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I can't say that my faith in a Brucas reunion is strong right now, or even the faith of the Brucas camp in general, but I think what makes this group special is the HOPE for that reunion, however slight it may be, that we all keep alive in our own ways. We are all dedicated to not accepting Lucas's true happiness as being with any other woman but Brooke. That is what keeps up my spirits, when it all comes down to it, deep down I know that NO ONE other than Brucas has the "look". You know that feeling that you had watching the first time Brooke and Lucas truly saw each other for who they really were. It’s the same look that Brucas has shared ever since. Couple or not, those two share an unspoken truth…of desire and belonging, of understanding and completeness, of dreams and sacrifice, of memories and most of all of LOVE, every time their eyes meet. I know that Brooke and Lucas are not perfect, no one is…but they are perfect for each other. Mouth said it best, they share the same heart! So call me crazy, but then you'll have to call Mickei, and I'm sure a hell of alot more Brucasers, crazy too! Because the "look" is what separates the good couples from the great couples! Some couples can get away with not having the “look” and still be special in our hearts, but most of the times if the chemistry is not there, its just not there, and its not just gonna appear out of thin air no matter how much fluff and cheese is thrown their way. IMO that “look” is why I can't accept anyone else with Luke, it's why despite my better efforts I cannot appreciate Leyton's story, or journey. The way I see it…if Mark can’t take one look at Brucas six seasons into OTH and see that they are the truly epic love story…if he won’t believe that Brucas should find their way back in the end because THEY are meant to be…if he won’t admit that NO ONE, not even he, can decide who falls in love with who…HE is clearly blind…because as Lucas reminded us all once “the heart has reasons that reason cannot know,” and Gus also assured us that you don’t find love…that love finds you…and love, my friends, well it found Brucas a long time ago…

It found them that night they stood on Lucas’s doorsteps, while he and his pretty girl exchanged “I love yous” for the first time. It found them in the rain as he explained to her the difference between her and Peyton is that he loves HER, that he wants to be with HER not Peyton, his reason he told her “ because you kink your eyebrows when you’re trying to be cute. Because you quote Kmo even though I’ve actually never seen you read. Because you miss your parents, but you never admit that! And because I’ve given exactly two of these embarrassing speeches, and they’ve both been with you. And because we’re both gonna get pneumonia, but if you, need to hear why I love you, I can go on all night! Love followed them through the good and the bad times, sometimes it appeared as only a glimmer maybe as a brief memory of the way things were, or how they could have been… other times it claimed the spotlight, such as it did when love caught up with them years later in NYC while they road in that carriage, effortlessly explaining their future as a power couple… “He is going to be a famous novelist, and I’m going to have a fabulous fashion line.” She said to the carriage driver…”But we are still going to have time to have a big family, he added… “Two boys, and a girl” she affirmed, “And I’ll coach little league” he replied gazing into her eyes, ”Uu! And I’ll bake treats for the team, she shrieked… “or buy them,” she admitted, ”And we will spend our summers in our beach house.” He proposed. “And winters in the southern France” She added, “It won’t matter where we are, as long as we are together” He proclaimed…they both looked at each other smiling. It was clear in that moment how easily love found Brooke and Lucas and how quickly they could fall back into that feeling…but the fear of that realization hit even harder, and that night Brooke and Lucas vowed to pour themselves into their work and tried to move on with their lives. As fate would have it, years later Brooke came back to Tree Hill. She and Lucas fell right back into old habits of comfort and assurance, but when hardships and heartache threatened to break these two, it was their love for each other that found them on the brink of disaster, pulled them together, and would eventually save them as love once again found its way to Brucas… as they sat on her couch she realized how lucky they were to have each other and began to address him “we’ve been through a lot the two of us…but I know I wouldn’t have made it through a lot of those days with out you.” “Here,” she said, she handed him Angie’s purple monkey as he was about to leave, “I love you, Lucas Scott, you know that?” “I love you, too, Brooke Davis” He said before he walked out of her house.
Yes…Brucas will always love each other, and that “look” they share is all the evidence I need… She is vulnerable, yet beautiful, brilliant, and brave, in his eyes alone…and he is the guy, the only guy, she would have lost it all for… their love story reminds me of how true Brooke’s words were when she spoke at Naley’s wedding, when she said “Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds. When life gets hard, when things change, true love remains the same.” There are no truer words, IMO, to speak of the love that Brooke and Lucas share than those that Brooke borrowed that day from Shakespeare. And as she looked at Naley that day, and told them that “they made her feel safe…because they gave her hope, that feeling that everything's going to be okay and that there's going to be someone there to help make sure of that.” Well, Brucas gives me that hope, that feeling that no matter how hard you try to push it away, deny it, or hide from it…love finds a way in…you can’t control it, and even time won’t extinguish it…once its there and settled, its there forever, engraved in the hearts of those who share it.
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" to remind myself that if I ever get a second chance, I'll never let you go again "
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one tree hill
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anti leyton
added by superstar_kk
one tree hill
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