Avatar: Second Generation Club
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Haruki's vision blurred as he slowly gained consciousness. He groaned when he felt his head throb painfully.
"My head." he groaned. He tried to raise a hand to rub the big bump from where the rock hit but realized he was tied up. His vision became more clear and he found himself tied to a tree. He struggled to free himself but he was bound tight. He looked around to see where he was. He was in a forest and was near a camp filled with people in dark armor. He began to remember what had happened before he was knocked out and kicked himself mentally.
Idiot! How could you have gotten yourself captured like that? He mentally berated himself, You should have trained more!
"Don't bother struggling." said a voice, "It won't work."
Haruki looked to the right and saw a man leaning against a tree. The man wore the black Chikara Army armor. He had a pair of hookswords for weapons. His face was hidden in the shadows but Haruki could tell he was chewing on a piece of wheat.
"Funny," said the man, "You look so much like him."
The man stepped out of the shadows and the airbender was able to see what he looked like. The man looked to be around his Uncle Sokka's age, if not a year or two more, and had shaggy brown hair that had bits of gray in it. The man started walking towards Haruki but the airbender just blew air at him. The blast of air knocked the man off his feet and sent him sprawling on the ground. The man stood up and raised his hands in surrender.
"Take it easy, kid." said the man, "I'm a friend."
"Chikara Army soldiers aren't my friends!" growled Haruki.
"Listen, I'm gonna get you outta here."
Haruki scoffed
"Yeah. Right."
"No. Really." The man cautiously walked back over to Haruki in case he would airbend at him again. "I'm gonna help you."
"How do I know I can trust you."
The man chuckled softly.
"You remind me of Katara." said the man.
"How do you know my mom?" asked Haruki, both shocked and still suspicious.
"Now's not the right time-"
"Looks like our little guest is finally awake."
Haruki and the man named Jet both looked at an approaching young woman. Behind her was the man who tied Haruki up.
"This kid giving you any trouble Jet?" asked the young woman
The name sounded familiar to Haruki. He couldn't recall where he had heard the name before.
"Nah," Jet answered, "It looks like our little guest knows some manners."
"Nothing like hitting a kid on the head to teach him about respect." said the man behind the woman.
Haruki glared daggers at him and he smirked back.
"You know, I'm surprised no one has come to rescue you yet." The woman approached Haruki. She bent over slightly so her gold eyes were level with Haruki's blue ones.
"I know you're traveling with the Avatar," said the woman, "And you are going to tell me where he is."
Haruki spat in the woman's face and she staggered backwards. She wiped the spit out of her eye with a look of disgust on her face mixed with fury. Haruki had noticed Jet trying to suppress a smile before getting punched in the face by the man that tied him up. His head hurt even worse now because of the second hit. The man pulled back his fist to hit Haruki again but the woman grabbed his arm.
"He's not worth it Cari." said the woman. She took a few steps toward Haruki, grabbed him by his hair, and hit his head back against the tree. She raised a warning finger at him.
"Be grateful that I'm letting you live, kid." she told Haruki in a deadly whisper, "You're lucky I need you alive or I would have let him do far worse than a punch in the face." She released Haruki and walked back to camp, Cari followed.
Jet waited until they were out of earshot before speaking.
"You okay, kid?" he asked.
Haruki didn't answer. His head hurt so much and his eyes were watering.
"Don't fall asleep, you might get a concussion." Jet looked at the camp behind him and back at Haruki.
"I need to get back to camp, my shift's over. Don't let the next guy provoke you, he'll just want you to give him a reason to hit you." He looked back and saw a man walking over to the two and spoke in an undertone, "I've got the first watch tonight, when everyone's sleeping I'll come back and get you out of here."
"Hang on, how do I know I can trust you?" Haruki asked again.
"You don't." answered Jet. "Do you have a choice?" He smirked when Haruki didn't answer and left.

Despite getting hit in the head three times that day and not getting much sleep, Haruki felt wide awake. His eyes scanned the dark forest for Jet. When he was about to give up waiting around for the man and think of a different way out of there, he heard footsteps and looked up to see a man sneaking over to the airbender.
"Jet?" whispered Haruki.
The man brought his finger to his lips and shushed Haruki. He cupped his hands and made a whistle like a birdcall. There was a short silence then there was a reply birdcall. Haruki couldn't help but be impressed. Jet hurried over to Haruki and pulled out a knife. The knife sliced through the bonds easily and Haruki was free. Haruki rubbed where the ropes chafed his skin.
"I got some friends that can help you out of here." whispered Jet. He handed Haruki a package and a water pouch. "Here's some rations that will last you a few days. By then maybe you'll be with your friends again."
