Castiel and Meg Club
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Dean drove full speed ahead.
“Dean, slow down” Sam said urgent. “Do you really think this is a good idea?”
“Kidding me?” Dean snarled at the younger Winchester. “I should’ve never left him alone with that demon”
“Ex-demon” Sam corrected him.
“Doesn’t matter” Dean snapped. “Once a murderer, always a murderer”
“Don’t you think that’s a little hypocrite?” Sam commented. “We’ve killed, too”
“Monsters, Sammy. We kill monsters. We safe people” Dean fired back. “We leave town for a little more than a week and Cas ends up in the ICU. You think that’s coincidence? He can’t take care of himself and I left him with a demon!”
“Ex-demon!” Sam repeated.
“Will you stop defending the hoe?” Dean shouted angry. He inhaled deeply through his nose. “When we’re back, Cas will move back in with us. Or we’ll move in with him. Whatever he prefers. Either way, I’m not letting him alone with that demon again”
He pushed the accelerator pedal and drove even faster.
Cas was finished cutting letters out of Frederik’s chest. He conjured a needle and thread and pushed it through the letters, combining them and making some sort of necklace. He walked to Frederik and hung the necklace around his neck.
He noticed how Frederik was losing conscience. His head hung down, drool came out of his mouth and he was deathly pale.
“Hey, stay up! Don’t fall asleep. We’re not done yet” Cas snarled and he punched Frederik in the face. Frederik opened his eyes, forgot for a second where he was, then remembered by seeing Cas.
“What are you still doing here? That...
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Dean slowed down in a street near the café. A few yards further a police van was parked. Yellow stripes marked a crime scene and people in white costumes were discussing with people in black costumes.
“You think it’s Cas?” Sam asked, looking at Dean from the corner of his eye.
“If it’s not, I’m fairly certain he’s got something to do with it” Dean replied dark, before getting out of the car. He walked steady to the crime scene as he pulled out one of his fake ID’s. “FBI, what do you got?”
“Man, 43, looks like he’s strangled to death” the coroner said. He took a...
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“What do you mean, he left?” Sam asked, looking at Meg, requesting a reasonable explanation. Meg turned to Dean, whose expression told her he already understood what was going on. He read the note and said. “So he told you to start at a café?” Meg nodded. “Unfinished business. Cas, you idiot” Dean said in himself.
“Is someone going to explain me what’s going on?” Sam exclaimed. “What unfinished business? What is Cas up to?”
Dean and Meg glared at each other.
“Have a seat” Dean decided. Sam sat down on a chair, looking expectedly at his older brother. “You remember...
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Cas walked inside the same café he had been the night he found out Meg was human, too. He looked around and noticed to his great delight that the same three men were sitting at the same table as last time he had seen them there.
He stared at them, until they felt it and turned their heads to him. He smirked as if he wanted to say: ‘Come and get me’
He turned around and left the café. The three men looked at the bartender. “Come on, he’s asking for it” one of them said disbelieving. The bartender shot them a warning glance. He allowed it once, but not again.
“I will call the cops...
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Dean opened the door and followed Jimmy outside.
“Hey, wait a minute!” he yelled.
Jimmy stopped and waited patiently for Dean to catch up with him.
“Where’s Cas? What did you do to him?” Dean asked trembling and furious.
“Don’t worry, he’s alive. He’s in here, somewhere. We switched places” Jimmy explained dark.
“I thought you were dead” Dean snapped hostile.
“Clearly you didn’t pay much attention. Castiel said I wouldn’t age or die. I’ve been stuck in my own body for ages and it’s time Castiel knows what that feels like” Jimmy replied bitter.
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Meg dropped the paper-knife and hurried back to Cas. He was still conscious, but he looked very pale and he had trouble keeping his eyes open. Meg slapped him softly in the face to make sure he wouldn’t fall asleep.
“Get dressed” Anna said. She threw some clothes at Meg and then stepped to Cas. She bent through her knees and touched his forehead. “He’s burning up again”
“He’s getting sick again?” Meg asked, trying not to sound worried, while she put on the clothes had given her.
