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Chuck & Blair- Season 3
Chuck & Blair- Season 3
Most of the Chair quotes from Season 3 ♥

3X01 "Reversals of Fortune"
Blair: She looks like she needs a sandwich.
Chuck: Looks just right to me...

Chuck: We could never be boring.
Blair: You say that, but I know you. You're Chuck Bass.
Chuck: I'm not Chuck Bass without you.

Blair: Running all the way back to New York... was exciting. Do you know where Alexandra lives?
Chuck: Why don't we stay in instead?

Blair: [role playing] Waiter, this glass is dirty! And I've been waiting far too long!
Chuck: I apologize, ma'am. Surely, there's some way I can make up for the poor service.
Blair: I can think of a few ways.

3X02 "The Freshmen"
Blair: You are so sweet to see me off. I can't believe NYU orientation week is here!
Chuck: I have to object to you living in the dorms. Florescent lighting, communal showers, public school girls. There's a place for that, and that is the back of a video store.

Chuck: It's not Constance, Blair. The only queens at NYU are the ones with tickets to see Liza at Carnegie Hall.

Blair: [in bed] You were right about the dorms. The lighting is awful. You okay?
Chuck:I am now.

3X03 "The Lost Boy"
Chuck: I have a big meeting in a few hours.
Blair: A few hours is hours from now.
Chuck: Seriously. It's important. I have to keep my focus. It's with Sean McPherson. I've only got one shot at this with him ...
Blair: As opposed to me, who's just some endless vault of do-overs?

Blair: What are you proposing?
Chuck: We don't go to the auction. Neither one of us gets the photo. It's the only way.
Blair: I already have my bidding paddle.
Chuck: I'm sure we can find some other use for it.

Chuck: I came to apologize.
Blair: So apologize.

Blair: I can't believe you lied to me! Using sex to distract me?!
Chuck: I learned from the best. [pauses] She stole my shoes?

Blair: I want you to have this.
Chuck: Why?
Blair: Because I love you. You enormously stubborn pain in the ass.

Blair: How do you know?
Chuck: Because you believe in me.

Chuck: I've booked the penthouse. What do you say we christen my legacy? Or do you need to be bribed?

3X04 "Dan de Fleurette"
Chuck: Morning, Beautiful.
Blair: NYU is hell!
Chuck: What do you expect from a place where men wear sandals?

Chuck: I found this. An invitation to a movie premiere. It seems your entire hall is attending. Since my evening is free ...
Blair: You thought you would help me curry favor with my outer-borough hallmates. Sweet. But unfortunately I've already scheduled an all-night cram session with my tu-tees.
Dorota: Miss Blair. You want me set beds before manicurist arrives?
Blair: THANK YOU Dorota, that will be all.
Chuck: You sure you said cram session and not the annual Waldorf sleepover?

Blair: [to Jenny] Did you really think this little stunt would help you win back queen?! I will make your life a living hell! I-
Jenny: Blair, I-
Chuck: It wasn't her idea.
Blair: This was you? Did you have any idea how much you humiliated me?
Chuck: You accomplished that with your little teenybopper sleepover.

Chuck: NYU's hard. But Blair Waldorf does not give up.
Blair: I am not giving up. I've made a strategic retreat.
Chuck: Potato, Po-ta-to.
Blair: You don't understand.
Chuck: I DO understand. Let me help.
Blair: Chuck, NYU is not the Upper East Side. They don't care about Constance, or social hierarchy. They don't care that I'm Blair Waldorf! It's over.
Chuck: How can you do this to me?
Blair: What are you talking about?
Chuck: I'm Chuck Bass. And I told you I love you. You're saying I'm easier to win over than a bunch of pseudo-intellectual homesick malcontents. You really insult me like that?
Blair: That's not how it is.
Chuck: It's exactly how it is. The next time you forget you're Blair Waldorf, remember I'm Chuck Bass. And I love you.

3X05 "Rufus Getting Married"
Chuck: So Bree, you went home last week?
Bree: Yeah, I tried to mend the whole I'm-dating-a-Vanderbilt fence. Didn't work. We're southern, so family loyalty is big down there.
Blair: Like slavery! [awkward silence] What? I'm joking.

Blair: What is this? It's wonderful!
Chuck: Buntautuk. I learned it from a master in Chiang Mai.