"Why are you helping me?" asked Haruki.
"I'm actually a spy against the Chikara Army. This is Longshot and Smellerbee." He added, gesturing at two people that appeared behind Haruki.
One of the people, a man, wore blue clothes and a paddy-hat. He had a bow and some arrows with him. The other person, a woman, had face paint and had a headband around her head. A sword was slung across her back. Her brown hair was long and shaggy. Haruki recognized those names too.
"You don't know some guys named Pipsqueak and The Duke, do you?" he asked Jet.
Jet chuckled.
"No doubt your mom told you about me and my Freedom Fighters." said Jet.
"She said that you died in Lake Laogai."
"Nah. I got hurt pretty bad but now's not the time for stories. Now's the time for you to get out of here. The others are waiting for you."
The woman grabbed Haruki's arm and she and the man started leading Haruki deeper into the forest. They stopped when Jet started talking again.
"Hey kid..." Haruki looked back at Jet, "Next time you see your mom, tell her Jet said 'Hey.'"
Haruki nodded and followed Smellerbee and Longshot again.

The team searched the forest and the skies for Haruki but they couln't find him. While searching from above they saw a Chikara Army camp but they couldn't see any sign of Haruki with the soldiers.
"We'll find him." Kya assured the others the night after they found out he was gone. They were grouped around a fire in a small clearing. "Let's just get a few hours of sleep and start looking again. I'll do the first watch."
The others agreed and took out their sleeping bags. They all grouped around Appa and began to fall asleep. Kya climbed a tree and sat down on a thick branch that had a good view over the forest. She watched for any movement and her ears strained for any sound. After a while she started nodding off.
"Shift's over."
Kya nearly fell off the branch when Xiu spoke. The youngest acrobat sibling had climbed up the tree and was sitting on a thick branch near Kya on the other side of the tree.
"You scared me." said Kya. She put her hand over her heart which was beating fast.
"Sorry." said Xiu with a guilty smile. "I've been known to sneak up on people, even when I don't mean to."
"When did you wake up?"
"I've been awake. I couldn't sleep."
"You're worried about Haruki, aren't you?"
Xiu fiddled with her necklace.
"I-I know I've only known him for a few weeks but... I don't think I can deal with losing someone again. Especially someone I've been getting to know."
Kya hesitated then asked, "What happened to your father?"
Xiu didn't answer. She just stayed silent and continued fiddling with her necklace.
"If you don't want to answer, it's fine." said Kya quickly, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked-"
"No, it's fine. I've never actually told anyone this before." Xiu sighed. "My father fought in the Fire Nation army. One day when he and some soldiers were on their way home on leave, they were ambushed and were either captured or killed. My father was one of the unlucky ones." She looked at Kya and the older girl saw that the acrobat was fighting back tears. "He died the day I was born. He knew my mom was due soon and was coming home to surprise the family."
"I'm so sorry, Xiu." whispered Kya.
"My mom and sisters didn't even know what happened until a few weeks later when Fire Lord Zuko told us."
She fiddled with her necklace some more then spoke again.
"See this necklace?" she pointed at her necklace which was a red ribbon with a charm hanging off it in the shape of a flame. Kya nodded.
"It's beautiful." commented Kya.
"My father made it for me while my mother was pregnant. It was tradition in his family that the father of the baby would make something for the baby. If it was a boy that something would be a weapon. If it was a girl, that something would be a necklace. Since all his children were girls, my dad had a feeling that I would be a girl and got started making the necklace right away. When Fire Lord Zuko told my family what happened to my father, he told us that my necklace was found tied to my father's wrist."
Xiu wiped a tear from her eye and cleared her throat. She chuckled a little. "Listen to me, talking about the past when I should be watching for soldiers and you should be getting some sleep."
Kya hesitated again and climbed down from her branch. Xiu pulled out her knife and rammed it into the trunk of the tree. She cupped her hands over the handle, put her ear to it, and waited. She suddenly sensed someone coming.
"Kya!" she silently called the oldest girl.
"What is it?" asked Kya. She was almost at the bottom of the tree.
"There's someone coming."
"How many?"
"I think there's five."
"Get down here, we have to tell the others."
