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These are quotes i found that really screamed brucas to me but also scream pucas :)

Q1-There would be no passion in this world if we never had to fight for what we love. I saw passion and BL popped up into my mind... They fighted for one another and had passion which proves they loved one another. This quote basically says what part of BL is.

Q2-You know its love when all you want is that person to be happy, even if you're not part of their happiness.Now this is no way part of Pucas because Peyton didn't want that she hated seeing Lucas happy with Lindsey, they say she 'scarficed" her love for him which BS, Brooke did for Peyton & him... She still loved him yet gave him up because she knew it would make him happy and she never tired to ruin his happiness + she didn't like what she had to do but she still do it.

Q3-Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it.Brooke and Lucas both have done bad stuff but they have always been there in the end... Peyton and Lucas on the other hand have not, they have said countless times they love one another but have yet to prove it? Peyton espically because i have to admit Lucas has most of the time been there and "saved" her, but they have been selfish together and plain annoying.

Q4-When we cannot get what we love, we must love what is within our reach. In S4 when Brooke broke up with Lucas i think that Lucas thought he should just give up because he had no more chances and he just went with Peyton as the last resort kind of thing.

Q5-Love needs no map,for it can find it's way blindfolded The destiny shot i thought about when i saw this! LOl If you think outside the box or inside... Lucas shot the goal blindfolded to prove Brooke is his destiny and love and he had no map, yet shot the goal in! x]

Q6-The hottest love has the coldest end.We all gotta admit BL was sexy and they were just hot together lol but because of some people they had to come to an end(to some) and it is kinda like cold, evil, dark & sad etc because now we cant see their hotness, love, happiness etc no more :P

Q7-There's only one thing I regret doing, loving the girl who didn't love me,and forgetting the one who did. I hope no LPfans read this because they will be like OHHHH LUCAS LOVES PEYTON CANT YOU SEE! THat kind of BS! But anyways to me this is for like S1 & 2 because Lucas cheated on Brooke with Peyton because he thought he "loved" her and in s2 he realises he loves Brooke and that she loved him no matter what & he made the mistake with Peyton and he REGERTS IT! x]

Q8-They invented hugs to let people know you love them without saying anything.Okay i know everyone hugs but lets think of it in the BL way, in season 5 OMG they hug alot.. partly becase they can't kiss because well Lucas is taken but still they hug alot and they have always huged alot... and Pucas dont hug alot they bicker alot...

Q9-True love always makes a man better, no matter what woman inspires it.Well we all know this in no way refers to Peyton because she made Lucas cheat and be angry & different in a bad way while Brooke made him come alive, try new things be a better man and be honest.

Q10-True love doesn't happen right away; it's an ever-growing process.
It develops after you've gone through many ups and downs, when you've suffered together,
cried together, laughed together.
LPfans will never shut up about this if they see it :/Okay so in the sense Lp is this... and everyone is going to think this unless your a BL fan but even if i wasnt i wouldnt think LP is this, all they did in the end was hurt eachother and overcome that but in a stupid way, i dont even think they overcame it.. in the real world they would be getting a divorce through their honeymoon. BL went through cheating, lying, moving away and developing trust etc. They have been through tears but also they have laughed alot together. BL may have had the bad times BUT they had the good times too and they were doing it in honesty + they were intersting & not boring... LP have only laughed when they are lying and cheating + being very cheesy[cookieEWscene] All im saying is BL went through alot of problems but overcame them in time and didn't resent eachother in the process but respected and loved eachother more.

We all have heard this saying from the Bible or even A walk to remember... and i thought some of the things said in it fit BL :) Haha Bl isnt a story like A walk to remember but hey doesn't mean we can't relate it

Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous;
love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly;
it does not seek its own, is not provoked, does not take into account a wrong suffered,
does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth;
bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never fails...But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Lucas was patient when it came to waiting for Brooke in season 3.
Brooke & Lucas didn't try and bring out the selfishness in one another or themselves when they were together and they didn't take into account the wrong mistakes made and if they did they didnt dwell on it for a long time and they had faith and believed and loved so truely that the question i will always have unanswered unless i meet one certain person is How isn't Brooke & Lucas real love and Pucas are?

Brooke and Lucas forever and ever no matter what everyone says or anything you see, the truth is in them and their love story!!
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