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You and Your Parent/You and Your Child (Part 2)

Libra Parent, Leo Child

Your Leo child loves performing for you because you make such an affectionate, encouraging and generally captivated audience. Your little one's flair for drama is apparent from an early age, and she adores being the centre of attention. You're a wonderful parent to her, in part because you so enjoy her bright, happy energy. She’s naturally popular (she must have inherited this from you!), which makes play dates, birthday parties and other get-togethers fun for both of you.

You can encourage your child's natural creativity by taking her to plays, films, art galleries and museums, and instilling in her your own love of art and performance. Most of all, give her all your affection and support, because although your little Leo seems as courageous as a lion, her pride is easily dented if she doesn't feel she's getting the adoration she craves.

Libra Parent, Virgo Child

One of your primary concerns in life is harmony in your relationships, but your Virgo child is more interested in achieving perfection. Not nearly as sociable and people-orientated as you are, he's most comfortable when surrounded by quiet, order and routine, so it's best to establish a daily schedule for his meals and bedtime. This could be difficult for you, since you aren't as practical as your little Virgo. Efficiency matters less to you than friendliness and positive feelings.

Still, your love of peace and your little Virgo's need for order can come together nicely. Your child appreciates that you keep a pleasant, comfortable home. You, in turn, like the way he keeps his toys organised and, as he gets older, completes his homework on time. It should be easy for you and your child to get along and create a cosy home together.

Libra Parent, Libra Child

Harmony reigns between you and your Libra child. Peaceful and affectionate, you both go out of your way to please one another. This is wonderful, as long as you're both able to voice your true feelings, including any concerns that may arise during your little one's childhood. After all, misunderstandings and other issues are inevitable between parents and children, and it's best if you can talk about them openly and honestly. Encourage your little Libra to let you know when her feelings are hurt or when she needs something from you that she feels she's not getting, as it’s natural for her to pretend all is well while suffering in silence.

In general though, you share a loving bond. As you're both sociable and in tune with beauty, you love getting out of the house together for play dates and visits to the park.

Libra Parent, Scorpio Child

Your Scorpio child's intensity of feeling and depth of passion might really puzzle you. For you, life at its finest is about sweetness, beauty and pleasure, but you'll notice early on that your little Scorpio is naturally in tune with the darker side of things. He may have strong, uncomfortable feelings, including anger and possessiveness, or complicated secrets or mysteries.

Do encourage your little one to lighten up a bit and enjoy himself more, but don't try to brush off his emotions. Yes, he'll sometimes behave in ways that shock you, but that's just his nature. He enjoys pushing boundaries and expectations because it brings him closer to an honest understanding of the world around him. Above all, he wants a devoted, lasting bond with you, so let him know how much you love him and that you're there for him no matter what.

Libra Parent, Sagittarius Child

Play dates are a must for your Sagittarius child, especially get-togethers that are held outside, as your child is an explorer at heart. She loves the adventure of an interesting new friend, unfamiliar setting, or a new game she hasn't yet mastered. Give her lots of toys and puzzles because she craves the stimulation of a mental challenge as much as a physical one. You should plan lots of walks and games of football, since your little Sagittarius is a natural athlete.

You're both always on the go, so you'll have to rely on someone else to keep you two on a regular schedule. Otherwise, you might have trouble getting your little one to school on time! Never mind, at least you have fun.

Libra Parent, Capricorn Child

Your Capricorn child thrives on regular schedules and routines. A born planner, your little one enjoys the security of knowing what's going to happen next, which has never really been one of your concerns. You're more spontaneous and fun-loving than that, so raising your little Capricorn requires you to step outside of your comfort zone. Your style is more relaxed. You enjoy great company and conversation, and going where the wind blows you.

Still, you want to make your child happy and comfortable, so you shouldn't have much trouble adapting to his needs. And you have no problem praising him for his many achievements! You're genuinely impressed by his responsible, driven nature, and you're naturally affectionate, so it's easy for you to let him know he makes you proud.

Libra Parent, Aquarius Child

Your Aquarius child is naturally attracted to anyone and anything unusual. She gravitates toward the most unique child at playgroup, and she loves dressing up in wild, original outfits that you'd never in a million years put together!

You instinctively avoid rocking the boat, so be warned that your little Aquarius will go out of her way to turn your expectations on their head. Many of her choices and behaviour throughout childhood, and the rest of her life, will be really fresh and original, and may actually offend you. If that happens, try to remember that she pushes the barriers in her quest for knowledge and improvement. This may be easier if you focus on the fact that you appreciate your child's commitment to creativity, and you relate to her intellectual point of view.

Libra Parent, Pisces Child

You share an incredibly sweet, affectionate connection with your Pisces child. You have a wonderful time playing games together, such as dressing up or holding an imaginary tea party in your back garden. You adore your little one's vivid imagination, and you're relaxed enough to follow him wherever his creative mind might lead.

Your outgoing, sociable personality is an inspiration for your little Pisces, who might otherwise hang back, uncertain how to approach people. He's happy to follow your lead in that way, and you love his urge to please you, since you're a people-pleaser yourself. Still, neither of you are particularly practical, so let's hope there's someone in your life who can be a grounding influence. Otherwise, you could find it hard to keep your child on a regular schedule, and routine can create an important balance in Pisces' life.

Scorpio Parent, Aries Child

You may laugh from time to time at your Aries child's brash independence, which she displays from such a young age. She certainly inherited your passion! Hers doesn't run as deep as yours though, and even when she's at the height of a temper tantrum, you're the one in control of the situation.

Do expect tantrums because your little Aries isn't afraid of conflict, and she's honest and upfront enough to say just what she thinks. You, on the other hand, are more complex than that. In an argument, you tend to hold back what you really feel and express only what you think will achieve your goals. Do try to be open and honest with your little one though, as she isn't likely to understand your complicated nature. And don't try too hard to control this child! She needs her freedom.

