Callian Club
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posted by nickjonasfan001
All that afternoon, Cal knew he wasn't right. He couldn't even identify emotions right, what he thought was happiness was actually contempt. Everyone just stared at him, looking confused but Loker looked slightly amused. After realizing what he'd done, he left room but Gillan followed.
'Cal? Cal!?.' She grabbed his arm. 'What's wrong with you today? You have never mistaken one emotion for another before.'
'I've.. I've got alot on my mind at the moment.'
'You keep using that excuse but I'm not buying it.' He looked at her for moment. 'What?.'
'I.. Can't.'
'Or won't.'
'Oh believe me, I want to.'
'No you don't. How is our partnership suppose to work if you keep stuff from me?.' He took her hand and lead her into his office.
'Let's get some thing's cleared up. One, I don't have to tell you everything. Two, You keep secrets from me too and Three. are every going to talk about last night or what?.' Gillan looked down at the floor. 'That's a never.' She looked back up at him, leaned forward and kissed him.
'Wrong again.' Cal recaptured her lips but this time it was more passionate. He wrapped his arms around her waist whilst hers were in his hair, he liked that. After a moment, he pulled away gently and looked at her. He wanted to be with her but if she found out what he did she would leave in a heart beat. He placed his forehead against hers and sighed. 'What is it?.'
'I can't do this Gill. As much as i want to, i can't.'
'Why?.' She pressed a light kiss on his lips. 'I thought this is what you wanted?.'
'It is, but I can't right now.' He took a step back from her. 'I'm sorry.' She shook her head.
'You know you can be a right ass sometimes.' She walked out of the office.
'I know.'

When he got home, he plumped himself of the sofa and closed his eyes for a moment. He couldn't believe what he had just done, to that guy, to Gillan. He felt like the biggest idiot in the world. He never heard Emily come in, she looked at him and decided to let him sleep. He needed it. When he woke it was five o'clock.
'In the kitchen.' He got up from the sofa.
'When did you get home?.'
'A couple hours ago.'
'Why didn't you wake me?.'
'I didn't want to. I thought you could use some sleep, you've seemed pretty stressed lately.' He hugged her. 'What was that for?.'
'For being you. So.. what you cooking?.'
'Beans on toast.' Cal smiled.
'My favorite.'
'I know.'
After dinner, he tried to help Emily with her homework, He had no idea what he was doing.
'When did maths get so hard?.'
'That just shows how old your are.'
'Oi.' He went and got a beer out the fridge. 'I'm not that old.' She smiled at him. 'What?.'
'You are so easy to wind up.' He took a sip. 'You ok dad?.'
'Course, why wouldn't i be?.'
'It's just you seem.. stressed about something.'
'I'm fine.' Emily shook her head.
'Your going to have to do better then that.'
'And you need to stop coming to my office.'
'Just answer the question.' He sighed.
'Ok, i'm not alright.'
'What is it?.'
'A couple nights ago after you went to be, my friend Terry came round and asked me for some money. I told him no.'
'So what are your worrying about?.'
'He need them money to pay off some debt. I just keep thinking that something bad will happen to him. But that's not all. The other night, Foster came round and I.. kissed her.'
'You kissed?. What does that mean?.'
'Don't get your hopes up Em. It's not going to happen.'
'Why not?. Haven't you liked her since.. i don't when?.'
'I do. i still do. Before i came home we had a row about it at the office and she walked out. Besides there's only one girl in my life at the moment.' He put his beer down.
'You.' She smiled at him. 'And don't say i'm the only man in your life cause that's a lie.' Emily sighed and shook her head.
'Same old dad.'
Cal sat in his desk. He was supposed to be doing paperwork, but instead he was looking off into space. He was thinking about Alec, and his drug addiction. It just didn’t add up. Cal rubbed his head and looked up as someone entered his office. It was Foster.
    Cal was unsure about Foster. Alec was fondling with some woman, and Foster was okay with it. She thought she was his drug therapist, but Alec was too friendly with her. And Foster was oblivious. He had tried to protect her, and she pushed him away.
    “Hey,” she softly said, sitting down...
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The Lightman Group had just solved one of their biggest cases: They had discovered James White’s scandal to steal $10,000 from his bank, United Unlimited, and they arrested him. The money was found and all was good.
    After the case, Ria had to take care of personal business, and Eli had a new girlfriend he was taking to a play. Foster and Cal had nothing better to do, so they went get a drink at the Blue Cavern, a local and respected bar.
    They arrived at the Cavern and went inside. Inside, there were tons of people packed together, dancing and...
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by madzebra101
lie to me
posted by joejonasfan001
Emily woke up early. She told her dad not to go into work. She got up and decided to call Gillian to find out what really happened between them last night

