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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Right so epilogue here it goes, I know predictable but what the hell – I love it!

Epilogue- Princesses wear headbands

Their penthouse apartment was covered in balloons of pink and purple. It was only her fourth birthday but Blair always thought it was worth making a fuss over. The living room was fill to the top with gifts, designer kids clothes, Oh wouldn't she look cute in them Blair thought as she folded them neatly on her bed while clearing up the Barbie dolls that had been left on the floor.
Scarlett Serena Bass was four today.
She was born on the 14th of February. That really annoyed Blair that her baby was going to ruin Valentine's day for her. But her daughter was always going to be her mother's daughter, one to be remembered. Being born on Valentine's day was going to see to that.
Chuck had gone off to work that day without a worry. Blair was fine. Bit grouchy but fine. She was always the same in the mornings. But that morning, February 13th was not going to be a normal day.
“Okay Blair calm down”
Serena tried to calm Blair down.
“Don't tell me to calm down! You have this to come” Blair yelled the loudest her voice would go at Serena who was also now ten weeks pregnant. Things had defiantly progressed in the last year. Another certain hot shot was back in town. Carter Baizen, and he hadn't wasted any time in getting 'to know' Serena again and one too many wild party nights had lead to this, and not being the fatherly type he had obviously panicked and ran away, but a few days of being AWOL he returned knowing he had to do right by Serena and his unborn child. They were giving things a proper chance. After all they did make a wonderful couple. “Get me to the hospital now!!” Blair yelled hysterically.
“Okay I'll call an ambulance!”
Serena rushed to the phone and began to dial.
“And get me Chuck!”
Serena dialled Chuck first.
“Chuck? Where are you?”
“I'm at a meeting why?”
He whispered in an awkward voice knowing that all the other eyes in the room were staring at him.
“Blair's gone into Labour”
“What?!?! She can't have!! It's early”
“Okay listen to this”
Serena held the phone at Blair.
She screamed.
“I'm on my way”
He slammed the phone down and ran out of the conference room before he had a chance to explain what was going on, just leaving a group of puzzled business men around the conference table. He would have to leave Emily, his new PA, to explain.
        He finally arrived at Belleview in no more than fifteen minutes later. It must have been some kind of record, but not that he was in any hurry. Of course he wanted to be there for the birth of his child but the abuse he was going to get from Blair was not going to be sweetest thing he'd ever hear.
He followed the nurse into the room Blair was in, she was being comforted by Serena and another nurse.
“I HATE YOU!” Blair screamed as soon as she saw his face entering the room. Of course Chuck put this down to the labour pains and he rushed over to her side and kissed her forehead and held onto her hand. “Don't touch me!” She pulled away but then realizing she could at least make him suffer too. “Actually No give me your hand”
He tried to get away knowing her plan but if Blair wanted a hand, she would have one.
“Give me your hand!”
She grabbed a hold of his hand anyway and squeezed it so hard, hoping that he was getting some of her pain.
“Awww!! Blair! You're killing me”
“What do you think you've done to me!!”
She finally let go of his hand and threw it away as she broke down in tears.
“Okay I'm sorry, just breathe”
Chuck now felt guilty, but they had warned them of all the different emotions that happens during pregnancy in the antenatal classes. God how he wished they hadn't gone to them.
“Don't tell me what to do”
She snapped at him as Chuck caught a glimpse of Serena trying not to giggle on the other side of the room.
“Just breathe Blair, slowly”
The nurse repeated what Chuck had said and Blair just followed exactly.
“You listen to her”
Chuck muttered under his breath.
“She has the drugs!”
Another eight very painful hours for both Chuck and Blair before their baby was finally born.
14th of February.
Three seventeen am.
Six pounds, eleven ounces.
Baby girl Bass was born.
As Serena and the nurses gave Chuck and Blair a moment alone with their daughter. Blair cradled her baby in her arms, wrapped in a pink cotton blanket one of the two they had bought. They had decided to not know what was the sex of the baby was until the very last moment. A pink and a blue blanket and it was the pink that was going to be used.
Blair gazed down at her daughter sleeping quietly in her arms and every other second turning to Chuck.
“I don't hate you” Blair smiled over at him and then gazed back at her baby. “I love you”
“I love you too”
Chuck moved closer to his girls and kissed them both on the forehead. “What do you want to name her?”
Chuck turned to Blair and asked that very important question. They would both have a say but it was always going to be Blair who got the last word or so Chuck thought.
“You decide”
Blair smiled up at him.
His eyes grew wider.
“You choose her name”
“No Blair, we both choose”
Chuck tried to reason with her because he knew whatever he chose Blair would pretend to like it but she probably wouldn't. He would have carried on that conversation but Blair was yawning every ten seconds and Chuck thought he better let her get some sleep.
“You get some sleep Blair, I'll hold my girl”
Blair handed her over to Chuck, as she turned over and tried to get some sleep he passed around the room holding her so tightly so scared he was going to do something wrong and be a horrible father right from the start. That was his worst nightmare to be like his father, not even wanting him- that was never going to happen he could not wait to be a father and hoping he would be the best there could be.