Scorpio Parent, Taurus Child

You enjoy watching your sweet-natured, down-to-earth Taurus child move through life in his contented way, and you appreciate the ways in which he's different from you. You’re complete opposites in fact, on many important levels. Far from mellow, you're deep and complicated, while your little one is quite straightforward about how he's feeling and what he needs from moment to moment.

Still, despite your contrasts, you share a strong, devoted bond. Keep it that way by giving your little Taurus lots of warm, open affection. Sometimes your instinct might be to withhold your true feelings, both positive and negative ones in a self-protective urge, but that shouldn't be necessary with your child. Yes, he can be stubborn sometimes, but so can you. Try to make up as quickly as possible when you clash because you both depend on the loving connection you share.

Scorpio Parent, Gemini Child

You and your Gemini child could hardly be more different, so you'll need to make some changes. Communication is where your little one comes into her own, so she might fill in the gaps in that area, but you must try to be open, accepting and accessible to her. She doesn't need the level of closeness that you do, but don't let that hurt your feelings. Instead of being very emotional, your little Gemini thrives on independence and mental stimulation.

Give her plenty of toys, books and puzzles, and don't worry when she wants to play with every child in the park. That's just her lively, curious nature at work. Draw upon your own steady, self-aware side to let your child learn in a way that's best for her. Then you can be there whenever she needs a bit of emotional support.

Scorpio Parent, Cancer Child

Similarly emotional and intuitive, you and your Cancer child share a closely devoted bond. You understand your little one's sensitive, feeling nature, and you love the way he's so dependent on you. You have little trouble giving him the affection, support and reassurance he needs. You do love exploring a good mystery of course, so that's one way in which you can be a positive influence on your little Cancer, who otherwise might stick exclusively to familiar people, stories, ideas and other influences.

You can encourage him to be a little bit adventurous and take steps outside of his comfort zone, but don't push him into uncomfortable situations. Your child's growth depends on being able to go at his own pace and being able to rely on you completely. If anything happens to damage his trust in you, he'll withdraw into his shell and it will take time to bond again.

Scorpio Parent, Leo Child

With her sunny, warm, passionate energy, your Leo child is a natural leader. She's the centre of fun at her many play dates. Even a walk in the park often results in little Leo charming a group of new friends. This makes you smile proudly, amused by your little one's natural popularity and quite relieved that she takes the focus away from you. Centre stage makes you uncomfortable, so it's a good thing your child thrives there!

Your little Leo is quite aware of her own power, which is very different from yours. Still, she depends on you for a solid, dependable emotional base and needs your positive support and feedback. Though outwardly fearless, she's nearly as sensitive as you are! Good thing you're emotionally aware enough to be the strong foundation your little Leo needs to thrive.

Scorpio Parent, Virgo Child

Your Virgo child is practical and orderly from a very young age. You often find him organising his toys and cleaning up his playroom, which makes you laugh. How ironic that your little one hates chaos, while you almost seem to pursue it! Of course, it's not chaos you're interested in so much as emotional honesty, which can get complicated fast.

Your little Virgo, on the other hand, appreciates simplicity and efficiency. He doesn't quite understand the depths of your emotions, and when you're angry or upset, you might actually scare him. Virgo children tend to be emotionally reserved, but they do need a strong, stable home life to thrive. Try to connect with your child in an emotionally open way. Focus on the part of your connection that's pure and devoted, as that's the part little Virgo will cling to.

Scorpio Parent, Libra Child

You've always been fascinated by the dark side of life, including raw emotions, secrets and mysteries, so you might find your Libra child a bit, well, frivolous. She's just so sweet and affectionate! Of course, you and your child both know instinctively how to attract people to you, but you are more charming, while your little Libra likes to laugh, cuddle and get along with everyone.

Don't try too hard to control this little one, as she needs freedom to move around, connect with other children and pursue her creative interests. And when you're upset, be very careful how you express your feelings. Your child is sensitive and hates conflict, and she'll go out of her way to keep a friendly connection with you. Try not to put her in the position of having to soothe her own parent.

Scorpio Parent, Scorpio Child

Since your Scorpio child is as passionate and emotional as you are, you share an intensely devoted bond, complete with plenty of ups and downs. You might get into some real battles as you work through the usual parent-child issues, such as questions of freedom, boundaries and privileges. Just like you, your little Scorpio wants to control his own life and pursue his own interests. He believes he's deeper than anyone can understand, so it might really bother him that you get exactly where he's coming from!

Furthermore, if you have other children, expect some jealousy when you're paying more attention to them than to your possessive Scorpio child, who wants to be assured that his place in your heart is secure. Of course, you should understand that motivation, as just like you, all your little one wants is a powerful, loving connection.

Scorpio Parent, Sagittarius Child

You'll have to go against your nature to give your Sagittarius child the freedom she thrives on, because this little one is a natural-born adventurer. Bright-eyed, curious and independent, she needs space and flexibility to explore the boundaries of her world, and even push past those boundaries into new territory. That's one part of her personality to which you can definitely relate!

Your child also needs the freedom to connect with other children, which could be a little difficult for you to go along with. Your instinct as a parent is to establish a close, emotionally intense connection with your child, but your little Sagittarius just isn't as deep feeling as you are, nor as closely attached. Her main interest in life is the thrill of new experiences, so try to take a more hands-off approach throughout her childhood and enjoy watching her playful, spirited personality develop.

Scorpio Parent, Capricorn Child

Your Capricorn child is as intense as you are, but about different things. He isn't nearly as emotional or intuitive as you. Instead, even from an early age, he leans towards responsibility and reputation, which are concerns that you just don't find very important. You're more interested in self-awareness and understanding the mysteries of human nature.

Still, your job is to let your little Capricorn develop in the way that comes most naturally to him, which means respecting, or at least accepting, both his natural ambition and his need for emotional privacy. Do, however, encourage him to be more expressive of his feelings. You can be a very good influence on him in this way, if you try. You both feel most secure when you know you're anchored by deep, strong roots, so focus on creating a solid family foundation for your little one.