"Hi Gillian it's Emily"
"Hey what's up?"
"I was just wondering what happened between you and dad. He came in last night and he was acting all weird, he came in and hugged me so tight that it was like he was going to fall. I have never seem him like that before so what happened?"
"I...i told him that i didn't want to be friends with him when he is acting this way."
"Gillian he didn't mean to do that. He said he was sorry"
"I know but i just...
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posted by joejonasfan001
"There was once a tennage girl who used to dream of finding the one man who made her believe in love. She had a boyfriend but he didn't make her feel that way. He loved her but she didn't love him. One day she went for a walk in the forest near her home. She did this everyday for as long as she can remember. She thought today would be just like any other day but it wasn't. She spotted that a new path had been formed between two pairs of trees. She didn't even consider the danger that it could hold but she went down the path anyway. As she began to walk further in she noticed it getting brighter...
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Dr. Foster hung up the phone with a dejected look on her face. Her husband had just told her he was going to be in late that night, but from his tone she could tell he was lying. In the past few months, her husband had been lying nonstop about staying in late. Dr. Foster didn’t want to assume the worst, but she could tell he was having an affair.
    “Everything all right?” Dr. Cal Lightman asked in a British tone, looking at Foster. She looked away.
    “Alec is going to be in late tonight,” Foster sadly said, sitting in a chair. They were in...
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“How’s your case going?” Dr. Foster of the Lightman Group asked, sitting in the chair opposite of Cal. She put her legs up on his desk. Cal Lightman, who was sitting at his desk, looked at the beautiful woman in front in him and smiled. He thought about how Foster was always there for him, and how he cared for her. Cal’s face glowed as he continued to smile dumbly like a schoolboy in love.
    Foster continued to talk about her case until she noticed Cal smiling at her; she smiled back. They gazed deeply at each other for a few seconds, letting their minds wander...
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added by Fan-M
added by HuddyCrazy1331
Source: me :)
Author's Note: Hey guys! Sorry this took a while, I've been sorta busy- studying and whatnot.
Me: What? .... What?!
Cal: EHEM...
Me: I HAVE been studying!!!
Cal: Oh but of course! And I suppose you weren't making fanvids then, hm?
Me: ...
Cal: That's what I thought. Ok, so as usual, the hyperactive ball of fluff who wrote this does not own my ass, nor Gillian's nor anyone else's. Except for maybe the taxi driver. She can have him.
Me: Oh yeah, that's right I forgot, you already have dibs on Gillian's ass!
Cal: *glares* Just let the readers read, woman! And review, cuz she likes getting...
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Emily was up and was making breakfast in the kitchen. Cal still wasn't up and that wasn't like him. Emily began to get worried until she heard his footsteps coming down the stairs

"Morning dad"
"Morning darling"
"You okay?"
"Yeah i didn't get a good night sleep though"
"Yeah i had to sleep on my stomach because of my back"
"How is it?"
"Well it's still sore and it hurt to sleep on it so i'm guessing it will take a little while to heal"
"Well you did practically rip all of those feathers out"
"Yes i did, sorry you had to see that"
"It's okay, you were upset"
"Yeah i was"
"So how are you feeling...
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added by Emmy_LTM
Source: FOX
added by KateAndromeda
Source: Design by KateAndromeda
added by Sweet_Pants
Source: Paint, Screencaps...*shrug*
posted by livi_wells
Auhtor's Note: This fanfiction takes part after Gillian is attacked. It gives an alternate situation to the hospital scene.

When he grabbed her, her mind went blank. Her thoughts were consumed by escaping his gasp. Screaming, clawing, thrashing, anything she could do to separate herself from her attacker. She felt him drag her along the ground. Cold and hard it scraped against he back as she tried to pull herself free. Her surroundings were obscured by the flashes of black her mind saw, everything in slow motion where a second lasted what seemed like and hour. She felt him drop her. Footsteps...
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Credit: YT TatyanaOracle
lie to me
gillian foster
cal lightman
added by lelinhaloca
added by lelinhaloca
added by mrshouse62689
Source: Me (mrshouse)
added by mcdermie11
Source: numerous tumblrs