Anna nodded. “Apparently human life is very hard for him. Seems like he can’t take a lot”...
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Sam opened the door to the men’s room and saw Cas sitting on the cold stony floor. Sam rolled his eyes, thinking Cas was being dramatic again, and he walked towards him. But when he’d reached him he noticed Cas’ eyes were closed.
Sam bent through his knees and touched Cas’ shoulder. “Cas? Wake up, dude” he said.
Cas slowly opened his eyes and looked at Sam. “I passed out, I think”
“Yeah” Sam replied. He threw Cas’ arm over his shoulder and helped him stand up. But the moment Sam let go of Cas, Cas grabbed his stomach and gasped for air. He bent through his knees and collapsed....
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Anna materialized in the ICU. The doctors had brought Cas here. There was nothing they could do as long as they didn’t have the donors they needed.
Anna, holding a pair of kidneys in her left hand and a liver in her right hand, quickly walked to the bed. She removed the sheets with her mind and cut open Cas’ belly. While blood streamed alongside Cas’ unconscious body and on the matrass, Anna put the organs in their rightful place.
The monitor started beeping and Anna vanished, when a team of doctor’s came rushing into the intensive care.
“I need to talk to security” the doctor said, when he’d fixed up Cas’ properly. “Someone was here. Someone attempted to kill this man”
“Someone who gave him the organs he needed?” his assistant frowned. “Why would anyone do that?”
“I don’t know” the doctor said. “But I want someone to keep an eye on him, as long as he’s here”
Ellen walked towards Dean and Dean expected her to give him a hug. Instead she slapped him.
“What was that for?” Dean exclaimed.
“How could you be so stupid to end up here?” she asked furious.
“I didn’t do anything!” Dean defended himself. “Cas and I were taking down Dick Roman, next thing we end up in Purgatory”
“And where’s Cas now?” Ellen asked, her arms crossed.
“I don’t know” Dean said. “He ditched me. Bastard”
“Guys, I’m sensing something” Anna waved her hand to draw their attention. “Someone’s here”
“Can you tell who it is?” Ellen asked....
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Dean was all alone. Or at least he hoped so. Cas had told him that this was where all evil things go after they die, but so far Dean hadn’t seen any and he hoped that it would stay that way until he found a way out. ‘Cause that was one thing he was certain of. He was going to get out of here and then he would find Cas and kill him.
How could Cas do this to him? Dean had forgiven him for his betrayal, he had given him a second chance and what did Cas do to thank him? He left him at some dark place where he most likely would be ‘ripped to shreds’, to say it with Cas’ words....
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Goes straight to after the season 7 finale

Right after Cas leaves Dean in Purgatory.
Meg was hanging on a rack, cuts running over her entire body. A demon, assigned by Crowley, was curving and cutting in her naked skin. Her screams echoed in the entire Hell, while Crowley was watching.
“Mr. Crowley!”
Crowley groaned and rolled his eyes. “What?” he said short while turning around.
“I found an intruder” a demon said. He was holding Cas’ collar and dragging him along. Cas looked up and saw Meg hanging, but he didn’t pay much attention to it.
“Well, what do we have here?” Crowley...
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Cas was showering while Meg was going through Daphne’s stuff. She found a purple dress and decided to try it on. When she had it on she walked to the bathroom and entered. She opened the curtains.
“How do I look?” she asked, spinning around.
“Is that Daphne’s dress?” Cas said frowning.
“Probably” Meg replied.
“Take it off. It’s not yours” Cas said a little mad.
“Take it off? Is that an invitation?” Meg teased. She did what he asked and took off the dress. Cas’ eyes grew wide.
“You’re naked” he noticed.
Meg looked down. “Oh, gee, now you mention it”
“Put the...
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Daphne was cooking dinner and Cas was putting the table. He was doing it with so much caution it made Daphne giggle. He looked at her and frowned. “What? Am I doing it wrong?” he asked concerned.