Scorpio Parent, Aquarius Child

You've always loved a good mystery, and while your Aquarius child isn't exactly mysterious, she's quite surprising and intriguing. There's brilliance at work in that unique little mind of hers, which fascinates you from the very start. Still, your child needs lots of freedom to explore, and giving her that freedom could go against your nature.

You want to share a closely devoted bond with your child, but little Aquarius is far less emotionally open than you are, and any attempts to control her will only spark her rebellious side. Try to understand and accept that your child is securely attached to you in her own way. You'll find that she responds far better to a relaxed parenting approach than to heavy emotional demands. Possessiveness triggers her stubborn streak, so similar to your own, so try not to worry as you let your little one wander.

Scorpio Parent, Pisces Child

Your Pisces child has a deeply feeling nature, just like you do, and he shares your primary need for a devoted, emotional connection with a loved one. You make a wonderful parent-child match, because your instinct as a parent is to forge a strong, sure bond with your child.

You also love the way your little Pisces understands your feelings, even from a young age. You can be rather intense, but your child's sweet, affectionate nature is one of the few that's able to soften you up a little. In fact, go out of your way to be particularly sensitive with your little Pisces. He isn't as emotionally tough and self-protective as you are, so you should take care to understand his feelings, even while you help him become mentally stronger. That’s so important in this sometimes harsh world.

Sagittarius Parent, Aries Child

You and your Aries child share an active, energetic connection. Neither of you is interested in spending long, lazy afternoons at home, and in this respect, you're a great match. Both of you love getting outside and testing your natural athletic skills. Your little one's competitive streak will make you smile even as it pushes you to improve your own personal best!

You'll spend plenty of time chasing after your little Aries as she charges at life. Actually, maybe you won't chase after her. Perhaps instead, you'll simply let her charge, make the occasional mistake, learn from the experience and move on. You're a big believer in experimental learning, and you're not one to hinder your child's freedom. She'll always appreciate your relaxed parenting style because it allows her to follow her impulses and embrace life in her own bold, spirited way.

Sagittarius Parent, Taurus Child

Your parental instinct is to give your children all the freedom they need, but your Taurus child is naturally pretty dependent. He isn't clingy, but he does enjoy lots of affection, not to mention time spent relaxing, which isn't really your thing. You're much more likely to suggest a game of chase in the back garden than a nap in the sun, which is what your Taurus may prefer.

On the other hand, this naturally strong, sturdy child does enjoy athletic pursuits - to a point. Just don't push him too hard to perform, or he'll dig his heels in. It’s a good thing you have a "live and let live" attitude! You'll let your child learn and behave in the ways that are most natural for him, but you might get somewhat restless as you try to slow down to match your Taurus child's mellow pace.

Sagittarius Parent, Gemini Child

You love your Gemini child's playful energy. Her sharp, curious mind and intelligence delight you from the start. Even when your little one is still in nappies, you have a great time trying to keep up with her as she scoots around on the floor, getting into anything and everything within reach!

You and your little Gemini share a passion for adventure, so neither of you is interested in spending much time at home. Instead, you love getting out into the bright, interesting world. Trips to the museum or library are a favourite for both of you, as you love the mental stimulation of exciting new ideas. Both a bit flighty and eccentric, you make a wonderful parent-child match. Due in part to your own limitless energy, your little one's upbringing is one exciting thrill after another, and that's just how she likes it!

Sagittarius Parent, Cancer Child

You've always been quite adventurous, practically chomping at the bit to explore the world, but your emotionally sensitive Cancer child much prefers being at home. Easily overwhelmed by the uncertainty of new experiences, he's far more comfortable surrounded by familiar faces and settings, something to which you'll have to adjust.

Your instinct is to hold your child's hand and lead him out into life's many attractions, but he will have to be coaxed very gently if he's to leave his comfort zone at all. You'll only be able to increase your child's self-esteem and sense of security in the universe if you ease him, rather than pushing him, into unfamiliar situations. Any break in trust, however accidental, will be a big step back for sensitive little Cancer, who needs time to lick any emotional wounds.

Sagittarius Parent, Leo Child

Your Leo child's high energy and love of adventure delight you from the start, since these qualities mirror your own. You adore watching her blow the down off her first dandelion or make her first goal for the local football team. Your little one is thoroughly engaged with the world, and you're right there on the sidelines of her childhood, cheering as she tackles one new life experience after another.

Give your little one plenty of warmth, praise and affection, because although Leo children seem strong and courageous, they also crave closeness and approval. This shouldn't be a tall order, since you share such a natural bond. Your little Leo is happy to explore this bright, colourful world with you.

Sagittarius Parent, Virgo Child

You've always been brave and curious, interested in soaking up life experiences and unafraid of making mistakes, so your Virgo child's mature habit of weighing up the pros and cons of each new situation may surprise you. Where did such practicality come from? Certainly not you!

Your little Virgo needs a sense of security and order in life. You often find him cleaning his room without being told or completing his homework ahead of its due date. In fact, your laid-back attitude might make your little Virgo uncomfortable. Your parent-child relationship could end up turning on its head, with your child assuming certain parental responsibilities as you behave at times like the playful youth! Don't let this dynamic go too far. As much as your Virgo child needs to learn to relax and enjoy life's constant adventure, he still needs a dependable parent.

Sagittarius Parent, Libra Child

You're all about inhaling the adventure of life. You love going camping, on long treks, as well as seeking the lights, sights, and thrills of funfairs and theme parks. You may dream of bringing your Libra child along on your many escapades, and she does love getting out into the world, but she's more interested in social pursuits.

Unlike you, she cares less about experience for its own sake than about friendship and spending time with lots of different people. She's naturally popular and will receive lots of invitations, even as a young child. Good thing you also enjoy attending her many friends' birthday parties and play dates! You can encourage a philosophical perspective in your little Libra, who is naturally curious and intelligent, but who, without your influence, might forget to consider the bigger concepts of the universe.

