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who are you spying on B?!
who are you spying on B?!
hope you enjoy my extra long script today. dont worry it's not the end.
GG: i have been getting pictures of B sneeking around all week but not one person can find out what she's searching for. do you know C? we could really use someones help. also serena van der woodsen checking into a hotel. there must be some scandle somewhere. gossip girl is feeling cheeky.

At the palace hotel in chuck's suite:
(chuck and blair are having a drink)

C: you have to stop stalking your best friend!
B: i cant she's hiding something from me we never keep secrets.
C:(chuck gives her a sarcastic look)
B: anymore. i just want her to tell me the truth. plus i have a feeling it has something to do with nate... and thats were you come in.
C: no no no blair im not stalking nate.
B: i dont want you to stalk him ask him about serena and stuff try to get something out of him.
C: fine but i dont see why you want to know anyway it's their life let them live it whatever way they want.
B: because there is alot more going on than a one night stand.
C: and what if you're wrong. i dont think anything else is going on.
B: well then you have the saisfaction of being right. will you help me.
C: of course i will.
B: yay. you're the best.
C: i know

the surrey hotel:

(nate and serena booked into the surrey hotel and are kissing)

S: i think you and me are going to get away with this.
N: serena we have to be careful. they say you going into the hotel we're just lucky they didnt see me book it earlier.
S: i know, i've been thinking that i should break it off with dan.
N: the thing is serena i'm dan's friend and if he knew that you left him for me...
S: i know you would lose a good friend but look at chuck and blair.
N: what about them?
S: chuck was willing to lose his friendship with you just to be with her. and thats a big commitmant for chuck bass.
N: i just dont want to think that if we go public i might eventually lose you.
S: aww nate that wont happen.
N: can we just keep quiet for like a week.
S: of course but when its over we're going to tell right
bzz bzz
(Serena's phone rang)
S: shit its blair (answers the phone) hey blair
B: S i was wondering did you want to go shopping i'll pick you up at the surrey in 5 minutes.
S: sorry B im not at the hotel right now. im in the upper west side.
B: ok love you. im so glad i forgave you. things are so much easier. no secrets no lies.
S: yeah talk to you later B. (hangs up) i cant lie to her nate.
N: just a little while longer.

Across the street in a cafe from the surrey hotel:

(Chuck and Blair are having a cappicino and a latte)

B: text nate
C: blair!
B: just text him if he makes up some lame excuse clearly they're in there together.

chuck text:
nathanil do you want to go to the pub blair cant keep me company because she's away to the salon.

nate text:
sorry man im not at home right now.

B: proof.
C: blair you dont have any evidence they could be telling the truth.
B: now i do.
C: what?
B: look across the street.
(nate was leaving the surrey and blair got out her phone and took a picture. followed by serena 5 minutes later blair took another pic)
C: i lose.
B: no change there bass.
C: its weird now when you insult me it makes me want to take you to the limo.
B: not now bass i have some pictures to send gossip girl.
C: blair gossip girl seriously can you not just confront them?
B: no she lied. plus gossip girl wil put it in her own bitchy way so i dont play the bad friend and i get to tell her that she shouldnt have lied.
C: blair when you and serena fight it always ends up the same. a cat fight playing field hockey later followed by an im sorry and a hug.
B: oh and let me guess next time when there is a cat fight in p.e. you wont want to be there. all those mouth guards and short skirts.
C: you know me well.

GG: spotted nate and serena were both in the surrey hotel. guess it wont be long till this secret unfolds. what do you they were doing lonely boy. how about each other.

At the met steps:

(blair and serena)

S: blair it isnt what it looks like.
B: what S that you lied to your best friend.
S: i didnt lie. me and nate bumped into each other at the hotel.
B: there you go lying again. i was the one who spotted you S. chuck was the one in the relationship who didnt belive anything else was going on but i knew something was up.
S: blair you just might have ruined my relationship with dan.
B: no S you ruined your relationship with dan as soon as you slept with nate again.
S: i told you i didnt sleep with him.
B: i know you did. there is no use in lying to me anymore. tell me the truth or are friendship... is over.
S: B you cant be serious?
B: i am S. so are you going to tell me the truth. i gave you so many oppertunitys to tell me and you didnt. so tell me now and you wont be an Ex-bff
S: ok slept with him but only once.
B: more lies. why were you both in that hotel then.
S: thats where it happened.
B: yeah maybe the second time or third... or maybe even forth.
S: no it... (interupted)
B: you slept with him the first time gossip girl spotted nate coming out of your house so early in the morning and in the hotel so where else.
S: B im sorry i didnt tell you but... but... there is no but i should have told you.
B: yes you should have and you have officially lied to me so much that i want nothing more to do with you.
S: B please... im sorry.
B: no S im sorry. sorry that i was ever your friend in the first place.
S: blair please.
B: no serena you're not my friend anymore. i officially only have my boyfriend, minions and a lying two faced whore a.k.a. serena van der woodsen.(walks away)

GG: everyone watched Blair and serena's final showdown. voices were raised and tears were shed. even at blair forgive you the first time, you screw it up again S. and our friend mel who spotted serena's return also over heard them talk. serena once, twice maybe three times slept with nate again. sorry D but archibald knows how to ruin friendships and relationships.

Goes to the palace:
(Chuck answers the door to nate but doesnt invite him in)

C: what do you want nathanil?
N: im sorry i didnt tell you.
C: serena was sorry she didnt tell blair... again.
N: dont be that way chuck.
C: nate you should have told me and since you didnt i really dont want to talk to you at this minute.
N: chuck dont say you're going to do what blair did to serena and completly cut me off.
C: im not going to but clearly you cant trust me. so sorry if i dont want to look at my supposdly best friend lier right now.
N: i'll call you later.
C: maybe it would be best if i called you.
N: ok. (leaves)

(Chuck sists down but gets up to get the door when it knocks again he opens the door to see a teary eyed blair)

C: come in.
B: thanks.
C: (hugs blair and then lifts her face to his) are you ok?
B: i could be better.
C: im sorry you and Serena fell out.
B: i wasnt going to make such a big deal about but then... then the thought of all the other lies came into my head and i-i just couldnt be her friend anymore.
C: (kisses her and dries her tears) i understand, serena has told you alot of lies.
B: part of me wants to go get my friend back but the rest of me feels like this weight has been lift off of me.
C: well i didnt have such a big arguement with nate but i couldnt look him in the eye so i told him to go home and i'll call him when i have something to say.
B: i liked the last thing i said to serena it was really oldstyle blair bitch project (Smirks a we bit)
C: i bet it was what did you say?
B: i told her that i had had now was a boyfriend, minions and a lying two faced whore a.k.a. serena van der woodsen.
C: wow bitch fight on isle nine.
B: no i wouldnt be caught dead in a grocery store.
C: (laughs) there's the blair i know.
B: thanks for being there for me.
C: im always here for you blair.
B: even though i won because you were wrong.
C: i see so your planning to rub it in my face now were you.
B: maybe
(they kiss and go to chucks room and have sex. chuck's phone rang but they were asleep so they didnt hear it. there was 7 missed calls from lily.)

GG: blair's not talking to serena cause serena lied to her about nate. serena slept with nate. nate told chuck. chuck thought nate was over serena. serena was followed by chuck and blair. and after all the falling out they still managed to find something romantic. but what was lily looking guess we will just have to wait to tomorrow. and after all that drama today gossip girl just wants to go lie down and think of all the fun she had. you know you love me. xoxo. gossip girl.

*the next episode will be a bit sad for all you Chair fans :'(
there there B!
there there B!
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