        A few hours later Blair woke up around five am and they discussed names and one stood out for both of them. Chuck and Blair decided on Scarlett as a first name, and the second just came naturally to them. It was always going to be the name of someone who meant the world to them both and it was obviously going to be their best friend. Serena. Of course there was a debate whether she should be Waldorf-Bass or just Bass. Blair made a compromise and went with just Bass. It sounded better.
        Blair was asleep the next day Serena came to visit. Chuck was in Blair's private room holding Scarlett in his arms and kissing her forehead every second and holding onto her tiny little fingers.
Serena put her head around the door.
Chuck spoke very quietly.
“Shall I come back later?”
Serena saw that Blair and Scarlett were asleep.
“No come in”
“Is the princess asleep?”
Serena grinned as she walked in.
“Which one?” Chuck laughed quietly. “Carter not with you?”
“No he's still away”
“He better be back soon, you wont want him to miss it”
“Oh he wont, We've got ages yet. So can I hold her?”
“Yeah sure”
Chuck agreed handing over his beautiful newborn just as she opened her tiny, brown eyes.
“She's beautiful. She has your eyes, and your nose... She's all you Chuck”
“I hope not. I'd rather her be like Blair than me”
“What's her name?”
Serena held onto her hand with only one finger.
Chuck answered.
“That's a gorgeous name, oh Scarlett Bass”
She thought it was question.
“No that's her middle name. Scarlett Serena Bass”
Serena's jaw fell open and she nearly dropped Scarlett hearing what Chuck was saying.
“After me?”
He nodded.
“Because Blair and I thought we needed a name of someone we love and who means a lot to us. It could not be anyone else”
Serena smiled over at him and walked over with Scarlett and kissed his cheek and hugged him, nearly in tears and thanked him so much for that great honour.
From now whatever happened, she would always play a part in Scarlett's life.
“Scarlett clean your mouth, chocolate all over it”
“Sorry Mama”
She said while putting on that gorgeous smile of hers that made Blair feel so guilty for telling her off, but hearing those words just made Blair jump into another world. But before she had a chance for any more thinking the tiny tearaway was pulling at her dress.
“Yes sweetie?”
“Mama when is Daddy coming home?”
She smiled so as not to disappoint her daughter.
“He'll be back soon sweetie”
She picked her up and held her beautiful girl in her arms “and he's going to bring you the best gifts ever”.
Scarlett was ecstatic.
Blair nodded. “Yay!”
She shouted and hugged her mother tightly until Blair put her down and she ran away on her tiny little feet until they carried her back to Blair's view. “Oh Mama do you like my headband?”
Blair took a closer look and her mouth opened wide.
“That's mine!”
Scarlett giggled hysterically until she said.
“I know isn't it pretty, it's my thing now”
Blair could not help but smile. Scarlett Bass was defiantly going to be the next Blair Waldorf.
“That's my girl.”
Yes Scarlett was really her mother's daughter.
        A few minutes later it was time for the birthday song. But he still wasn't back. Blair began to feel angry there was no way Chuck would miss his daughter's birthday. Or would he? Things had been busy this month with work and with the economy being the way it was things weren't going to get any better for them. He did what he had to do to give his girls the best life they could have.
Their maid brought out the huge cake that was specially made for the event with four candles standing with the flame burning on each one. She had the cake to Blair who carried out the cake for her baby girl to make a wish. She lay the cake on the table and all the party guests began to sing Happy Birthday just as they did Scarlett shut her eyes really tight and held onto Blair's hand and made a wish. Just as she did, her father arrived home.
Scarlett shouted as her little voice travelled across the room. “My wish came true”
They both smiled, Scarlett jumped to the floor and as fast as her legs could carry her, sje ran over to her father and held him tightly around his neck. Blair smiled as she gazed over. She knew he wouldn't miss their birthday.
“Sorry I'm late baby”
Chuck answered them while scuffing up her hair. Scarlett answered him with the biggest smile ever.
“It's okay Daddy, Mama said you wouldn't miss my birthday and Mommy never lies”
“No she doesn't”. He agreed and gazed over at his beautiful wife he could see the joy on her face.
“Where's my presents?” Scarlett asked, she really was a spoilt brat.
“Wow, that didn't take long did it?”
He chuckled but at the same time whispered in her ear and her expression was that of excitement and shock she ran into the hall where Chuck had left a mountain of gifts.
“What did you say?”
Blair said strolling over to him.
“I told her, her gifts are out there, sorry I was late”
She smiled.
“Don't worry you made it, that's all that matters”
He smiled back at her and they both had that long awaited hello kiss.
    The party was coming to an end. All the children were filled up with party food and all the parents just wanted to go home and relax.
“Blair, we're leaving now so thanks for having us”
Katie tried to keep a hold of Zac and Grace who wanted to stay and play.
“Oh Dan, Katie you're leaving?”
Blair looked disappointed, all of the others had left but she didn't mind if Katie and Dan were to stay, they spent most days together so she was used to having them around all the time.
“Yeah, You know these two Blair if we don't get them home now we never will”
Kaite responded.
“Oh okay, thanks for coming. We'll see you next Friday then”
“Yeah sure, Zac, Grace lets go”
“But Mom we want to stay and play”
“No we've got to get home”
But the answer was not what the Humphrey kids wanted to hear. Katie was always the firm parent Dan could never say no to those little faces so Katie was left in charge, but even though their kids had everything they wanted Dan would never go as far as to spoil them, he knew they were going to grow up to be Upper East Siders but they would never be spoilt beyond reasoning.
“Okay lets go guys”