Sagittarius Parent, Scorpio Child

Your Scorpio child is emotionally deeper than you could guess. You on the other hand, are straightforward and honest to a fault. Your feelings are immediately apparent to others and, with you, what you see really is what you get. Not so with your complicated little Scorpio, who hides intense passions and plenty of insecurity behind a cool, controlled exterior. At least, he's controlled most of the time! His occasional, out-of-nowhere tantrums surprise you with their force.

The truth is, in terms of needs and basic personalities, you and your child are very different. While you're all about learning, experience and freedom, your little one is more interested in self-knowledge, as well as emotional closeness and reassurance. Though dependability isn't one of your strongest points, give your child as much love and steady support as you can. Losing your focus on him only heightens his fears and his resulting need for control.

Sagittarius Parent, Sagittarius Child

Just like you, your Sagittarius child is happiest when outside or starting on a grand adventure. You're both naturally athletic, and you can help develop that by playing games of chase in the park or kicking a football back and forth to improve your child's coordination.

In general, getting out of the house together is a must. Trips to the library or the zoo are big favourites for both of you, as are weekend hiking or camping trips and visits to other cities or even countries. Yes, you have a natural traveller on your hands! You and your little adventurer are a wonderful parent-child match, as you're both always on the go and up for anything exciting or educational. Your young Sagittarius absorbs everything you have to teach her, so present her with plenty of books, people and ideas.

Sagittarius Parent, Capricorn Child

Even from an early age, your little Capricorn is likely to be more practical and dependable than you are. While you're a child at heart, he's serious and mature, even when he's still in nappies! He has a well-developed sense of responsibility, not to mention a deep need for stability, so your playful, care-free energy might make him feel more than a bit insecure. You can help him lighten up a little, but do try to give him the secure base he needs, even though reliability isn't exactly your strong point.

Your child is ambitious and hard-working by nature, so praise him for completing his homework early and taking such good care of your family pets. Then remind him that all work and no play would make anyone a little dull, and get him out of the house for some eye-opening, mind-expanding fun!

Sagittarius Parent, Aquarius Child

You appreciate your Aquarius child's initiative and her freedom-loving, independent nature. An adventurer yourself, you're impressed with your little one's brilliant imagination and her tuned-in approach to life. Even from a young age, she wants to be out in the world, mixing with other people and experiencing anything unique and unusual, and you're happy to go along for the ride. As parent and child, you're very well matched in this way.

You've always loved learning and experiencing new things, but as your Aquarius child grows up, you may find her going beyond you in her ability to understand complex issues and make real changes in the world. You're curious, but she's downright innovative - a scientist or inventor at heart. Given the right kind of encouragement, this little one's inner genius will develop rapidly, paving the way for some truly incredible discoveries.

Sagittarius Parent, Pisces Child

Your sensitive Pisces child needs lots of emotional support and reassurance, which at times can be a tall order for you to provide. Of course you have the best of intentions, but you've always been playful and care-free, and you don't spend a lot of time considering feelings, whether they are yours or anyone else's. Good thing your little Pisces is so sweet and charming! That makes it a lot easier to return his love in a clear, consistent way. It would be hard not to respond to his enthusiastic affection.

Still, try to be a bit more careful than usual with this tender-hearted, vulnerable child, and appreciate the fact that he's emotionally in sync with you. Otherwise, you might not even realise that you hold a central role in his heart and that he looks to you for guidance.

Capricorn Parent, Aries Child

You take your responsibilities seriously, and you want to give your Aries child the best life possible, but this little one is extremely independent! Giving your child the freedom she needs goes against your instincts as a parent. You want to keep her on a strict routine for meals, bedtime, homework and chores, but little Aries rebels against such a rigid schedule. She wants to be her own master, even as a child. Her impulsive, passionate nature demands that she lives life on her own terms. You may see her natural spontaneity as recklessness and her lust for life as irresponsibility.

While you can, and should, encourage a sense of duty in your child, try not to trample all over her joy of life! That spirited nature is part of Aries' charm. Focus on helping her control her temper, then stand back and let her shine.

Capricorn Parent, Taurus Child

Though your Taurus child shares your practical, down-to-earth nature, he isn't as driven or dutiful as you might wish. Of course, he's naturally strong and determined, and he can really buckle down to business when he wants to. The only problem is he acts on his own agenda, not yours!

You've always had a strong work ethic, and you take your parental responsibilities seriously, but you should make allowances for your little one's self-indulgent nature. Part of his job in this life is to enjoy himself and spread his natural, earthy pleasure around. In fact, you could take some tips from your child in learning to relax more and worry less. For starters, don't let little Taurus' apparent lack of ambition concern you. He's willing to work hard when he has a worthy goal in sight, and he's sure to make you proud.

Capricorn Parent, Gemini Child

You take your role as a parent seriously, but your Gemini child is very different from you. Some of your surest theories on how to raise a child, such as imposing a schedule for homework, family time, bedtime and more, just won't work with this spontaneous little one. In fact, if you try to subject this clever trickster to a rigid routine, she'll wriggle right out of your grasp, laughing all the way! Don't let this frustrate you. Instead, stretch yourself to accommodate your little Gemini's playful nature.

This child wasn't built to follow strict timetables, and she didn't inherit your ambition either. Little Gemini's curious mind and mischievous nature are meant to shake things up for you and everyone else around. Just remember, the more you try to restrict this child, the more she'll find ways to avoid your control. Don't struggle against her changeable energy, work with it instead!

Capricorn Parent, Cancer Child

Your sensitive Cancer child needs firm, consistent support to feel secure, which is exactly your strong point. You take your job as a parent seriously and you're very dependable. Your little Cancer appreciates knowing the rules at home, such as when meals are served, what his bedtime is, and more. And though you're a natural at providing a stable base for your child, don't skimp on showing lots of love and affection too.

