Blair & Chuck Club
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archibald apartment:

serena and nate are watching tv. nathan is playing with victoria who was left over this morning because blair had a big day for her work. someone knock's the door.

S: i'll get it.
N(nate): are you sure? let me.
S: no i need something to do even if it is just getting the door.
(Gets the door)
S: omg chuck.
C: omg huge version of my step sister.
S:(laughs) its great to see you come in.
N: hey man.
C: shouldnt you be working.
N: im taking a bit of time of because serena is so near the end of her pregnancy.
C: i can see that.
S:(Laughs) havent you ever seen a pregnant women.
C: i've never seen a pregnant serena.
N: so how did things go with blair last night.
S: you met up with blair last night?
C: yeah and it wasnt bad until the end of the night.
S: oh no what happened?
C: nothing. im sure blair will tell you.
S: she must be beyond mad chuck.
C: what makes you say that?
S: know the way when blair is absolutly furious she tries to avoid all conversations and then later blows up.
C: yes
S: she was awfully quiet this morning and she has alot of meetings today so if she blows up then this wont be good.
N: blair is going to be like a ticking time bomb.
S: well we'll just have to wait and see. anyway how's life chuck?
C: life's good.
Na(nathan): mummy who's this?
S: he's your uncle chuck.
C:(looks at serena) uncle?
S:(nods) yes it's uncle chuck. (giggles)
N: well you are serena's brother.
Na: nice to meet you uncle chuck.
C: nice to meet you too nathan.
V: nathan hurry up and ask her.
S: ask me what?
Na: can me and vicky have an ice lolly?
S: not till later after dinner.
V: please auntie serena.
C: yeah it's only a lolly.
Na: uncle chuck's right.
S: no uncle chuck's not right. you know you two wont eat your dinner if i give you a lolly.
V: mommy said that i could have one.
S: did she? well then i guess mommy can give you one later.
V: but she's not coming till 7 o' clock
S: well then you'll wait till after your dinner.
C:(whispers to nathan) i'll try and get you some before then.
Na:(smiles) ok.
(they little ones start to walk away they listen to the conversation)
Na: i like my new uncle.
V: what did he say?
(No more of the conversation is heard)
S: your a hit.
C:(laughs) cute kids.
(serena and nate look at each other)
C: what?
N: nothing.
S: oh he's going to find out eventually nate.
C: what?
S: vicky is blair's daughter short for...
C: victoria i know.
N: how?
C: blair talked about her.
S: let me guess that's when things went awkward and eventually something you said blew a fuse. even if you didnt mean to cause any offense.
C: maybe.
N: oh this will be fun.
C: i tried to make things right.
S: chuck i know you have a good heart. i've also talked to blair when she told me you were back. i tried to tell her what you told me but she wouldnt listen. so now im going to talk to you.
C: go for it.
S: you've been gone for four years. you cant just fix things that fast. it hurt blair when you left. you cant pick up from where you left it. blair needs to know that you are going to be there for her this time. if you want to be back in her life show her you care. dont just tell her.
C: she doesnt want anything to do with me and i dont blame her but...
S: dont give up on her chuck. i know that blair doesnt like to forgive and forget but i know she misses you.
N: it's true. she wont admit it but it's so obvious.
C: how?
S: every part of victoria's name is something to do with you and blair.
C: im confused.
S: victoria because of victrola. clair because it's a mix of chuck and blair, and she's bass not waldorf.
C: she give her my name?
N: yep serena was in shock when she told the doctors to put it on the birth certicate.
S: and a certain guardian's name isnt signed.
C: that still doesnt mean she misses me. she told me she give up somewhere between her birth and first birthday.
S: lies. but dont go stepping in front of another car to get her to admit it.
C:(laughs) im never going to live that down.
S: oh god.
N: what?
S: either i just pissed myself which is highly unlikely or... get me to the hospital now.
N: ok! chuck can you stay here and look after the kids?
C: i dont think thats a good idea.
S: chuck i need you to stay and look after them, plus it's a good oppertuity to show blair you can be responsabil.
C: fine.
N: good see you later. take the dinner out of the oven in ten minutes.
(leaves and victoria and nathan come out of the room)
Na: where did mummy and daddy go?
C: well mummy and daddy went to the hospital to have your little brother or sister.
V: i hope auntie serena has a girl.
Na: she's having a boy.
V: girl
Na: boy
V: can we have lollies now?
Na: yes uncle chuck can we?
C: sure.
(gets them two lollies out of the frezzer)
V: thank you chuck.
Na: thank you uncle chuck.
C: no telling your parents. it's our secret.
V: i like secrets. all the girls in kindergarten like me.
C:(thinking: she's so much like blair) im sure they do.
(chuck answers the door)
B: chuck! where's the kids?
C: in there come in.
B: i plan to and where's serena?
V: she's gone to have her baby mommy.
B: did you have your dinner yet?
V: yes.
B: victoria (raises her eyebrows)
(victoria does chuck's smirk)
B: your lying.
Na: does victoria have to leave? dinner's going to be ready soon.
V: and im hungry.
B: fine you'll stay for dinner but then we're leaving.
V: ok. come on we still have time to play.
(they go to the toy room)
C: how did you know she was lying?
B: because she does that same smirk you did when you lied. you give them lollies before they had they're dinner!