Dan said as he kissed Blair on the cheek goodbye. Scarlett hugged Grace so tight, she was her best friend. Dan and Blair shared a smile as their daughters hugged goodbye. Seeing Grace and Scarlett being so close reminded Blair of herself and Serena it was a shame she couldn't make it. Then all four could be together. Seeing Grace, Zac, Scarlett and Jake together was like looking into the past, they would be the new mini Non-Judging breakfast club. But she was on a trip to Paris and flying with a three year old could be a bit of a job. Katie and Dan waved goodbye and lead the Humphrey family out of their house. They were the last to leave.
        As Blair took some free time to relax and pamper herself with a relaxing bath Scarlett sat on the couch next to her father watching a dvd she had gotten as one of her many gifts from Chuck.
“You okay baby?”
She shrugged.
“Ugh...It's all good”
He laughed,
“Where did you hear... Never mind”
For a minute both sat silent until there was a knock at the door and Scarlett's favourite aunt entered.
“Hello... I haven't missed the party have I?”
Scarlett's mouth dropped wide open and she shouted, “Aunty Serena!”
Scarlett jumped off the couch and ran over to Serena and grabbed tightly onto her leg.
“Hey Scarlett, did you have a nice birthday?”
“Yeah it was the best. Daddy got me everything I wanted”
Serena turned to his direction and smiled,
“I bet he did”
Just after Serena had put her down Scarlett's other best friend came wondering in, Serena's little boy, Jake.
He shouted and both hugged eachother. They were so adorable.
Scarlett held onto Jake's hand as Serena smiled on at them.
“Go on Jake say happy birthday to Scarlett”
“Happy birthday”
The cute little boy said as he tried to push the huge purple box that held Scarlett's gift. She ripped the paper off with a little help from Jake.
It was a huge handmade doll's house, she had told Serena she always wanted one and whatever Scarlett wanted Serena would get it for her. She loved to spoiler her too.
Serena and Chuck spent some time chatting and were later joined by Blair leaving Jake and Scarlett on the couch watching the movie until they both fell asleep.
Leaving Serena having to debate whether to wake him up.
“Stay Serena you can have the guest room”
Blair offered then there was no reason to get Jake up. Serena agreed and carried Jake up to one of the many, many guest rooms.
Chuck was going to do the same with Scarlett and put her to bed but she was such a light sleeper, she woke instantly.
“Jakie is my boyfriend Daddy”
She said as she woke up.
He was trying not to laugh and Blair could tell she slapped him in the stomach while grinning. She was starting young.
“Yeah, All the girls at school love him but he said I'm the best one”
He picked her up in his arms and kissed her forehead.
“You are the best one...”
“Yeah. Do you think Jakie liked my dress today?”
Scarlett asked looking at Chuck and Blair waiting for the answer she wanted to hear.
“How could he not? You looking so pretty”
Chuck answered.
“Just like Mama right?”
She grinned cheekily. She was so clever even at four she could tell everything, she picked up on everything. Chuck always commented on how beautiful Blair looked every morning before going to work.
She giggled and wrapped her arms around his neck.
“Daddy you're the best in the whole world”
He never thought he could feel this much love for another human being besides Blair. His little girl the most important thing in the world. Just as she said this she gave him a kiss on the tip of his nose and both did their special nose rub. Only they did that. But hearing her say that he was the best in the world made him feel so proud of what he had achieved, his worst nightmare was that he would turn out like Bart. Not caring about anyone, only work. Never giving a second thought to his child but Scarlett had just reassured him he was never going to be Bart Bass.
“I love you Daddy”
His smiled grew he had never felt loved apart from when he was with Blair now he had the most beautiful little girl in the whole world who loved her Mom and Dad more than anything. It was like a something he had never felt before.
“I love you Scarlett Bass”
He held onto her and as she lay her head on his shoulder he stroked her little pigtails and kissed her goodnight.
“Scarlett Serena Bass”. She corrected his mistake. Now how could anyone not love such an adorable little princess she was his whole world. She was a Daddy's girl...Now why does that sound familiar?
        A few hours after Serena had put Jake to bed and had turned in herself that left Anna the maid to tidy up. She was good but she was no Dorota.
Blair entered Scarlett's perfectly pink room. She was fast asleep her long brown hair which mirrored her mothers flew on one side of her head as she slept she held tight onto her teddy bear, the one she had named Ice cream. Weird they thought at the time but there was an explanation. It came that morning when Scarlett asked her father “what was the best thing in the world Daddy” and he had answered, “you are sweetie” and she had answered back “well for me is Ice cream”. Oh how they laughed that day. Blair tucked Scarlett in also and kissed her goodnight before leaving and entering her own room.
“She asleep?”
“Yeah, fast asleep”
She took off her robe and hung it on the back of the door and climbed into bed next to him. As soon as she did he kissed her. She smiled.
“What was that for?”
“Nothing, I just wanted too”
It was things like this that made her cherish the life she had and the life she had chosen. She smiled as he got back to reading his documents. She gazed at him and pulled him towards her and she kissed him back. He took a hold of her hair and undid the plait, her hair fell down her back onto her shoulders. Their passionate embrace continued until she placed her hands around his neck and spoke,
“I love you Chuck”
“I love you too”
Yes today was the birthday of the Scarlett Serena Bass. It had been five years since Blair had turned her back on the easy life with Nate and was living the dream she'd had since she was eighteen and if he was honest he had too. It was then realised by Blair that it did matter all the history that they had. The summer in Vermont, that one night of temptation, the envy she had felt but if the end result was what she had today, it was all worth it.