You're strong on practical concerns like financial stability and a responsible work ethic, but a bit short on developing and maintaining connections with others. Your worries and ambitions tend to eclipse your relationships with loved ones, but allowing that to happen with your Cancer child would be like starving him emotionally. Show him just how much you love him with lots of hugs, kisses and words of praise.

Capricorn Parent, Leo Child

Your Leo child thrives in your dedicated, stable care, but the older she gets, the more she's sure to push against your strict, serious approach to life. Naturally warm-hearted and playful, little Leo sees the world as her stage and other people as her built-in, adoring audience. She wants to entertain everyone, especially you. Don't tell her off for not taking life as seriously as you do, as this will stifle her natural spirit. Instead, focus on learning to accept and appreciate her passion and dramatic expression. Praise her for that impromptu after-dinner dance performance or the painting she made for you. These seemingly unimportant bits of encouragement will feed your little Leo's soul and help to develop her creativity as well!

Capricorn Parent, Virgo Child

Your Virgo child takes after you in so many ways. He's grounded and practical, even as a youth, and he appreciates the well-ordered, stable home life you provide. He thrives in a structured environment, which feeds his preference for symmetry and organisation. You notice and appreciate early on the way your little Virgo keeps his room clean and helps out with the housework, often without being asked. All of that is wonderful, but who brings the humour to your lives?

You and your child are both mature for your age, perhaps overly so. You're both emotionally reserved, and you respond more to practical concerns than to emotional appeals. If there's no one around to lighten the mood and remind you to relax and - gasp! - play once in a while, life in your house could get pretty serious.

Capricorn Parent, Libra Child

Establishing a routine for meals, sticking to a regular bedtime - these are the cornerstones of your parenting theory. You believe your family's contentment depends on having a well-defined system in place, but your Libra child isn't as concerned as you are with material security. Sweet-natured and affectionate, she'd much rather receive your warm, spontaneous cuddle than high praise for tidying up her toys without being asked. Still, little Libra wants to please you, so she'll find ways to obtain that approval.

However, hard work isn't really in Libra's nature. This popular child is built for enjoying parties, play dates and the company of good friends. In your eyes, these amount to little more than pointless leisure activities, but don't begrudge your little Libra her social life. This child is a born networker, and one day, those childhood connections could turn into important career contacts.

Capricorn Parent & Scorpio Child

Your Scorpio child needs lots of emotional support, perhaps more than you're able to give. You're excellent at providing material security, such as a comfortable home, a steady income, a well-structured family life and more, but emotional intimacy has never been your strong point. You respond best to neat efficiency, and feelings can be so messy and illogical. Your little Scorpio practically defines the messiness of human emotions! This passionate, intense child's occasional tantrums take you by surprise, and his tendency to brood mystifies you.

Giving your little one what he needs at a feeling level means stepping outside of your comfort zone, but it's well worth the effort. Your child hides real vulnerability behind his powerful personality, and it's your job to give him the reassurance he needs. You're utterly devoted to your loved ones, so let your little Scorpio know you'll do anything for him.

Capricorn Parent, Sagittarius Child

You have a solid sense of your responsibilities as a parent, but your playful, head-strong Sagittarius child is likely to rebel against the rules and systems you put in place. You're most comfortable with bedtime routines and meal charts, but your little Sagittarius needs a much more relaxed schedule than this. You find it hard to give her the freedom she thrives on, but try anyway, because this child learns best by exploring the boundaries of her world and taking risks that may shock you.

You do appreciate your little Sagittarius' strong moral compass, something she surely inherited from you. She's more willing than you are to question traditional values though, and learn more about life's many mysteries. In fact, you can take a cue from your child about becoming more open-minded, since you tend to be somewhat rigid, even conservative, in your thinking.

Capricorn Parent, Capricorn Child

You may have to schedule in playtime with your Capricorn child, because you're both born planners and you might forget the importance of fun if you don't pencil it in! Your little Capricorn is as responsible and security-conscious as you are, even as a young child.

Just like you, he's wise beyond his years, and a little too serious, though not for your tastes. You appreciate his practical outlook and understand his need for stability. You're able to provide him with a comfortable home and a solid moral foundation, but don't neglect the importance of a little good, old-fashioned fun and relaxation. When you take your child to the library, let him browse in the children's section instead of guiding him toward the reference books.

Capricorn Parent, Aquarius Child

You're quite impressed by your Aquarius child's natural intelligence. Even when she's very young, you can tell you've got a brilliant thinker on your hands. This child could grow up to be an important scientist, strategist or inventor! Don't push any particular career path on your little one though. Instead, let her explore ideas and influences in her own way and at her own pace. Give her plenty of time and encouragement to investigate her many theories.

You'll find that your little Aquarius has plenty of drive, but her unusual interests may challenge your traditional values. Don't be surprised if, unlike you, she shows little concern for status or a reliable income, and instead chooses a career path that combines humanitarian concerns with her love of anything innovative and previously untried. Try not to hinder her natural independence either or she could become quite rebellious.

Capricorn Parent, Pisces Child

Your Pisces child thrives on a solid base of love and support, and solid bases are your strong point, but more in the material sense than the emotional one. You're wonderful at providing a comfortable family home and a sensible moral foundation for your loved ones, but you may have to stretch a bit to give your tender-hearted little Pisces the pure affection he needs. You may be somewhat uncomfortable with emotional displays, since feelings are so messy and unpredictable, but your child's nature is very sensitive and intuitive.

With your practical outlook, you can help ground him in reality, but be careful not to stifle his wonderful imagination or starve his emotional side. Instead, let him loosen your own firm grip on the mundane world now and then and take you along on his playful flights of fancy.