Chuck: Look, I love you, but just because Nate liking Bree doesn't make her a piranha. And Serena liking Carter doesn't make him a prince.
Blair: Where are you going? I have tension!

3X06 "Enough About Eve"
Chuck: Bad dream? Don't tell me it was Charade again. I know how terrifying you find Walter Matthau.
Blair: Worse. I was in All About Eve.
Blair: I've never been Bette Davis before. I'm Audrey Hepburn! Not some plain baby Jane.
Chuck: We both know this is about NYU. Now it may take time, but one day you will hold that school in the palm [kiss]of your dainty hand.
Blair: I'm Audrey.I'm Audrey!

Chuck: She's a guy.
Who took my speech at the freshman dinner and gave it to Vanessa Abrams. He double crossed me, and I-
Chuck: Demand satisfaction.
Blair: You still up for it?
Chuck: [nods]
Blair: You wonderful man. I'll just go powder my nose for ... 10 minutes?
Chuck: I'll only need five.

Chuck: You were late.
Blair: I got caught in a text flurry with Dorota. I'm sorry.
Blair: Are you upset because you kissed a guy?
Chuck: I'm upset because I kissed someone who wasn't you. Do you really think I've never kissed a guy before?
Blair: Love me?
Chuck: Always.

Chuck: What do you want, Blair?
Blair: Forgiveness. I'm so sorry Chuck. I know I made a mistake, I know there's no excuse, but it was just a kiss.
Chuck: When people manipulate, I know how little respect you have for them.
Blair: Not you! I don't feel that way about you, and I won't ever do it again. I promise. It was a mistake.
Chuck: I'm in a meeting.
Blair: I'll call you later.

3X07 "How To Succeed In Bassness"
Blair: I was thinking '80s, but shoulder pads can be overwhelming on my delicate frame.
Chuck: This is a business. Not a high school party.
Blair: I told you I was sorry for my little transgression and you forgave me. Now either make me kiss a girl already, or let's move on!
Chuck: People think I'm playing a game. They want me to lose. I have to prove I'm not Bart Bass' son. My impulsive tendencies have no place in my life as a legitimate businessman.
Blair: You're very sexy when you're legitimate.

Blair: You're still mad from before. It's clouding your judgment.
Chuck: This isn't about last week. It's about you, Blair. It's the reason I couldn't say I love you. It's because I can't trust you.
Blair: I did this because I love you.
Chuck: Be that as it may, I have a club to open. And you're no longer invited.

Blair: You already knew? [pauses] If you know, then why is the club still open? If the cops show up then ... you probably don't want to hear this from me, but, I have an idea ...
Chuck: I already made the call.

Chuck: Blair. We both know you'll never be completely trustworthy. I'll admit it's not my strong suit either. But it's part of what keeps things interesting between us.
Blair: And why we make a great team.
Chuck: No, in order to be a team, we have to focus our duplicity on others.
Blair: What if it's my way of showing how much I love you?
Chuck: I can think of better ways.

3X08 "The Grandfather: Part II"
Chuck: Look, ladies, please, this is supposed to be a classy event, not a sample sale at an outlet mall.
Blair: Chuck. You'll never believe what Serena did, she had my friend kicked out of the party!
Chuck: The call girl? Security just told me.

Chuck: Look, I don't know what's going on here, but if the girl's still here I'll find out what's going on and get to the bottom of it, okay?
Blair: Thank you, Chuck. And who's the one getting paid to date her clients, anyway?
Chuck: That's enough, Blair.
Blair: [to Serena] No! If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck ... the only prostitute here ... is you. Come on Chuck. I want some cake. [S shoves B's face into cake]

Chuck: Did you ever find Brandeis?
Blair: Yes. We're not friends anymore. That's okay. I have you. That's all I need.

3X09 "They Shoot Humphreys, Don't They?"
Blair: I have a surprise for you!
Chuck: In that case why are you still dressed?

Chuck: A debutante ball without Blair Waldorf is like a Tour de France without Lance Armstrong.
Blair: I resent the comparison to that man whore. But your other point is well taken.

Chuck: Do you really think I want to spend my weekend watching women with tramp stamps work out their daddy issues? It's for Nate.

Blair: Hello? I'm stuck in the elevator with someone who sucks all the air out of the room. Send help or I'll be dead within the hour.

Chuck: [on intercom] If you two want to kiss, it won't count as cheating.