A/N: Oh my Gosh! So hopefully I wrote Scarlett okay, but it mostly wrote it's self, my six year old cousin has said some of this stuff so she inspired me with most of it, and I had to make Serena pregnant cos I wanted like a Mini-NJBC with Jake, Scarlett, Zac and Grace. and I really adore Serena/Carter so I thought that would be perfect. So I can't believe I've finished! God it only seemed like yesterday I started it. So I hope you liked my whole story I put really loads of time into this so please leave me your comments and tell me if you liked the ending or whatever else you want to say, I appreciate all comments. Thank you so much to everyone who always read and commented. Thank you all so much! Love you all!
P.S – This story is dedicated to the ones who always comment never fail to tell me how great it is and always make me feel better about my writing.
So for the FoGG girls Carrie & Margot! Love you girls- Thank you so much for all the comments every single chapter since I've known you girls! Xoxo
And too GGirl_CB4BW -Ever since the first chapter you have always commented and been so very wonderful with me! I really appreciate it so so much!
And finally to all the reviewers- Where ever you started reading from I loved all the comments I got! Thanks so much for taking the time to read my story!
Thank you so much!
Plz don’t attack me I’m just stating facts, and as they always say the truth hurts

As we all know from the first season until now Dan was always the OUTSIDER, LONELY BOY he even wrote a whole book about being the outsider and that’s after spending 4 & half years with the upper east sider’s circle.