Aquarius Parent, Aries Child

With an active Aries child in your care, you don't get many quiet moments to yourself. Like a ball of pure energy, your child is here, there and everywhere, and your job is to chase after her, making both of you laugh with pleasure! Of course, as she grows bigger and bolder, she also becomes more independent, which is fine with you. You enjoy pursuing your theories in conversation with like-minded friends, but you also like being alone with your thoughts, and your Aries child will be happy to pursue her own exciting adventures.

Still, pay attention in case you need to put out any fires! Impulsive by nature, your little one is bound to get into scrapes as she pushes the limits of the world around her. She'll also surely need some help from you in learning to control her temper.

Aquarius Parent, Taurus Child

You've always pursued unusual people and experiences. You like new, radical theories and friends who are as different from you as night from day. Your mellow, affectionate Taurus child is quite dissimilar from you, but perhaps not in the ways you might hope.

With his earthy nature, this child is most attracted to ease and familiarity, and he resists your attempts to push him out of his comfort zone. Don't misunderstand little Taurus’ motivations though. This isn't fear of the unknown so much as his naturally sensual approach to life. Your child adapts quickly to new experiences, as long as they're pleasurable! You aren't so different when it comes to your shared stubborn streaks. Push your little one too hard and he'll just dig in his heels. You two are far better off taking a "live and let live" approach to each other.

Aquarius Parent, Gemini Child

Your Gemini child has inherited your endless curiosity about the world and your love of being caught up in a crowd. However, while you enjoy thinking deeply about your many theories, your little Gemini is a bit more of a "student of all, master of none". This bright, inquisitive child has many different interests, and focusing on just one isn't her strong point.

She's witty and charming too, and has lots of friends and admirers, even as a young child. You're a good parent to this little one because you're able to give her the freedom she needs to explore. In fact, you'll almost push her out into the world, as you have your own projects to pursue after all! Your little Gemini appreciates your hands-off parenting style, in part because she knows that although you may not be overly affectionate, you're quite devoted to her in your own way.

Aquarius Parent, Cancer Child

Your parenting instinct is to expose your child to the world's many wonderful people and experiences, but your little Cancer may not adapt well to your idea of a well-rounded childhood. Emotionally and physically sensitive, this little one prefers the comforts of home to the overwhelming strains of the outside world.

When he feels afraid or over-stimulated, which may be frequently, he withdraws into self-protection mode. He might also suffer from physical symptoms such as tummy aches when he feels stressed. You're rather emotionally reserved, and your Cancer child needs lots of affection and reassurance to thrive. In the end, it will be you who steps outside of your comfort zone in order to nurture and protect your child.

Aquarius Parent, Leo Child

Your Leo child is a people person, a quality surely inherited from you. You both love a crowd and adore mingling with friends both old and new. However, while you don't care too much about what others think of you, your passionate, dramatic little Leo wants everyone's adoration, especially yours.

You've never been very emotionally expressive. You're more comfortable in the world of ideas and theories. But with a child like this, you have to be accessible at an emotional level, because little Leo feels neglected when you aren't as loving and encouraging as she wants you to be. With plenty of affection, this child thrives, but when she feels ignored or emotionally deprived, her insecurities come out in a big way. You can prevent this by showering your little Leo with love, cuddles and open admiration.

Aquarius Parent, Virgo Child

You make a somewhat progressive parent, as you care less about rules and routines than about exposing your child to interesting experiences and new ways of thinking. However, your little Virgo needs rules and routines, as he thrives on order, which isn't your strong point. You're more comfortable with a certain amount of chaos, especially of the intellectual variety, since it keeps your mind stimulated. As a parent to practical young Virgo though, it's best if you stick to a schedule. Otherwise, this child's anxious side comes out, and he takes on adult-like responsibilities in an attempt to organise his world.

The best way to let your child be a child is to give him a solid foundation. Though it may not feel very playful or child-like to you, doing housework and following a set bedtime routine helps little Virgo stay calm, grounded and centred.

Aquarius Parent, Libra Child

Like you, your Libra child is a people person. Naturally popular, this little one adores being in a fun, friendly group. Of course, you're less interested in social gatherings for their own sake than in creating social change, but don't try too hard to impose that value on your little Libra. This child's vision of a perfect world is one in which everyone cooperates like best friends.

Expect this affectionate child to have lots of admirers from an early age, which means you may have to attend lots of parties and play dates with your little one! Don't begrudge Libra her social life though. This is just her nature. She's intelligent and creative, and you'll have fun encouraging her artistic eye by taking her to art galleries and live performances.

Aquarius Parent, Scorpio Parent

You've always been interested in unusual people, and your Scorpio child certainly fits that specification. Emotionally complex, this little one's passions surprise you when they come raging up from his depths. Of course, you've rarely been comfortable with any type of intense emotional display, so expect to be a bit put off by little Scorpio's powerfully feeling yet secretive nature. You're also caught off guard when he uses jealousy and other forms of manipulation to get what he wants, but try to remember that all he really craves is a close connection with you.

Expressing your affection and commitment openly helps your child feel more secure, which is little Scorpio's main concern in life. Obviously there will be bumps along the road as you establish that intimate bond. You're both stubborn at the core, so expect real fireworks when you do clash.

Aquarius Parent, Sagittarius Child

Your Sagittarius child is an adventurer at heart. You've always been quite independent yourself, and your little Sagittarius admires her unique, free-thinking parent. This care-free child is happy to follow your lead, and it's rare that you keep her at home for quiet time. No, your idea of a childhood well-lived includes lots of trips to the science museum and the library, the zoo and the local swimming pool. In fact, any place where people are gathered and your little one can learn something about what it is to be human - Spirited little Sagittarius loves these outings.

This child has a basic need to learn everything she can about the world in which she lives and she thrives on the freedom you give her. Her mind expands with the ideas and friends you take such care to present her with.

Aquarius Parent, Capricorn Child

A free-thinker who values uniqueness and progressive thought, you're radical in your own way, and you want to raise your child accordingly. However, your little Capricorn is traditional by nature, goal-orientated and ambitious. He expects rewards for his accomplishments, even as early as potty training and when dressing himself unassisted for the first time.