Xiu yanked her knife out of the tree and jumped down the branches of the tree. She landed catlike on the ground next to Kya and they ran back to the others. Before they made it back, however, an arrow whizzed past them, causing them to stop and look back. A man not too far away let two more arrows fly. The girls dodged the arrows. Kya pulled out her fans but Xiu was already running towards the man. She pulled out her knife and threw it at the man but he jumped to the side to avoid the blade. Xiu used the distraction to somersault over the man and land behind him. She jabbed at his arm which hung limply at his side. She made to jab at him again when a woman swung a sword downward between Xiu and the man. Xiu jumped back to avoid the attack. The woman swung at Xiu again. Kya jumped in front of Xiu and parried the blade with her katana. Kya and the woman engaged in a fight while Xiu delt with the man. She jabbed at other parts of the man's body and he fell to the ground, paralyzed. Xiu searched the ground for her knife so she could help Kya but two large hands grabbed her and picked her up. Her arms were pinned to her side so the most she could do was kick at the man holding her and hope it made contact. Kya saw Xiu get caught by a large man and ran over to him to help her but another man wearing a helmet blocked the attack with his quarterstaff.
"Kya? Xiu?"
Xiu stopped struggling and Kya, the man, and the woman stopped fighting and looked at the owner of the voice; it was Haruki.
"Haruki!" screamed Kya. She dropped her katana and ran to her cousin and held him in a tight embrace, crying. "I'm so glad you're safe." she said in between sobs.
The large man set Xiu down and she ran to Haruki and hugged him too. She was also sobbing.
"I was so worried." she told him.
"Really?" asked Haruki.
Xiu released him and wiped away her tears, frowning. She scoffed.
"Yeah, right. Get over yourself, airhead."
Haruki was taken aback at her attitude. She smiled to show that she was joking and hugged him again.
added by BB2010
Source: I drew it
Jin performed a spinning kick to send fire at her opponent. Her opponent blocked the attack and started sending fireballs at her. She ducked and rolled on the ground to avoid the fireballs. She threw a fireball at his legs. He jumped and kicked fire at her while still in the air. Jin rolled again to avoid the attack and jumped to her feet. He shot a large fireball toward her which made her stagger backwards to avoid it. She fell on her behind. He created fire daggers and started to run over to her. When he stood over Jin she shielded herself.
"Enough." said a voice.
The daggers dissapeared...
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added by BB2010
Source: avatarspirit.net
added by BB2010
Source: I drew it
Kya played with her pet polar bear dog while Sokka, Suki, Katara, and Aang sat in front Aang and Katara's tent watched. She and her pet rolled around in the snow laughing and growling playfully until her pet pinned her to the ground and licked her face. She laughed and pushed the polar bear dog off of her.
"Ah, gross. Get off Avalanche!" Kya laughed as she gave Avalanche a big bear hug.
"Good idea letting Kya keep that polar bear dog as a pet, Sokka" said Katara.
"Well I figured that since there aren't any other kids here her age she could use a pet." said Sokka.
"Hopefully that will change...
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Zuko stood up from his throne and approached the scared servant. He took the scroll from her hands and unrolled it. As Jin watched him read it, she noticed his eyes narrowing. After what felt like minutes the scroll burst into flames and the ashes fell to the floor.
"Zuko, what is it?" asked Katara standing up and walking to her friend, concerned.
Zuko ignored her and addressed a man a few seats down.
"Admiral Lee, get your men and ship ready to the Earth Kingdom. The Chikara Army has invaded the city of Gaoling."
"That's where Toph is!" exclaimed Sokka, horrified.
Zuko nodded and continued,...
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added by BB2010
Source: avatarspirit.net
Haruki's vision blurred as he slowly gained consciousness. He groaned when he felt his head throb painfully.
"My head." he groaned. He tried to raise a hand to rub the big bump from where the rock hit but realized he was tied up. His vision became more clear and he found himself tied to a tree. He struggled to free himself but he was bound tight. He looked around to see where he was. He was in a forest and was near a camp filled with people in dark armor. He began to remember what had happened before he was knocked out and kicked himself mentally.
Idiot! How could you have gotten yourself captured...
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Sanosuke silently followed Haruki back to camp where Rikiya waited with his arms crossed across his chest.
"About time you showed up!" exclaimed Rikiya when he saw the Avatar. "So, you ready to learn some earthbending?"
Sanosuke bowed slightly to Rikiya
"Of course sifu Rikiya." said Sanosuke respectfully
"Huh." Rikiya held his chin and looked up thoughtfully, "Sifu Rikiya. I like the sound of that."
Sanosuke couldn't help but smile and roll his eyes.
"So what move are you going to teach me first?" he asked
"We're just going to start with 'move a rock'."
Sanosuke shrugged. "Whatever." He didn't notice...
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He flew on a cloud high in the air over the ocean. He's never felt more blissful in his life than he did at that moment. He felt the wind in his face as he soared in the clear blue sky. He felt a presence nearby and looked around to see a beautiful woman young flying next to him on her own cloud. She looked at him and gave him a radiant smile. He couldn't help but smile back. The sky suddenly darkened and Sanosuke could hear yelling below so he looked down and saw Chikara Army ships in the ocean, smoke billowed from them. Several soldiers ran around on the ships, some of them yelled commands....