No matter what he been through with them (Nate, Serena, chuck, Blair …) he still judge them and saw himself BETTER than them, still after everything he still looks down on them, want a proof Nate his best friend didn’t even have a dissent role in his book, the girl he loved since he...
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what's wrong E?!
what's wrong E?!
enjoy the new episode of my chuck and blair re-write's.
GG: gossip girl here ready to spread any gossip of the beautiful couple carter and serena. officially dating a week. i heard that serena hasnt spoken to blair or chuck in the meantime when she found out of their horrible plan to split them up. nate has also avoided them as he thinks they used him in their plan. tut tut B and C how do you live with yourselves.

(Van der bass apartment)

Blair and chuck are sitting in the living room and serena hasnt left her room. blair feels guilty but still...
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- Episode 4 is mostly centered around the Dan and Serena relationship, and Blair trying to take Eva down.
- Serena and Nate have unfinished business, but there's almost no focus on them, she tells him she's there for him, but so far she's clearly leaning to Dan.
- Milo isn't Dan's. He's sad because he got attached to the baby.
- Dan confesses to Rufus that he's still in love with Serena and that he was about to fly to Paris and do whatever it takes to get her back, but Georgina showed up.
- Eva is innocent, but leaves by the end of episode 4. Blair set her up. Chuck declares war to Blair.
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posted by edwestwick
Story: "French Kiss"

Author: edwestwick (Ana)

Pairing: Chuck/Blair

Disclaimer: I don’t own Gossip Girl or movie French Kiss.

Summary: After being left by her boyfriend Blair Waldorf goes to France to get him back. But what will happen when she meets not really honest guy who will not leave her alone? Based on the movie 'French kiss'.

Hi guys. I finished 'Don't leave me behind' and here's my new idea. It's based on movie 'French kiss' but many things will be different as I couldn't make a planter from Chuck Bass :) And sorry for that first chapter is mostly Nair (I hate them too) but it's necessary...
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There’s this girl named Blair Waldorf who created the perfect fantasy for her love story with a certain Nathaniel Archibald. Everyday she’d always put on some classy clothes and a charming smile as she entertained people who would ask about her future with the said man, giving them the juiciest details. She would tell them stories of how she feels like walking in the clouds whenever he takes her in his arms; a romance you can surely find in any fairy tale book. For the longest time she believed her life with Prince Archibald was a dream come true and there was a fierce determination to...
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Losing hope...
Losing hope...
Chair Tales S02E24- Final Destination

...The following day.

Blair is in hospital, Serena is also there to visit Blair and see how Bella is. Serena has just told Blair about showing the paternity test to Chuck.