You're quite proud of your little one's growth and you love watching him learn new things about his place in the world. You may wish he were more willing to take risks in his thinking and his actions though. You'll have to accept that little Capricorn is cautious and conservative with his resources. You'll be a positive influence if you encourage your child to worry less about outward concerns such as his reputation, and more about making the world a better place for everyone.

Aquarius Parent, Aquarius Child

Like you, your Aquarius child is naturally independent and needs plenty of freedom to explore her many innovative ideas and unusual friends. Your little one is attracted to unique people and new experiences, and you're the perfect parent to encourage her own distinctive personality to shine. You recognise her inner brilliance and draw it out by exposing her to all kinds of unconventional people, places and ideas. Throughout her childhood, take her to as many museums and exhibitions as you can. These experiences and more will broaden your child's mind and help her form her own opinions about the way the world works.

Best of all, though neither of you tends to be overly emotional, you can depend on the strong, mutual devotion you share. You'll love watching your little Aquarius develop into a brilliant thinker.

Aquarius Parent, Pisces Child

Your sensitive Pisces child thrives in a loving, intimate environment, but you've always been a bit of a lone wolf and you're not very emotionally expressive. Although you're extremely dedicated to your loved ones in your own way, you have to stretch yourself a bit to give your little Pisces the love and support he craves.

At least he understands intuitively that you often seem detached because you're in your head, inventing new, interesting theories or innovative approaches to the issues in your lives. Your little Pisces spends time in his head too, as he has a great imagination. This could be a good point of connection for you two. Most of all though, reach out to your child on the physical and the emotional level as well as the intellectual one. Give him lots of cuddles and let him know how much you adore him.

Pisces Parent, Aries Child

An afternoon of chasing your child around the house, garden or park really wears you out, but little Aries is still raring to go! This passionate, energetic child rarely slows down, which will be an adjustment for you. You make a dreamy, tender-hearted parent. You want to cuddle up with your little one and spend hours playing games of dressing-up and pretend, but such slow-paced, relaxing activities only make your child more restless.

Don't expect many sweet, soft-hearted moments throughout your little one's childhood, as she is always on the go. It's a good thing you're such a natural at tapping into other people's feelings. You can intuit what your child needs in any given moment and do your best to supply it for her, even if it goes against your nature. Of course, when little Aries needs some attention, she will just step right up and demand it!

Pisces Parent, Taurus Child

You could easily end up relying on your Taurus child to ground you in reality. You're something of a dreamer by nature, but being a parent requires you to pay closer attention to the here and now. There are nappies to be changed and meals to be made, and as your child grows up, birthday parties and school events to attend.

You and your little Taurus get along well because this sweet, mellow child responds naturally to your incredibly loving and devoted nature. You, in turn, adore watching your child interact with the world around him. Strong and vigorous, he loves being outside but he finds long naps and good meals to be equally pleasurable. You instinctively understand your little Taurus's feelings, including his basic need for security, and you're able to provide him with all the affection and reassurance he could possibly need.

Pisces Parent, Gemini Child

Your Gemini child's energy surprises and delights you, even as it wears you out. Her playful personality means she delights in every new experience, and it's fun for you to sit back and watch her discover the world bit by bit. Your little one is easily distracted, but that's fine because you tend to be the same way.

When your child is young, your days might be spent out in the garden, marvelling at all of nature's interesting insects and beautiful flowers. Books and puzzles also keep her mind working and the ideas flowing. As your little Gemini grows, birthday parties and trips to the park are more her speed because this child is naturally social and popular. You enjoy standing back and watching your little one charm a group of people - children and adults alike. Everyone responds well to her natural wit and trickster energy!

Pisces Parent, Cancer Child

You're intuitive enough to understand that your Cancer child's basic requirements are emotional security and frequent shows of love. Naturally affectionate and nurturing, you're perfect at responding to those needs. With you, your little Cancer knows just where he stands. You'd never push this sensitive child to do anything that makes him uncomfortable, so you may end up spending many afternoons at home, quietly enjoying one another's company as you prepare the evening meal or read books side by side.

Your child definitely prefers being at home and that's fine with you. It’s likely that it won’t be his destiny to be the most popular or athletic child at school, and he’ll probably never become the star of the drama group. You love this sweet, sentimental, shy child just as he is though, which can help him gain the confidence and courage he needs to succeed.

Pisces Parent, Leo Child

Your Leo child's energy and confidence amaze you. This little person is so passionate! Like you, she craves adoration, which you shower over her. Unlike you, she thrives on being the centre of attention. Yes, this child is a natural performer, and her impromptu dramatics are intended to keep everyone's eyes on her. That's not a problem as far as you're concerned. You've been in awe from the start by the sheer power your little Leo puts out. However, you're also intuitive enough to understand that behind her proud, courageous exterior beats a sensitive, vulnerable heart.

Little Leo is very family-orientated, as are you, and she needs every bit of the affection and support you can give. You're a wonderful parent to this complicated child because you're able to respond to her inner needs as well as her more obvious outer ones.

Pisces Parent, Virgo Child

Your Virgo child needs the structure of routine to stay centred, which can be a tall order for you. Your parenting style is much more relaxed. You may not get dinner on the table at the same time every night or tuck your little one into bed at seven o'clock on the dot. For you, life is more about following your vivid imagination than sticking to a regular schedule. Your little Virgo isn't nearly so impulsive though. This child responds best to grounded, practical influences and thrives on consistency.

Little Virgo can store up lots of nervous energy when he feels his world is too chaotic. If your child complains often of tummy aches, it could be a sign that he's lacking that all-important firm, grounded base. The love you give your little Virgo is constant, of course, and he clings to that like a lifeline.