C: i couldnt say no to them.
B: really? wow thats a change i thought it was the only word you knew. considering you like to dissapoint people.
C: blair im really s....
B: save it. i dont want to hear it. we can pretend we never had any history. we can be civil but not friends.
C: you cant excatly just pretend we didnt have history now can you. we did have a ch...
B: my child. not yours.
C: look blair all i want to do is make it up to you... to both of you. i want you and victoria in my life. a fami...
B: dont say it chuck. just dont. i dont want you to mention to victoria who you are. ok?
C: but blair...
B: but nothing. you have no right over her. you dont know anything about her.
C: i know she likes secrets just like her mother. and as much as her mother tries to keep secrets from me she knows she cant.
B: just like you cant be a father.
(chuck doesnt say anything. it hurt that she threw his own words back in her face)
B: comes as a shock doesnt it. plus what secrets am i keeping from you?
C: the fact that you know deep down you still care about me.
B: that's not true.
C: dont lie, i know it is and you might have pushed them aside but they're still there. no one could even come close to what we had.
B: and what was that chuck? you tell me.
C: we loved each other no other couple could compare to me and you. no other person is right for me or you we're meant to be together. even more than nate is meant to be with serena. the non judging breakfast club was better the time when serena and nate were together and me and you. you said so yourself remember.
B: no i dont remember
C: maybe i can refresh you memory the time we played truth or dare with eric and the next day we took this picture (pulls a picture out of his walet from that day)
B: chuck dont do this. (tears start to come to her eyes) please dont do this. it cant just go back to the way it was.
C: i know that. but im willing to work for it, im never going to give up on you two. i love you.
B: no chuck! no you give up on us 4 years ago. no way in hell am i taking you back. as i said we can be civil but not friend or anything more. and victoria is not to know who you are.
C: blair please.
B: if you respect me you'll follow my wishes. like you said you cant be a father anyway. cant be to hard to follow my rules.
C: i only said that because i was scared.
B: you dont think i was scared. becoming a parent is a scary thing. espcially when you have to do it on you own.
C: i wasnt scared for me i was scared for you.
B: what? (confused)
C: blair my mother died giving birth to me. do the maths. i didnt want the same thing that happened her to happen to you. if i lost you it wouldnt have been long till i was gone too.
B: if you had told me that years ago we could have sorted this out then. but you didnt. i understand how you were feeling, but i still dont forgive you. what happen after that? you know i would have been at nate and serena's wedding i never miss a wedding so dont you france as an excuse. or even if you had came to france to get me back. you had some sort of influence over me then. you give up to easy.
C: what happened to you always being my family?
B: that changed when you left me pregnant. and smoke coming from the cooker when was that suppose to come out?
C: 20minutes ago.
B: you idiot! (opens the cooker and turns it off) dont just stand there get the fire extinguiser!
(they put out the burning beef and blair breaths a sigh of relief)
B: you could have burnt us all alive (laughs but isnt amused)
C: how about pizza?
(blair starts laughing)
C:(smiles) whats so funny?
B: the sight of you with a fire extinguiser. did you think you were a fire man? (laughs)
C: im glad you find this amusing.
B: i dont but i cant help but laugh.
(victoria and nathan walk in)
V: mommy whens dinner going to be ready im hungry.
Na: me too.
B: there was a slight problem with dinner so chuck's going to order pizza.
C: yes so i'll go do that then.
Na: after can we go see mummy?
B: of course.
C: how many pizza's am i ordering?
B: one eight inch and one nine inch.
C: what is an eight inch?
B: small enough for two children. they get two slices each.
C: ok.
(later blair and chuck are sorting out the pizza)
C: sorry about nearly burning the place down. and a million other things.
B: i guess burning the place down was partly my fault. sorry for blaming you for that.
C: no need to apolgise.
V: mommy nathan said i look like chuck is he lying. (shouts over from the living room)
(Chuck looks at blair and raises his eyebrows)
B: yes you dont look like chuck one bit.
(chuck smirks and rest his head against the wall looking at blair)
B: what?
C: mommy diffinatly likes keeping secrets.
B: shut up chuck
C: normally you would have called me b... (blair puts her hand on his mouth)
B: chuck she has your last name and i dont want her to know who you are. remember that conversation before the cooker started smoking.
C:(licks her hand and she pulls it away)yes but your lying not nathan.
B: if i have to lie till the day i die i will.
C: i'll bring over the kids pizza they're hungry.
(after dinner)
B: come on if you two want to go to the hospital.
Na: yay im going to see my brother.
V: i told you its a girl.
Na: boy.
B: stop arguing and come on we need to get the taxi.
C: im going to head down there to. you could come in the limo (smirks)
V: can we mommy? please please please
Na: yeah it would be so fun.
B:(sighs) fine.(they all start walking to the door and blair pulls chucks sleeve) im not amused.
C: i told you im not giving up. if i have to fight till the day i die i will