B: I cant believe you would do something like that! Without asking me first!
S: Im sorry Blair but i had to!
B: No! It's none of your business....that was personal had no right to go through my things! It has nothing to do with you!
S: Nothing to do with me? Well im sorry for worrying about my best friend, im sorry for going out of my mind these past few days seeing you...
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Contemplating his future...
Contemplating his future...
Chair Tales S02E23- The Prodigal Son

It had been a long 2 weeks, he'd spent most of it at work, ignoring everything else that was going on his life. He hadn't been in touch with anyone other than work colleagues.
He buried himself in work. But eventually he ran out of things to do.
Waking up in the morning was the hardest part, because that's when he'd have to plan his day. Not only that, but every time he woke up he'd be reminded that everything that had happened wasn't a dream, it was real and he'd have to face it.
Maybe today was that day, the day he'd have to face the music.
Unlucky for him...
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She's burning up...
She's burning up...
Chair Tales S02E22- Child's Play

It's been a week since Blair and Chuck spoke at Serena's house. A week since Blair made such a huge revelation to Chuck. Why did she do it, she thought, as she laid in her bed, next to her sleeping princess....she was the one who was so adamant that Chuck should never find out the truth. But that moment, when Chuck asked her that dreaded question she felt it necessary to answer. It was her moment of weakness, like all the other times he would come to her and she'd fall for those eyes, she could never resist. She was glad that she'd closed the door when she did,...
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Tragedy of revelation.
Tragedy of revelation.
Chair Tales S02E21- Daddy Day Care

It has been a week since Bella, Zach and Pheobe were Christened. Blair and Eric were named God parents to Pheobe and Zach. Serena and Dan were named God Parents for Bella.

Blair has come to Serena's house. She has had to drop Bella off to the hospital for a check up and observation.
Blair is upset and sits with Serena on a sofa. Lilly is still at Serena's house and is leaving for home later today. She is talking on the phone near by.

B: I dont know what to do any more.....i think im losing her.
S: Hey...(puts her hand on Blair's) we've been through this before...we...
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Preparing for a party!
Preparing for a party!
Chair Tales S02E20- The Godfather

(Note to readers: Ok so im going to add some stuff about Christening the baby and stuff, but it's not going to be totally based on fact...i know Serena and co. aren't religious so im only adding this stuff for the purpose of the story...none of it is based on how real christenings are carried out, that goes for the whole Godparent practice too, it wont be based on true practice, just made up for the story! So i dont want people thinking huh he/she cant be a godparent he/she isnt even Christian! Lol! and im not christian so i know nothing about this stuff either!)...
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A Million Love Songs Later

A/N: Hey guys. So here's chapter seven and the return of Serena. =D So I hope you're all happy about that. This chapter is mainly a Blair and Serena chapter but I'm gonna throw Chuck and Nate in there too so hopefully you'll all be happy with that. I'm so proud of myself for this I wrote it all in only two hours. I decided to take some time off from my revising for a few hours after all it was only science and who needs that right! =D Not really I would like to pass it but it's not one of my main priorities! =D Anyway I hope you all like this chapter. Thank you for...
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Back in Manhattan....Five Years On.
Back in Manhattan....Five Years On.
Chair Tales S02E17- The Mummys Return

Ok, So Chair Tales Season 2 is being fast forwarded.....from here on it has been forwarded by 5 years.

Serena and Dan are happily married. They had moved back to New York a few months after their wedding. Blair had also moved with them. Blair lived at her old house with her mother until after her baby was born. Blair had a baby girl, she struggled to find the perfect name, especially since Eleanor wanted to have an input. In the end, Eleanor provided the baby's first name, Isabella and Blair had given the Middle names and The surname. The baby's full name...
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Lost without a BFF
Lost without a BFF
Episode 17: Scary Moment

GG: Yes it's true, Blair Waldorf rushed to hospital, With an unknown problem, Or a known problem, Just unknown to us. Anyone let Chuck know? Better get over to the hospital C, I'm sure your the first one Blair wants to see, When she wakes up.

(At the Belleview Hospital)

Blair is lying on the bed, She is still unconcious. She has been in the hospital for 2 days.
Her collapse was caused by her years of bulimia.

In Blair's private room.
Eleanor, Darota, Harold and Roman are there.
Darota is standing by the door. Harold is sitting by Blair's bed holding her hand, Roman is standing...
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Don't mess with another guy's girl!
Don't mess with another guy's girl!
Episode 16: Me, Myself and Blair

GG: Missing. One Queen B. Gone into hiding B? The shame, The ex-boyfriend and a sort of best friend? Don't worry B, We still love you, After all, All the good scandals come from you.