Pisces Parent, Libra Child

You make a loving, devoted parent, and that's just what your Libra child needs. This little one possesses a sweet, peaceful nature and thrives in a comfortable home, surrounded by people who love her. You crave harmony yourself, and you shower little Libra with affection. You don't even mind the way she clings to you sometimes because it makes you feel so wonderfully needed. Best of all, your devotion gives your child a solid base from which to move outwards.

Libra is naturally interested in other people and is sure to be a popular child, so expect plenty of invitations to birthday parties and play dates. This little one responds instinctively to art and beauty, so take her on frequent trips to museums and art galleries. You'll both get lost in the gorgeous images, and you'll stimulate your child's creative side.

Pisces Parent, Scorpio Child

You're intuitive enough to understand your little Scorpio's need for love, reassurance and a strong connection. This is a complicated child, but you're just the parent to give him the affection he needs. Your unwavering love helps little Scorpio feel secure. Better yet, you forgive his passionate outbursts and displays of temper because you recognise what lies beneath them, a powerful drive for acceptance and understanding.

As your child grows up, your heartfelt devotion helps him become more self-aware and in touch with his feelings. His deeply emotional nature is more effective when he learns to express himself honestly instead of withholding his true emotions and getting mixed up in power plays. Now, you're a bit of a pushover by nature, so don't let your child manipulate you too much! Remember, you're the parent, which means you're the one in control, no matter what little Scorpio likes to think.

Pisces Parent, Sagittarius Child

Your Sagittarius child keeps you busy, that's for sure! This adventurous, playful child is always on the go. Even when she's still in nappies, it can be a challenge to keep up with her. You love your little one's curiosity and you have no problem letting her explore her boundaries. You're a somewhat relaxed parent, and you give little Sagittarius the freedom she needs.

Neither of you is much for details, so the day-to-day tasks like getting your child to school on time, serving regular meals, establishing a bedtime routine can all be a bit of a stretch for you. Let's hope there's someone else in your lives to provide a practical, grounding influence for you and your little Sagittarius. Otherwise, your instinct is to wander through your imagination while your child wanders the world.

Pisces Parent, Capricorn Child

Your Capricorn child probably didn't inherit your colourful imagination or your emotional, instinctive nature. From an early age, your child is firmly grounded in the real world and believes most readily in what can be seen and touched. This is a real adjustment for you. Your world is much more about feelings, impressions, fleeting sensations and passing intuitions. You have no trouble believing in notions or the mysteries of the universe, but your little Capricorn requires a practical grip on reality.

He needs a routine and to be rewarded for his accomplishments, such as tidying his room. You're nurturing enough to want to provide him with the structured life he wants. And who knows, sooner or later, some of your creativity may rub off!

Pisces Parent, Aquarius Child

Your Aquarius child isn't nearly as emotionally expressive as you are. Your parental instinct is to shower your little one with all the love and devotion in your heart, but Aquarius just doesn't seem to need that kind of closeness. Of course, you're tuned in enough to her feelings to know that she's devoted to you in her own way, but don't expect her to express it as openly and selflessly as you do.

Your child is a natural innovator and needs lots of freedom to learn about the world on her own terms. Her intelligence will amaze you, because even as a small child Aquarius understands concepts far beyond her years! You understand her inner need to be different and to stand out from the crowd. Your little one will always benefit from your creative perspective and your unquestioning acceptance of her unusual personality.

Pisces Parent, Pisces Child

You make a wonderful parent to your Pisces child. You're as sweet-natured and sensitive as he is, so you shower him with all the affection and compassion in your heart. He, in return, is utterly devoted to you.

Your bond is so deep and tender, it's almost otherworldly. You may feel as though you're intuitively connected to one another because even when you aren't in the same place, telling each other what's in your hearts, you still know. In fact, that's your only issue as parent and child. Someone's going to have to ground you two in every day reality because neither of you is up to the job! Without someone more practical around, you might get lost in your little one's imaginative escapades, and making it to school or his doctor's appointment on time will simply slip your mind.
LEO (“I will”)



Element: Fire* (Movement, Obsession, Energy)
Ruled by: the Sun (Assertiveness, Will, Majesty)
Quality: Fixed** (Concrete, Limited, Purposeful, Conscientious)

* The signs of the Zodiac are grouped in four triplicities based on their element. The other triplicities are water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) and earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo).

Those with planets in fire signs have a simmering at-the-ready stance, as they...
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added by deedeeflower
Source: deedeeflower
added by sapherequeen
Here's an explanation for what a sun sign is if someone comes here not knowing exactly what this spot is for.

Omnipresent in the native of this sign is “feeling.” Emotions run both deep and high in this sensitive – even touchy – character. Cancer/Dogs seem to carry a blinking sensor-beam radar system on their very skins. Everything affects them and affects them profoundly. A word, a glance or – God forbids – a harsh remark can dissolve these susceptible souls into a heap of nervous prostration in a wink. Cancer/Dogs are born to be artistic. Touched by the magic wand of aestheticism, these people need protection from the big bad world and its vicissitudes.

Yet, despite their...
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All the Dog’s respectability, heroism and undying constancy shot through with Leo loyalty, nobility and philanthropy find us confronted here with the most frankly earnest person ever born. So indulgent is this character with those he loves that if one of his friends committed a cold-blooded act of horror before his very eyes, the Leo/Dog would deny he saw it. He would find an excuse for the person. He would bake cake upon cake with files inside. He’d spring for the bail, the fines, the lawyers. And when finally, through his devoted efforts, his friend the criminal is set free...
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posted by irena83
Libra sexuality

Your sexuality is responsive, yet very much subject to the nature of the environment. A natural partner, your need to relate makes you eager to please, but can see you often looking for someone more satisfactory somewhere else.

Ruled by Venus, the goddess of beauty and of lovers, you have impeccable taste and are widely considered attractive, yet you can be coquettish and even devious in the pursuit of your desires. You can be somewhat narcissistic at times and respond readily to praise and flattery.

Your ego is a little fragile, so you respond to reassurance and appreciation...
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added by harpyr