(at the hospital)

they all go into serena's room and see her holding a beautiful baby wrapped in a blue blanket.

B: hey.
S: hi come in.
N: it's a boy.
Na: told ya.
S: nathan dont be cheeky.
V: what's his name?
S: tristan zachary archibald. blair do you want to hold him?
B: of course.
C:(notices nates hand wrapped in a bandage) what happened you hand?
N: serena spraint it.
B: thats not even half the pain of giving birth nate.
S: excatly you got off lucky and you'r lucky i didnt grab you hair. which i was planing on.
C:(laughs) you should have and then you could get someone to tape. years of entertainment.
N: dont give her idea's.
Na: daddy will you take me and vicky to the vending machien?
N: oh why not?
(nate, nathan and victoria leave)
S: sorry for leaving you to babysit chuck.
C: it was no problem.
B: apart from the part you nearly burned the place down.
C: you took part of the blame.
S: wait what happened?
B: he didnt take the beef out of the oven and it caught fire.
C: because i was talking to you.
S: then what did they have to eat?
C: pizza.
B: oh and he gave then ice lollies before their dinner.
S: chuck!
C: i promised nathan i would try and get him lollies before his dinner and i couldnt say no when they asked me.
S: you give in.
C: actually i didnt put up i fight.
B: your just lucky they still ate their dinner.
C: im nathan's cool uncle i cant let him down.
B:(under her breath) but you can let victoria down.
C: you know i want to make things right.
B: you cant you have been gone for 4 years, you're past making things right. im going to go see where nate and the kids are.
(blair hands tristan back and walks out serena and chuck just look at each other)
C: this is definatly not going to be easy.
definatly a bass
definatly a bass
added by RoseLovesJack
added by laurik2007
Source: twitter
added by laurik2007
Source: rubybass at tumblr
added by clm-anomaly
Source: chaircaps.tumblr
added by LoveLiesAndLust
Source: issa_bell - LJ
added by atomicseasoning
added by ChuckBlairLuvA
Source: my bestest friend ever!
added by ForeverEternity
added by lucivy111
added by falloutboy13
added by lexara23
added by ilibrucasOTH
added by lissettebyc
added by melikhan
Credit to:MyOwnRainbowChannel
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