(At the Waldorf Apartment)

In Blair's bedroom, Blair is hiding under the duvet.
Darota enters.

D: Morning Miss Blair
B: (no reply)
D: Are you okay Miss Blair?

Darota pulls the duvet down.

D: Miss Blair you have school
B: I'm not going to school today
D: Your education is very important Miss Blair
B: I know that, I'll get Serena to... Oh I hate her don't I! Well I get P to send them over. What...
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A/N: Okay I totally LOVE Lily Allen's new song 'The Fear' so I thought I'd take lyrics from the song and use as a fanfic base for this one shot. I've taken a break from writing cos I've finished the Chuck and Blair Chronicles so I'm just waiting to post, But boredness+Me= Writing! :( Don't know if this style of writing suits me or not, So give me your opinion. Thank you. Hope you like it.
A/U: Okay so I read Lauren's (ChuckBlairLuvA) one shot fanfic the other day and I totally loved it and the idea of a future setting so this scene is set some time in the future, When Blair is leaving for Yale,...
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Gossip Girl: # Spotted: Blair, bags packed and hugging her maid goodbye?! Going somewhere Waldorf? Where scandal goes Gossip Girl is sure to follow....dont think you can hide from me Queen B...I'll be watching you! xoxo Gossip Girl #

Blair is in a taxi on her way to Chucks house. it's Friday evening and they are leaving for New Haven tonight. She arrives and removes her bags from the car. She is there on time and is surprised that Chuck isn't out waiting for her. She rings the doorbell and is invited in. Bart is in the hallway and greets Blair, he...
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Brotherly...Sisterly Love...
Brotherly...Sisterly Love...
Episode 14: Lie Hard

GG: Hey Upper East Siders, If you haven't heard, (where have you been?) Chuck Bass is back in town. Seen back at school with the other Van der Bass sibling, But where are B and N, We thought you four did everything together?

(It's been 2 weeks since Chuck has returned home, He still has some bruises on his face but not as visible as they were)

Chuck and Serena are sitting in the courtyard of the school.

S: Are you thinking about coming home?
C: (ignores the question)
S: Chuck?
C: I can do fine, On my own
S: Really? Lets refresh! Last time you were on your own look how you ended...
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Need a drink Chuck?
Need a drink Chuck?
Episode 11: Locked Up

GG: Good Evening Upper East Siders, Now we all know Chuck Bass is on the run and we hear from the downtown crew. Take care Chuck, the last person who crossed them ended up 6ft under...

At the Van der Woodsen/Bass Apartment.

Blair, Dan and Chuck enter the apartment.
Chuck goes straight to the bar and pours himself a whisky.

B: Right, You have 5 seconds to explain this to me!
C: (drinks the whisky)
B: Chuck!
C: I'm not saying anything with "Brooklyn" here
B: Hey, Dan was very helpful and you should thank him

Dan looks surprised by Blair comment.

B: Make the most of that Humphrey, I...
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Weddings are where people get together right?
Weddings are where people get together right?
Episode 09- Four Break-Up's and a Wedding

Gossip Girl:# Flowers are blooming and bells are ringing....a spring wedding is on the horizon....and Gossip Girl will have front row seats...after all I am your one an only...for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health...You know you love me. I do! xoxo Gossip Girl #

At the wedding reception Serena and Blair are having something to eat. Well Serena is.

S: Are you gonna eat that (pointing to Blairs plate)
B: Umm can have it...
S: (takes something from Blairs plate) Hey...dont you think the bit where Harry messed...
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ooooh Chanessa.....? Ouch Queen B!!!
ooooh Chanessa.....? Ouch Queen B!!!
Episode 06- A Series of Unfortunate Events

Gossip Girl: # What do you get when when you cross secrets with jealousy....i know
I want to find out...xoxo #

S: Hey b.
B: (smiles) hey.
S: urmm...have you seen gossip girl lately?
B: S, im happy...having a great time...why would i want to poison my mind with gossip girl?
S: Well i think you need to check it out...(points to her computer)
B: Why? Whats on there..(she runs to the computer and logs on to gossip girl, there she sees and article and pictures of recent sighting of chuck and Vanessa together)... Its probably nothing...
S: ye...maybe...or maybe...
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