“No, honey, but it’s called putting the table. You don’t have to put so much effort to it”
The door opened and Zoey walked down. She raised her hand. “Wait…Just hear me out” she said. “I’m sorry. I totally overreacted. I didn’t mean to be such a bitch. It’s just that I’m worried. I’m trying to look out for my little sister”
Daphne smirked. “And I love you so much for...
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“What did you do that for?” Cas asked breathless.
“I wanted to” Daphne said obvious. “And so did you, at least I thought you did” She looked away. “Guess I was wrong” She got up, but Cas took her hand.
“It’s not you, it’s me” he said.
“You’ve been in a bad relationship?” Daphne guessed.
“No, that’s not the problem” Cas said.
“Believe me, I get it…It was nice to meet you” She walked to the door.
“I’ve never been in a relationship before” Cas confessed uneasy.
Daphne turned around and her eyes were big. “You have got to be kidding me” she said...
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“Is it better yet?” Meg asked careful, knowing better. Some cold water and cream weren’t going to help. Cas needed medical attention.
Cas shook his head, trying really hard to keep it together. “No” he said difficult. “I need a doctor”
“We can’t take you to a doctor, Cas. Everyone out there is looking for you” Meg explained remorseful.
“Then get Anna here” Cas panted. “She can heal people”
Now that Cas had said it Meg could slap herself. Why hadn’t she thought of that herself? She looked at the ceiling and called for the angel.
“Why are you calling me?” Anna...
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Cas and Meg’s mansion.
It was ten o’clock in the evening and Maryana, the witch was back. Anna had informed her that the coast was clear. Sam, Meg and Dean were not going home just yet.
She conjured a white chalk and marked a circle of average size. Then she put candles inside the circle, surrounding it completely. She lit the candles with her mind and then took a bowl and a bag with herbs. She pulled out the herbs one by one and crushed them on the bottom of the bowl, while chanting a Latin incantation.
She put the bowl down and conjured a picture. Cas and Dean were both on it, but there...
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A taxi stopped in front of the motel and Cas walked toward the window. He moved the curtains and looked outside. Sam and Meg were getting out of the car and walking up the front porch.
“They’re here” Cas said a little nervous as he walked back to Dean.
Sam lifted his fist to knock, when Meg stopped him. “The element of surprise, remember?” Sam nodded and kicked the door open. Dean was tied onto a chair and he appeared to be alone. Sam ran to him and started to untie him, when Cas grabbed Meg from behind.
“Keep doing what you’re doing and I will break her neck” Cas threatened...
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Meg was back home and she had told Sam what happened.
“So, it’s official, then. They’re together” Sam asked for confirmation. Meg shrugged. “I’m going to try and call him again” Sam said resolute.
“You’ve been trying to call him for the last twenty minutes. What makes you think he’ll pick up now?” Meg snapped bitter. “They’re probably too busy banging each other”
Sam tried anyway.
Cas tied Dean onto a chair. They were in a motel.
“Your phone keeps ringing” Cas snarled annoyed. He pulled Dean’s phone out of Dean’s pocket and looked at the screen. “Sam…Just...
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Sam was back home. He had given his statement to the police and they had no reason to question it. Anna was there, too and she wasn’t alone. She had brought a woman with her.
“Sam, this is Maryana, she’s a witch” Anna introduced the woman. Sam squeezed his eyes in suspicion.
“You brought a witch here?” Sam exclaimed. “You know we can’t trust them. They’re selfish”
“I’m standing right here, you know” Maryana pointed out.
“I know it’s risky” Anna started to explain. “But right now I think it’s the only option we have. Cas has gone completely off the rails and...
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For a few seconds Dean stared at Sam and Sam stared back, so neither of them saw how Cas was enjoying this. Dean turned around quickly and ran outside. Sam followed him and saw him leaning against the Impala.
“Would you mind explaining what that was?” Sam asked, still a little shocked.
“Actually, I do mind” Dean snapped in response.
“So, what, you have feelings for Cas?” Sam asked confused.
“What? No!” Dean replied defensive. “I don’t know”
Meg walked past Cas to the telephone.
“Meg, it’s not what you think” Cas tried to talk himself out of it. “It’s Dean. He kissed...
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