , all light has gone yet we know for certain she is still there , waiting for the wind to blow the cloud away
My love for you is like that...ALWAYS THERE BUT SOMETIMES HIDDEN "
HC: Also in the finale, we discover that the monarch who will lead Camelot in a golden era of peace is Gwen, not Arthur. Was that a decision that came as the result of Arthur’s death? Or was it something deliberate you’ve been planning for a long time?

JM: It was, actually. We’ve had that in our minds for about three series. We felt that with Gwen, to take Gwen from a servant girl to a powerful and strong queen, a person who can bind the kingdom together, was the journey we wanted to do, and I think Angel delivered that brilliantly. And some of the most moving scenes in that last episode...
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added by EPaws
Source: againststars