3X10 "The Last Days of Disco Stick"
Blair: My sexual tension radar is unparalleled.
Chuck: Point ceded.

3X11 "The Treasure of Serena Madre"
Chuck: Your holiday paranoia knows no bounds.
Blair: Precedence is not paranoia.

Chuck: Hey, do you mind if I stay?
Blair: Yes. But that's why I love you.

3X12 "The Debarted"
Chuck: Today is a day like any other.

Blair: This is a homeless shelter. A. gross, and B. really?

Blair: Fine. Pretend like you never get sad. And all you care about is making more money. But just to be clear, I know better. And you Chuck Bass are not your father.

Chuck: How's Serena?
Blair: She's gonna be okay.
Chuck: Lily's here? Eric's here?
Blair: Everyone's here.

Chuck: My father always thought I was weak. And in the moment that mattered most I was. I couldn't be there when he ... I left. Right away. I've been pushing myself to prove him wrong, and pushing you away.
Blair: I don't think you ran away because you couldn't handle death. I think it's because you couldn't handle feelings. You're not like that anymore. You're strong. You carry people. You carry me. You're becoming a man in a way that your father never was. Come. Let's say goodbye.

3X13 "The Hurt Locket"
Blair: Are you in the hospital? Since I know you're alive, there can be no other possible reason why you'd sacrifice my entire future.

Chuck: You may find this hard to comprehend, but some things are more important than your social climbing agenda.

Blair: What happened? Don't tell me that awful whore did something to you.
Chuck: I think that whore might be my mother.

Chuck: I don't have a real mother. I never will.
Blair: Doesn't mean you've alone. I love you, Chuck, and I'll always be your family.

3X14 "The Lady Vanished"
Blair: Wanna talk about it?
Chuck: No talking.

3X15 "The Sixteen Year Old Virgin"
Blair: We have innocence, good breeding, and Doug Jarrett, one of the best lawyers in New York, on our side. It's a slam dunk.

Blair: A DNA test? You've been watching too much CBS.

3X16 "The Empire Strikes Jack"
Blair: There's something about waking up on the morning of a fashion show, the smell of fresh pleats wafting through the city.

Chuck: I've come this far without my mother, I'm not gonna back down now.
Blair: Well if it's a war Jack wants, it's a war he'll get.

3X17 "Inglorious Bassterds"
Chuck: Back from shopping, no packages. Who are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?

Chuck: I am everything my father said I was.

Blair: I never thought the worst thing you'd ever do would be to me.

3X18 "The Unblairable Lightness of Being"
Blair:I don't like who I've become with you.
Chuck: Wait, Blair, don't bail on me, we have to see this through to the end.

Chuck: I thought our love could withstand anything. Apparently I was wrong.

Chuck: I love you. Saying it was hard, but I did and I've never looked back.

Blair: No matter how many weddings you plan, nothing can fix what happened.

Blair: I've never thought it was possible to love someone too much, but maybe it is.

3X19 "Dr. Estrangeloved"
Blair: I'm gonna kiss somebody someday, and when I do, it will be for me.

Chuck: No one ould ever measure up to what we had.

3X21 "Ex-Husbands and Wives"
Chuck: What brings you and your mid-level entourage?

Chuck: I'll be waiting on top of the Empire State Building.
Blair: You can't Affair to Remember me.

3X22 "Last Tango, Then Paris"
Chuck: Excuse my confusion I didn’t expect to see you tonight… of ever again… you went
Blair: Sorry I was so late
Chuck: I waited
Blair: Dorota went in to labor, she have her baby, I wasn’t going to show up, I was resolve not to, every bone try to solve me, every voice in my head scream don’t…
Chuck: But…
Blair: …But I didn’t listen, I follow my heart because I love you, I can’t deny that our path is been complicated, but in the end love makes everything simple…

Blair: …This night is perfect
Chuck: Oh… there’s one thing that would make it even better… I’m so sorry, for the pain I cause you, and I know that I can take it back but I want to make it up to you, even if it takes me the rest of my life… Blair, do you….
Blair: HUMPREY, what are you doing?... have you lost your mind? What the hell are you doing?
Dan: You, tell her
Blair: Tell me what? What’s going on?.... you didn’t
Chuck: Blair…
Blair: You did….[To Jenny] You, get out of here now, and not just out of this hospital but off this island, go and never come back, cause if you ever set one foot in Manhattan ever again, I’ll know and I’ll destroy you.
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