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Jin stood at a bridge looking at the night sky. The moon was full and bright. When its rays started to cast over her, she closed her eyes, sighing in contentment. Though she was a firebender, Jin always felt more at home, more safe, when she was near water. It was as if she was a waterbender instead of a firebender.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?”
Jin jumped slightly, looking around to see Sanosuke standing next to her. His body was facing the railings, with his arms draped over the edge of the railings like hers was and he too was looking at the moon.
“Princess Yue must be in a good mood if the...
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After two weeks of traveling almost nonstop (almost being the keyword since the team now only stopped at night for sleep), they were almost at the North Pole. The kids wore warmer clothes because of the freezing weather.
“I feel at home here.” said Kya as she looked over the saddle at the icebergs beneath them as they flew over the water, “It felt way too warm in the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom.”
“Imagine how I feel when I visit the South Pole.” said Jin, not looking up from the map she was examining. It was hard for her to hold the map right because of her bandaged wrist which...
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“Getting to the North Pole won’t be easy if the Chikara Army is heading the same way.” said Zuko, “They almost have the same amount of ships as the Fire Nation for the siege of the North Pole years ago.”
“With luck, we won’t have to get to the North Pole,” said Sokka, “We just need to get the kids before they make it there. And with Katara’s help we’re making great time.”
Katara was moving the ship through the water quickly with waterbending while Zuko and Sokka talked. Momo watched her, chattering. As she worked, she noticed a village a few miles away.
“We should probably...
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“Is it just me or does anyone else wanna hurl from boredom?” Xiu asked nobody in particular after three days of flying non stop since they left Gaoling.
“We can’t stop for a break,” said Haruki, sitting on Appa’s head, “We wasted too much time already. We’re only a few weeks away from the North Pole and the Chikara Army is going to be there any day now. We have to keep flying.”
“Something tells me we might get there before the Army does.” said Toshiro, leaning over the saddle, looking down at the water.
“Why do you say that?”
“Because there they are!”
Everyone leaned...
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added by BB2010
Source: I drew it
“So what do we do now?” asked Toshiro
“We need to bring some friends with us,” said Jin. She took some maps out of her bag and unrolled one of them, revealing part of the Earth Kingdom. “We’re going to need to get an earthbending teacher for the Avatar.” She pointed at one of the Earth Kingdom cities. “Gaoling’s the place.”
“We’re going to see Toph and Rikiya?” asked Haruki, holding Appa’s reigns and turning slightly to look at the group.
“What better earthbending teacher than one that can see with her feet? But first,” Jin unrolled another map, showing the Fire...
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Jin firebended into the tank of the war balloon to keep it flying. She was following the two airships and six war balloons to the South Pole; they were over the Earth Kingdom at that time. She wore a black fireproof outfit and shared a basket with a soldier named On Ji.
“Do you mind if I ask you something personal, Princess Jin?” asked On Ji after a long moment of silence.
Jin stopped firebending for a moment, hesitating, and then resumed.
“Go ahead.” Jin said finally, blasting fire into the vent.
“Why did you run away from home?”
Jin looked at On Ji, shocked. How did she know?
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Haruki practiced his airbending on his own again. Since he showed no mercy when sparring, none of the warriors in training would spar with him, neither would the warriors of the village, not even his uncle, aunt, cousins, grandfather, or great grandfather. Taking a break from practice, he watched his family doing their daily activities. Sokka and Hakoda trained the nonbending warriors while Katara and Pakku taught the waterbenders fighting and healing techniques. Toshiro was one of the warriors in training. Since Kya was an adult, her warrior training was over. Now she had more time to have...
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Masked earthbenders stood miles outside their city, some staring at the sky, some staring ahead, waiting for something. After what felt like hours, war balloons appeared in the sky and a crowd of people in black rode khimodo rhinos down the road. The lead masked earthbender stomped the ground, causing a large boulder out of the ground. He kicked into the sky while it was still in the air, hitting a war balloon. The war balloon fell out of the sky and landed near the hills. The masked earthbenders behind him followed his example and earthbended boulders at war balloons to knock them out of the...
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Fifteen year old Haruki practiced his airbending on the snowmen his mother made for him outside the village. He sent an air blast at two of them and they crumpled into a heap. He sent an air punch at another and its head fell off. He used his air swipe at the rest of them, causing the snowmen to fall apart. Haruki looked around at all the snowmen which he had made into mounds of snow except one right in front of him. He took out his boomerang and threw it at the lone snowman. It hit it directly on the head, causing it to break apart and fall into the snow. Haruki caught the boomerang as it...
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